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Generic Name: Stribild (cobicistat-elvitegravir-emtricitabine-tenofovir-disoproxil)

Stribild Reviews

For HIV Infection "Diagnosed with HIV 6/25/2013 with a T-cell count of 373 (36%) and viral load of 136,000. Started Stribild on 9/1/2013. Became undetectable after 3 months and stayed that way ever since. After almost 2 years of treatment, my T-cell count is 1,150 and has remained in the thousands for quite some time. Absolutely no side effects! I praise God every day, and even though there is no cure here on earth, I serve a Supernatural King who's still seated on the throne! My advice to anyone is to start treatment as soon as possible, regardless of your CD4 count. Stribild had very minimal side effects, if any at all, and was very easy to adhere to. Live well without shame, guilt, or condemnation. Living life to the fullest!"

For HIV Infection "I'm back to report my findings. After a month on Stribild, my physician just called. I have less than 20 copies per mL of blood, which means I'm clinically undetectable. This medicine has very few side effects, if any, is easy on my body, and is effective at knocking down the viral load in a very short period of time. Now, instead of worrying about an AIDS-related illness, I can plan for the future. Get tested, get treated, and stay healthy."

For HIV Infection "My CD4 was at 3, and I almost died from the AIDS diarrhea, and my muscles were tearing from everyday use. After six weeks of Stribild, CD4 was in the 500s range already. In a couple of weeks, I will be well enough to go back to work, a little short of 3 months of medical leave. Started Stribild on March 18th."

For HIV Infection "I was diagnosed on August 3, 2013. I started taking Stribild on September 1st. Twenty days later, I had my first blood test, and today, on October 11th, I got my results. My viral load went from 69,000 to 196, and my CD4 count went up from 365 to 547...in only 20 days! This medication is amazing. Most importantly, I don't have side effects. In the beginning, I was very worried because I thought my life would change dramatically due to some horrible side effects. However, I'm very pleased now. I take Stribild once a day at my lunchtime, and I'm looking forward to continuing to live a healthy life."

For HIV Infection "Started Stribild in January 2014. CD4 was 900, viral load 16,000 at the time I started. After 20 days, I had blood tests done to check how it was working, including liver and kidney function tests and a bone density test. Results were outstanding. After just 20 days, CD4 was 1200 and viral load undetectable. Kidney and liver working normally and bone density normal. I take it in the morning with food. In the first week, I suffered very slight side effects: loose stool and slight dizziness within two hours of taking it. Now feel no side effects at all. In fact, I feel like I have a lot more energy. I recommend this medicine, it works really well."

For HIV Infection "I'm very happy with this medicine, and I can only encourage anybody who's hesitating to start an HIV treatment to go for this one. After 5 years, I finally decided it was time to start taking medicine, as my CD4 was going down and my viral load was going higher and higher! There was no doubt, I was freaking out! I finally got offered STRIBILD, as it is very practical to take one tablet per day. I must say that I almost didn't have ANY side effects, apart from the part that I was very worried. After 1 month and a half, my viral load became undetectable, it took more time for my CD4 to go back to normal. After 6 months, I am at 600 CD4. I feel very happy, relieved, much more energy, I have had no more gastric and diarrhea issues!"

For HIV Infection "I am back yet again to report on my findings. After speaking with my doctor and adjusting my dosage time, I was able to travel to Europe and back without any significant problems. I manage a hectic schedule and started to get a bit worried when I went in for my six-month check-up. I wondered if the medicine was still effective. It had been. All my liver and kidney functions were right on the money. It is amazing what pharmaceuticals have done. The virus in itself changes a person, no doubt. However, I am satisfied that this medication is saving my life. Hopefully, I will be able to report back for those who are afraid of starting treatment and might be apprehensive. In this case, the cure is not worse than the virus."

For HIV Infection "My boyfriend and I were diagnosed HIV positive on January 8th. My boyfriend was near death. His CD4 was 55 and viral load at 666,000. After six weeks, his viral load is undetectable and CD4 is now 471! I started Stribild two weeks ago. My CD4 back in January was 576 and viral load at 4,624. I just went in for blood work today. I'll keep you posted. The only side effect is I'm dreaming, it can be a little intense, and I have a very mild headache in the middle of the day. Otherwise, we're doing great!"

For HIV Infection "I am on my 3rd day of Stribild, and so far, no side effects at all. If anything, I feel a bit better than I had been feeling before the medication. So I am relieved another step is over with for me. I just wanted people to know who may be worried initially."

For HIV Infection "Diagnosed HIV positive in July 2013. Treatment was started immediately after my resistance tests and numbers came back from the lab. September 2013, started Stribild. Viral load 420,000, CD4 220. I was very nervous about a bad reaction to HIV meds. Viral load dropped to 320 after 30 days. CD4 up to 300. Nausea, headaches, and a buzzed, energetic feeling after taking the pill were the only side effects I felt. This only lasted about 3 weeks and came at random times. The wired feeling from the pill took a few months to go away. Dreams are intense sometimes, but not bothered by it. After the drastic viral load drop, it stayed around 100 copies for months. It took me 6 months to become undetectable, which I have remained for 4 months now."

For HIV Infection "I was diagnosed in January 2014 and I started this in March once I was able to get a tight schedule with my med times. I have little no no side effects. As long as you eat 350 calories and keep it No longer than 2 hours from doses you'll be fine. My T cell count wasn't low when I started but it was 680 now it's 950 and my viral load is undetectable! Don't delay on medication therapy start as soon as possible."

For HIV Infection "I started taking Stribild on August 8th, 2013. When I was diagnosed my viral load was around 160,000 per mL and my CD4 cell count was around 250. I went in for blood work on September 5th, 2013. I went in the next week to get my results and I am so astonished. My viral load is undetectable (less than 20 copies per mL of blood) and my CD4 is around 650. This medicine is not as harsh as I thought it was going to be. It is a very aggressive medicine on the virus but I take it at night with a meal. If there are any side effects I sleep them off. Only twice did I ever wake up feeling nauseous which I was able to fix with Pepto-Bismol."

For HIV Infection "I was diagnosed February 2013 from my VA doctor, and was to the point of suicide; My wife of 13 yrs at the time stood by me faithfully . I had a CD4 of 550 and a VL of 19,000. Not fully understanding what I had. My Dr. started me on Stribild and 3 months later in MAY 2013 , I had an undetectable VL under 20 copies and CD4 was at 800. Since then my VL has remained undetectable and CD4 remains in the upper 950's, even went to 1040. Thank God for Gilead . I have no side effects whatsoever, and my wife has been HIV-. "

For HIV Infection "I'm back to tell my progress with Stribild! I had labs done week ago and seen the doc yesterday. I've been on Stribild for at least 3 months got started late on them was diagnosed of having HIV in December 2012. My VL is at 90 and my CD4 dropped maybe because I wasn't on meds at the time for two years from 325 to 190 so now I'm considered having full blown Aids. He said once I'm at that stage I will always have Aids but the virus is coming down and CD4 coming up but I am healthy he said. He put me on Bactrim for Pneumonia. But I workout a lot and he said that really helps so that's all I got to say thanks Stribild."

For HIV Infection "I've been on STRIBILD for a little over 3 weeks now, and have had NO side effects at all. Haven't gone back to get my blood work done yet, so not sure what my numbers are. But I'm very PLEASED to have no side effects. This is my first HIV treatment, and I was nervous and almost expecting some horrible nasty side effects. Very pleased."

For HIV Infection "I started taking Stribild in November so it has been almost 3 months. The first two weeks I felt like I had a very mild hangover, a bit headachey and queasy. But very mild. It did not affect my work or anything else. After the first two weeks those symptoms went away entirely and I haven't had any side effects whatsoever, despite traveling and having a very active life. Before Stribild my CD4 was around 400 and my viral load set point was around 170,000. My last test my CD4 was 1201 and my viral load was under 200. I have insurance and a card from Gilead that pays my deductible, so the cost is zero. If you can I would not delay or put off going on medication."

For HIV Infection "Dignosed 9/5/13!! Boy that was hard. Started on Atipla but after three days with the most horrendous dreams and pains, let alone the fact that I once I awoke I couldn't fall asleep again.I talked to my doctor, she is a sweetheart, changed to Stribild. No side effects. I started with a CD4 of 192 and VL of 78K. At the end of the first three months, my CD4 had climbed over 200 and my VL was less than 20. Currently Cd4 is >300 and have been *undetectable* since Dec' 2013. Worry about its cost...."

For HIV Infection "I have been on Stribild since April 2013 and started with a 57,500 viral load and 328 cd4. Within a month my viral load was down to 25! As of October 2013 the virus is undetectable and my cd4 is up to 585. The only side effect is occasional loose stool but that's it--nothing else! I take the pill every morning with breakfast. It works great!"

For HIV Infection "Well I was diagnosed as being positive for about 5 1/2yrs now. No biggie, I didn't/ no one deserves it, but I was unintentionally asking for it. Anyways I first found out my viral load was a 50,000 and my Ts were 540. Clinic didn't want to put me on meds right away, but anyways... like 4ish years later my viral went from 50,000 to a million something and Ts dropped to the mid 20s. Several tests here and there, I went from a million back to a 50 and then my Ts went from 20s back to the 500s. Now got results, my viral went from 50 to the very low teens and my Ts went from 500 to mid 750. Stribild I love you."

For HIV Infection "I was newly diagnosed December 2014. My CD4 count was 720 then dropped to 601 within 2 weeks. My viral load was at 37,450. I started Stribild February 19, 2015. My lab that was drawn March 13, 2015 showed my CD4 count at 840 and my viral load at 20. I have no side effects. I feel great. I'm able to work 2 jobs, go to school, and raise my kids. Hope it stays this good."

For HIV Infection "Was just diagnosed at the beginning of July 2013. Was hospitalized with PCP pneumonia. My initial counts were CD4 8, and Viral Load 600,000. After some antibiotics, my VL dropped to 350,000 before starting treatment. As of my last test, I had only been on treatment for about 10 days. CD4 up to 72 and VL down to 215. No side effects and I'm grateful to have this medication available to me."

For HIV Infection "I was infected with HIV approximately 10 years ago. I'm now 62 years old. After watching my CD4 count drop from the first test of 900 to 450 over a 5 year period I decided to start meds. Went on a regime of Truvada/Norvir/Prezista for 3 years. My CD4 climbed to 1200 and I was undetectable but constant diarrhea caused me to switch to Stribild. I remain undetectable, my last four CD4 tests have been over 1500, and the diarrhea is much less frequent, in fact none in the past 6 months. Hope this continues and although costly, I give Stribild a big two thumbs up."

For HIV Infection "I was diagnosed in April 2015. My VL was over a million and CD4 was down to 180. I seroconverted for 4 weeks. By the bad luck of timing every time I got to feeling worse I went to urgent care on the weekend. Saw intern after intern with no results and none of them asking the right questions. Finally saw my PCD and ran the viral load test. My dr started me on Stribild the same day. My VL went from over a million down to 700 in the first month and down to 200 two months after that. My CD4 rebounded right away and has remained over 800. 6 months into taking Stribild daily and I'm undetectable. I will say the side affects for the first two weeks were pretty tough. I was nauseous constantly, the awful heart burn. 2 weeks later, all is well!"

For HIV Infection "Was diagnosed July 2012, went on meds March 2013, VL 57,000, CD4 502. After 2 months became undetectable, now 5 months later I am undetectable and CD4 is up to 950. My body feels better, and I have had much more energy. Only side effects are occasional diarrhea, although I am not sure if that is from the medication. Only hassle is the food requirement, but it is a small inconvenience considering this medicine is saving my life."

For HIV Infection "Jan 29th, 2014 I was diagnosed with HIV (CD4 was 475, VL 250,000) Didn't get on Stribild til May 2nd.. Taking it for 1.5 months, I reached (CD4-726 VL Und.) I Have Medicaid without a supplement plan. They pay everything. I pay $3.00 co-pay."

More about Stribild (cobicistat / elvitegravir / emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: antiviral combinations
  • En español

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  • Stribild prescribing information
  • Elvitegravir, Cobicistat, Emtricitabine, and tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • HIV Infection