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Generic Name: Selenium for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency (selenium)

Selenium for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency Reviews

"Was feeling great and then felt very weird a few minutes after taking it. Took one 200MCG capsule with water. I'm not sure if it was this but very wary of just how bad I felt in such a short time after taking it. Felt dizzy and as if you got suddenly got water up your nose in the pool. Pretty scary really. Considered trying to throw it up but the feeling passed and now, like another reviewer, I just feel tired and very 'off'. Effectively ruined my day. Giving this a four because while I definitely think it was this, it's still possible it was not, but I was feeling fantastic until I took it. Not taking another."

"It stopped my hair loss within days. No more chunks of hair in the tub while showering! I had hypothyroid years ago and guess it was returning. It stopped hair loss years ago when my thyroid was off and so it must have fixed it again. Sleeping better, mood better, hair better. No side effects for me."

"I started supplementing with selenium about 2-3 years ago. I have found that ever since I started supplementing, my weight (which fluctuates a lot) was stable and my BMI was lowering slowly. It seems to not only help with weight management but it also gives me more energy and focus as well! I read it also has antiviral and immune boosting properties. *There are a few forms of selenium and getting the right one is key. Look for the 'Selenomethionine' form or 'selenocysteine' as they are the bio-active forms and (ime) give me the best results. 200 mcg a day I take in two 100 mcg doses."

"CAUTION!!! Based upon this recommendation, I am ceasing/desisting my daily 100 mg supplementation of selenium. Drugs.com should list this risk associated with this supplement! "Another large study followed men in the U.S. who, after diagnosis of non-metastatic prostate cancer, took selenium either from selenium supplements or multivitamins. Compared to those who didn't take selenium, over a period of about eight years those who supplemented with 1 to 24 mcg, 25 to 139 mcg, and 140 mcg or more of selenium per day were, respectively, 18%, 33%, and 160% more likely to die from prostate cancer. However, the risk of death based on all causes, not just prostate cancer, was not higher among the selenium takers. The researchers concluded that caution is warranted regarding usage of high-dose selenium (140 mcg or more per day) among men with prostate cancer (Keneld, J Natl Canc Inst 2015).""

"Selenium makes me real tired & very sleepy right after I take it"

"My doctor told me to take selenium and vitamin C for the fungus in 4 of my fingernails. Hasn't worked very well. I am taking only 100 mcg a day. No side effects at all."

More about selenium

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  • Side effects
  • Drug class: minerals and electrolytes
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Selenium drug information
  • Selenium Capsules and Tablets
  • Selenium Injection Solution
  • Selenium Oral Drops

Other brands

Selenium TR

Professional resources

  • Selenious Acid monograph
  • Selenious Acid Injection (FDA)
  • Selenium Injection (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency