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Generic Name: Prednisone for Asthma (prednisone)

Prednisone for Asthma Reviews

"I am shocked at all of these negative reviews. I’ve taken prednisone on and off for several years (short durations) when my asthma flares up. I have allergy-induced asthma, so it’s every spring and recently I’ve acquired fall allergies within the last two years. IT WORKS WONDERS. It cures my tight chest, wheezing, and cough like no other. I’ve never had any side effects from Prednisone, and it doesn’t make me jittery or anything. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Love the stuff, just got some today and excited to finally be able to breathe and sleep!"

"Prednisone is always my go-to, like many of you, I am an asthmatic as well. It seems I cannot get a simple cold without it turning into some form of bronchitis. When my albuterol pump is no longer working, that's when I know to turn to the prednisone. It makes me feel safe because I know within a few short hours I will feel normal again. As for side effects, I get jittery and speedy. Also, my face gets more plump and gives me the 'moon face' look. However, I'd rather have a fat face than not being able to breathe. Prednisone is okay in moderation, but if taken too often in big doses, it can have an effect on your bones, liver, etc. ❤️ Prednisone helps me every winter."

"I was put on Prednisone (20 mg) twice a day for 7 days after an asthma attack. It made a world of difference for me. I noticed a difference in a matter of a few hours. The only side effects I had were euphoria, insomnia, and severe body aches after the course ended. I'd rather deal with the side effects than not be able to breathe."

"Every time I get a cold that aggravates my asthma, I am put on a short 5-day stint of prednisone. It works really well, and my lungs are usually cleared up after the 5 days. The side effects I experience are increased energy level, sweating, and a sense of euphoria. All of these are manageable as it is short-term."

"I haven't had the severe problems I've been reading about on this site, it's honestly a little scary to hear. I take prednisone 2-3 times a year when I get bronchitis (chronic asthmatic bronchitis) & it works wonders for me. I just caught a cold the other day that went straight to my lungs. After two nights of wheezing & barely sleeping, I went to the doc yesterday for prednisone. Within a few hours, I could breathe freely again. Still get winded easily & tire quickly, but much easier to function & sleep now. Would be shit out of luck without it! Just for reference, I got a script of 40mgs per day for 4 days. Went to work today & was totally back in the game!"

"I have had fairly severe asthma all of my life, and prednisone does the trick each time my symptoms become unmanageable with a rescue inhaler. While the side effects are unpleasant at times, they are not long-lasting and worth it to be able to breathe again. I get irritable, flushed in the face, and a bit bloated. I have never had to take this more than six days, so this goes away once I finish the medicine."

"Prednisone does wonders for my breathing when I'm at the point of struggling to take a deep breath, yawning to catch a breath, coughing, and constantly coughing up thick mucus. The side effects don't bother me like they did when I first started taking prednisone. It has really been a benefit to me."

"I'm using self-prescribed short courses of prednisone (40mg a day for 2-5 days) to control mild asthma symptoms when inhalers were not doing the job. The prednisone brings me back to feeling normal very quickly. Since doctors are not too interested in using it like this though."

"For me, prednisone is a lifesaver. I have asthma and mild COPD. I tend to get very congested and cough all day long, it seems like on the rare times that I get to be on prednisone, I go from being really sick to almost joyous. The problem is I have to go back off."

"I get that terrible cough twice a year along with my upper respiratory infection (including sinus infection), and no antibiotic worked so far (tried few different ones). My only relief was brought by Prednisone treatment. Although, I am a person who does not take medicines just for anything, I was very open to prednisone."

"I too get an asthma-like cough once or twice a year following a cold. Usually, I can treat it with my puffers, but this last attack had my husband taking me to the hospital because I couldn't breathe, and the usual treatments weren't working. Prednisone has been so very helpful, I can breathe again!"

"Although the thought of using a steroid is pretty iffy in my mind, prednisone is a strong anti-inflammatory drug that I have been prescribed several times after asthma attacks. It always seems to work although my asthma continues to be a problem, it certainly helps me breathe a whole lot better. I don't use my inhaler as much and I can sleep through the nights without waking up in a fit of coughing."

"I swear, swear, swear by prednisone. It not only helps me with my asthma complications tremendously, it also helps to clear my dermatitis/rosacea. And I also benefit from it as an all-around anti-allergy medication to boot."

"I usually have my two big asthma attacks a year, which is awful, but prednisone helps a lot. I find the breathing comes back quickly, but the side effects are horrible. I have a countdown going on for how many days I have left on it every time I'm on it, but in the end, it does miracles for me. The sweating is the worst part."

"Taking prednisone causes me to have heartburn, but a simple antacid helps get rid of the heartburn. Also, it makes me edgy, and my feet swell sometimes when taking prednisone. But it's totally worth taking prednisone because the feeling of suffocation is so much worse."

"I was about half dead from a really bad lung infection (pneumonia). I was having lots of difficulty breathing, and I was constantly coughing and expectorating. People nearby could hear my chest rattling with the effort of breathing. My doctor wanted me to go into the hospital, but I refused because I had to travel from Brisbane to Adelaide by car the next day, and I couldn't really see the advantages of sitting in a hospital bed rather than in a comfortable car. My doctor gave me prednisone, and this really helped me. I saw results quite quickly, and by the time I left Adelaide to go home again, I was just about cured. As a side benefit, this medication also cured my watery eyes and runny nose from hay fever."

"After reading your comments, I thought I was the only one. Every three months, I need to get a 10-day dose just to breathe and be able to sleep more than four-hour increments. This has been going on for almost three years now. Side effects are not as troublesome as not being able to breathe. Makes me super hungry and feel like I can do anything, even though I get winded fast. Weight gain is a downside, but until doctors can figure out a different method, this will have to do for now. I was looking for others to see if any long-time years on the meds what those side effects look like? So far, I can't find any info."

"I had a sinus infection and was prescribed prednisone, erythromycin, and albuterol all together. After my first treatment of only antibiotics, it did not do the job. Not really sure what each of them is responsible for EXACTLY. Erythromycin is the antibiotic and albuterol is for opening airtight passageways in the lungs that caused wheezing [asthmatic reaction due to the sinus infection]. The prednisone, while I don't like the idea of taking a steroid, did a good job of helping me recover. The only side effect I noticed was an increase in appetite."

"I have been taking prednisone almost consistently ranging from 5-40mg depending on need for the past 5 years and now when I am trying to tapper off of them, but my lungs won't have it, I begin to feel tightness in my chest and experience a feeling of not being able to breath deeply nor worse yet do ANY PHYSICAL activity even light house work without getting completely winded. However if I take prednisone I am completely fine. NOT FAIR!!! I don't want to take this damaging drug the rest of my left. HELP!!!!! :'-("

"I have RA and fibromyalgia also asthma. I think prednisone is wonderful I'd rather take it any day than an opioid IV. been taking it off and on for ten years with no noticeable side effects but not being able to sleep but I don't sleep anyway it is truly a miracle"

"Asthma was new to me, tried all the usual breathers, Dulera, ProAir, etc. Loratadine, Singulair, Flonase, etc. was prescribed prednisone and within days I was breathing again, my aches in my knee and shoulder were gone and the most awesome effect was I started smelling things again. I felt like I was given a second chance at life, was ramped up like I was on crack, but I was feeling great and getting things done. Unfortunately, too many potential side effects to continue on a regular basis. I can no longer smell and my knee is hurting badly again."

"I am a chronic asthmatic and have to take prednisolone on average at least once a month (8 tablets a day for 7 days). Sometimes I can't walk from my bed to my bathroom for a wee, I can't breathe that much. But after taking prednisolone, within the next few hours, I can walk every time. However, I have raging mood swings, my back teeth have crumbled out from taking too many tablets, my bones are weak, and I am always hungry. But without them, I wouldn't be able to breathe. Luckily I live in the UK, and we have the NHS x."

"20-40mg prednisone dose is amazing it is a MIRACLE! 2 days later I go from doing my rescue inhaler 6 times a day to every other day on average. My arthritis pain, hives and lupus-like symptoms go away as well. My rescue inhaler makes me psychotic and sick I call it “satan in a can” because I act like I’m possessed by demons. The side effects of the INHALER have led to a tranquilizer addiction! Prednisone is amazing I am no longer sick and miserable when I get a higher dose, however doctors hate it and cut my dose down to 5mg which is just enough to keep me from dying. I would do ANYTHING to get a higher dose. Anyway amazing drug, makes me able to function in exchange for hot flashes, munchies and weight gain, which beats full blown psychosis"

"On prednisone at 20mg for 10 days fixes my wheezing every time! My side effects are enlarged pupils, anxiousness, and cloudy headed. But I love the fact I can breathe clearly again after I take it! I've been taking prednisone 2 to 3 times a year for 10 years."

"I get bronchial asthma every time I get sick, and although prednisone does wonders and allows you to breathe, I get bad nausea, so the medicine itself is wonderful, but my reaction is awful. Other medicines that are helpful are Pulmicort and Zithromax, an antibiotic."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prednisone drug information
  • Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Prednisone Tablets
  • Prednisone Oral Concentrate
  • Prednisone Oral Solution

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos, Sterapred, Prednicot, Sterapred DS

Professional resources

  • Prednisone monograph
  • Prednisone (FDA)
  • Prednisone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome