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Generic Name: SMZ-TMP DS for Urinary Tract Infection (sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim)

SMZ-TMP DS for Urinary Tract Infection Reviews

"I would get a urinary tract infection when I had sex. To control the situation, my doctor prescribed SMZ-TMP DS. I took one or two a day for years. As long as I took the pills, I was not bothered with a UTI. Miss a day or two, and UTI. Worked wonderfully."

"I had smelly urine but not the usual symptoms of UTI, but the doctor put me on this and by the 4th day still had a problem and felt sick - listless, not able to eat, stomach felt like it was full and heavy. By day 8 of taking it, my son convinced me to stop the medication. I did and felt a bit better, but it is now a month later and I have lost 14 lbs and am barely able to stomach any food. I almost throw up when even thinking about eating! I have to force myself to eat--not at all happy!!!!!"

"I was prescribed sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (SMZ/TMP) twice a day for 7 days for a UTI. I have one pill left, almost all the symptoms are gone. The first day I took the pill, I was extremely sleepy. Every day after that, I had a horrible headache in the back of my head and a stiff neck that came and went every few hours, also brought on by light sensitivity. Nausea, out of breath at times, cold sweat on exertion, and jittery."

"After being on this for 5 days, my urinary tract infection was almost gone. I had to ask for another prescription. During the time I was on it, I noticed shortness of breath, almost twice a day I tasted metal and noticed I had small nosebleeds. I also couldn't really go out in the sunlight, as it hurt my eyes a lot and my skin felt like it was burning."

"I was prescribed this for a UTI. Worst experience ever! got up to day 4 of taking it and started to feel weak, confused, had really bad back and neck pain, pain when I walked. I also had watery, itchy, burning eyes, massive headache, sleepy and fatigue and like tight chest. At night I couldn't sleep, had the chills and a cold sweat. I have lost my appetite and have lost 6 pounds in just 4 days! I have stopped taking them but now I am developing a rash on my body that really itches. Please people beware of this. My advise is to ask for something else, or at the first sign of a symptom stop taking."

"I took this medicine for a UTI because I was told it kills the bacteria that showed up on my labs and other antibiotics may be resistant to it. The medicine made me go to the bathroom even more, especially at night and caused headaches and muscle cramps. I've been switched now to Cipro. We will see how this goes."

"Based on the results of a urine culture, I was put on this medication. I have taken 4 pills. While at work today, my tongue was feeling like I just took a big bite of piping hot pizza. The burning feeling was quite intense, and I had not eaten anything that might have caused this. I also had numbness in my lips. The last pill I took was at 7:30 a.m., and I still have intense burning and a bit of numbness. I was puzzled and decided to look up the side effects of this new medication because it was the only thing newly exposed to my body. Since these problems were listed in your side effects listing, I will immediately discontinue using it."

"I have been prescribed this medication many times over the last 40 years for urinary tract infections and it always works for me with no side effects. Just into my second day of this round for the latest UTI and it is already working. The burning sensation when urinating and the blood in urine has almost stopped. I will take the remaining pills — two a day for seven days — and I’m sure I will be right as rain until I get the next UTI. I seem to get these once or twice a year, but this drug seems to work best for me...better than Macrobid."

"After the 5th pill side effects were horrendous. Slight right side facial weekness, shaking, confused and nearly paralyzed from the right shoulder thru my neck. I asked the pharmacists if there was anything I should know before taking this drug, he told me no."

"I've just finished my treatment for a urinary tract infection. I no longer have any symptoms from the infection. First 8 days of a 15 day treatment was fine with no side effects. Beginning the 9th day, I began experiencing a mild rash and itching which seem to begin on my chest and neck and migrated to my back. A bit of a nuisance but tolerable. Around the 11th day, I began to experience mild joint and muscle ache and a tender scalp around the base of the skull. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen have helped to overcome this but by the 14th and 15th day, I felt like a had the flu with no nausea but a loss of appetite. I took the last pill this morning and by 1PM, had to lay down with chills, aches and pains, headache and a slight fever."

"I am on the 5th day of my UTI. The pressure and bearing down while urinating is similar to labor pains. I'm out of state and visited an Urgent Care Center. The NP prescribed the generic Bactrim. I went back to the Urgent Care Center after 4 days and she gave me 3 more days of the SMZ -TMP DS. I told her my symptoms were the same as my initial visit. Promised that infection would clear with the additional pills in addition to AZO , an over the counter pill to relieve the pressure. It's now day 5 and I feel like I'm on day 1. This medication is doing NOTHING for me. It's Friday and I'm sure I will be visiting another Dr. on Monday. I just want to feel like myself again. "

"It helped my simple UTI almost immediately and completely but I had side effects that I've never experienced with any other drug. My face was extremely red (like a bright, painful red that felt like a bad sunburn) all over for the entire time, plus a week after I stopped taking it. I felt extremely anxious and jittery and I didn't get a good night of sleep for a week after I stopped this med. I should add that I had all these side effects when I only took the drug for 3 days! I've never experienced side effects with other antibiotics. I believe this is a sulfa containing drug and I guess I must have a sulfa allergy."

"After taking the 2nd dose, I began having a very bad burning feeling in my stomach. Then my back muscles hurt. The was no getting comfortable. I also could only urinate once in 10 hours when I had been going about every 2 hours prior. About 10 hours after I took that dose, I finally and unexpectedly vomited. I fell asleep for a few hours and when I woke, my backache was gone and I wasn't doubled over in pain from my stomach. I immediately decided that I wasn't even going to try another dose and called to be put on something different. It's now been 5 days since I took this medicine and my stomach still feels like it has a hole eaten through it."

"Was prescribed this for a UTI. Spent 6 hours in the emergency room for dehydration after 3 1/2 hours of extreme abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, and vomiting. This, after only 1 pill. Worse than my experience with augmentin by far."

"Experienced confusion, overal body weakness, could not sleep, extreme lower body weakness (resulting in repetitive falls), dizziness These symptoms occurred when my 96 year old father was prescribed this medication for a UTI, symptoms began after the first day of taking it. By the second day he fell once, the 3rd day he fell 2 seperate times and I finally realized the medicine was probably the cause and discontinued using it. Note: Dad is old, but it is worth mentioning that he slept A LOT prior to starting this medicine, and was able to get himself to the bathroom himself without falling. (He slept the large majority of daytime and nightime). At least by the 2nd day of taking this med, he didn't sleep more then an hour at a time and was awake and confused, and restless for the majority of the time. I stopped administering medicine after the 3rd day. It is only the first day of stopping the med, so I don't know yet how long these side effects will last!"

"First time ever taking this medicine. I have had stomach pains and nausea. I did everything the Dr told me to and I still have the horrible side effects! I thought it was from the UTI. After reading all the other comments I see it’s from the medication. The dr only gave me 3 day supply. I have had a headache from day one of the pills and I have been constipated too. Calling the Dr tomorrow to see what we can do to get rid of the side effects. Will not take this ever again!"

"I was prescribed this for UTI. I’ve had severe stomach pain, back pain and had to stop eating. Day 4 of 7 day prescription. It does not work for the UTI and instead I’m wondering if I have ulcer from this medication!"

"Urologist prescribed it to me when I explained I had reoccurring UTI's after sex and she was concerned I would get antibacterial resistance due to the strong antibiotics I was being prescribed for months. The directions say to take 1 after sex and a few days after taking the medications I get stomach cramps and lower abdominal pain that go away afterwards. I am not able to sleep as comfortably a few days after taking when I also get the cramps but overall the medication has been working well to prevent my UTIs."

"No issues while taken this, even on an empty stomach. Symptoms began to clear up in a few days and were gone by the end of my 7 days. More tired than normal, but I also take Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and was warned that antibiotics can reduce the absorption of my thyroid meds. Be sure to take a probiotic while taking this medicine, for up to 2 weeks after to help replenish your good gut bacteria!! Drink lots of water! Alcohol Warning - My prescription insert did not indicate that alcohol may not be consumed while taking this antibiotic - However my research indicates that you may suffer serious side effects from drinking alcohol while taking this medicine (aka Bactrim) and should wait up to 72 hours after finishing before consuming alcohol. So if you thought you could imbibe for a special occasion, just don't. It even warns against cooking with alcohol and using mouthwash with alcohol."

"This medication (Bactrim) works as prescribed for me and with no side effects. Actually cleared up 3 out 4 UTI’s. One UTI was so severe no oral antibiotic would work. I ended up with daily antibiotic infusions over a 10 day span via a PICC line. Chances are Bactrim will work for you as side effects are typically rare - so my doctors tell me. Good luck!"

"Prescribed this for a UTI. Took it at 6 pm & by 11 pm I was so nauseous I had to take a chewable pill for it. Finally got to sleep only to awaken after 4 am with tingling in most of my upper body, throat is dry. Noticed that the urge to go isn't there & I'm going just to go because I'm drinking plenty of water to help flush out the bacteria. I'm calling for a different medication later. Forgot to mention that I'm feeling very jittery as if I had a pot of coffee."

"This worked quickly for my UTI caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. I was prescribed this for 1 pill every 12 hours for 3 days. I took this along with a variety of probiotics and I didn’t have too many issues. My only problem was is that it didn’t tell me anywhere that I should probably avoid alcohol, so after day one I had two beers and woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and vomiting. After that episode, I was totally fine, just rested throughout the day. This was surprisingly mild for me and it worked really well. I am hoping it will help stop my reoccurring UTIs."

"I haven’t seen this yet on the reviews but this medicine messes with my vagina. I have recurring UTI’s and I have taken Macrobid a lot and it makes it better for a week or two then they come back so this time the doctor gave me SMZ//TMP and also difulcan for yeast infection and I took both and the first day all of the muscles in my upper body were sore my throat felt extremely dry. The next day my vagina was itching really bad and it won’t stop! I’m not taking this medication again I never had any side effects from Macrobid but there has to be something else out there!!"

"I just finished 10 days of this SMZ-TMP for a UTI. It appears to have worked if I can judge that on clear urine vs cloudy before. I had no apparent side effects."

"Took one pill at 7 am at 7pm had the worst burning nausea and vomiting, never experienced anything like this before. Never taking it again"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: sulfonamides

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Bactrim, Septra, Cotrim, Septra DS, ... +2 more

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  • Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Suspension prescribing information

Other brands

Bactrim, Septra, Co-trimoxazole, Sulfatrim

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  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bacterial Skin Infection
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