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Generic Name: Shingrix for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis (zoster-vaccine-recombinant)

Shingrix for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis Reviews

"Had my COVID vaccine and thought the side effects were bad - fever, chills, muscle and joint aches, fatigue, anorexia, migraine. All disappeared after 24 hours. With Shingrix vaccine, I had all of the above plus a painful rash. The Shingrix side effects lasted 3 days for me. I'm a neurologist and treat patients with debilitating post-herpetic neuralgia down the face/eye, sciatic nerve, etc. PHN can eviscerate anyone physically and emotionally long-term so I bit the bullet and got the vaccine. My pharmacist told me I'd just get some redness at the injection site. That is not true. Be prepared to be out of commission for a few days."

"Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 2nd Shingrix vaccine. 1st in March was pretty much uneventful. Sunday afternoon dizziness started. Headaches, night sweats, heavy legs, big toe twitching, legs shaking, cold even though house was 80°F. Felt out of it. No appetite. Eyes blurry. Sneezing. Ears ringing. Dry cough. Bad taste in mouth. Fatigue worst days 5 & 6. Itching, burning skin, slight rash on around day 8. Random muscle pains and spasms. Super ANXIOUS, but I tend to be an overly stressed out type. Heart racing. Stomach not good day 10 & 11. No appetite, abdominal discomfort. Diarrhea on day 11 with foul smell. Day 11: Slight night sweats, super dizzy. Day 13: BETTER. Not 100%, but I’m feeling better. All lab work negative. I searched forums like this one to find out why I felt so horrible, other people confirmed similar responses to Shingrix. I wish more people would follow up afterwards. To share that it can and will get better."

"I received first vaccine - thought I was fine until 24 hours later. Then I started with joint and muscle pain. Nausea, headache, fever, and injection site pain. Nerve pain from shoulder to elbow like a sunburn for 3 days. Burned if I scratched it. Stayed in bed 3 days. Second injection worse. Both arms swelled, erythema, and tenderness at injection site. Day two I experienced muscle and joint pain. Weird bone pain in breastbone. Headache, severe neck pain, left shoulder, and scapular pain. I am a 55-year-old female. Healthy. It took about a week to feel good again. I still recommend the vaccine. I am a nurse and have cared for shingles patients. Brutal experience that can last for months with long-term complications."

"I had my first Shingrix injection in August, absolutely no problems. I have to admit, I thought, 'What’s the big deal?' Like a few others had commented. The second shot was three weeks ago (November). I expected the same result as the first shot. Boy, was I wrong. About 12 hours later, I was so cold, shivered for 2 hours, put two blankets on, finally stopped. Didn’t sleep well that night. For a week, I felt flu-like, tired, weak, and lightheaded. Within a week, I had muscle aches all over, like I had worked out for hours. It’s been 3 weeks now, still have muscle discomfort, the other symptoms are going away. Never had reactions to a vaccine before!"

"Got my second of the two Shingrix shots. Had bad body aches the next day. Overall I was out of sorts, uncomfortable but ok. A little worse than the first vaccine. I had shingles when I was 50 y/o. I’m 57 now. Shingles was one of the worst, painful experiences of my life. I have scars and nerve damage that I hope will go away someday. The outbreak lasted 2 weeks. I used to think Shingles was just a thing that passes, I respect it now and what people go through. Also, you don’t know where your shingles will show up on your body. It could be anywhere, terrible and damaging around your eyes. My advice is, try to deal with the side effects the best you can. It’s a really effective vaccine and it will be worth the couple of days of discomfort you might experience."

"I am a 64-year-old female in excellent health who received the 1st shot of the Shingrix vaccine on 10/6/20. I was not given a handout on the vaccine, nor was I told of any side effects. I developed a fever, blinding headache, shaking chills, weakness, joint & muscle pain. I had an itchy rash at the injection site. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, & was bedbound all the next day. The following day I still felt terrible & profoundly weak. I suddenly went into an episode of A-fib (no history of heart disease). I was admitted to the hospital. Later, I still felt awful & developed a heart rate that was too low. While at my PCP for a follow-up, I had to be rushed to the ER for extreme lightheadedness & weakness. I was treated with IV fluids. I saw a cardiologist, who determined I had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine that happens to 1 in a million people. My cardiac issues have not fully resolved, and this has prevented me from working and leading my normal life."

"I received the first injection of Shingrix at 11:00 AM at my internist's office. The nurse kept telling me that it was a painful inoculation, worse than a tetanus shot. So I expected pain when the needle went into my upper arm, but it was barely noticeable. I thought the nurse had exaggerated. My arm was sore after an hour or so, and I had a headache and felt tired, but again, I have had far worse. Fast forward twelve hours, and every nerve in my body seems to be activated. I had severe stomach, head, joint, and every other type of aching, burning, prickling, crushing pain one associates with a bad flu. Chills and a mild fever were part of the ordeal. All this persisted through the night and the next day. Where I find myself now, hoping that I'm not in for another night of torture. Tylenol and Motrin have given some slight relief. They say that the second dose is worse than the first, so in two to six months, I will be facing a difficult decision about getting the second dose."

"My first injection of Shingrix was fine, no side effects. Two months later, I received the second injection. What a nightmare. I had all the worst side effects: nausea, aching muscles, bad dizziness, chills, and fever. The next day, that turned into the worst cases of shingles. I had a week of pain to the bone in my leg. I had to have pain relievers to control the pain. After that came the burning nerve pain. I had no energy or desire to function. My shingles lasted about five weeks, and at four months, I am still suffering with PRN in my thigh. It is gradually improving, but I can't wait for this nightmare to be over. I am a very healthy 65-year-old. I wouldn't suggest this injection to anyone. It has a lot of nasty side effects, and hopefully, you don't receive the shingles like I did. This vaccine needs MORE testing. I have heard too many horror stories!"

"1st dose Dec 2019 - muscle pain, joint pain, fever and chills, arm hurt all the way up into my shoulder. I’ve never reacted this badly to anything. I’m healthy, no underlying conditions. I’m a 52-year-old female. I put off the 2nd dose as long as I could, didn’t want to deal with side effects especially with covid happening. My mom and MIL (mother-in-law) both had shingles and I saw them suffer. It wiped out my healthy mom for a year. MIL had it on her face, she had to go to the ophthalmologist weekly because they worried it would go into her eye. Another friend had it on her butt cheek, she said she had to try to go months with no pants on, as it was excruciating to wear clothes. I got the 2nd dose yesterday, my arm is sore and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had been hit by a truck: fever, shivering, joint and muscle pain again, headache - feel terrible. Gonna take some meds and ride it out. Hope to never get shingles, if it's even remotely comparable to the shot after-effects, I do not want it."

"Had Shingrix vaccine in August 2019. First dose. Within 12 hours, developed chills and shakiness so severe my juice glass flew from my hand and shattered the morning after. Getting hit by a truck would have been preferable. Had bouts of chills, shivers, and shakes lasting up to two hours. Fever topped out at 104. After one week in contact with a doctor, they had me come to the office. Sent to the hospital with a diagnosis of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). After checking for infectious causes, it was determined this was a reaction to the Shingrix vaccine. 2 weeks of fever over 102. 3 weeks over 101. Recurring days of chills, muscle and joint aches, headaches, and light-headedness. After 3 months, told this could go on for a while. This vaccine needs to be administered with very exacting warnings of side effects, which may be debilitating and long-lasting."

"Received the Shingrix vaccine last night, along with the flu vaccine. Woke up this morning in excruciating pain in my left arm, barely had the ability to walk to the bathroom. I have cold chills, muscle weakness, and fatigue. I also feel like I have an earache. I am a nurse for the state and actually had to call off work. I even took 400 mg ibuprofen with no relief."

"First injection was easy, very few side effects. Two months after the second injection, my arm is still aching all over. Feels like I have wrist carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, and shoulder rotator cuff injury all at the same time. Have to be careful just to pick up my morning coffee, let alone anything heavier. This is really interfering with my life, nowhere in the vaccine info was listed this possible long-term side effects. I understand from reviews that MANY others have similar manifestations of comparable issues! Not happy!"

"I’m a 57-year-old female. I decided to get the vaccine because I know 2 people who had shingles. I’d never had a reaction to a vaccine before. I was sore after the shot, but then I also developed a rash all over. My doctor told me it was pityriasis rosea, related to shingles and chickenpox. The rash lasts 6 weeks to 6 months! There is no treatment for it. Seriously, I feel like a leper, it’s all over my body. I don’t know what to do about the second dose?"

"I had the J&J for Covid-19, and it was almost without any side effects. I got my first Shingrix vaccine 2 months ago. I felt a little sick that night, but was basically fine. I just got my 2nd on July 9. A huge difference. I had a fever that lasted about 18 hours, night sweats, sore muscles, and weird dreams. It's Sunday, and I feel better. I believe this experience is worth it because shingles is awful. Also, I work for a pharma company and I believe in vaccines."

"My husband and I got the first shot in February. Maybe a sore arm, but nothing that I really remember and no hesitation to get second. Second shot in July. Both of us had extreme pain in our arm. I was sick - fever, headache, chills, and horrible joint and muscle pain along with debilitating fatigue for 3 days. My husband also had symptoms but not as severe as mine. After two and a half weeks, my fatigue is still terrible, and my husband’s arm is still sore. Even with these side effects, it’s better than getting shingles. Really just wish we had been warned about them. This is the worst side effects I have had from a vaccine."

"Took my first Shingrix dose in Jan 2020. The side effect was severe. Even though the headache was mild, the chills were unbearable. I had to spend 2 days wearing a thick coat while shivering. Naturally, I was reluctant to take the second dose until my doctor talked me into it. When I took the injection in Oct 2020, the side effect was much milder. I just got a slightly sore arm and a mild temperature. About two days later, I woke up at night totally soaked with sweat. After that, I was back to normal."

"Got my first injection in November 2019. Sore arm for a couple of days, not too bad. Second injection on February 12, 2020. Not so good. Within a few hours I became very tired, nauseous, and feverish. Slept all day until that evening when my wife woke me up concerned. She began asking questions that I could not respond to. The more I delayed answering, the more concerned she became. She thought I was having a stroke. She called one of her nurse friends with my symptoms and was told to call 911 or take me to the hospital. Three days in the hospital with stroke-like symptoms. MRI, CT scans, and blood work. Released on day three as I was beginning to recover from whatever it was. Side note: I have always been allergic to bee stings. Not today though. Last week I was stung on my leg and had no reaction. I believe this was all related to the vaccine, but I’m not a doctor. P.S. the neurologist had no idea what was wrong with me."

"I am 61 years old and was diagnosed three years ago with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, and thought it would be prudent to get the Shingrix vaccine. Both my family doctor and endocrinologist said it would not be a problem. I was given the vaccine in August 2019 at 10:00 a.m. The injection site hurt, but I was not concerned. I woke up at 2:00 a.m. in excruciating pain. I had uncontrolled shivering, extreme joint pain, and a severe headache that lasted for hours. At 6:00 a.m., my fever was 102°F. I believe it had been higher. My fever broke later, but I had continued joint pain and extreme fatigue that lasted for days to weeks to months now in some form or another. I am aware my thyroid condition involves those varying symptoms to begin with, but 8 months later I am still struggling daily with physical pain and believe the Shingrix shot took my condition to a whole new level with no end in sight."

"I was told that the shingles shot would be a little more sore than the flu shot. I got the shingles shot in my right arm and the flu shot in my left arm on Thursday, August 27, and the shingles shot did hurt more. However, that would’ve been fine if that was the worst of it. Friday, I couldn’t get out of bed, every joint in my body hurt, I had a headache, no appetite, and chills. Saturday, body aches were gone but terrible diarrhea started, and I still had chills. Saturday night was a nightmare with the diarrhea. Today is Sunday, and I am hoping the side effects subside. I sent a quick note to my doctor and said she couldn’t drag me back to the office for the second shot. There was no way I would do this to my body or system again on purpose. I might add, I was feeling fine when I went to the doctor to get these shots."

"My husband received his second Shingrix vaccination last week and developed a full-blown case of shingles very shortly thereafter. His dermatologist has confirmed this, as has a lab culture, which has been reported to the CDC. My husband is in no way immunocompromised, nor is he elderly. So obviously, the Shingrix vaccine contained live virus, despite claims and assurances to the contrary."

"Just received my 2nd dose yesterday at 3 pm. Twelve hours later, I woke up with flu-like symptoms. Twenty-four hours later feeling better but still ache. I also slept a lot and took Aleve. Same symptoms after my 1st dose. This time I received the 2nd shot after work on Friday so I would have the weekend to get over the side effects. I would say the side effects were slightly worse after the 2nd dose although I was told the 1st and 2nd doses were the same. I would say I usually tolerate pain/illness pretty well. I guess I would recommend the vaccine but plan on having adverse side effects. JAC"

"Just a heads up. I had the first Shingrix vaccine a couple of months ago, just pain in my arm. I had the first pneumonia vaccine a year ago. I was due for the second vaccine for both. I went to Publix and got the second Pneumonia vaccine and the second Shingrix on the same day, big mistake. The Pharmacist assured me that getting them both together would not be a problem. Within 10 hours, I had a fever, the chills, the sweats, headache, and intense body aches. Not much sleep that first night. I started to improve after about 36 hours but after almost 3 days, I’m still not myself. I normally have no reactions to vaccines, but I think because I did both on the same day, my symptoms were elevated. I would never do that again. Of course, do what you want but I would say get one vaccine then go back in a few weeks and get the second."

"First shot, no issue. Second: within 3 hours, arm terribly sore, 100 temp, aches and joint pain and terrible headache for 30 hours, then fine. Then...eleven days later, I started with shaking chills, temp peaked at 102.5, headache and neck pain level above 10 (1/10), vision blurry, sweats where I would be soaking wet, strange diarrhea and extreme malaise. It is now day 11. I am a very active 69-year-old nurse. I never have headaches. This has been a nightmare that I hope will stop. I had shingles on my right shoulder twice and got the shot in my right arm. The epicenter of pain is in my neck right over where the C4 ganglion lies. This is the nerve that covers the dermatome where I had prior shingles. So far, after 2 Emergency room visits, I have tested negative for influenza, they did a lumbar puncture; negative for meningitis, finally said they didn’t know what was happening to me. I hate that I did this to myself by getting that horrid vaccine. It is dangerous."

"Had the shingles part 2 shot around 2 pm. Started having pains in my arm and bones later that evening. Took an Advil before bed and woke up with sore muscles, joints, chills, feeling freezing cold, and a headache. Around noon, I took another Advil. My appetite was poor. Laid around all day with no energy. I’m a fairly active 69-year-old, so this was surprising. Nothing a person can’t handle, just uncomfortable. This is day two, and I still feel the fever on my face."

"Had my first injection of Shingrix 6 days ago, 8/21, at a local pharmacy. The shot was administered by a student intern. He was very good, explained everything, and I barely felt the injection. I was prepared for possibly severe symptoms, as others have described here, however, outside of a sore shoulder for several days, it was fine. Hoping for the same outcome for round two in a few months. BTW, several others I know that have had the vaccine have had the same experience, with no one I know having severe symptoms."

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  • Drug class: viral vaccines
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Patient resources

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  • Shingrix prescribing information
  • Zoster Vaccine Recombinant (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis