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Generic Name: Retin-A (tretinoin-topical)

Retin-A Reviews

For Acne "Prior to using this cream, I checked reviews. I saw a lot of negatives, people complaining about a face purge. I was highly discouraged. After a while, I said, 'Screw it.' I’ve been struggling with acne for a long time now. I’m a 22-year-old African male, been struggling with acne since I was 11, that is half of my life. I ignored the negatives and decided to give it a shot. Week 1 and 2 were calm. The purge started on week 3, and it was horrible! I couldn’t leave my house, my face was a mess. I was nearly compelled to quit but I persevered. The purge lasted through until week 8. On the 9th week, I noticed fewer breakouts. I’m on my 11th week now, and man, my face is as smooth as a baby’s. I honestly can’t believe this. This is the best my face has been in more than a decade. I'd highly recommend. The purge period is absolutely hectic and discouraging, but do not give up. Stick to it, I promise. Advice: Take pictures to track your progress."

For Acne "I wanted to take the time to write a review in the hopes to give at least one person the self-confidence boost they need to keep going with Retin-A. I've been waiting for the day I get to write my own review. I officially started using Retin-A 0.25 just under 4 months ago today. My first day was 3 weeks before my birthday. I remember contacting my derm in advance with a million questions and mostly the fear of going through THE PURGE during this busy time filled with celebrations, events, etc. I thankfully made the gamble and started! I decided it was always be... I'll start next week, next month. Let's be real, when is there ever a good time for acne?! I can only describe the last 4 months as a rollercoaster. There will be good days. There will be days you hide inside. At some points I thought I was done purging, then it would come back. IT TAKES TIME. Painful cysts too, that do not go away. I would rather have 20 whitehead pimples all over than 1 deep painful cyst on my face! It was the most challenging thing I've gone through. It will test your patience. To the point of tears, and whys me's! At one point I scheduled an emergency derm appt to receive Cortizon injections on 3 cysts that were almost the size of dimes!! I couldn't take it anymore. This was 2.5 months. He sat me down and said it takes 3-4 months for results to be reached and you will hate your derm for that time and gave me the push to continue to go forward. Here's the good news! I am at my 4-month mark, and I have never been more happy. I haven't had a breakout in 1.5 weeks. I don't know the last time I've been able to say that. I can take on the CALI summer and not feel like I'm hiding. My biggest advice is be strong! Tell yourself every day, it's only 4 months of the rest of your life. Get past the 4-5 month mark and it will all be worth it! The past will be a blur! Good luck and you can do it!"

For Photoaging of the Skin "I'm using Retin-A 0.025 gel version of tretinoin. My review is more of an encouragement rather than a full review. My full review will happen after at least a year of usage. Current usage - 2 months. So, you see, within 2 months of usage already deserves an 8 score rating from me. I could easily give it higher, but I'd rather wait for my full review. Now, I have read many of what the users said here and on the internet. It will be best for new users not to pay too much attention to users below 2 months of usage. Because all you hear is pain, breakout, worries, and eventually the key way they use = give up. It's your choice. But please read those who have actually used tretinoin for at least 6 months."

For Photoaging of the Skin "Been using Retin-A for over 10 years, for photoaging and acne. I'm 51 and routinely am told I look like my 33-year-old daughter, and I could be sisters. I'm also a sunscreen fanatic, and I believe that's the key to maintaining your results. This product truly does work. You have to be patient and practice overall good skincare - but this works."

For Photoaging of the Skin "I've been using Retin-A for two months. I was concerned about some mild signs of photoaging of the skin (surface wrinkles, uneven texture), blackheads on my nose, and enlarged pores. Retin-A has done wonders for my skin: its texture is more even, and although the blackheads and enlarged pores aren't completely gone, they've improved considerably. If you have these concerns, I definitely recommend using this product - but you have to be patient."

For Photoaging of the Skin "Definitely recommend Retin-A Tretinoin cream for aging skin, firstly recommend to use low-tretinoin consistency 0.025% and after go deeper with 0.05% and 0.1% creams and gels. My skin became more youthful, without pigmentation, brighter, wrinkles and fine lines became less visible and it's only within the first 2 months of usage, I'm pretty impressed! Thanks okdermo.com! Will use it all my life, would recommend it to everyone who has signs of aging, wrinkles, color fading, discoloration, etc. problems. Angela"

For Acne "I am a 72-year-old woman who has been using Retin-A for thirty-four years. I started using it because I had adult acne at the same time my teenage son had acne. I routinely am mistaken for being twenty years younger than I am. I have very few wrinkles. My skin still has dry patches occasionally but they are short-lived. I have tried to get several people to use it, but they always get discouraged with the redness and peeling in the beginning. This phase does not last forever. Please continue to use it, you will never be sorry."

For Acne "Okay, been on Retin-A since early November. Prescribed by my primary care physician prior to seeing a dermatologist. When I first began, I started using the gel two times a week. Making sure to always wash off in the morning and use sunscreen throughout the day. I was afraid of the purging period which THANK GOD, I never had. It almost felt like the medication wasn't working. I had no burning or stinging sensations, just minor peeling, which was not bad AT ALL. This could be because I am on the lowest dosage (0.025). I upped my usage to three times a week and kept using it despite feeling like anything was working. Fast forward to today, three months later, and my skin is sooooooo smooth. I still have fading dark marks, but they are significantly lighter. I have ZERO ACTIVE ACNE bumps. Smooth skin and very shiny. I am a 25 y/o African American female, and THIS PRODUCT IS GREAT. Patience is KEY!!!!"

For Acne "33 yo/female. I had acne since I was 13 yo. I was diagnosed with PCOS. I took birth control for about 15 years, also Spironolactone. My acne is very persistent and mainly comedonal, especially on my jawline, cheeks, and upper neck. I stopped birth control and was tired of Spironolactone, as taken alone it didn't do much for me. I went on Accutane, which was a horrible experience to clear my acne, only for it to come back just 6 months later. I have been using Retin-A 0.01% for 2.5 months, and I can see a lot of improvement. My skin is still purging as it's really congested, but I can see it's improving gradually and clearing up. It was a real mess in the first 6 weeks. I'm getting less painful acne around my jaw area now, and my skin is much softer, the scars are also fading. I will continue the treatment for the rest of my life, I believe. I highly recommend it to anyone with hormonal acne who doesn't want to take medication."

For Acne "So, about five months ago, I asked my esthetician for some Retin-A (tretinoin) cream, and she gave me the 1% concentration. I had moderate acne when I was younger, but I didn't leave it alone. Haha. I picked at it, and so I have some 'mild' (Or so I'm told - I think it's terrible!) scarring now, even though my acne went away with age. I'm 25 now. Acne went away at about 19. Some are pockmarks, and others just discoloration and a little uneven texture. I jumped straight to everyday use. Expected irritation and redness, but none came. My (sensitive) skin handled it awesomely. Product works great. Skin peels off every morning. Haha. Scars are fading nicely. Pockmarks much less depressed. I get compliments on my skin now!"

For Photoaging of the Skin "Before I started using Retin-A, my face looked dull and tired. I had very sensitive skin, and no cream would help my face look plump and moisturized. I also had some wrinkles becoming more prominent. I felt old and ugly, although I am still young (turning 29). After I started using it, my face was red and sensitive for about 2 weeks, but now my skin has adapted to it, and it does not hurt anymore. I use a low strength for now, but to get to the point, I look awesome, and people are shocked when they hear I am 29. My pores are almost gone, my skin elasticity has improved a lot, my face looks plump and hydrated, and most of all, it helped with my festoons a lot (I had severe festoons under my eyes). This is a cream to die for, and I totally recommend it. There's nothing better out there in my opinion."

For Acne "This medication, Retin-A, has been a life changer for me. I was at an appointment, and I was complaining about hormonal acne flares before my period. My doctor started telling me about what Retin-A had done for her hormonal acne. She has flawless skin! She said, on top of clearing up those breakouts, it would help with the aging I was starting to see. I've been on this for two months now, and wow, the results are amazing! I have zero breakouts, and the fine lines and pores are shrinking. I will leave the house without makeup now. My complexion is glowing and even! My uneven skin and breakouts were a big source of embarrassment for me. I did have peeling, but this was expected. I also had worsening of acne for a few weeks as my skin purged what was already building in the pores. I pushed through, and I am so glad I did. When the dryness flares, I skip a night of Retin-A and use a heavier moisturizer. I also use an oil-free moisturizer every morning."

For Acne "I'm a young woman in my early twenties with moderate acne. If you're just starting Retin-A, STICK WITH IT. I started using Retin-A (0.01%) every night in December of 2013. I was very frustrated because my acne became worse for about 2 months. However, I stuck with it and by July 2014, my acne had noticeably decreased. It is now October 2014, and I've been getting compliments on how great my skin looks! For the first time in years, I don't feel like I have to wear liquid foundation to cover up my acne. If you experience flaking, remember that moisturization is key if you're using Retin-A!"

For Photoaging of the Skin "If you stick it out and are patient with this - the results are incredible. One piece of advice is moisturize!!! A LOT!! The gel is way better than the cream, imo. The gel burns so bad though, whereas the cream didn't. I've been using Retin-A since February, and it's May now, and I have the worst purge I've ever had, but now my skin is flawless. Stick it out. Amazing for tightening pores, clearing acne, and just gives your skin an overall healthy look to it. 10/10, be patient."

For Acne "I have only been using this with Benzaclin for about 2 months, and I can already see an improvement. My pores are smaller, skin is smoother, and my tone is more even. I am 25 and have tried almost everything! I use Benzaclin in the morning and Retin-A at night. For the first month, I noticed 0 improvement, but now I'm starting to see it!"

For Acne "Five years ago, I was prescribed Accutane for my acne. It certainly kept my acne at bay for five years. A few months ago, I started breaking out again and this time the severity was less than it previously was. It was a few small zits and blackheads here and there. I was prescribed Retin-A and it was a Godsend! The first two weeks, I battled with extra oily skin and my face turned beet red. I persevered and by the third week, the redness subsided and my face became acclimatized to it. The acne has definitely gone away as have the blackheads. The plus side is that my face looked smoother in years and whatever residual acne scars and discolorations have softened and looked better and better. Retin-A addressed my acne needs and truly delivered."

For Acne "When I was 5 weeks into using this topical Retin-A, I headed to the internet to figure out why my acne was 5 times WORSE than when I started it. I would honestly just look in the mirror and cry. I picked at all my pimples, and it made it even worse. The purge is real, but if you can make it past it, I promise it’s worth it. Do some research on why the purge happens. I am 10 weeks in, and all that I have on my face is scarring due to the picking, which will go away over time and with the help of other topicals. My advice is to stick with it, do not pick, and trust the process!"

For Acne "If you've come here looking for some hope on whether Retin-A works or not, then your answer is yes! I have been struggling with acne for almost 3 years now. I want to think it's a phase, but who knows. I started Retin-A in February 2015, and it is now May 2015, and my skin looks AMAZING. Trust me, I had that 'purging' phase, and it sucked so bad I didn't even want to go out in public because of how bad my face was. If you feel like it isn't working, give it TIME, time and patience are key when using this product. I went through two purging phases during weeks 3 and 5, but after that, it was pretty much a smooth ride. STICK WITH IT! Give it 3-4 months!"

For Acne "Well, it all hasn't been fun and games when it comes to my acne. I'm a light-skinned African dude of 25, and I have had acne since I was 17. Pretty long time, huh? I know. It all started as some pretty rash that got me obsessed. I've used pretty much everything except surgery; and I never went to a physician for it. All over-the-counter topical application, and I touch my face pretty much all the time. It's not easy when a handsome guy gets his confidence slowly stripped every day for almost a decade. Lol. It got worse this past month (like my pimples joined up X-Men and became mutants!), and I was forced to see a physician. Retin-A to the rescue. Retin-A and Doxycycline capsules. Just two weeks in, and I can tell I've found the cure for acne!"

For Acne "10 MONTH RETIN-A USER: In the beginning of summer 2013, I had the worst breakout ever! My forehead was full of pimples. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went to see my doctor, and he prescribed me Retin-A. It says to apply it every day overnight after washing your face. So I applied it every night, and the first three weeks my acne was okay. By the second month, I had another mild breakout, but by the third month, it began to calm down again. By the fourth month, the skin around my nose started to peel, and it was very itchy. Because of this, I applied alcohol-free/fragrance-free lotion, and my skin got better. By the sixth month, my acne was under control! I only had a couple of pimples here and there. But the product works wonders! It just takes patience!"

For Acne "I've suffered from acne since I was about 12 years old, and I've had to deal with it straight up until college. Over the years, I tried countless acne products, but nothing worked for me, and I became really discouraged. Luckily, I was recently prescribed the Retin-A Cream 0.05% by my dermatologist, and my skin is thriving! My blemishes have cleared up so much, it is mindboggling. I can't tell you how much this cream has helped my skin. It's been like a blessing. When I first started using it, I was skeptical because I didn't see any results, but keep using. Don't become discouraged! It works. If it worked for me, someone who has struggled with acne for half of her life, it will work for you."

For Photoaging of the Skin "37/f here... I have used retinol on and off since I was a teenager and got into my mom's supply. I looked like I got a terrible sunburn the first time I used it on my teenage face. The first few weeks/months are hard, but it helps if you ease into it and only use it every other night or every two nights, or even once a week, then increase the frequency as your skin gets acclimated to it. I am often complemented on my skin and am mistaken for being at least ten years younger than I am. I recently had a baby and used some on my stretch marks and c-section scar, and the stretch marks are practically gone five months later with use only once a week. Retinol has been a godsend for me."

For Acne "Trust me, this stuff works, and I learned the hard way, so PLEASE READ. I started Retin-A for acne in the summer. My skin got red, and I felt like it was just making it worse! So I stopped using it... wrong mistake! I went by to the dermatologist 3 months after, and she advised me to stick through it (I wish she told me this at our first appointment, I had no idea there was something called the “purge”). So fast forward to now, my skin is great!!!! It really does work! It just takes time, and learn from my mistake, you MUST STICK THROUGH THE PURGE!! It will get better. I regret having to start all over again, but my skin has never looked better."

For Acne "Got on retinol because of acne scars. I was hesitant in the beginning because everyone complains about how it makes acne worse before it gets better. My advice to you is to start out slowly and allow your skin to adjust. I started off with using it once a week and gradually moved on to three times, and I have not experienced purging. Also, my skin's pretty smooth and my scars are fading. Another thing, just use Vaseline as a moisturizer-why should you bother your skin with extra chemicals? Also, be wary of doctors who just hand you the retinol with no proper instructions. I researched extensively before buying the product, and to my surprise, the doctor couldn't even advise that only a pea-sized amount is to be used. Patience pays, people :)"

For Acne "I started getting small bumps (not exactly pimples, but should be taken care of immediately, else, it would grow into pimples later) on my forehead and chin areas. It started to spread to my cheeks too. I first started using Retin-A cream. Initially, I had lots of new breakouts, but didn't give up my patience. New breakouts started to fade out on continuous application at only nights after cleansing with Episoft lotion. After a month I started applying Retin-A, my skin texture, pimple marks, and uneven skin tone have improved drastically. The only thing is to use this product only at night after proper cleansing. Initially, this will cause skin peeling and irritation."

More about Retin-A (tretinoin topical)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Support group
  • Drug class: topical acne agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Retin A drug information
  • Retin-A (Tretinoin Cream)
  • Retin-A (Tretinoin Gel)

Other brands

Altreno, Renova, Avita, Tretin-X, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Retin-A prescribing information
  • Tretinoin (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Altreno, Renova, Avita, Atralin, Refissa

Related treatment guides

  • Photoaging of the Skin
  • Lichen Sclerosus
  • Acne
  • Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum