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Generic Name: Protopic (tacrolimus-topical)

Protopic Reviews

For Atopic Dermatitis "An hour after putting it on for the first time was the worst itching and burning I have felt in my life. The next day I used it, I didn’t feel anything, and it started healing my eczema right away! If you can get through your first time using it, don’t stop, keep going, it’ll help you."

For Atopic Dermatitis "Works wonders, but be prepared for a wild ride if you are one of the unlucky lottery winners of this side effect. I was prescribed 0.1% Protopic ointment. When I put on my first application, there was no immediate burning. The burning began about 8-10 hours later. And intensified with each progressive application. Two weeks in and there is no end to the burning. It's not as bad as the first few days, but boy, I have NEVER felt anything like it. By my second day, I was on the floor in tears (which I got to find out firsthand, makes things much worse because apparently tears become caustic when they make contact with Protopic-laden skin). I don't know how I feel about Protopic. I mean, 10 out of 10, it definitely does what it claims to do... VERY effectively. It has cleared up almost 90% of my problems that I have been dealing with for over a year, in just two weeks. But I don't enjoy feeling like I've made a deal with the devil, having to trek through fire to get there."

For Atopic Dermatitis "So after 18 months of pure agony, my eyes stinging and burning, trying every known cream under the sun! Can’t put makeup on. Can’t be around strong fragrances or even cook with smells that burn my eyes! I decided not to try anything for 4 months, and they got worse and worse! I was prescribed Protopic 0.1%. I tried it for a couple of days, but the burning was just so bad! So now on 0.3%, terrified of having a reaction. I was so desperate last night, as every time I put it on, the burning and the itching is so intense it makes me feel sick! But after reading the reviews on here, I am going to stick with it. I am just hoping that this helps, as I am at the end of the road now and so depressed. Please, please tell me that the burning goes away, and can anybody suggest anything that would help with it?"

For Atopic Dermatitis "A drug may work well for some, and not so well for others. I am happy to report that Protopic is pretty much a miracle drug for me. I had developed a severe case of blepharitis, or contact dermatitis, around my eyes. They were red, itching, flaking, burning, and swollen. I looked and felt like hell. Within 24 hours, I was 75% better. And a few days later, symptoms were pretty much gone. I continued to use it for approximately 3 weeks. Now, when a symptom starts to flare up, I apply it for only a day or so to control it."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I have severe eczema on my face, which is not only embarrassing but very uncomfortable. I was so desperate I was putting steroid creams around my eyes, which everyone knows is not the best idea. My eyelids were so swollen I didn't have a choice. I saw a dermatologist who prescribed Protopic, but with all the warnings I was afraid to use it at first. I became so desperate I applied only a little bit, and was amazed at the results. After a day or two the inflammation is completely gone. The only major side effect is that it can make your skin feel very HOT, which gets worse with sun exposure or when consuming alcohol. But for me, it's worth it. This drug is a miracle for someone like me, I recommend it highly."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I am in the same boat as Harley7373. This ointment kept me up most of the night because it was burning my eyelids, and it still is, and it's been more than 12 hours since I put it on. If you have very sensitive skin and always have, this may affect you the same exact way."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I suffered a very bad reaction. I used Protopic only for a few days and suffered unbearable burning sensations in my eyes and around. I felt like my face was burning and tried everything to cool down, from rosewater, ice, and also took several cold showers, it made no difference! My eyes were continuously watery and sore. I also suffered headaches. I immediately stopped the medication yesterday, I'm still suffering."

For Perioral Dermatitis "By far the best medication I have used. I started to get very dry, very rough, and very red skin on the area around my lips. This progressively got worse and started to spread, and no matter what moisturizers I used or what I did, nothing helped at all. I was very self-conscious of this, with it being on my face. The first use of this cream made my skin slightly hot and some slight tingling, but nothing bad at all, and wow, by the morning when I woke, the redness was almost gone. On the second application, it has all but gone. This cream is absolutely amazing and has given me my confidence back. If you're in two minds about whether to get this, please do, it will be the best decision."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I have struggled with flare-ups for at least 5 years. The last couple of months, I had rashes around my eyes and mouth. I was unable to show my face in public. I was feeling extremely depressed. I have tried all possible treatments, from eliminating all dairy and gluten to eating all vitamins you can find, and nothing has helped until my doctor prescribed Protopic! It was a burning sensation when applying it for the first 2 times. Every time my skin would normally react (flare up) to something, it would start burning as if the ointments actually helped my skin to fight the reaction. After 2 days, my skin cleared up, and now after a week, my skin is the best it’s been in many years. Feels like I am cured. Why is my question: don’t doctors prescribe this all the time? It will save people’s lives."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I've suffered very badly from atopic dermatitis on my face for about 18 months. I've used a lot of topical steroids on my face, particularly around my eyes. I became worried that I would start to get some of the side effects from them. I was extremely self-conscious about my eczema, and it had a negative effect on my confidence. I would avoid going out and seeing people. I was prescribed Protopic by a dermatologist, and it has changed my life. When I first used it, I didn't experience any of the burning or itching, but after taking a break for a few months, it was very uncomfortable when I started to use it again. My face burned and was very itchy for the first day or two of use, but the side effects disappeared after that. I completely transformed my skin within 2 to 3 days. It's amazing to finally have an option to treat eczema that isn't a steroid cream. This is an expensive medication but worth every euro. It can also be used to prevent flares if applied twice a week."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I developed eczema on my eyelids and originally treated it with a Eucerin cream. While that moisturized the area well, my eyelids were still swollen and constantly itchy. My doctor later prescribed this to treat it and warned me about the burning sensation during the first 24 hours. As many people have mentioned, after the first application, the skin begins to feel like it's burning, and mine became very red, it was miserable. However, after the first day, that goes away, and within a week, I had normal eyes again! I am so happy with this ointment, I honestly thought I would never have normal eyes again."

For Atopic Dermatitis "Protopic has been awesome for my face and hands. My dermatitis started in my teens and left me with weepy, bleeding scales on my knuckles, upper lip, nose, eyebrows, and eyelids. Protopic wasn't around, and I used Westcort cream, along with many stronger topical steroids. Flash forward to today. My skin is extremely thin all over my face, but thankfully no cataracts (applied steroids everywhere). Is Protopic a miracle drug? No, but it's the only thing available to stop my AD on the face. First application causes a stinging, burning, hot sensation. After you get past that first day, my symptoms go away. I continue applying until the skin has healed. Then, I stop it. When the eczema starts coming back, I start applying it again."

For Atopic Dermatitis "My dermatologist gave me a sample of Protopic for itching eyelids. He did not caution me that it was not for eye use, as I later read on the outside of the tube. I applied it one evening to both eyelids. I spent the next 3 hours in misery from burning and itching eyes before I finally fell asleep about midnight. The only way I could get any relief was to wash my eyes with baby shampoo and water. It was terrible."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I was suffering from eczema since 3 years of age. In and out of hospitals, all the creams and wraps, steroids, and immunosuppressants. After 30, it got much worse on my face and eyes. Pregnancy and breastfeeding were hell. Actually, my eye doctor recommended Protopic, and I had all the burns and numbness in my mouth and lips and a strange kind of high feeling for approximately 2 weeks. Protopic gave me my face and my life back!! I cannot be grateful enough for it. It did make me more prone to cold sores on my lips and nose, so I have to take drugs for that every now and then. I would get extremely red if I had alcohol and have to avoid the sun if I use it. You will learn how to use it, so just avoid Protopic for a number of days before a holiday or night out. I'm doing the eczema diet from Katie Fisher, and it works for me, so I'm not using any drugs anymore, but I will always have Protopic with me just in case."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I have used Protopic continuously for about 5 years for atopic dermatitis, and all I can say is this medicine does wonders for your inflamed skin. Sure, it burns a lot if the eczema flares, but the burning will fade away after a couple of hours. Recently, I was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis as well (unlucky me, yup!), and since I wasn't so pleased with the topical steroid creams, I tried Protopic on my psoriasis lesions. And this showed up to be a very good idea since I have been in control of my psoriasis since I started using it. So all in all, I give this my best recommendations, although it is a bit expensive."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I have had intermittent eczema all my life. It mostly just occurs on my face around my mouth and nose. I remember trying every type of moisturizer and prescription cream there was out there. I finally got prescribed Protopic by a physician, and I was amazed! I have been using it for the last 10 years, and it has always made a big difference."

For Atopic Dermatitis "After years of having eczema flare ups all over my face and body - I did my Dr's regime - which worked wonders! However still get eczema only around my eye area - so my Dr prescribed me with Protopic. After reading some of the other experiences, I was scared to try it at first due to the burning sensation others had experienced. However I gave it a go after major anxiety - I put a thin layer around my eyes and about 2 hour after my skin felt slightly warm, not warm like a flare up - just felt like I was close to a heater, but it wasn't a horrible sensation and my skin didn't feel hot to the touch. It wasn't painful at all - thank goodness! This sensation lasted about 2 hours and didn't get any worse. I'm now on my 5th day and have not experienced that sensation since the first time and my eczema has disappeared - amazing! Wish I was given this as a teenager, would have saved a lot of upset about my skin around my eyes! Can't get over how quick and well it's healed!"

For Atopic Dermatitis "Probably the best ointment I have ever used. I used to use hydrocortisone, but my doctor took me off it due to the risk of atrophy. All I can say is my face is remarkably different compared to a year ago thanks to Protopic. It's safe to use too. I'm at the 12-month mark now, so I will need to see a dermatologist soon to decide on using it long-term, but I really hope I never have to stop using it!"

For Atopic Dermatitis "Protopic does the job. My intermittent atopic dermatitis affects small areas of my face along the nose, eyebrows, some hairline at eyebrow level, forehead, and patches on both sides of the chin. When redness shows up, a light application of Protopic clears affected areas within 2 to 3 days without fail."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I have used this for a little over 2 months and every time I used it, it made me more itchy. My dermatologist just recommended me to put in fridge for 10 minutes and so far there is no itch, but is more difficult to get out of the tube."

For Atopic Dermatitis "After 5/6 trips to my local GP and getting no where with my skin, it was time to cave in and see a specialist and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. After suffering with eczema and acne all on my face for 2 years now, within 2 days of using this cream it’s cleared up remarkably. Now I can’t lie and I will say the first few times it stings and burns you’re face like anything but the results are insane. This cream really is a miracle and I’m smiling for the first in years as I can finally see progress in my face. Again the only down sides are the price and the agony you’ll go through for the first few uses but I beg you see through it because you will not be disappointed."

For Atopic Dermatitis "My dermatologist prescribed Protopic 0.1% for a psoriasis-related rash on my face. Steroid creams would give noticeable results after one application. The Protopic took about two days before I noticed a significant difference. By the third day, I realized the Protopic was really working well. I am very happy with this medicine. It works better than the steroids without the side effects, and the effect seems to last longer. I can get by with one application every couple of days now. I do notice a little itching when using, but other than that, I have not noticed any side effects."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I started using Protopic on Dec. 1st and alternating it with Desoximetasone per my doctor's orders. At first, the dermatitis cleared up on my hands (that would crack and bleed, and then the skin would get hard and peel off, and once it peeled off, the new skin was very tender and there was a lot of pain. Once I started using Protopic-the condition seemed to clear up 90% but never 100%-well, here it is Feb. 28th, and I have spent the entire week since Sunday in bed. I have every side effect listed-my hands itch like crazy, have a headache (worst I have ever had), my flu-like symptoms are the chills, runny nose (have gone through 2 boxes of Kleenex), sore throat. Hurts to swallow, muscle pains. Absolutely no energy/unusual tiredness."

For Atopic Dermatitis "I'm on Protopic 0.1% for only two days, and it has helped a lot, I think, in a week of daily usage two times per day, my AD will be gone. It has made HUGE improvement already. Only the first time made my skin abnormally itchy, as well as a burning sensation followed, but on my second day, these bad sensations have decreased a lot, only itches a bit. I really am excited about this medication, very grateful to the doctor who prescribed Protopic. I feel really happy at the moment, after years and years of depressed mood and damaged skin."

For Perioral Dermatitis "I was prescribed protopic for mild seborrheic dermatitis only on the left side of my face. When I first used it it didn’t bring redness or burning sensation straightaway. The burning started within 24 hours and it was intense. I felt my face burning for a long time but I persisted using it the next days thinking that the side effects would eventually go away. It brought me almost all the side effects: burning eyes, runny nose, headache the first few days. The redness and burning was after every application every single day. I was feeling my skin really sensitive and warm and was flushing bright red every single day even when I didn’t have it on. (I was using it only nights). I used it for 7 days with intense side effects and I decided to stop it. It decreased the peeling of the scales, but rather than that it made my skin fragile on the areas I applied it. I don’t recommend protopic for those with sensitive skin like me and I will definitely not gonna use it again."

More about Protopic (tacrolimus topical)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: miscellaneous topical agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Protopic drug information
  • Protopic (Tacrolimus 0.03% Ointment)
  • Protopic (Tacrolimus 0.1% Ointment)

Professional resources

  • Protopic prescribing information
  • Tacrolimus (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Atopic Dermatitis