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Generic Name: Rocklatan (latanoprost-netarsudil-ophthalmic)

Rocklatan Reviews

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Per my doctor's suggestion, I started using Rocklatan from March 10 through June 12. Had a terrible impact on my eye-redness, tears, bloodshot eye, and pressure reached as high as 35 and 28 in the left and right eye. My doctor performed a laser in my left eye, but the pressure did not drop as much. When asked, the doctor agreed that the Rocklatan drop is not found to be effective for many patients, and I am one of them. So I went back to using XALATAN, and my pressure is gradually dropping, but much damage is done by the Rocklatan. It is also a tier 3 category for insurance reimbursement, thus, I paid $353 for one month's supply. Do not use Rocklatan just because the drug company and medical professionals are advocating for this eye drop."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "1 drop per eye, along with 2 drops Combigan; which I previously used exclusively. Been using Rocklatan for 3 weeks. Super red eyes the first 3 days; very noticeable and people were commenting. Rocklatan is also irritating my eyes. The side effects are huge for me. Next appointment is 2 weeks away; we’ll see if Rocklatan has helped lower pressure. Too many side effects... I want out!"

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I used Rocklatan one night. The next day, my eyes were completely red. Eyelids swollen, so I couldn't see. I did not use it again. Day 3, I still can't see. Eyes aren't as red. I went back to what I was using. May have to have surgery to correct the glaucoma."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "This medication caused my eyes to be red and dry from day one. After 5 weeks my eyes became not only red but unbearably itchy and swollen. I stopped putting the single drop per night as prescribed. My eyes are still red, itchy and swollen a week after I've stopped using Rocklatan. My optometrist said he will prescribe a different eye drop that has a lower rate of side affects once these side affects are gone."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Have been using Rocklatan for 3 weeks for glaucoma and have had minor red eyes. Tomorrow I will see Dr to determine effectiveness/ Saw Dr and this drug works for me. Lowered pressure by 3 points with only red eye side effects."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I took Rocklatan for 3 weeks then saw my eye Dr. My pressure was lower by 3 or 4 points. So we thought it was going to work. Then when I had been using the drop for 5 weeks my eyes were so dry, red & itchy I had to start using lubricating drops 2-3 times a day after another week I called my Dr & he took me off Rocklatan. I had been using Latanoprost & timolol for a couple years already, with no side effects. After being off Rocklatan for a week, my eyes are still Dry & itchy & still red."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I began Rocklatan in the Fall of 2019 to lower eye my pressures because the laser surgery was starting to wear off after 2 yrs. Initially I did have severe redness after the first instillation, but it resolved dramatically by the following morning and never had it again. It must be kept in the refrigerator, and the coolness of the drop is actually refreshing! My pressures dropped from 23 & 24 down to 14 & 15 and have remained at those readings. It is an expensive drug, but I am fortunate to only pay $125 for a 90-day supply via my insurance's mail order pharmacy. No side effects at all."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I experienced glaucoma open angle in both of my eyes- red eyes, burning, watering, very extreme itchiness of the eye lashes, eye lids and tear ducts, a feeling something was crawling in my eyes and in my tear ducts. I'd get a gritty feeling like a speck of sand was in my eye. My nasal area by my tear duct itched. My skin felt very sensitive when water would touch my eye area and forehead area. I could not apply any kind of cream on my eye area without it becoming irritated, eye pain at times. My reaction started about about two months after I started using Rocklatan. My doctor just recently took me off of Rocklatan and slowly things are improving. My eye pressure did drop using Rocklatan when taken with another drop, I just happened to have an allergy reaction to Rocklatan."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "After about 6 weeks bloodshot eyes followed by unbearable itching and finally puffy bags under eyes drooping to cheeks. Horrible I stopped immediately. I had perfect skin before I look terrible now. Will these bags go away? Wish I could attach a picture."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "As a severely myopic patient, I been treated successfully for Ocular Hypertension with Latanoprost and subsequently Biamatoprost. My Dr. relocated & another Dr. in his practice took over my care. To my surprise, the new Dr. said I had Glaucoma. I was put on Rocklatan, a drug my insurance co. will not pay for after they denied my prior authorization request. Go figure! Although it reduced my IOPs by 30%, the side effects have been horrible ...burning/stinging/dry eyes, headaches, eye pain, mild heart palpitations, light sensitivity, swollen upper eye lids and decreased visual acuity. I am miserable! I just called my new Dr. to get off this miserable drug. I can not live like this and after 35 days of use, you would think any accommodation to the drugs side effects would have occurred by now."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Terrible side effects: loss of visual acuity (distance), itchy red eyes, swollen eye lids, headaches, eye pain, mild heart palpitations, extreme dry eye, and burning eyes upon drop insertion. Getting off it!"

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I have been on Rocklatan for several months now. It has been a horrible experience for me. My pressure dropped in my right eye from 19 to 16 this last time and my Dr. was pleased with that but this medication has been unbearable many many times. Bloodshot watering and irritation. I was on combigan 2 times daily and lumigan at night. My Dr wanted my pressure down in my right eye due to some previous damage. He said about a month ago I could go back to the lumigan but I’ve been trying to tough it out. I can’t take this medication anymore. Way to many side effects. I will be calling him tomorrow to go back to or on to something else’s."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I tried Rhopressa, and had bloodshot eyes, with a bleed on the right eye. Just tried Rocklatan last night. Extreme bloodshot eyes all day, dry eyes, and blurry vision! Pressure increased from 15 (after SLT surgery) to 30 (after retinal detachment surgery, sub-retinal fluid complication, and having to use Prednisolone and Prolensa). I've tried all classes of glaucoma drops, and had negative reactions to all except for Prostaglandin Analogs."

For Intraocular Hypertension "Used it about 3 weeks. Lowered my intraocular pressure from 30 to 15. After 3 weeks I suddenly had difficulty breathing. My throat felt very irritated. This was the only change in my life. I stopped it and started feeling better ."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I've been using Rocklatan for almost 2 years. It has lowered my pressures about 4 to 5 points to the 11 to 12 range. Prior to adding Rocklatant to my other eye drops, my pressures were in the 15 to 16 range, which in my case was too high. My primary side effect of using it is red eyes. Cost is also high but more insurance companies are covering it."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Previously used latanoprost and IOP was about 10mm Hg late at night and in the morning when I woke up. However, started checking IOP during the day and found significant increase of IOP in late morning through afternoon. Sometimes the IOP increased to as high as 21, but usually 16. With Rocklatan my IOP did not increase during the day. Average was about 11mm Hg with one reading of 16 during a two week period. I have noticed more eye color effect than with Latanoprost. No problem with redness so far."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Rocklatan is a superstar. I used Latanoprost (Xalatan), Travoprost (Travatan Z), and Latanoprostene bunod (Vyzulta) for nearly a year and couldn't get my eye pressure to drop much. Then I started using Rocklatan and it has dropped considerably with no side effects."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "I stopped Rocklatan made my vision a lot worse even after a week my vision hasn't come back"

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Rocklatan dropped my eye pressure from 21 to 15, But I had an severe allergic reactions. My doctor told me to stop it, and after 10 days all symptoms gone."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Was using Combigan morning & night + Travatan at night, 1 drop each. I was switched to Rocklatan. Dr. saw improvement. I had no side effects."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Using Rocklatan for 2 weeks. Extreme tearing, redness, blurry vision and inflammation in left eye. Only redness in right eye. Pressure reduced greatly but still Dr took me off and back on travatan"

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "Over 18 months my pressure has been dropping from 19 to most recent of 13 both eyes. Blood shot and tearing is not ideal but result is impressive. Using Clear Eye drops help with side effects."

For Glaucoma, Open Angle "The medication decreases blood sugar in the middle of the night. Pretty severe adverse effect."

More about Rocklatan (latanoprost / netarsudil ophthalmic)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: ophthalmic glaucoma agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Rocklatan drug information
  • Rocklatan (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Rocklatan Eye Drops prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Glaucoma, Open Angle
  • Intraocular Hypertension