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Generic Name: Saccharomyces boulardii lyo for Diarrhea (saccharomyces-boulardii-lyo)

Saccharomyces boulardii lyo for Diarrhea Reviews

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I cannot say enough about Florastor! After suffering from IBS-D for as long as I can remember and being on all kinds of prescription medications, I tried Florastor not expecting much. Twenty years of eating, setting my fork down, and running for the restroom have stopped! I have my life back and can go out to eat without any worries. Thanks so much, Florastor. I wish there was a better way to show my appreciation. Life changing for the better!"

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I've suffered for 30 years with IBS-D and IBS-C and was beside myself because I was not always able to walk 3 or 4 steps toward the bathroom when diarrhea started. Florastor changed my life for the better. I've been taking 1 capsule a day for a year. That problem has cleared up completely, and my IBS attacks have been greatly reduced."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I am a 54-year-old man and have suffered from chronic stomach problems for more than 7 years-the worst in the last 3. I went 6 months gluten-free with little help. Six months ago, I started taking Nature's Bounty Probiotic 10 (bought at Costco). I would say that it improved my condition by 25%. Two weeks ago, someone recommended Florastor. I tried it, and my churning, gassy stomach went away in the first day. BUT...I started feeling, by the end of the first day, a bloating of my upper GI that got increasingly uncomfortable with each passing day. I reduced the dosage from two caps a day to just 1 cap a day. No change. Bloated upper GI still. I'm on my fourth day back on Nature's Bounty Probiotic 10. No more chest pressure."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I use this daily for gut health. Most of the side effects listed above are common from antibiotics, not Florastor. Hives, itching, and rashes are allergies to antibiotics. I know because I'm allergic to all classes of antibiotics, and those were just some of the bumps and strange rashes. I discovered Florastor as a result of a serious injury to my son. They had him on antibiotics for months. This was the only probiotic that worked while he was on antibiotics. My family has had no problems or reactions to Florastor at all. Also, when you start any probiotic, you often feel worse for a week, and then everything settles down. I love Florastor and highly recommend it!"

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "This is contrary to what Florastor is supposed to do, and the events may be coincidental. I report them as they happened, and wonder is anyone had a similar experience. I was prescribed the antibiotic Augmentin for an onset of diverticulitis. The ER doctor suggested I take a probiotic with it. I took Augmentin without effect for two days, until Florastor arrived. I took two of them with food in the AM. In a couple hours, perhaps fewer, I was struck with repeated diarrhea, about 5 episodes. I was wakened from sleep twice because of it. It lasted about 20 hours. I stopped Flotastor for two days, until I'd finished the Augmentin. I then took one Florastor pro and one pre/pro. Diarrhea followed, about the same as previously. I've taken no more Florastor, there has been no intestinal distress."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Had terrible diarrhea as a result of taking an antibiotic that I needed to stop. Gastroenterologist on call recommended I take two Florastor Twice a day. On the third day I broke out and terrible hives that have not cleared up. Been taking Benadryl and using triamcinolone ointment to help. If it doesn't get better I need to go on a prednisone pack. Not happy at all."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "OK, it's early, I'm on second day, but I have been having gastro/BM problems for years. YEARS. Then two years ago I contracted Cdiff, three days in hospital. Following that, still have problems of the gut. I have tried everything, multiple gastro visits, no luck so far. Last gasp was high CFU standard Probiotics, and a prescription of XIFAXAN which I have not started due to fear of Cdiff reoccurrence. Yesterday I discovered FLORASTOR by reading research papers on line. I have recently had extreme stomach gurgling in the AM. Well happy to say that after two pills, the gurgling is 90% reduced this morning. We post again as things evolve but so far so good. I will hold off on the XIFAXAN until we see what the FLORASTOR does on it's own."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Made my condition Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) way worse. Somehow made the bloating and cramping and abdominal pain way worse. Also gave me shortness of breath. I think this stuff can cause inflammation in certain people. I'd advise you to avoid this if you have SIBO. Now I just have to wait for it to make its way out of my system so I can get back to feeling normal!"

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I took Florastor to help with an antibiotic I was taking, it was wonderful - until I got so itchy. All over. Palms of my hands, feet, head. Researched and itchiness is one of the side effects. Too bad because I thought it was great. Stopped taking it. 2 days ago. Still itchy. Driving me crazy!"

Saccharomyces Boulardii+MOS (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I've had IBS D for more than 15 years had to poop at least 4 times in the morning everyday. I tried everything from changing my diet to starving myself just to get out of the house. I'm also lactose intolerant So I bought Saccharomyces Boulardii+MOS and from the first dose itself I found relief. I take it first thing in the morning (2 tablets) along with jarrow eps probiotic(2) and finally I don't have to poop more than 2 times and I have no bloating,gas,heavy feeling etc. Lucky Virginia"

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Have typically taken Florastor for a few weeks when taking antibiotics after a bad bout with c-diff. It worked well in those instances; however I decided to take it daily, 2 a day. After a couple of months, I developed a rash in my torso that started spreading along with tingling on my lips & tip of my tongue. My doctor put me on Prednisone along with Triamcinolone cream four days ago and things are finally clearing up."

"I have taken this several times throughout my life, originally for gastritis and diarrhea years ago and more recently during and after C-diff treatment. I find it very effective at improving all aspects of my GI system. It can be ( for me) a bit constipating and prolonged use usually after a time starts to make me itch. So I cycle off of it sometimes but never ever take antibiotics without it. When well I take a pill every other day. I find it more helpful than standard probiotics which seem to give me problems."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I have had chronic diarrhea for three years and tried numerous products over the counter. Floristor has worked for me and I have been using it for the last year Successfully. When I first started taking it, I took one pill every day, but now I use it every other day, and have not had any problems in several months."

Florastor Kids (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I gave this to my 11 year old son who had stomach problems. This aggravated it. He had severe, body-doubling-over stomach pain, couldn't go to school. Complained of heart burn and a feeling of acid coming up his throat. Had to go to the hospital for treatment."

"I've had IBS for many years. Started on a biologic 3 months ago for inflammatory psoriatic arthritis and I was getting terrible symptoms every few days mimicking a bad tummy bug, but no fever. Biologics cause poor immunity against bugs so I thought a probiotic might be a good idea with all this diarrhea. Well a day after I was in excruciating tummy ache, watery diarrhea for days on end, every time I ate anything, the cramps would start again. I couldn't leave the house! My rheumatologist stopped the methotrexate I was on, but it didn't make a difference. I then stopped the probiotic, and that same evening the symptoms improved slowly and now it's less severe. So for me, probiotics are not the answer."

"I took 250mg pills for antibiotic related diarrhea and found it to keep the loose bowels under control but not eliminate the condition entirely. On the fifth and last day of antibiotics and of the probiotic (labeled as Reflor in Turkey) gave me incredible gas pains. I wasn't bothered too much by gas before then and wonder if it was a cumulative effect? 5 day supply cost approximately $6.50... rather expensive because nationalized health insurance doesn't cover it."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Been struggling daily with IBS symptoms, and Florastor is the only probiotic that stopped it. Yes, it is stopped. Can't say enough about this. Good product."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "I had chronic ulcers, stomach pain, gas, and one day on Florastor, and all symptoms are totally gone."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Started Florastor for IBS and it Caused abdominal pain and bad heart burn."

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Started using this after surgery due to constipation. Worked great with no interaction. "

Florastor (saccharomyces boulardii lyo) "Florastor gave me severe itchy bumps/hives over my entire body. Had to seek medical care. Am suffering greatly and advise people not to purchase!"

"These side effects of s boulardii are due to bad bacteria dying and releasing toxins. So build up slowly to kill them off and release toxins gradually."

"It was helpful in stopping the diarrhea, but I developed stomach pain and high fever after taking only one pill, and the fever and malaise has not subsided after a week, neither has the stomach ache."

"Took for Blasyocystis (parasite infection) and Candida. after 24 hours my tongue was no longer white. I had some abdominal pain at the beginning. Also nausea that did not resolve."

More about saccharomyces boulardii lyo

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Drug class: antidiarrheals
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Saccharomyces boulardii lyo drug information
  • Capsules
  • Powder Packets

Other brands

Florastor, Florastor Kids, Saccharomyces Boulardii+MOS

Related treatment guides

  • Diarrhea