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Generic Name: Prilosec OTC (omeprazole)

Prilosec OTC Reviews

For GERD "After 12 days of taking this medicine, I feel crazy! Sudden head rushes when I stand up. A feeling of my ears being full. Heart palpitations, chest tightness, etc. It did help with my acid reflux, but I had to stop taking it. I can't deal with the side effects. Going to lose weight and cut off certain foods."

For GERD "I started taking Prilosec OTC 20 mg tablets last year. I didn't notice any side effects. My very mild GERD was definitely completely unnoticeable. I was happy. Up until around 40 days ago, I realized that the hair loss I was experiencing was the Prilosec. The hair loss started 2 months after I began the 20 mg tablets. Never had any hair loss in my life, and I've taken tons of different meds over the years. I'm a female in my early 30s. I had to eliminate one other medication to come to the conclusion that it was indeed the Prilosec making me go completely bald. Hair was coming out in huge clumps in the shower. Every time I touched my hair, it fell out. My little remaining hair was also very dry and brittle. It was definitely stressful, I had no idea this could be a potential side effect of such a low dose once a day. 40 days off, and the hair loss has dramatically decreased already. For me, that particular side effect was extreme, shocking, and unexpected."

For Indigestion "I had terrible indigestion for about 3 years. It got progressively worse so that I had to take baking soda every night. On my recent trip to the USA, it was noticed that I would not eat late nor lots of food. A nurse at a BBQ gave me a packet of Prilosec 20mg. Back home I tried the medication. I was cured by taking only 1 tablet. I am finishing the packet, but I had absolutely no more problems nor symptoms after only 1 tablet. I have to say that besides taking the medication, people also prayed for me."

For GERD "It was wonderful to be able to take one in the morning and be free of distress all day, but soon I began to have dizziness on arising which soon increased to all day. By process of elimination I found the cause to be Prilosec. The problem was resolved after discontinued use. Now I am taking ranitidine with no such side effects and very satisfied."

For GERD "Thank God. I have not had to take the two pack of Prilosec that I have left. My story.. I was miserable for months taking several different otc medications. I finally called a research facility to try to join a study, to help cure my gerd. The agent I spoke with asked me if Prilosec had failed as a cure. I said id never tried it so I didn't qualify. If that was the way they determined the seriousness of your problem. (If Prilosec couldn't cure you, you must be really bad) then prilosec must be the best otc out there. So I took the 21 day cycle. I was so uncomfortable that I took 2 the first day. I don't recommend that, but I did. After 3 days I say a small improvement. After 1 week I was sure it was working. 21 days later completly cured"

For GERD "My doctor prescribed Protonix, which worked most of the time, and every now and then I would take Tums. Then my doctor left, and I didn't request a refill soon enough, so I decided to try Prilosec OTC. My GERD disappeared after the first day. I took it daily for 14 days as described on the box and never had a problem at all. My GERD pain is coming back, though, so I will be buying another box."

For GERD "My doctor gave me a sample of Prevacid for chronic heartburn, and one pill taken at bedtime gave me the hives by the next morning. Never having had hives, I freaked and called the doctor immediately. I was then given Prilosec and have been 98.6% trouble-free since then, switching to Prilosec OTC, which was half of my cost of the prescription. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat: Mexican, Thai, Chinese, or other spicy foods, chocolate, water, sodas, bland stuff, etc. I often get heartburn maybe 5 days out of 7. With Prilosec, I seldom have any discomfort, regardless of what I eat or drink. If I forget to take it daily, I'll get heartburn 36-48 hours after the last pill."

For Indigestion "I took Prilosec for about 3 years. I began to experience a rapid heartbeat at night. I would wake up at night and have a very rapid heartbeat for about 5 minutes. It finally dawned on me to try leaving off the Prilosec. I have been off now for 2 months and am having no more problems with my heart. I found that Pepcid is also good for indigestion and causes me no problem."

For GERD "I have taken both prescription and OTC Prilosec. After losing my prescription coverage, I changed to the OTC version and have had great results. I try to take my pill at least 2 to 3 hours before lunch. It works very well for me."

For GERD "I was having bad heartburn (GERD) everyday and having to take to many antacids. My doctor suggested OTC Prilosec. After 24 hours all pain was gone and has not returned. It has been a blessing. Today is the 7th day of 14 day treatment. I am waiting to see if the heartburn returns after I complete the recommended 14 day treatment. I hope not."

For GERD "I was diagnosed with Gerd many years ago, I have been taking one 20mg a day. It works great with no side effects, I tried The generic brands which didn't work close to Prilosec. Insurance used to pay but not anymore. It is worth the money."

For GERD "This medication helps, although I have to take it twice a day and about 40 mg at a time for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Does not stop all the burning problem, however, it does help take the edge off the pain so one can work."

For GERD "I was in so much pain and after doing research I ran up to Walgreens and bought a 14 day pack. Holy cow. 2nd night I was so much better. Don't eat 3 hours before going to bed. No right side sleeping for awhile and sleep on 3 pillows. I was not equipped to handle that type of evening pain. Good luck."

For GERD "It worked well to eliminate reflux symptoms, but forced to discontinue use as made me too dizzy, lightheaded, and sometimes nauseous. To the point of not feeling comfortable enough to drive."

For GERD "I was prescribed this by my doctor to take twice daily. It has helped, but I worry about long-term use. I have been using it for 2 or 3 years now."

For Indigestion "Good for stomach pains, indigestion, and extreme gaseous pains and conditions."

For Indigestion "I love this medicine because after I take it my stomach feels a lot better."

For GERD "Excellent OTC medication for Acid Reflux (GERD)"

For GERD "I must have taken too much for a period and caused me to have seizures! Do not take more than prescribed!"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: proton pump inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prilosec OTC drug information

Professional resources

  • Prilosec OTC prescribing information
  • Omeprazole (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Prilosec

Related treatment guides

  • GERD
  • Indigestion