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Generic Name: Ritalin LA (methylphenidate)

Ritalin LA Reviews

For ADHD "At 55 years of age, I am diagnosed with ADHD. It was something I always knew about myself (have BSc Psych). However, historic issues of sexual abuse at school caused issues, depression, and PTSD. I was first given Citalopram and diazepam. I cannot say with certainty it helped a lot. However, once diagnosed with adult ADHD, I was prescribed Ritalin LA. It has been nothing short of a miracle for me. Up early, happier, and getting on with life as best I can. Some minor side effects went away as I continued. Also changed to a decent DECAFF coffee. Caffeinated makes me anxious and cancels the positives. Was easy to do. I see Ritalin LA as a positive for my depression."

For ADHD "This medication is truly life-changing. After 30 minutes of taking the medication, I become a different person. My laziness goes away and I feel so focused to do tasks. I've seen a friend at school go from almost a washout to a hardworking student, and everyone started feeling different about him. Best medication in the world!"

For ADHD "I would love to be able to comment on the prescription that I'm used to getting but unfortunately the entire nation seems to be out of ALL of the name brands and generics including regular strength and extended release or long acting. The nation would like to know when are we going to be able to get our medication cause this point no one has it! I think about the children that need it and those of us they have acute ADHD are suffering because somehow the ball got dropped. I am writing the medicine a 10, that's when we can actually purchase it."

For ADHD "The first 1 month on LA 20mg were horrible. Anxiety and way too focused. I nearly quit taking it but decided to persist. I am very glad I did. I now feel fantastic and not so anxious. I would definitely recommend. I have tried all types of Ritalin and concerta and so far this is the one that works for me the best. It also works great with my Anti-depressant. Double Win :)"

For ADHD "I have been using Ritalin for 5 years, at first it helped me in social situations. Now I use it to concentrate. The 40mg capsule with release holds for 7 hours, only downside is that I loose my appetite for those 7 hours. I went from being an almost dropout in elementary to a high achiever in high school. Now I am in university and ritalin definitely helped me."

For ADHD "I take Ritalin for ADD. I have found that Ritalin LA offers all of the concentration with none of the nasty side effects of the SR form of the pill. The only downside is if your dose is too high, that it doesn't wear off as quickly. Makes for a jittery day. Start low and move up."

For ADHD "Was put on this drug roughly a year ago started at 20mg it litterarally turned my life around It gave me great symptom relief all day with little to no side effects unfortunately after 6 months this medication slowly lost it's effectiveness I am now on 80mg a day and only get roughly 2-3 hour symptom relief which is dissapointing but expected due to tolerance so I will be changing medication soon. But I have to say while it worked ritalin la was the best medication i have been on yet with very little side effects.."

For ADHD "Worked great from day one. Unfortunately, it does not come in a generic form, so it can be very expensive. My doctor recently switched me to Methylin ER since it comes in a generic form and is much more affordable. Sometimes I can't even tell I have taken the Methylin ER, the performance is so substandard to the Ritalin LA. I am starting to think a normal life might just be worth the extra $60 a month my insurance doesn't cover on the Ritalin LA."

For ADHD "I've been taking this drug for almost a year now and I find it to be extremely helpful. I only wish I had been taking this medication since middle school. I feel no side effects and it has really helped me focus on my day to day tasks. "

For ADHD "Trialled Ritalin dosages of 10/20/30mg LA over the course of 4-5 months after trying various doses of IR. Preferred that it was less extreme than IR in terms of ups & downs and increased energy but sadly, it negatively impacted sleep, heart rate, anxiety and worst of all, I had less tolerance for people and conversation. Would only take this as a last resort as the cons outweighed the pros but appreciate everyone has different chemistry."

"I have been taking the long acting Methylphenidate for about five years now with great results for my Treatment-resistant depression! Nothing I mean nothing helped in the past! I've had ECT and every treatment possible. The regular Ritalin caused me severe ups and downs, but the long-acting was just a steady control"

For ADHD "I am a woman in my early 40s and I take Ritalin LA for ADHD. I had no idea I was so over-stimulated all the time before I started taking it; now that there isn't overwhelming sensory "noise" all the time, anxiety is much decreased and overall mood has improved dramatically. Sleep quality is also higher (I am more likely to fall asleep faster AND sleep through the night). People close to me say I seem like a different (more mellow and relaxed) person. The LA formulation keeps me from having to remember to take it multiple times per day, which helps with adherence. Vitamin C seems to flush it from my system, so I always wait an hour or more after taking daily supplements before taking it. I didn't know until some time after starting this medication, but I am also autistic. Apparently, this co-morbidity is common."

For ADHD "The day I took ritalin LA I could channel all I needed to do within a day. I felt extremely happy and open minded. Socially my anxiety was cured and my energy focused to what was most important to me. It is good to take it daily and withdrawing dosages for a while to achieve the same dopamine release/ combat tolerance."

For ADHD "I found out about 5 years ago I had a sleeping disorder. I would fall asleep driven seating at Red lights and even at work. I never wanted to do anything but sleep. But now my Dr. Has me on Methylphenidate er 24 hr 40mg. Once a day and also ritilin 20mgs once a day. And now I can drive and work and not be scared to fall asleep. So now I can get on with my life and do things with my wife and sons and not want to sleep. It has changed my life for the best."

For ADHD "Thinking that there has been a misdiagnosis as Ritalin had the opposite to that promised. Violence, aggressive tendencies and amplified mood swings, far worse than before. When not screetching, behaviour was "loopy", super-happy and still unfocused. Ceased 4 weeks into a 6 week trial - by necessity."

For ADHD "I like to take this medication because it gives me the energy to do what I have to. I am unable to walk without a walker. Doctors haven't found the cause. I have tried opiates and they only work for a short time. Now I found that for unknown reasons this medication makes me feel so much better. For whatever reasons it just works for me. I tried the dissolving pills and now I was able to get the Ritalin LA."

For ADHD "Have had a horrible experience with this med. I did well with Vyvanse except I notice when on it it gives me bad acne, switched to Ritalin LA in hopes the acne would lessen. Started out on 20mg, increased to 40mg. I have felt terrible since starting it, even with increasing the med too. Have had exhaustion, so unmotivated, muscle aches, always feel so off, like I’m off balance, don’t want to talk to anyone or go anywhere, have had a raging appetite and feel like it’s just sucked the life out of me, and an obsession of face picking. All of it is so unlike me even when I would go off my Vyvanse I was never like this. I have talked to my Dr and he agrees to go back on the Vyvanse. I’d rather deal with the acne then feel like this."

For ADHD "Ritalin excellent medication boost ability to focus (minus out thoughts which bounce off each other at 0-60 second speeds) Quite calming."

For ADHD "I have tried it for 2 months one day I took it I couldn't feel anything (like helping me concentrate) all of what I just felt was the side effects"

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  • Drug class: CNS stimulants
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  • Methylphenidate (AHFS Monograph)

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  • ADHD