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Generic Name: Rituxan (rituximab)

Rituxan Reviews

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have had 2 infusions of Rituxan for rheumatoid arthritis. Within 4 days of the first infusion, I was beginning to feel better. I am 5 days out from my second infusion, and I can already move with little or no pain for the first time in over a year. For me, it's been a lifesaver."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "After failing all other RA treatments, I was high-dose steroid dependent and running out of options. I'll admit, the PML risk had scared me off from trying Rituxan sooner, however, the increasing (and very real) risk of becoming non-functional scared me more. I began infusions about 4 years ago. While most patients receive concomitant methotrexate therapy, I do not, due to liver damage from previous methotrexate use. Rituxan has improved my quality of life physically, mentally, emotionally. My advanced RA will never allow me to live 'normally', but I am the best me I can be with this treatment. Side effects are minimal for me, nausea for a few days after each infusion. That's my story!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Rituxan has completely changed my life for the better. I was in a clinical trial and tried several other medications with some success, but my symptoms eventually returned. After four sessions of Rituxan over a two-year period, I stopped seeing my RA doctor because I had no symptoms. I am now going into my 4th year without pain. I am playing softball, tennis, and golf without any pain. I highly recommend this drug to anyone dealing with RA."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "In mid-December of 2018, I had my first infusion after others like Orencia no longer worked. I was scared of this drug because of the noted side effects. I had no pain in my joints after my first infusion. A day later, I had a lot of energy and did not get tired like before. I went 2 weeks later for the second infusion and continue to feel no pain. No side effects so far. Finally got off steroids. I did feel very tired last night, a first. Perhaps it was because I was really tired. Woke up this morning feeling well-rested and no pain. I hope this is a sign of things to come."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "This is the first day I've had ZERO pain in 6 years. I tried Enbrel - good but not strong enough after 2 years. Humira - allergic. I just finished my second infusion from Rituxan. And I am cautiously happy. Absolutely no pain anywhere."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Entering the 7th hour of the process during my 1st infusion; I experienced annoying itching deep within my ears, back of throat, head and face. Shortly after the 'push', increasing the drip, I broke out into hives on my face, head and neck with red welts ironically appearing in the areas where I had historically given myself the Enbrel injections...front of both thighs and stomach. Enbrel had stopped its effectiveness after almost 2 years and it had been almost 1 month from my last injection prior to the infusion. My doctor made the decision to discontinue the infusion fearing that my allergic reaction may cause anaphylaxis."

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "After the first round of chemo with Rituxan, my lymphoma lump was completely gone to the touch. Yes, I did have a mild reaction the first time Rituxan was administered, but it was easily resolved with a little Benadryl and a slow down of the Rituxan drip. I did not have any allergic reaction of the subsequent two rounds of chemo. After only three rounds of chemo, I had another PET/CT scan and was deemed in total remission. Almost a year later and still no return of the lymphoma, and I feel great. It is amazing what medical science can do today to treat and cure people of cancer."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I'm sensitive & allergic to more meds than not. I was diagnosed with RA 10 years ago at 35 years old. We tried everything, and decided on Rituxan, which scared me, but I'm so grateful I tried it! The first one was very uncomfortable. I can't take any steroids (very allergic), so I rely on Benadryl IV. I had a mild reaction toward the end and felt bad for days. Two weeks later, same thing happened. I thought, I'm not doing this if I'm going to feel rubbish for two weeks. Almost exactly four months later, I started feeling all the fun stuff that had gone with RA. I had forgotten how I typically felt. It worked very quickly for me and has only gotten better. I went to my doctor, she said, 'you're a four-month person.' Personally, Rituxan was the starting point of a complete life shift. I felt better, which gave me energy, allowing me to slowly start going to the gym, which goes hand in hand with eating clean. It has been a life-changing medication for me."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had my first round 6 months ago, sitting here starting my 2nd round as we speak. No side effects, and even though my joints are still swollen, I feel so much better. My doctor is hopeful that this round will help with the inflammation. I'll get my 2nd dose with this round in 2 weeks!! I'm hopeful and thankful."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I was diagnosed with CLL in October 2005. I began Rituxan in May 2012 once the lymph nodes began to enlarge and my counts were doubling. Initially, I was infused once per week for a month. I have continued with this infusion but moved to a monthly visit. It is now July 2013, and my numbers have dropped significantly. My doctor has moved to a maintenance program, with an infusion every other month. I have never had any side effects from the infusions, and the doctor is pleased that I've not required chemotherapy medicines added to get the same results. Prior to each infusion, I take two 25mg Benadryl and a Tylenol. Perhaps these medications beforehand have aided me. I have no complaints!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had my first infusion with no problems during administration, but two weeks after, I had to go to the E.R. with a heart arrhythmia and had to have my heart shocked back into normal rhythm. Two days later, I had my second infusion with no problems during administration. Two weeks later, the same thing...back to the E.R....heart shocked back into rhythm. My heart rate was stuck at 150 bpm. I had to be put in the hospital for four days to be given an anti-arrhythmic drug that can also cause a fatal arrhythmia. So I would be cautious if you have any type of heart problem prior to taking Rituxan. I will not ever take it again."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I’ve been on Rituxan infusions two to three times a year for 10 years. My RA symptoms are virtually non-existent. Don’t want to change meds/therapies. Tried Enbrel with methotrexate, Remicade with methotrexate. None of the above gave me relief until Rituxan!"

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "Extremely important medicine for me with Lymphoma low grade stage 1 under my right eyelid. Very rare location for lymphoma. The first time I did 4 sessions with Rituxan in Jun/2010 and now March/2011 the second time. The pictures show my eyes before and after and big difference this medicine made. Thanks doctors and nurses for brilliant work. Itchy was my first side effect and second time no side effects at all. Highly recommended."

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "In 2009, after 6 rounds of R-CHOP chemo, then BCNU chemo in the hospital, and a bone marrow transplant, I had 3 years of remission. In Oct. 2012, I was rediagnosed out of remission and started on 6 rounds of bendamustine and Rituxan. The 6th month was skipped due to a low WBC of 2.4. I will continue on Rituxan for maintenance. I began my journey at stage 4E. I was rediagnosed after a fall in May and was back to stage 4 by October 2012, so the combination of bendamustine and Rituxan has done good. I will receive Rituxan every 3 months or sooner as a precautionary measure."

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "Just finished my sixth round of chemo treatment. I had Follicular B-cell Lymphoma. One on my right shoulder, one on my neck, and two on my chest. After the fourth round and a PET scan, the doctor diagnosed me as being in 100% remission. I will do more research on the Rituxan maintenance program recommended by my oncologist. I had a reaction to the Rituxan during my first treatment, but did not have any other problems with the medicine. Highly recommended."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have rheumatoid arthritis for the last 26 years, tried numerous drugs for it: methotrexate, hydrochloride, gold injections, Enbrel, but had really bad side effects. Then, the consultant put me on Rituximab 10 years ago. I feel much better, have less joint pain. I get itchy skin, especially after a shower, have to take an antihistamine tablet sometimes, headaches, but I cope with all that. It’s worth it. I am thankful for that drug, it really does help."

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "I had Rituximab treatment over four weeks for a lymphoma on my newly (three months) transplanted kidney. The result was total remission, which truly amazed me. It's almost three years now, and I often think about what situation I'd be in if it hadn't been detected purely by chance."

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "After 6 rounds of chemo (2 drugs, 2 days - Bendamustine & Rituximab), I had Stage 3 B-cell lymphoma, I am cancer-free. My oncologist wants me to do a maintenance program of the Rituximab every 2 months for 2 years. Is the maintenance necessary?"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Did not finish first treatment, had scratchy throat reaction. I was there about 4 1/2 hours, getting the medicine for about 50 minutes. I think I could have tolerated it longer, but they quit. What I really don't understand is why this has to be such a massive expensive procedure. I could feel the achiness dissipating in the 50 minutes. Why isn't there a shorter simpler method/option? I would be willing to continue if it were given, say once a month, in a smaller dose and simpler less expensive procedure. probably causing less reaction. Why? Why? Why?"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I used it very successfully following Mabthera and was in remission for 2 years after my last treatment. I then had a big flare-up and have had the two infusions but still suffering with pain. Hoping the Rituxan will kick in soon. It's been 9 weeks since the first infusion. If it works like before, it's fantastic as it lasts a long time, and I didn't really have any side effects. Just wish it wasn't so expensive as insurance doesn't cover me, so it's a huge expense."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Rituxan has definitely helped my RA. I have had many side effects. Developed Specific Antibody Deficiency from taking Rituxan. I react to it if it's given too fast; itchy throat, cough, itchy face, red face. I always feel sort of 'flu-like' for several days after my infusion. Once I am past all the side effects, it really does make me feel better."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I have gone through three rounds of Rituxan for auto-immune hemolytic anemia triggered by early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Each time, I have had initial reactions with the first dose. My throat and ears get itchy, and my throat starts to swell. They give me IV Benadryl and have administered Decadron, slowed down the infusion, and I have done okay. It is a very gradual improvement in my hemoglobin. So slow that I'm not sure it is working, but my doctors believe it is. The only alternative is prednisone, which makes me completely hyper and unable to sleep. Rituxan is the better alternative. Unfortunately, it is not stopping my AIHA, just keeping my hemoglobin up. It is extremely expensive though."

For Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma "This is my second round with Rituxan (3 and 1/2 years ago and now). Two years ago, I had Bexxar. The first infusion helped shrink the nodes and spleen but only by 1/2. The Bexxar brought them to normal size. I'm trying Rituxan again because two nodes popped up 2 and 1/2 years after the Bexxar. It is hoped that the Rituxan will operate as maintenance to remission. If so, the two enlarged nodes will be radiated to keep growth in check."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am diagnosed with both RA and LUPUS and am taking medication for 7+ years (two infusions every 4 months). Medication avoided any visible joint deformations and keeps joint swelling in control. On the LUPUS side, since Rituxan, my organs are very thankful and autoimmune is not able to do any significant damage to any of the organs ... and how I know it ... I was pretty sick for years before Rituxan. Nothing is free though, there are a few side effects which I am able to deal with easily, but as I age and the longer I take this medication, fatigue lasts longer and longer after each infusion. I simply stay in bed longer. I plan on taking the Rituxan as long as my body can deal with the fatigue."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had the 2 doses, and it didn't work at all for me. It's been 3 weeks since the last one and no improvement at all. I'm really sad, I was hoping for relief. My fingers, toes, shoulders, knees and ankles are all still a mess."

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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: antirheumatics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Rituxan drug information

Other brands

Truxima, Ruxience, Riabni

Professional resources

  • Rituxan prescribing information
  • Rituximab (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Truxima, Ruxience, Riabni

Related treatment guides

  • Follicular Lymphoma
  • Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
  • Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia