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Generic Name: Prednisone for Gouty Arthritis (prednisone)

Prednisone for Gouty Arthritis Reviews

"Been having gout for the last 3 weeks in my knee/ankle with colchicine and indo just holding it at bay, finally had enough went to the doctor and got a 3-day regimen of prednisone 50mg the first day and almost all pain gone. I could walk the next morning unaided, nearly forgot what it felt like. Do yourself a favor and give it a try next time you have an acute attack."

"Prednisone has been a miracle for me. I have stage 4 Polycystic Kidney Disease, and my uric acid levels are really high. I suffer from chronic, crippling gout in my feet, ankles, and knees. It never goes away. I've started Uloric but the gout hasn't subsided. It was to the point that my job was in jeopardy. The only thing I could take for the pain was Tylenol. My Nephrologist prescribed Prednisone, and after 1 day all gout pain had subsided. Blessed relief! After a week, the edema in my feet had disappeared. My side effects include acne, increased appetite, constipation, and some insomnia, but I'll take all of it if it means no more gout pain."

"I started writing a novel based on my experiences with gout and the different medications I took for them, and ran out of room. So here is the short version. I hate Indomethacin and colchicine with a passion. So much so, this last attack had me crawling on my hands and knees, and I refused to take the stuff. I lasted a month and today I went in. By chance, my doctor was out ill. The new doctor looked at it and prescribed prednisone and started me on allopurinol. I have heard of prednisone before and was eager to try it. I'm sticking with the new doctor. This drug is amazing. I don't believe in miracle drugs, but this is damn close. After 8 hours of taking my first dose, 80-90 percent of the pain is gone. Screw Indomethacin!"

"Prednisone has been a miracle, having severe gout for years has been a life-changing experience. Gout has turned my life upside down and I've taken everything. Prednisone has given me back my normal life. With prednisone, it's actually given me an extra boost during work, and while I coach my little league sports. Minor side effects like an increase in appetite, puffy face, and once in a blue moon I'll get a little short of breath (when I've taken over the prescribed dose) haven't interfered with my daily routine enough to stop taking prednisone. I stopped doing that and only take the recommended dose. I've only taken prednisone when I need it, I've gone without it from 2 weeks to a month. Prednisone has worked miracles for me."

"I work at farmers markets 6 days a week and have for many years been a sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis. More recently I have had major attacks of gouty arthritis. The pain from these attacks can be excruciating. I tried all the painkillers under the sun. Being on Coumadin as a blood thinner, I have to be careful what medicines I take. I had a major attack this week and tried the usual NSAIDs off the shelf with no relief. I rang my doctor, and he prescribed Prednisone (he has consulted me in the practice in the last week). The results have been amazing. I took my first day's dose (4 tablets), and the pain subsided within less than two hours to the level that I could actually walk! My joints are now less swollen and painful, and I am so thankful for Prednisone."

"Wonderful medicine for gout pain. I have been fighting gout for 7 years and I'm fairly young. My attacks have moved from the left big toe to the right big toe to the little toes, now it's taken my whole left side of my left foot. Colchicine and Vicodin didn't give me relief. Went back to the doctor, got a steroid shot, and some prednisone, was walking within hours. All the swelling that caused me excruciating pain was cleared. It's better than Indocin to me, trust me on this, give it a try."

"I've been dealing with gout attacks for years. Throughout, for some reason, during the winter months, my feet really start to flare up. I've tried everything, from changing my whole diet to drinking cherry juice like it's my day job. Nothing seemed to help. I went to the doctor, they prescribed me prednisone. After two hours of taking it, my ankle subsided. I went to bed, woke up feeling like a million bucks."

"I've had chronic gout for about 10 years now. I've been to the doctor multiple times and the ER when it gets really bad. Tried many home remedies including black tart cherry juice with no relief. Trust me when I say this! Prednisone is the ONLY thing that has ever helped. I tell the doctor to not even prescribe me painkillers anymore cause it doesn't help. Prednisone is a miracle for my gout flare-ups. VERY FAST RESULTS!!!!"

"Prednisone is excellent for killing gout inflammation and pain. I have tried colchicine and had no relief, but prednisone works within hours. One or two doses are usually enough if taken at the first sign of pain. The only side effect is it sends sugar readings high for a day, or perhaps two if you need to continue taking it. After a few days, it brings the sugar readings down quite low. For me, it's great - use it."

"I am in the middle of my first gout attack. It started during the night, waking me with an unexplainable pain. My work nurse practitioner gave me an anti-inflammatory and checked my blood. My uric acid levels were very high. After three weeks, I returned to her because the pain would not subside. This visit, she gave me a 5-day, 20 mg/day dose of prednisone and allopurinol to lower my uric acid. My toe started feeling better within 2 hours and drastically improved during the 5-day dose. I believe she told me the uric acid crystals form in your joints and your body's immune system starts the fight, which leads to swelling and soreness. The prednisone turns the immune system down, therefore reducing the pain and swelling. It worked for me."

"I've been getting chronic gout for about 9 years. I was given prednisone for the first time last week (50 mg once a day). It seems to work fast, but I found that the pain starts coming back between doses. I still find it to be working better than the usual indomethacin and colchicine. The only side effect I've noticed is trouble sleeping."

"I have had gout for almost a month now, but it is on and off. For my first attack, my doctor prescribed me ibuprofen 800 mg three times a day, and it worked. During my second attack, the ibuprofen didn't help anymore, so I went back to my doctor, and he gave me a new medication, prednisone 20 mg once a day, and it works. It took 5 days to heal completely. Then my third attack was just a week apart, and I felt pain in my big toe. I knew this was going to be my third attack in just a month, but I managed it with prednisone. The next day, there was no more pain in my big toe. It is such a relief. Prednisone is better than colchicine and ibuprofen."

"Thank you, Prednisone, you are my best friend. Within 3 hours, I could walk with a limp and little pain. By morning, I could wear a shoe on my foot. The swelling was almost completely gone. Gouty ankle and midfoot."

"Prednisone takes away the extreme pain of my gout in my big toes and wrist. Is the only drug that works. I've been taking Uloric gout medication daily for 8 years, but I still get the occasional flare-up. That's when I take prednisone for 3 days.... The pain is 80% gone after the first of 3 daily doses. Good luck."

"Rare attacks, but when they hit, they're bad. Atypical, knee, ankle, 5th metatarsal (long foot bone behind the little toe), but always only one joint at a time, and never the big toe. Severe pain, can't bear any weight on that side. This last time around, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen had no effect whatsoever; hydrocodone took the leading edge off, but that's all. After the first dose of prednisone, 80% pain reduction in 12 hours, remaining pain disappeared completely over the following 2-3 days."

"The prednisone is the drug that works. I went to get a shot of steroids, but my doctor was in the hospital. (Ha) I had been taking indocin, Colcrys, and Vicodin. The indocin seems to work on very mild attacks if I take it right away. However, this latest attack turned into an acute one. I had a dorsal pack of methprednisolone in my medicine chest that I was saving. This was a good test proving that, for me, the steroid, prednisone, was the operative drug. In the dorsal pack, you start off with two 4 mg pills. Within 2 hours, significant pain loss. By the end of the day, the word miracle was appropriate. This is the start of my 3rd day, and it looks like it's almost completely gone!! Thank you, God, for this medication."

"I've never written a review on anything, really, but I thought it was important in this case. I've been dealing with gout for probably 15 years. I was essentially given 2 choices: go on allopurinol and hopefully prevent myself from getting flare-ups. However, I'd have to take a pill every day, and this medication has upset my stomach in the past. Option 2 is to treat a flare-up when it happens with medication, and I went this route, colchicine being the medication to treat this. The problem is it never seems to work, and I recently had an awful bout of gout. I was given prednisone, and it really worked miracles. I was probably about 70% better after 1 full day, and now almost 100% after 3 days. I'm beyond happy about this medication!"

"I've tried most NSAIDs, and none of them work for me when the gout attack is severe. My doctor prescribed Prednisone. After taking an initial 6 x 5 mg, I can feel the inflammation draining away. It's absolute bliss."

"Okay, I had a very brutal gout attack that started Friday in the knee. I didn't know that it was gout because it was so painful and not in the toe as usual. The doctor at the emergency told me I had bursitis and told me to go back home and take Tylenol. Alright...after two days in bed and totally not helping at all, when I tried to get up, I would scream from pain and couldn't move without extreme pain. So I went back to the emergency. I knew something was wrong. There we go, this doctor reacted accordingly and investigated and found uric acid in my knee. Was at the emergency at 3:30 p.m. this afternoon. They gave me the prednisone - amazing - I went out of the hospital on my feet at 8:00 p.m., still hurting but nothing compared to the last days. It's 11:00 p.m. I am cleaning my house before getting ready to sleep. Never seen works wonders like that. Long story short...you have a gout attack, get this."

"Have been getting gout on and off for over ten years. In the beginning, 1-2 times a year, now much more frequent. I would take indomethacin, and although it would make me dizzy, it seemed to help acute attacks. I didn't feel ready to take a daily pill, like allopurinol or colchicine. I finally caved in after the last attack in my ankle, that lasted a month, and my doctor started me on allopurinol. It seemed to make things worse! Then a friend suggested prednisone. In 24 hours my ankle is almost 100% better! (4 doses of 20 mg - 80 mg total) awesome results!"

"A dose of 25-30 mg of Prednisolone knocks out my excruciating gout pain in hours. I’m aware of the long-term risks of using steroids but I never have to take the prednisolone for longer than three or four days for gout relief. I don’t get an upset stomach either on preds which I do with NSAIDs . I always try and take them first thing in the morning as they have interrupted my sleep when I’ve taken them at bedtime."

"I was dealing with a huge flare-up for two weeks. It didn't seem to go away until they gave me prednisone. It worked like a miracle. After not being able to walk on my own for almost two weeks, I was up and running the next day after taking this medicine."

"Thank you for the guys who mentioned prednisone below. My foot looked like a football and the pain was excruciating. Tried to manage it with Tylenol, ibuprofen, colchicine, cherry juice, etc. Suffered for 3 days then realized I had prednisone from 5 years ago. One 20mg pill and a few hours later, 90% of pain from gout was gone. That was a life changer."

"I've found prednisone to be an effective treatment for my gout during acute attacks, where I take a 50 mg daily dose. However, the downside is that it makes me sleepless and irritable. Colchicine seems to have little effect, and I have thus far been unsuccessful in getting into a routine of taking allopurinol - it, in fact, seems to bring on symptoms, if anything, even with a low dose."

"Prednisone is the wonder drug when it comes to gout. I am on allopurinol and I was on colchicine. I'm not convinced the allopurinol works at all because I still get a flare up every six weeks or so. And the colchicine was useless. My doctor keeps telling me that prednisone is not good for you - but until you've experienced gout in your toe, or ankle, or bottom of your foot (mine moves around) you really can't understand the level of pain - and what you'll do to get rid of it. As others have said here, Prednisone works very quickly - sometimes the same day. One thing to watch out for is if you're diabetic, it will mess with your sugar numbers. One day I did my sugar reading and it was 550!! So I guess it's tough on your body, but so is gout."

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  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
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Patient resources

  • Prednisone drug information
  • Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Prednisone Tablets
  • Prednisone Oral Concentrate
  • Prednisone Oral Solution

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos, Sterapred, Prednicot, Sterapred DS

Professional resources

  • Prednisone monograph
  • Prednisone (FDA)
  • Prednisone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome