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Generic Name: Sulfasalazine for Crohn's Disease (sulfasalazine)

Sulfasalazine for Crohn's Disease Reviews

"Diagnosed with Crohn's over a year ago and was in pain daily. Still waiting on insurance to cover gastro and surgery. In the meantime, my PCP offered up sulfasalazine and I agreed to try it. It's the first time I've been symptom free in years. I barely have any bloating or pain anymore and I have almost normal bowel movements again. I did feel an attack coming on so he added prednisone for two weeks and everything calmed back down. As long as I'm taking this and not eating too many processed foods or heavy meats, I'm good. As far as I'm concerned, this drug has been a miracle for me."

"Severe flare put me in the hospital. Have had no problems in 9 months of taking sulfasalazine, went against doctor's advice, chose this over stronger medication. All labs have been good since. Also got a new doctor!"

"I tried Lialda, Pentasa, and a few other medicines for my moderate Crohn's disease, and they all made it worse. I tried sulfasalazine, and I am symptom-free as long as I don't forget to take any doses. If I miss a dosage, I may have some loose stool, but after I go back to taking it, I once again am symptom-free."

"I've only been taking this for 2 1/2 weeks but I'm very impressed that my chronic loose stools have completely stopped! I've noticed no negative side effects and if mild constipation is a side effect, I welcome it. I am now taking a little less loperamide and I'll be experimenting to see if increasing dosages of sulfasalizine will enable me to take even less loperamide. Later I'll get blood tests to make sure the new drug isn't having negative effects that I don't notice. After all these years dealing with diarrhea, I'm so grateful my doc suggested I try this stuff!"

"My doc said, "let's try sulfafalazine ".So we did, and I've been on 1000mg three times a day. Don't even realize I have Crohns disease most of the time. (Recommended). There is that other part where everyone gets a different reaction thoe..... ."

"I took this drug every single day for 20 years and had no problems or side effects at all. I cannot get any Doctor to Prescribe it because they say it is too dangerous I say they make NO money so they want you to do the IV's that cost a fortune if you do not have insurance."

"Came down with crohns disease a year ago. Dr put me on mesalamine at $400.00 a month. Told her l needed a cheaper med. Put me on sulfasalazine at 3000 mg a day but only $16.00 a month. Works just as well if not better than mesalamine."

"Have been on several medications over the years. This being one of them. Was taken off about 9 years ago. Went to many others over next 6 years. Was put on lialda 2 years ago with worsening symptoms. More pain and distended belly. Went to emergency room for 4 the time in three months. Asked my doctor about putting me back on this. I shouldn't be having this many issues. Its been 2 days on salfasazine cypro, flagyl and zofran. Stomach is half its size. Way less pain and eating chicken and stars soup. Yeah."

"I was getting gastric blockages quite often that caused a lot of pain and put me in the hospital on more than one occasion. I wasn’t diagnosed with crohns until after my surgery. After surgery my GI doctor gave me a couple of prescriptions for medicine that wasn’t covered under my insurance and I could not afford. We settled on sulfasazaline. I have been taking this stuff for 8 months now. I go to the restroom now more than ever. I noticed that if I would miss a dose or two, I didn’t have to use the restroom so much. This medicine caused bloating, strange noises in my abdomen, constant diarrhea, and abdominal pain. I recently took myself off the drug and feel my best since surgery. I’m waiting for my next appointment with my GI doctor to discuss other medicine or no medicine at all."

"Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease 11 months ago. Was on budesonide, then taper off and put on sulfazalne 6 pills daily 3000 mg total. Sulfazaline worsened knee down pain both legs. Also experienced brain fog, anxiety and depression. Have been off meds for 3 weeks now and feel clear headed, happier, no depression, leg pain seems so much better. Do have insomnia now. Stopped medicine as new doctor feels I was misdiagnosed. Will find out later this week."

"Sulfasalazine is a fantastic medication (for me). I've been taking it for 3 years and it hasn't stopped working at all. Aside from dark urine, I've never noticed any side effects from it. My only real complaint is that the pills are massive, horse-sized tablets. They don't taste bad to chew, thankfully. With just a biologic med alone, I was still getting a lot of joint pain, but adding the sulfasalazine prevents the vast majority of the pain I was experiencing. If I stop taking it, I feel like I'm 90 years old within 2 days because my joints get so bad without it, so it's definitely working. It'd be nice if it helped with my Crohn's more (regarding inflammation and GI health), but fixing my joint pain is huge regardless of that because most biologics I've ever taken never seem to help my joints. I wish I started taking it sooner."

"I've been on six 500 mg pills for my Crohn's for 7 years. Aside from a few bad flare-ups, I have felt good on this medicine. I now have anemia (not sure if from Crohn's or the meds) and am having a 3-month-long flare, so the doctor may have me come off of it. Sad to give it up since I haven't really had any side effects. I would definitely try this medicine if your doctor suggests it."

"I don’t want to jinx anything but…. Taken for years for Crohns and helps me so much. Also helps my Crohns arthritis. Hope it works for me for years to come."

"Sulfasalazinemade me have to go to the bathroom every couple of hours. Felt even more bloated than before"

"I have been taking this for at least 20 years and have had no ill effects."

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  • Reviews (196)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Sulfasalazine drug information
  • Sulfasalazine Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Sulfasalazine Tablets

Other brands

Azulfidine, Sulfazine, Azulfidine EN-tabs

Professional resources

  • Sulfasalazine monograph
  • Sulfasalazine (FDA)
  • Sulfasalazine Delayed-Release Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Azulfidine, Azulfidine EN-tabs

Related treatment guides

  • Alopecia
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Crohn's Disease, Maintenance
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis