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Generic Name: Sanctura (trospium)

Sanctura Reviews

For Urinary Frequency "After trying Vesicare, Enablex, and Gelnique, I was giving up. My doctor suggested trying this one... Sanctura. I saw results the very next day. I can not only sleep through the night, I am no longer running to get to the toilet in the morning. I've only been on it 5 days. No side effects yet. But I also take stool softeners. No dry mouth... no sleepiness. I also have given up caffeine at the same time I began this pill. Not sure if that helped as well, but I am now very happy!"

For Urinary Frequency "I started taking Sanctura a few months ago and I absolutely love it! I was urinating every 45 minutes. Since I've been taking it, I can now go for 3 hours at a shot, what a difference. The sleepiness of the pill went away after about a week of being on it. The dry mouth isn't bad. The pill has helped me wonderfully! I am so glad I take it."

For Urinary Incontinence "My urologist prescribed this 3 years ago and gave me samples to try. It was amazing! It worked so well it seemed like magic. I am just thrilled with the results. While I still get up during the night, I don't have the worry of not getting to the bathroom before the urine drips down my leg. In addition, I don't get up as often, which gives me a much better quality of sleep. During the day, my overactive bladder has calmed to the point where I feel normal! I'm so grateful to have this medicine. It has changed my life."

For Urinary Frequency "It has been a tremendous improvement for me. Before the medication, I was unable to play in the yard with my children because of constant urges and frequent incontinence. Now (with the medication) I am training for my first 5K run. The urges are gone and I'm able to use the bathroom like a normal person. I don't have the fear of an accident like I did before. It's amazing!"

For Urinary Frequency "At times, I had terrible urgency, very problematic on travel and even daily life, meetings, traffic, etc. I started with Vesicare, which worked quite well but seemed to reach a plateau. I then started on Sanctura about 5-6 weeks ago. It seems to be even better for me than Vesicare. I am very happy with it so far, even though I still do not consider myself normal yet, but any improvement is great. Compared to before the drugs, the improvement is fantastic. My best recommendations for this drug."

For Urinary Frequency "I started Sanctura 4 months ago. I have had urgency and incontinence for many years, and have just lived with it. I have tried all of the other medications to no avail, one or 2 days benefit only. I complained, with much embarrassment to my Urologist. He gave me samples of Sanctura. I will tell you I have been accident-free for 4 months. The second day I took the medicine, I saw a drastic difference. I wasn't running to the bathroom every 15 minutes. Wonderful medicine. No side effects."

For Urinary Frequency "This medicine's side effect for me was really bad constipation. I was in and out of the ER for constipation, and not one doctor told me it could be this medicine. After getting off of it, it took me 9 long days to have a bowel movement, but since getting off of it, I am back to normal. This medicine never helped with my overactive bladder."

For Urinary Frequency "This medication seems to be working fairly well, but I only started it last week. I reached a plateau with Vesicare, which is fairly expensive. My biggest problem is constipation and tiredness. I am thinking about cutting down to one pill a day. If it doesn't work out, I will go back to Vesicare. I am a 64-year-old female and have had this problem for over 30 years."

For Urinary Frequency "I am only 39 years old, and having to go constantly after drinking water or Pepsi. I feel like I can't go shopping or anywhere without having to worry about it. I tried five different pills, and this was by far the best. The only side effect I have is a dry mouth, but it's not that bad. It comes and goes, and it's not so bothersome. This is the one I'm on now, and I will stay on it. The one thing I don't like is that you have to take it one hour before breakfast. Sometimes it's hard for me to wait that long before I can eat - especially if I forget to take my pill, then have to wait even longer to eat."

For Urinary Frequency "I am taking Spasmex for two weeks, which is the same as Sanctura (Trospium Chloride). I am feeling much better. I can tolerate all side effects except the fatigue and weakness that I am having in my legs. I cannot walk for a distance as I have to find a seat to rest my legs for a while. My doctor asked me to reduce the dose, but that did not help as my bladder turned overactive again. Now I am back with the same prescribed dose and will wait and see whether the side effects will go or I may ask my doctor to change the medicine if I couldn't tolerate my leg and muscle issue."

For Urinary Incontinence "Sanctura has given me freedom to be more than 10 ft from the bathroom. An unexpected bonus is that it cleared up the last problems of my depression. I am free of suicidal thinking, able to be in crowds. So I am enjoying life more than I've ever had in the past."

For Urinary Frequency "Have been taking Trospium for 4 years. Visits to the toilet have decreased to 5-6 visits in each 24-hour period. In my case, it has not taken the feeling of needing to urinate away entirely, but it is more bearable, and with willpower and bladder training, it has worked. Sometimes feels like I can't empty my bladder entirely, but though this is frustrating, it is not as bad as having to use the bathroom every hour or so."

For Urinary Incontinence "I've been on this medicine for a few months. Before, my biggest problem was waking up at night to pee but not having enough time to get to the bathroom before it started running down my leg. The Sanctura alleviated this problem, and I haven't experienced any negative side effects, but it feels like it's harder to empty my bladder. It seems like my bladder is never really completely empty, but the Sanctura does help to eliminate 'accidents.'"

For Urinary Frequency "I had tried other medications for overactive bladder, and nothing worked until Sanctura. It took a little over a month to start working, but now my bladder feels completely normal! So thankful!"

For Urinary Frequency "It did help a lot. I used it for several months until I just couldn't stand the dry, grainy eyes. I finally stopped it due to the eye problem."

For Urinary Frequency "Wonderful - taking it for 2 weeks now, the 2nd day I could tell a significant difference. Thank you."

For Interstitial Cystitis "The first relief in twelve years... truly a wonder drug."

For Urinary Frequency "Worked well, but had to stop due to conscription, blurred vision, and energy."

For Urinary Frequency "Did nothing for me. "

For Urinary Frequency "this drug Sanctura did not work for urinary issues, it created bladder retention"

For Urinary Frequency "Only on medication a few days so will give it more time. So far I am constipated and find it difficult to wake up in the morning. Those are the only side effects I am experiencing so far."

For Urinary Incontinence "Bladder infections, inability to urinate."

More about Sanctura (trospium)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: urinary antispasmodics

Patient resources

  • Sanctura drug information

Other brands

Sanctura XR

Professional resources

  • Trospium monograph
  • Trospium Chloride Capsules (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Urinary Frequency