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Generic Name: Prograf (tacrolimus)

Prograf Reviews

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "My daughter had a liver transplant almost 15 years ago. After 6 months, Prograf was the only medicine she was taking. Has had NO setbacks, no problems. She has given birth to 3 beautiful, smart children with no problems or side effects. Thank God for Prograf. She is on 2 mg twice a day."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I am a grateful liver transplant recipient. 4-11-08. I have been taking Prograf and Myfortic since transplant with very few side effects that I am aware of. I have returned to work 12 months. The only side effect that I have a problem with is sleeping. I am a contractor, and many times it is a manual type of job, so I do need sleep, which I only get 5hrs/night if I am lucky. I feel in time this will take a negative effect on transplant. All liver functions and blood work is good. I go to transplant clinic semi-annually. The hepatologist are opposed to prescribing me any sleep aids. "

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I just had the worst time with this medication! I had severe diarrhea, we are talking 20 times in one day. It gave me the worst migraines. They would last for days. They would cause me to vomit. When I was in the hospital they would give me IV pain meds and I still had the crippling migraines. All I wanted to do was lay in bed. It worked great as preventing rejection. However I felt so sick I was not living. I lost a ton of weight. I was never hungry.. and when I did eat it all just came right back out. I had a lot of edema in my legs and feet. I begged to be on something different and switched to cyclosporine. This medication was just plain awful. I'd rather live my whole life on dialysis than to ever take this again!"

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "So far so good. Dosage has been reduced tremendously since my liver transplant 7 months ago. I have had very few side effects and the capsules are small and easy to swallow. I started at 18 caps /day and now down to 3 /day. Be sure to follow your doctors orders and take your medicines on time. I use a Timex Datalink watch and set 2 alarms for each dose to reduce the chance of missing a dose."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Liver transplant 5 years ago. No rejection. Generally confortable drug. I have experienced small skin cancers easily treated, no problem. I itch from time to time not objectional and I don't blame it on the drug. Generally thankful for this drug. I am careful about infections because of reduced immunity. Thank you."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Reversal "I have taken this medication for almost 10 years. I am a post liver transplant patient. I have experienced no rejections. Have had minor skin cancers removed several times. My pharmacy now wants me to use the generic, I assume because of the costs. I thank god that this medication has been so successful on me and am very concerned about the generic version. I guess I feel if it'll work. I feel that this is not to be an option I can afford to take."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I started taking 3mg/day Prograf almost a week ago for my heart transplant. I was on cyclosporin but was having lots of muscle pain and cramps from the cyclosporin. Since starting the Prograg I've been itching non stop. Its apparently one of the side effects. I've also gained some fluid in my legs and hands. Another side effect. I hope the itching goes away soon or I'll have to switch to something else. "

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I received my Liver Transplant 4 years ago and started with 6 x 1mg caps/day. It has been reduced to 3 x 1mg tabs/day since then and I have had no episodes of rejection. Prograf seems to do the trick. Love it. I don't know if this is a side effect from taking prograf, but I have gained weight over the course of 4 years."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I have been taking Prograf for 3 years now. When I first got my kidney transplant, I was taking 6mgs a day. Now I'm down to 3mgs a day. I have had no reactions from the drug. I thank God and my brother for the second chance at life."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Itching was bad in lower legs especially my ankles for a few months after liver transplant in June 2016. I had hand trembling where it was hard to write or hold things steady like utensils for several months. These cleared up about 3 months out from transplant. Also, though lesser in degree was dizziness, confusion, tingling in legs, prickly feeling in legs, fatigue, loss of taste, urination about every hour at night. These decreased or ceased after 4 months. I have put back on weight (40 lbs) that I needed to put on and am now stable at a healthy weight. Overall, taking prograf now, one year out, is good. Though I am having trouble sleeping thru the night. I wake up around 3 am and do not get back to sleep until 5-6 am."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I am 4 1/2 years post liver transplant. Take 2mg 2 x daily since initial year. Not aware of any particular side effects. Have had no incidence of rejection as far as I know. Overall, drug appears to do what it is supposed to do, thankfully."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I've been on this since September 1, 2016 as an immunosuppressant for a kidney transplant. So far, it's working well. Side effects include continuous stomach distress, usually ranging from mild to moderate, with occasional severe flare-ups; mild tremors; mild blood glucose elevation; occasional mild numbness in hand. For me, the side effects are well worth keeping my kidney from rejecting."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "All praises to program. I have not had any problems with rejections. Liver transplant Date 2011. I’ve had some itching and my sleeping is awful. But my main problem follows. I have developed NODM (New Onset Diabetes Management) and I simply cannot lose weight, instead , I am gaining and CANNOT LOSE. I EXERCISE AT LEAST 1 1/2 HRS DAILY, MY DIET IS EXCELLENT AND I'M A MODEL PATIENT. Yet my post transplant diabetes is out of control. I am hovering around 7.0 and I am literally killing myself exercising, eating right, taking meds correctly, etc. Been seen by 4 Endocrinologists....more oral meds and more insulin. Just this week, I’m been told to take Glipizide maximum daily dose, Novolog insulin, 9 units X3, Novolin 28Us/10Us & Junevia"

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Had two weeks to live before I received my new liver 2.5 years ago. Currently take 1 mg in the morning and 2 in the evening. My side effects are bad joint pain, fighting weight gain, very hard to lose. Ongoing anxiety. Hey, my feet hit the floor in the morning, so I have another day. Every day is great thanks to my unknown donor. Thank you."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Prograf seems so far to be a great Immunosuppressive medication . Bad - tremors and anxiety."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I have been using Prograf for 4 years now. 1 mg in the AM and 1 mg in PM. Last year or 3rd year into this treatment I had 2 episodes with squamous cell carcinoma, which were both removed."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Liver transplant 8 years ago. No Problems."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I'm taking Prograf since 2000. Was 7 seven back then, now I'm 19. Still no side effects, just wanted to check if there are any long term side effects."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I take it because I need it. If I did not have a transplant I would not want to take it because I have gained weight and have edema."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I have taken Prograf since my liver transplant eight years ago. Very few side effects. Nothing compared to dying with liver disease. Very blessed from the drug and my donor Spencer."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Started taking Prograf in July of 2011 for my heart transplant, except for some slight itching and for a little fluid in my ankles, this drug has worked wonders. "

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "No problems of liver reject from when I use Prograf (Tacrolimus), but I have some collateral effects like alopecia and tremors of hands and sometimes I feel buzzing in my ears. 9/10 !"

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "This has fewer and lesser side effects as compared to other medicines given after organ transplant, for my eight year old daughters heart transplant."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I have kidney disease, called IGA nephropathy disease. I am 14 years old, male, got diagnosed in July of 2008. I am finally in remission. I have not yet had a transplant."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "Some side effects...they've been manageable. Keeping a positive attitude and having a support group has been beneficial."

More about Prograf (tacrolimus)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: calcineurin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prograf drug information
  • Prograf (Tacrolimus Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Prograf (Tacrolimus Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Prograf (Tacrolimus Capsules)

Other brands

Envarsus XR, Astagraf XL, Hecoria

Professional resources

  • Prograf prescribing information
  • Tacrolimus (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Envarsus XR, Astagraf XL

Related treatment guides

  • Organ Transplant, Rejection Reversal
  • Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis