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Generic Name: Rybelsus (semaglutide)

Rybelsus Reviews

"I wanted to write this early in the process of taking this medication because I know how it feels to be scared to take this tablet. I’m on it for weight loss in the UK cost £139. I read a tip to take it early in the morning, I usually take it between 4 am-6 am. I started taking it 2 days ago. The first day I felt fine with no side effects, the second day I was feeling a bit nauseous but it was manageable. Today my appetite has decreased already and I only want small amounts to eat, the thought of a large meal makes me feel ill. I’m intrigued to know if this will stay or go. If it lasts I will be one of the lucky ones. I weigh about 268 lbs so I will come back in two weeks and let you know. I hope the side effects don’t ramp up each day I take it. We will see."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "This med Rybelsus is awesome. It has helped me bring my A1C down to 5.1 from a high of 9.7. I first started with the 3mg and am now on the 14mg. Been on this med since March and while I did experience some nausea and mild upset stomach, it went away after about a week. It has also helped me lose 50 lbs as well. I also take it with metformin. I should be the poster child for this drug... even though I'm 50."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started taking Rybelsus at the beginning of August for weight loss. The biggest con for me is that it causes constipation and then usually diarrhea when I finally do go to the restroom. I have only had issues with nausea when I try to eat past the point of being comfortable. It is also important to try to eat something within an hour of taking the medication. When I first started on the medicine, I could only eat a few bites of food and then would feel extremely full and bloated and would have to stop. Now, it is 4 full months later, and I am on the 14mg, and I can continue to eat beyond a few bites without feeling miserable, but I try to stop as soon as I am full. I have, so far, lost 30 lbs with no exercise and have gone from a size 12/14 to a size 6/8. Diabetes does run in my family, so I am hoping continued use of this drug may help prevent the development of diabetes in the future."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "It’s been a week on Rybelsus 3mg. I feel pretty good (except for seasonal allergies). No nausea, no vomiting, no diarrhea, smaller appetite. I am prediabetic with BMI >30. I would like to lose 30 to 40 pounds. I think Rybelsus will help me. (Prior to taking Rybelsus, I was fasting (16-hour/8-hour) and exercising EVERY day and STILL gaining weight.) I think Rybelsus will help. I weigh daily, and I am beginning to see the numbers ever so slightly trend down. I am optimistic. I will start 7mg after 30 days. I hope to come back here and share my journey with you."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "For 2 years, my diabetes went out of control to the point that I started having some mental issues like brain fog. My doctor put me on 3mg Rybelsus. The first two weeks were a bit of a struggle, nothing I couldn't handle, just nausea and no desire to eat. A month in, my doctor took me up to 7mg. The first week at 7mg was the same, nausea, but after the week ended, it was gone. I still don't have a major appetite, which is excellent. My blood sugar is 104 at this moment. I've lost 24 pounds so far in 6 weeks. I love this stuff. I also feel much better, and I can actually think without the fog. I recommend it."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I’ve been on Rybelsus since 1 December at a dose of 3 mg. January 1, I started 7mg. I don’t like taking medication and was scared of this medication due to other reviews I have read. I am very pleased with the outcome. I lost 5 lbs with very little exercise. My side effects were nausea and loss of appetite. Nausea only occurred when I ate junk food and sweets. A1c down from 7 to 6.2. Plus, I do not take any other meds for diabetes. Hope my review will help others. February 28."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been taking Rybelsus for 6 months. At first, I was nauseous and had bad sulfur burps, but it went away. My A1C is the best it's been in 9 years. I have had a hard time treating my diabetes, as most other oral medications and daily injections just made life harder. Now, my numbers are 6.7, and I have lost a significant amount of weight, 335 lb to 285 lb, with minimal effort. It definitely suppresses my appetite. I've read you can only lose a few pounds, but I feel like a lucky one."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I took 3 mg of Rybelsus for about two weeks. I noticed right away that I was not able to poop normally. I thought constipation would resolve naturally since I don’t have issues with it normally. Now, I’ve been off of it for a week and I’ve had two ER visits because I can’t poop. I also struggle to pee because the thought is the backed-up poop is pressing on things it shouldn’t. Had to have a catheter drain me out. I did a week of Miralax, two days of Dulcolax, one ER cocktail, and an enema, and none of it has helped. At this point, I’m scared it will take surgery to remove the poop. If you’re taking this medicine please stay in tune with your body and mitigate early if you’re starting to experience any constipation."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I first took the 3mg dose for 30 days. I had no side effects, and it is really controlling my appetite. Now I am on 7mg. So far, my weight was 242. I have been on Rybelsus for about 4 months, and my weight now is 215. I'm hoping to lose more. No side effects, feel better, light food craving. I hope to stay on this for 4 more months. Thanks Rybelsus. Joe C."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "My doctor put me on Rybelsus in March/April 2020. I will admit the nausea was pretty bad for about the first month, but I stuck to it because it was really working well on my blood sugar. Since I started, I have lost 42 lbs! I have not been dieting, but I do have some outdoor projects that required physical labor, like shoveling dirt, clearing brush, moving stones, etc. The nausea only comes back when my sugar is low and I really need to eat. I don’t even get a growling stomach anymore. I would recommend Rybelsus to anyone looking to manage their blood sugar and lose some weight."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I was very frightened after reading the reviews. I am 52 and had gained from 130 pounds to 158, the most I have ever weighed in my life. Started the 3mg 3 weeks ago and have lost 10 pounds with no side effects other than occasional slight nausea. My appetite has decreased but for the better. I am walking 3 miles a day and eating very healthy. Stopped drinking soda, now only flavored water. I consider this a miracle. Never lost weight this quickly. Happy as heck. Will continue the 3 mg and recheck A1C. So far this rocks. If it enables me to get in control of my eating and lose to a healthy weight to better my overall health, then I call it a huge success. Love, love, love it!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "When I first started the 3mg of Rybelsus, the nausea for the first 3 weeks was nearly unbearable. However, like magic, around day 21, it stopped. I don’t feel as full as I did at the beginning now that I’m starting my second month of 7mg. However, I continue to lose weight with diet and exercise. If you’re struggling at the beginning - hold on for 30 days - it might pass like it did for me!"

"I was put on this medication by my internist at the beginning of 2020 for weight loss. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which causes insulin resistance despite the fact that I'm not diabetic. It makes it extremely hard to lose weight. My doctor thought I would be a good candidate for Rybelsus and had seen success with others. I lost almost 30 pounds in two months while taking Rybelsus and going to the gym 3 times a week. However, I had to stop going to the gym during the pandemic and continued the medication. I started having severe gastrointestinal issues about a month ago. I had to have an EGD, HIDA scan, and ultrasound done to discover I have gallstones. My gallbladder is functioning perfectly though and my cholesterol is always good so all signs point to the fact that Rybelsus gave me gallstones. Gallstones are an 'infrequent yet severe side effect' listed by the drug manufacturer. BEWARE! I never had these issues until I started taking Rybelsus!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started taking Rybelsus 3mg. I was nauseous at first and constipated. I was also belching a lot. After 2 weeks, that seemed to stop. I've been on the 7mg for 17 days and the nausea, indigestion, stomach pain, and now diarrhea have been almost unbearable and are getting worse. I've also started feeling panicky and anxious in the middle of the night with rapid heartbeat. I'm stopping the 7mg tomorrow and calling my doctor. I can't feel like this at Christmas. Going to see if she will put me back on 3mg. My A1C was 9.0. I have no idea what it is now. I've also lost 18 lbs because I can barely eat anything. This isn't worth it."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Dr. ordered 3mg 30 days ago to be added to Metformin 2000mg. Blood sugars have decreased from a range of 200-350 to 120-150. Weight reduced by 14 pounds. I experienced nausea and fullness for the first two weeks. That has tapered off but appetite suppression has continued. After a month, the doctor is pleased with the results, as am I. He has ordered me to continue on the 3mg and my insurance has agreed to cover it with a copay I can afford. I am so grateful for this new med!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Dr put me on Rybelsus since I had bad luck with Trulicity and feeling sick every time I took the shot. The first month of the dose 3mg, I noticed I never ate. I had a complete lack of appetite. I was exhausted, had weird dreams, and a constant feeling of anxiety, and sometimes insomnia. I put up with it. The second round with the 7 mg, the first day I was sicker than heck. I felt like I was on a cliff dangling, my anxiety turned into panic, rapid heartbeat, and I was unable to sleep. I stopped after day 4. I called the doctor but she never got back to me. I am debating trying to take 7mg every other day or go back to the 3mg and see if there is a difference now that it is almost out of my system. It is brutal to the body. The warnings say nothing about the feelings of anxiety or the insomnia."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I’m prediabetic, HbA1c 5.7. And I’ve been struggling to lose weight for 20 years. I have an excellent diet, but I eat too much. I’m hungry all the time. I started Rybelsus (paying out of pocket - Ouch) to see if it’s worth hassling my insurance company. On 3 mg, I felt nothing - no nausea, but experienced loose stools. When I went to 7 mg, I felt nausea for 1 hour after taking the pill and decreased appetite the rest of the day. I am easily staying on my 1400-1500 calorie diet, which has never been easy for me in the past. At 1 month of 7 mg, I’ve lost 8 pounds (255 to 247) and feel very encouraged. The science behind this medicine is inspiring."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been taking 3 mg Rybelsus for 14 days for type 2 diabetes alongside Metformin. I have had no negative side effects from this medication other than a low blood sugar reading most days. I take it around 6 am with a small amount of water as directed and then breakfast around an hour later. I have lost 14 lb in weight, but I have started eating very healthily with a low carb intake. My appetite has reduced and my portion sizes have reduced as I do feel much fuller for longer. So far, so good."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "My doctor put me on Rybelsus as I had high blood sugar. I had too much difficulty taking the 3 mg with nausea, diarrhea, and headache. I planned to quit, but I read the reviews here. I somehow managed my symptoms and tried harder. My doctor then increased the dosage to 7 mg. Rybelsus was able to bring my blood sugar levels from 10.6 to 5.6, almost normal levels in a period of 3 months. If anyone is planning to quit, please persevere, and the results are amazing. It practically stops your cravings for food and helps you stabilize. Another miracle was that I was finally able to quit coffee in the morning as I get migraines without it. Compared to the nausea, diarrhea, and the churning of the stomach, migraine wasn't a big deal, and I finally went without taking coffee. This is really a miracle drug for diabetes. Thank you."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "My A1c has been hovering around 7, and my weight was creeping up, so my doc suggested this. I started on the 3, and the nausea and projectile vomiting were rough... indeed, I didn’t think I could handle it. Then I discovered if I take it when I wake in the small hours to pee, if I took it then, I had almost no problems. I’m now up to the 15mg dose, and so far I’ve gone from around 255lb to about 220lb and falling. Two whole jean sizes... haven’t done new labs yet... but the weight loss is remarkable... it’s also quite weird to essentially almost never feel hungry anymore."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started the 3 mg for one month and lost 7 lbs. I read the reviews about the side effects and saw most have little side effects if taken early, so I take it around 5/6 AM with little water. By the time I'm ready to get going for the day, I can have a cup of tea, as it says not to drink within the hour of taking it. My appetite has decreased, I don't pick/snack, and my portion size has decreased. I only ever feel nauseous if I eat too much, but I've got to grips with how much I can eat, and to be honest, I don't really feel hungry. I was eating because I felt I should. No other side effects. On my second month, so will see how it goes."

"Week 6 update from the previous review. I moved up to 7 mg from 3 mg last week. The only side effect I get is vivid dreams, my sleep pattern is also a bit all over. Apart from that, no other side effects really. I’ve lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks. That’s without exercise. I definitely don’t want to eat as much at all. Usually, I want loads of food and big portions, but the thought of a big meal puts me right off. I’d say my intake of food is down 50%, so it’s definitely working for me in the weight loss department. I’m 41, and I’ve spent the last 20 years on yo-yo diets, this personally makes it way easier for me as I’m still eating what I want, but small portions and not often. I think it’s hit and miss if this drug will suit you or not, judging by the reviews. I must be a lucky one! It is, however, expensive at £149 per month! Oh, one last thing: it’s actually put me off alcohol a fair bit also, the need to have booze has almost gone. Bonus. Good luck."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started on Rybelsus and only took 4 doses. I didn’t get terrible stomach upset, but my abdomen went completely numb. I’ve been off the medication for 4 days and am still completely numb. I went to the ER, and they ran blood work and a CAT scan, all was normal. I went to a chiropractor, and again, all was normal. Numbness is listed as a rare side effect on drugs.com website, which my chiropractor looked up. My endocrinologist isn’t helpful, and I called Rybelsus, and they were less than helpful. I’ve now spent hundreds of dollars. I’m very concerned and praying this goes away. I am so numb it hurts to touch my skin. Beware of this medication!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Was placed on this medication to help with PCOS-caused insulin resistance and obesity. The first two months were a bit uncomfortable - I was nauseated a lot and had bouts of constipation and diarrhea. Fortunately, immediately starting it, my sugar cravings disappeared. I think I had a rough couple of months because of my old eating habits since this medicine slows how fast your stomach empties. As I developed better eating habits, this has gone away completely. I’ve been on this for almost a year now and have lost almost 60 lbs. I’m about 5 lbs away from being a normal weight and I’m barely making any effort at this point; the weight is just coming off. I feel the healthiest I’ve felt in over a decade and have been seeing my PCOS symptoms reduce as the weight comes off. This medicine was a miracle for me. I’ve struggled for a decade trying to get my weight under control. Once the insulin resistance was resolved, it literally fell off."

"I was nervous taking this given previous reviews. My doctor started me on the 3 mg tablet. Initially, I felt a bit nauseous, but I was told to wait an hour to eat. The nausea went away. Immediately by the 3rd day, I could tell I wasn’t as hungry as before. I don’t look for snacks, I don’t overeat my dinner, and I get full faster. I'm on my second month and now up to 14 mg. The boost of energy I’ve had has helped me get back to exercising 3-4 days a week and walking almost every night for an hour with the dogs. I started 1/19 and weighed 183. It’s 3/7 and I weigh 158. It’s not all the pill, but the pill certainly boosted my energy, which in turn helped me get back on my feet to move around more. The best part is my insurance covers it completely. I feel like a new me."

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  • Drug class: Incretin Mimetics (GLP-1 Agonists)
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Ozempic, Wegovy

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  • Rybelsus prescribing information
  • Semaglutide (AHFS Monograph)

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Ozempic, Wegovy

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2