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Generic Name: Prednisone for Fibromyalgia (prednisone)

Prednisone for Fibromyalgia Reviews

"I have been on prednisone for many years. I was bedridden, and friends had to do everything for me. After trying a low dose, the improvement was very quick. However, over the years, I have gradually had to increase the dose to be able to function after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Hashimoto's. I am presently on 10 mg per day, and sometimes when I've got a virus or have overdone things, I increase to 12 or 15, but try and return to 10 mg ASAP. My rheumatologist has said to try and reduce to 7 and a half mg. I am not overweight. And as far as I can tell, I have not 'suffered' from taking prednisone. I do have osteoporosis, but I've had that for many years and I believe that started because I had undiagnosed Coeliac disease and thyroid issues which can cause that. I eat a very healthy low sugar/carb diet. I still struggle with energy and pain but try to pace myself to cope with life. I hope this helps someone."

"I've had fibromyalgia for 26 years. It started when a chiropractor damaged my spine and perhaps an important nerve. I got laughed at, dismissed, and ridiculed by doctors, which worsened the problem so it has been a living hell. I begged my doctor to let me try steroids, she said no. Then a year later, she said she would give me a trial. She offered me 10 mg per day. I said no, 5 mg of prednisolone will do! I now have 9 pain-free hours per day, a lot less pain in the rest of the hours, it's miraculous. I'm relaxed, less bothered about stuff. I take it early in the morning, no problem sleeping. I have got my life back. No misery, just pain-free ability. I'm upset I wasn't offered this before, as fibromyalgia has robbed me of half my life. I was living in absolute agony all over my body. So far, so good. Even if my doctor won't let me continue on the trial, I will find them somewhere else. Take care."

"I suffer from chronic persistent fibromyalgia. My life has been consumed with pain for 3 years. My doctors and I have tried Cymbalta, Lyrica, Savella, many pain medicines at many different dosages, muscle relaxers, Valium. I could go on and on with the list of medicines we've tried just to give me some quality of life. Well, last week my doctor wrote me a prescription for prednisone for an upper respiratory infection I've been battling. I am here to tell you that I am on a treadmill now, I feel pain at maybe a 3, which for me, a normal day was 6-10. I can handle a silly little 3. I'm not saying this may be a permanent answer, I guess when I go back in a month I will discuss it. But even for a respite, I highly recommend it!"

"Every time I take it I feel like the me before Fibro. I was diagnosed 3 years ago. I have had prednisone maybe 5 times now but only for a few weeks. My primary doctor won't give it to me long term due to many risks. So in Dec., when I see my RA doctor, I am asking for it long term. The benefits outweigh the risks. I have three kids and a 'possible' early death and bad side effects are minor compared to my kids not having a fully functioning mommy now. They are too little for me to be bedridden or having these horrible flares and missing their T-ball games. I want them to have good memories of me, not memories of me being sick."

"Been fighting fibromyalgia since 1990. EVERY TIME I take prednisone for either asthma, bronchitis, or pneumonia, I find I am pain-free! It's awesome!! I have no negative side effects. Advisable to take long term to remain pain-free?? What do the experts say??"

"Same as many here. Put on 12-day prednisone pack for an allergic rash. 18 years with fibromyalgia and nothing has really helped. After the first day, my fibro pain was gone! And during the 12 days I was on it, I lost 8 pounds (same diet and same activity level), how can that be? Of course, all you hear it how bad it is. Tears that there is something that can take away this everyday unrelenting pain and I can't have it!"

"I was given prednisone for 7 years. I was told to get off or die. It took me 1 full year to get off of them as we had to do it milligram by milligram each month. I got completely off for the last 2 months. I cried every day, could hardly walk, started using a cane and wheelchair when I did get up the strength to go out. Two days ago I said SCREW this! I started on just 5mg and today I'm up and walking, no cane, I walked freely! So I die earlier? At least I'm going out able to hang out with family for as long as I can! I've told them all my decision. They don't like it, but they have their mom back and can see how much better I am compared to 3 days ago. Yes, you can gain weight. I've gained a lot in those 7 years, 60 pounds. I'm gonna fix that!"

"I have had fibromyalgia for about 8 years. I also developed osteoarthritis in my feet, hands, neck, and back. Just weaning myself off Prednisone, and my pains are returning. I have decided today that I will stay on Prednisone and keep the dose at ten mg. Quality of life is more important to me. Just being able to move without stiffness is a relief! I am careful about what I eat, with very low sugar intake, and moderate exercise has helped me keep my body weight normal. Besides, other inflammatory drugs are known to contribute to heart attacks. I know someone who has been on cortisone for many years, and she is not overweight and has not developed osteoporosis. She manages her doses carefully by herself. She is now 80 years old. If she can do it, I can do it too."

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 10 years ago. The symptoms have gradually gotten worse in that time: mental fog, joint pain, muscle pain, and lack of energy. I am on a good diet of more natural foods and find that the energy side isn't too bad normally. I was prescribed prednisolone for gout, and lo and behold, all my symptoms improved. Pain, energy, and clarity all were markedly improved. When I ceased treatment, the symptoms returned, and I have been on and off the pred for about 2 months. When I take it, I can (and want to) do stuff, it is wonderful. On my first return to the doctor, I told her she had cured me. Imagine my disappointment when I was told I could stay on it. Well, the fibromyalgia is not getting any better, so the doctor has re-prescribed pred for my symptoms to get a read on where I am at. I will keep you posted."

"Long story short, tapered down from 7 to 0 mg of prednisone for PMR. Pain has slowly become unbearable. I don’t walk, I shuffle. Can’t bend down for pain, my place is a mess. I’m 61. Last night on a lark, I tried 10 mg of leftover pred. This morning I am newborn! Pain has gone from 6-7 to 2! I’ve had fibromyalgia diagnoses for 4 years now. All doctors try to get me off pred. Hunh?!! What an eye-opener reading this has been!"

"Prednisone literally gave me my quality of life back!!! The days I don't take it, I hurt so bad, all I want to do is lay in bed. The days I do take it, I am very productive! I'm in a good mood, I have minimal pain. The only downside is you're super hungry, but after a while, that tapers off to.... Prednisone is not the typical treatment for fibromyalgia that I highly recommend!!! Since prednisone shuts down your own immune system, you need to stay away from sick people because most likely you'll catch it. As you all know, a normal cold is a horrendous ordeal for all of us!!! Keep up the fight, ladies!"

"When given steroids twice, for different complaints, my fibromyalgia pain and stiffness improved greatly. However, my GP claims it is of no benefit and will not prescribe for my pain. It's very upsetting when I know it's the only thing that has helped."

"I have had fibro for 19 years, now on Butran opioid patch 15 mcg, Norco 7.5 three times a day, Nabutome 500 mg three times a day, plus Effexor and Lexapro. Pain gradually worsened to pain constant and fatigue. Started falling and now being tested for MS or myasthenia gravis due to neck lesion and inflammation. This is my review of the 3-day high dose IVMP (IV methylprednisolone) 1000 mg DAILY, I haven't felt this good in 10 years with my fibromyalgia. Pain is so improved, you forget how bad you really do feel until the pain clears. I don't know what the future holds, but steroids have to sit in there somewhere. Slight headache and a bit of insomnia so far."

"I have been struggling with fibro and degenerative arthritis in my neck. A few months ago, I broke out in a massive, welty rash on my torso, no clue as to the origin. I was given a shot and oral steroids. I felt 16 again! I am now trying low-dose intermittent prednisone, and my once debilitating symptoms are under control. I have my life back!"

"Omg, I can't believe what I'm reading. I've been treated for fibromyalgia for 3 years, and all the meds did nothing. I continued because I hoped one day it would start to work. I got a problem with my eye, and it's like a spider's web. I went to the hospital, who gave me this steroid drop to reduce this. Well, within 9 hours, I felt like I could run around the block. I could bend, lift, bake, cook, clean, and be pain-free. I stopped all meds for fibromyalgia and used the drops for a week. The doctor didn't know any connection. Anyway, 6 months later, and I'm starting to go downhill again, the pains are driving me crazy. (I still have the black ring in my eye.) My eye consultant rang me while I was in lockdown, and I told him that I still have the ring I can see. He prescribed me some more drops, and what do you know? 7 drops later, the pains are easing. My doctor won't listen to me at all, they work."

"I have just taken prednisolone for the first time for a moderate exacerbation of asthma. For the first time in 28 years, I was pain-free. I kept telling my husband that despite how sick I was with pneumonia, I felt so relaxed and I realized I had no pain. Now I know how normal people feel, I could cry. You can't take it forever due to the effects on your body, but gosh, I sure wish they could work on something that worked the same without the side effects. Meanwhile, I am trying to readjust to pain again and feeling heartbroken that I have to live with fibromyalgia."

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 15 years ago. Since that time, I have been in constant pain. I have pain in my knees, hips, wrists, legs, low back, neck, jaw, hands, and fingers. I also suffer from chronic sinusitis, which can usually be controlled by a nasal steroid, antibiotic nasal rinse, and allergy medication. During this time, I have been prescribed prednisone to help with the sinus infection. These are the only two times I have had no pain in 15 years. I will be speaking to my doctor about prescribing me a low dose of prednisone. I am off the prednisone and back to pain and no energy again."

"I have stiffness in my lower back, pain in the neck area, and hips for many years, but the pain is tolerable. I also get periodic muscle stabs of pain followed by a twitch like when you fall asleep. From time to time, the pain would get bad, and I would need to take pain medications. Narcotics never worked, but Toradol would work well. HOWEVER, when I had an allergic reaction to Toradol with hives and itching and went to the ER, they gave me prednisone. Within two days of taking prednisone, I had SO MUCH energy and was pain FREE. I felt like I was 20 years old again. I had the ambition to get things done. I felt SO good. I felt like I discovered the fountain of youth. I don't know if it is coincidence, but I never had the pain until I contracted HSV."

"I've struggled with fibromyalgia for 15 years. I was prescribed prednisone for bronchitis, and in one day's time, I was pain-free and had energy through the roof! I struggle a lot with daily things and not having the strength or energy to do them. It's very depressing. I've considered asking my doctor to give it to me on a daily basis, but I'm a little unsure. The bone weakening and weight gain concern me, especially since I'm a mature woman at age 42. Anyone that takes it, I ask: do the pros outweigh the cons? By the way, I'm a recovering addict. I was addicted to pain pills, all prescribed by a pain doctor for the fibromyalgia. I chose to come off them but had to have help. Will prednisone do me the same way? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks and God Bless!"

"I took a 5 mg, 7-day pack of prednisone, and a 50 mg Toradol shot. Within 2 hours of the shot, I was 75 percent pain-free, and within 2 days on prednisone, I was 100 percent pain-free. It works for fibromyalgia pain!"

"In 1996, I saw a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. At that time, I had begun to get the nagging aches and pains, which were still tolerable. I was prescribed gabapentin. It worked for the most part. I also have asthma and tend to get bronchitis. My doctors prescribe prednisone. Within 24 hours, I find I feel pretty good. The pain dissipates, and finally, I get some relief. All these years later, I have almost unbearable pain. So many medications I can't take, but I look forward to a round of prednisone."

"Works so well for me. I have osteoarthritis, too. After 2 days of prednisone, 80 mg, 60 mg, no pain, no spasms, no fatigue, don't have to sleep 9 hours. Have energy. Swelling in hip, shoulder reduced 85%. Wish I could stay on this miracle drug, but I gain weight and have other side effects that are not healthy. I can only use short term, 4 days, but sure LOVE those days!!"

"I've been suffering from fibromyalgia for over 10 years now. A few months ago, I was stricken with Bell's palsy and was given a course of prednisone and Valtrex. Combined, it took away the palsy within a week, but it also took away all my pain and stiffness. I've since learned that most people with fibromyalgia have some type of herpes. The herpes virus can also cause Bell's palsy. There are many herpes viruses, and not all show any outward symptoms. I highly suggest getting tested for all herpes viruses if you suffer from fibromyalgia. I'd bet dollars to donuts you have one type of herpes virus, like cold sores. The combo of low-dose anti-inflammatory and the anti-viral is what works. I worked with my doc to find the lowest doses that worked."

"Today is day 6 and my last day (1 tablet) of prednisone. It is a miracle, I guess. I have absolutely no pain, and before this administration of these drugs, I wondered whether life was worth the pain. Back to the doctor to get results for the 2nd round of blood tests, but fibromyalgia certainly looks to be the culprit. Wonder how long this great pain relief will last?"

"I have been battling fibro for about 11 years now. Pain is an issue, however, for me, the most debilitating symptom is lethargy and mental fog. Well, as you can imagine, things pile up around me: tax needs doing, this needs to be done, garage needs cleaning, etc. So, I decided to go back onto prednisolone to do what needs to be done. I started 25 mg for four days, and after the 2nd day, I felt great, energy, less pain, actually got stuff done. Now I am tapering (down to 15 today) and not really feeling great, hmmmm. Book an appointment with the doc today. Not overly hopeful, but who knows. I think this will become my life now. Feel like rubbish most of the time, and when I need to get something done, I will go onto a short burst of pred to get it done. The main drawbacks for me: insomnia (I don't sleep well most of the time anyway, so this really kicks me), ravenous hunger (two breakfasts and three lunches...), and slight agitation."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prednisone drug information
  • Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Prednisone Tablets
  • Prednisone Oral Concentrate
  • Prednisone Oral Solution

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos, Sterapred, Prednicot, Sterapred DS

Professional resources

  • Prednisone monograph
  • Prednisone (FDA)
  • Prednisone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome