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Generic Name: Sustol ()

Sustol Reviews

For Nausea/Vomiting, Chemotherapy Induced "This is a somewhat painful (pinches) injection in your abdomen. I had it 13 days ago and still have bruising and a large lump that causes discomfort when touched. The nurse and package insert state these lumps or “cysts” may become permanent. I go for my next treatment on Monday and will ask to switch to Zofran. I do not want this injection again and am not sure how effective it was in affecting my nausea. I never vomited, but was pretty nauseous for about 8 days after treatment."

More about Sustol (granisetron)

  • Check interactions
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: 5HT3 receptor antagonists
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Sustol injection drug information
  • Sustol

Other brands

Kytril, Sancuso

Professional resources

  • Sustol Injection prescribing information
  • Granisetron (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Nausea/Vomiting, Chemotherapy Induced