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Generic Name: Rogaine (minoxidil-topical)

Rogaine Reviews

For Alopecia "I bought a 3-month supply and used it as directed. I got a buzz cut before I started applying Rogaine so all my new hair could grow with the old hair. After 6 months, my hair was fuller, thicker, and my bald spot was filled in with my own, new hair. I felt like a new man. Then, I stopped using Rogaine because I had new hair growth and was satisfied, and within a few months, all my new hair (and then some) fell out in the shower, combing, and brushing my hair, and regular daily activities. Now, I've decided to lose my hair with grace. Rogaine WORKS, but DON'T STOP USING IT OR YOUR HAIR WILL FALL OUT!"

For Alopecia "I’m a woman. 26 years of age. I had very minor shedding, my doctor recommended me to try minoxidil. I did use it, and ever since I used it, all my hair fell out. It went from something very unnoticeable to me paying thousands of dollars trying to get my hair back. Minoxidil destroyed my hair. The doctor said to give it time, it will work. I gave it one year, and my hair is completely ruined."

For Alopecia "This will work if you are patient. I kept on losing my hair until I tried Rogaine. It was the only thing that saved me from losing most of my hair. I was hesitant to use this at first and did not see signs of regrowth until 7 months. I kept on using this product and all my hair grew back in. I can only suggest you try this, I know how hard it is to look in the mirror every day and see more and more hair loss. Using Rogaine brought not only back my hair but my self-confidence."

For Alopecia "When I would go to the beach, the top of my scalp got sunburned, and my hair just felt thinner overall when I washed it. When I would get a haircut, and the barber would wet my hair, you could clearly see my scalp. I became extremely self-conscious. I heard about 5% Rogaine and saw a generic brand (Kirkland) advertised, so I decided to make the commitment and order a 6-month supply of the liquid formula. I've had no side effects. I am happy to report that ALL of my hair is growing back after 4 1/2 months of being on it. My hair is feeling and looking thick like it did years ago. I have a ton of new hair across my hairline in the front where it was thin and receding and at the crown. I'm actually shocked at how much hair in 4.5 months has grown in. I use it faithfully morning and night, and in the 4 1/2 months, I have not missed a day. I can't wait to see the results in 12 months. I know that everyone is different, but this has made an enormous difference in the way my hair looks and feels."

For Alopecia "Was prescribed minoxidil in my early 20s, used it for a couple of years. Did not seem to do much. As soon as I stopped it, which was due to heart palpitations (side effects), I started shedding heavily. Rogaine made me lose my hair faster than I otherwise would have. I'd say never start on this, cause if you stop (and it's likely you will), your hair will become dependent on this drug and fall out rapidly. It's created a diffuse pattern of thinning, so bad the doctor says nothing can be done now."

For Alopecia "I had slight thinning of my hair, nothing serious. The dermatologist suggested I try Rogaine. Big mistake. The places I put Rogaine kept on getting worse and worse. It made the shedding worse and created bald spots. I knew to expect some extra shedding in the beginning but never to the extent it is now. It ruined my hair and I’m scared I’ll never get it back. Please only use if it is a last resort."

For Alopecia "I do not recommend this product to use for a thinning widow's peak. I reckon the stuff actually gave me alopecia, and I know this for a fact because all the areas I started using Rogaine on are now the spots where I have big bald patches. I sought Rogaine to help save my hair, and instead, it has destroyed it. I may never get my follicles back again."

For Alopecia "I am yet to find out why my hair started falling out, but fall out it did, bit by bit until I was bald. I am 72 and originally had a full head of near shoulder-length fair/blondish hair (coloured by a hairdresser). I have used Rogaine every day at 12 noon for 3 months and Novasone every night at 6 PM. I now have a full head of hair half an inch long, some dark and the rest grey, but it's still hair. I wear a wig when I go out. I will never get it coloured again, but I would like to know if there's anyone out there with the same problem. If I stop the Rogaine and use it every 2nd or 3rd day, will I go bald again? It is expensive for pensioners, and if you know of an alternative, I would really appreciate hearing from you. How you use it and your results. Thank you to those of you that read this and have any ideas for me."

For Alopecia "What a nightmare this has been for me. After 3 months of using rogaine, my desire to have sex has gradually dissappeared. It has been 2 months since I stopped it and nothing has changed. This side effect is not even listed as a possible reaction. And how long has this been on the market? I simply cannot believe that this poison has not been removed from the market or asexuality mentioned as a possible outcome of this. I have no idea when I will recover and if I will recover. I'm seeing a dermatologist soon. I hope he doesn't simply tell me that this is all in my head or not related to rogaine because he will not like my reaction. I am terrified...I don't know what to do about this. I plan on contacting lawyer about this"

For Alopecia "I have been using Rogaine foam for 4 months. It is unbelievable how much this stuff has worked for me. It took 4 months to really be able to tell. I use it twice a day. I had thin hair all over and have applied it all over my scalp, and in most places, it is now a little bit thicker. I wear my hat less. Slowly gaining confidence back, I'm excited every day when I wake up to see a fuller head of hair rather than cringing at the mirror first thing in the morning."

For Alopecia "Has anyone experienced the growth of facial hair? I have been using Rogaine for almost 2 months now. The hair loss has improved a little (I am still losing it but less than before). I know it's a slow process, and I am willing to continue, but after about 1 month, I have noticed some hair growth on my cheekbones, temples, and chin! I am a female in my mid-sixties."

For Alopecia "Ok, so Rogaine gets a lot of hate because people claim that it increases hair loss. Which, yes, it does! However, the shedding early on is a normal part of the hair strengthening process, and it will regrow, likely as stronger and thicker hair. But you have to be patient with it. Don't give up after a couple of months because it feels like you've lost hair. It takes time, and many people quit at the first sign of hair shedding. For androgenetic alopecia, it can be very helpful. Granted, not as beneficial as finasteride or other topical agents (in conjunction, very useful). However, it will almost certainly result in some growth as long as you have living follicles. Derma rolling can help increase the absorption and, therefore, increase results from Rogaine. I noticed new hair growth in the first two months. They started out small, but over time, they grew darker, thicker, and longer. It works! But you must keep using it for results, or the hairs will fall."

For Alopecia "I noticed after I had finished my chemo and got rid of my hep C type 6c. I started seeing lots of hair on the bathroom floor after blow-drying. It was coming out in droves, mainly from the front and sides. This was in 2012, September. My hairline was receding, I started getting bald spots in the front and sides. I also noticed that my hair was very weak. I started using Rogaine in 2012 after seeing an advertisement about Rogaine for men. I was 63 at the time. Before my chemo, I had lots of hair. When I picked up the box, I read on the box that it will not grow hair on the frontal lobe. I said to myself this will work, the same way I said about my chemo. Well, it did work on the front and sides. It also made my hair stronger too."

For Alopecia "I used it for 8 years, and I still kept losing hair. If it is good, why are there so many movie stars that are bald? For those that it does not grow hair for, will be told you are one of those 20% that does not work."

For Alopecia "I bought a 3-month supply of minoxidil, which is a mistake. Should have tried 1 bottle. I kept shedding hair whenever I applied it. My hand would be covered with hair, this was too scary, so I stopped it. It's okay if I lost the money, but not my hair."

For Alopecia "I started treatment 6 months ago and have been rubbing this on my head twice daily. I have new hair growing on the top of my head and it is noticeable although it is very thin (partly because I'm blond). As for the front right and left, I can see white peach fuzz. Overall for me, and I stress me, the cost vs. results are unbalanced. I would recommend for others, as it does work but takes a long time and is costly."

For Alopecia "Always had very fine, fair hair, started to thin in late thirties, became quite noticeable in early sixties. Doctor suggested Rogaine for women, once a day foam. Within 3 months had noticeable improvement, new fine hair covered bare spot in front. No side effects, no itching. Good product and reasonable cost."

"I used this for one month, and I was devastated when the medicine left me shedding much, much more hair than I had before. People told me to stick it out because that's what it's supposed to do. I'm terrified to lose more hair since my hair is already so thin, so I stopped using it. No one warned me it could get this bad."

For Alopecia "I have been using Rogaine for almost a year now for my stress-related hair loss, and it took a while to get any results. I didn't see much until the fourth month, and at that time it was little fuzzy baby hairs along the hairline. Now, at 11 months, my hair has grown about an inch. It's a slow process, but you will see results. My problem is the price. It's cheaper to get it at the store than online, but you have to be vigilant and look around for the lowest price (time-consuming)."

For Alopecia "I used Rogaine religiously for 2.5 years. Huge mistake. My hair was falling out in the front, but it wasn’t severe. The area where I applied it somewhat stopped falling out, but in its place grew short, fuzzy hair that was significantly thinner than the rest of my hair. I stopped using Rogaine. All the new hair fell off, and now, after 2 years since using, I have little hairs that won’t grow any longer than two inches and are noticeably thinner than the areas where I didn’t apply it. It ruined my hair! I’m a 47 y/o woman."

For Alopecia "Did not work well in the spots where I rubbed, but noticed extra rapid growth of facial hair, nose hair, eyebrows, and ear hair. A few unpigmented hairs grew on the hairline where it was one full, but they were not very strong or healthy."

For Alopecia "Yes, Rogaine might make hair thinner faster, it might thin the hairline, it might addict otherwise healthy follicles. For me, it caused more hair loss in 7 months than in the last 20 years. I'm a 50-year-old man who had 80-90% of the hair I had in my 20s. I had very slight thinning/recession and used it as a preventative measure vs. seeking regrowth, big mistake. It shed my hairline and thickness through the sides of my scalp. Everywhere I applied it. I got the shed but no regrowth. I quit after 7 months of use and continued to shed for the next 12 months. I do believe Rogaine works for some (likely younger), but yes, it can also do damage if you are a non-responder to the medication. Do your research. It should not be sold over the counter if it has the potential to do the opposite of what it promises. The biggest lie out there: 'only the hair regrown by Rogaine will fall out after you stop using it.' It did a lot of damage to my existing hair, and I know now it will never recover."

For Alopecia "I started Rogaine and Propecia about a year ago. I apply Rogaine 2x a day, morning and night. I have noticed thickening of my hair, and I do have a 6-month before and after picture my dermatologist took. She said I am her 'poster child' for this treatment... we were both very excited! I have absolutely no noticeable side effects from either medication. Sex drive is the same as it was before medication. I also use Regenpure DR, NT, and conditioner. I wash my hair once daily as it is needed because the Rogaine foam creates a stiffness of my hair (like gel would if applied), and I have a problem with dandruff. My dermatologist prescribed me triamcinolone acetonide lotion to help with itchiness, which I apply with a Q-tip."

For Alopecia "After a few months I definitely had hair growth. I put it on in the bald spots. Guess what? The bald spots grow courser, nasty, tough to style, thick, curly hair. Now the sides of my face have that nasty hair, along with the crown line. I'm going to stop using it. I would rather have sending hair then clown hair"

For Alopecia "I used a little more than recommended to cover all thinning areas. Maybe 75% of the cap each time. For the first few weeks, there was shedding and then growth of hair throughout the scalp (crown and most of the top scalp) at month 3 to 4 of usage, but at the same time (month 3 to 4 of usage), I experienced extremely low libido. I have completely stopped the medication for 3 weeks now, and I think I am recovering. Thanks."

More about Rogaine (minoxidil topical)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: miscellaneous topical agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Rogaine drug information

Other brands

Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women, Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men

Professional resources

  • Minoxidil (Topical) monograph

Other brands

Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women, Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men

Other formulations

  • Rogaine For Men Extra Strength
  • Women's Rogaine

Related treatment guides

  • Alopecia