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Generic Name: Taltz (ixekizumab)

Taltz Reviews

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Had been on methotrexate, Otezla and 3 months of Humira. None were working with the psoriatic arthritis or the psoriasis plaques. My rheumatologist finally tried Taltz and within 4 days, my skin was 75% clearer and arthritis pains were less. After 3 months, NO plaques and very little joint swelling or pain. I am feeling almost like I did before psoriasis and PsA."

For Plaque Psoriasis "The benefits of Taltz for me are fantastic. I've had plaque psoriasis since I was 16. I’m 54 and have been clear for 2 years. It also helps with my osteoarthritis pain. I know the injections can hurt. I allow the injector to reach room temperature. Then I ice the injection site. It's hit or miss on pain. But if being slapped across the face once a month cleared my psoriasis, I’d do that too. Just saying..."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "37 years old, have psoriatic arthritis for 11 years, although do believe Humira gave me psoriasis and Cosentyx fixed it. Cosentyx caused massive lung nodules, and biopsies showed inflammation. Discontinued, and they went away after 6 months. Was on Cimzia for 6+ years and did well, then stopped working. Almost seemed to make things worse. Started Taltz. In a month's time, have felt unwell, nausea, stomach issues - burning, discomfort, eye blurriness, increased migraines, mucus increased (drainage), trouble sleeping, and reactivated shingles virus. My joints felt stiff, painful but muted? Does that make sense? Haven’t felt good since taking it, and don’t believe I want to keep seeing what it does. I just completed the first two injections."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Taltz saved my life. 80% covered with horrible plaques. Five years now and I am still 100% clear. I think that it is a miracle drug. I have done them all. For those struggling, just keep trying. You will find one that works. It took me about 10 different drugs until Taltz. Now I am at the beach every day without having to hide my body. Don’t give up hope. We are all in this together."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I have had this God-forsaken disease of Psoriatic Arthritis too long, like most of you. I am on shot 4 loading dose, and it has taken me from wanting to die to what I call now living in such an awful place. My swelling and pain in my head, neck, and shoulders is almost perfect. But then there is my right arm and shoulder. It seems like my tendons are spinning, and they tighten up so much it will burst my skin if I do not keep manipulating it around in circles. You can’t make this stuff up. When I walk, it tightens, and makes me feel as if I am slowing down, and it gets harder and harder until I have to literally spin around in place to relieve the tendon. I am at a loss. I was so hoping this would work, and it sort of did. My mind is burnt, and my will is broken. Prayers for all. Has anyone else ever had these symptoms?"

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "After a long streak of feeling good on Enbrel, which wore off after 9 years, tried a round of alternatives. Failed results for the last 3 years from Humira, Cosentyx, and Cimzia from likely being too adjusted. Pleasantly surprised by early improvements on Taltz. Hoping it sustains. Only 3 months in, but felt obligated to share early positivity that I hope will sustain and grow. Definitely took the 3 months to feel improvements, which have lasted 1-2 weeks/month."

For Plaque Psoriasis "This drug is what my doc put me on when I asked for Cosentyx. She said it had a little bit better success rate and might be a little cheaper. She also told me that I would only have to do labs once per year. I have moderate plaque psoriasis from head to toe. I should say HAD. I am 99% clear at 4 weeks. I only have light spots where plaques used to be. The only other biologics I have had are Humira, which worked for a year or so, and Otezla, which did not work at all. The only side effects I have had have been a slight touch of digestive trouble and maybe one day of mild (flu-like) body aches. My cost after insurance and copay assistance is 5 bucks per month. Needless to say I am super happy so far. So far, so great."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Horrible! Taltz was great for skin but nothing else! My joints felt worse, and I was sick all the time! Tired like you would not believe. I ended up with numerous respiratory infections and yeast infections! Yuck! Sadly, this didn’t work for me!"

For Plaque Psoriasis "I’ve been using Taltz for a year now. I’ve suffered with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for about 20 years. I’ve tried everything, and nothing seemed to work completely. Some meds worked okay on the plaques but didn’t touch the joint pain! When I started using Taltz, I noticed a difference in my skin in about 4 weeks. After 3 months, I was completely clear! I said completely clear! After having plaques for decades, you can imagine how ecstatic that made me. My joint pain has improved so much that I’m able to take dance lessons! Yes, the injection is the most painful medication I have ever taken, but the benefits are totally worth it. I can play with my kids and dance with my husband! I can wear a bathing suit on vacation or wear a skirt or short sleeves to the office! I wish the shot itself weren’t so painful, but for the first time in my life, I’m not a prisoner to my psoriasis and joint pain!"

For Plaque Psoriasis "Was on the Otezla pill for about 4 months, it began to work for my psoriasis, on lower shins and elbows, but then stopped. My skin doctor recommended Taltz. Took this, and I did get very clear on this, but began also noticing terrible, yes terrible, side effects as it really affected my immune system. I got so many fungal-related infections - ringworm, I got athlete's foot, my stomach was killing me, and I developed fungal infections all over my body. Still fighting a serious fungal infection in my sinuses, and now today had X-rays of my lungs, thinking I must have pneumonia. Now may also have a serious fungal infection in my lungs. I am so mad at Lilly for putting out such garbage, as Taltz makes people very sick. I understand that 27% of all people get very sick on Taltz. I have not noticed in a while now any more commercials on TV about Taltz. Did they take this off the market? I am still very ill, even being off of this drug for 4 months. But it lowered my immune system and got me very sick, I plan on suing."

For Plaque Psoriasis "This has been a wonder drug. I tried Otezla and Humira, and neither got rid of my plaques. After being on Taltz for about 2 months, all of my plaques are completely gone. Zero side effects. I now have been on Taltz for a year, and my plaques have not returned. This is the best I have ever felt since first being diagnosed with psoriasis as a kid."

For Plaque Psoriasis "This stuff is absolutely amazing. I've been on Enbrel, Stelara, Humira, methotrexate, topicals, and none of them have ever done this well. Within 3 days of the first injection, I started to see clearing. I thought, no way! But it has only continued to get better. I'm about to inject my week 5 dose and most of my areas are scale-free. My self-esteem has gone way up. My wife isn't complaining about flakes in the bed. No bloody spots on the sheets from picking. I can wear dark-colored shirts, short sleeves, no sleeves again; and not be concerned about people staring. Yes, the injection stings. Yes, sometimes the injection leaves a swelling under the skin. But for me, it is completely worth it."

For Psoriasis "I started Taltz around 5 months ago. I previously have tried different tablets and injections, none of which really improved my psoriasis, and one of which lowered my immune system so low that I was admitted to the hospital for 5 days. So understandably, I was a bit hesitant, especially with such mixed reviews. And at the age of 26, I had little hope of anything ever improving my psoriasis. Taltz has been an absolute miracle for me, I had psoriasis on 80% of my body, and after just the 2nd injection, my psoriasis was completely gone. Granted, the injections are slightly painful, but I’d take 10 seconds of pain once a month over a lifetime of psoriasis any day."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Taltz injection has really worked for me. Started on Temfya, and it did not work for my joint pain. Taltz has cleared up my skin and 99% of joint pain. However, the injection has been painful, and I do get a site allergic reaction every time I take the shot for about a year now. Have been taking it on my stomach. Tried my thigh once, and it was very painful there, so I stopped."

For Plaque Psoriasis "After dealing with psoriasis for over 50 years, I am finally totally clear. I started Taltz 9 months ago with concerns about taking a biologic. So far, I have had no side effects, and I am looking forward to wearing summer clothes without embarrassment. The shots do hurt, but it's well worth the results. It helps to swear while injecting. I qualify for a $25 co-pay per month. If not for that, I would never be able to afford it. It's a lifesaver for me."

For Plaque Psoriasis "Thia drug worked pretty well while I was using it and the company has very friendly/cooperative service representatives. Be that as it may, you need to understand that this is a lifetime investment if you start using it. If you have to stop using it for any reason at all, like I did, please don't start. My psoriasis came back much worse and the areas of my body affected increased 5x. I don't know why this is, but it is important that prospective users are aware of this hidden side effect."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I have been on this study for nearly 3 years. My psoriasis has been a problem since I was young and have dealt with it for 30 years! I have tried all sorts of different drugs over that time, and nothing has given even close to the same results as this. It truly is a miracle. I take one shot a month, and I'm clean and clear of everything! Just like others have posted, it took about 2 weeks to show big improvements, and by a month in, you wouldn't ever guess I suffer from severe plaque psoriasis. I thank all the doctors and nurses that have helped me through this process, and I'm very happy to see this hit the market! Hope it works as good for you as it has for me."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I take Taltz and how I get around the painful injection is to throw a bag of frozen peas or corn on my thigh for 15 minutes before I give the shot. I take the shot and then put the frozen bag back on for a few minutes and it is great."

For Plaque Psoriasis "35 y/o female, issues with mild psoriasis for decades and in April became severe after having strep. I was covered. My scalp was covered, and spots started to appear on my forehead and face. My back was completely covered, and my arms and legs looked like a horrible case of chickenpox. Started with a steroid shot that seemed it was going to work, a week later it came back with a vengeance! Then tried other injections (also immunosuppressors), same thing, acted like they were working, but a week in it was back full force. I began Taltz with 2 injections, then 1 every 2 weeks for 6 doses, then 1 a month. I am beginning the 1 a month regimen now. I was completely clear in days. I haven’t been sick and work in a high-risk profession of catching colds/flu/etc. The injections are painful but quick. First, the injections left large welts, but that has subsided. I would take that any day over the psoriasis. I recommend taking the medication out of the fridge a couple hours before injection and follow it with an ice pack."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I’m 61 and have had psoriasis since I was 8 years old, have tried every treatment. Tried Otezla, and it affected my liver, kidneys, so got off that. I started Taltz a year and a half ago with fabulous results. In the last 8 weeks, I have never, ever been so sick with a sore throat, swollen lymph node on the right side, cough, and sticky phlegm. I feel lousy on and off, and this throat infection won’t go away. I have had every blood test, strep test, and everything checks out fine. I’m on hold now for the next shot. Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and what I should do. I have to go back to work, but if I’m this sick all the time... is it worth it? Any other comments would be appreciated."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I have suffered with plaque psoriasis for over 40 years. I have tried several treatments over the years. I tried Methotrexate, this was a miracle drug, but everything runs its course I guess. I’ve tried other biological drugs, which haven’t worked. Then my dermatologist suggested I try Taltz. I was a little nervous, but by now the pain from my plaque psoriasis was so sore. Anyway, I took my first double dose of Taltz 2 weeks ago. I injected into my stomach, either side of my belly button, and yes, it does sting, but it wasn’t unbearable. Within days, I started to see a difference, my legs were looking less red and painful, and less itchy. It felt amazing seeing such a difference so soon. I look 60% better already, I can’t believe it. I’m about to take my next injection, and I’m hoping the progress continues. I can’t wait. No side effects up to now, I feel great, trying to stay positive. This medication looks like we’re going in the right direction to find a cure."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I have palmoplantar pustular psoriasis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and psoriatic arthritis. I’ve been through Humira, Enbrel, Stelara, Cosentyx, and Otezla. I started with a new rheumatologist, and she prescribed Taltz. I’m on week 8 of the loading dose, and I hate this medicine. For one thing, it doesn’t help with my constant stiffness and pain from the arthritis, it hasn’t stopped my nails from pitting, and worst of all, I have constant severe breakouts of folliculitis. I’ve been taking doxycycline for over 30 days and still have pimples all over my body. The dermatologist suggested I stop with the Taltz. Additionally, it is unquestionably the most painful injection of all the biologics I’ve tried."

For Psoriasis "Amazing! I just got done with my 4th injection (technically 5th if you count the 2 injections received on the first visit). My skin is 75% clearer. My psoriasis had gotten so bad over the past 4 years, and I tried all the ointments and steroid creams, and nothing worked. My dermatologist recommended Taltz, and it has changed my life. For the first time in years, I have smooth skin! Most of the dry patches are gone, and I only have a few red spots where the dry skin was, but it's smooth to touch! I have had 0 side effects except for a little pain during the injection. Occasionally, I'll feel a slight lump in the injection site, but it goes away within 2 days. I have been getting headaches, but only occasionally... nothing I can't handle. This will be the first year I might actually put shorts on with confidence!"

For Plaque Psoriasis "I have been on several biologics over the past few years for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. This is the only one that has worked. I work in sales, and the disease process had severely affected both my professional and personal life. My former boyfriend broke up with me due to the skin lesions associated with this disease process. My immune system is a bit weaker, but my quality of life has drastically improved. I am beyond thankful."

For Psoriasis "I've only been on Taltz for a couple of months. Psoriasis cleared up almost immediately, no side effects yet. Steroid topicals used to cause hands to crack, so I'm happy to be done with them. The auto injector hurts really bad in the thigh. When my doctor first showed me how to inject it, he almost got punched and I called him many names. I did not want to do the second injection, and almost pulled it out when I did it myself. Tried numbing creams and icepacks since, but it still really hurt. Decided to give the belly a try. Still used a cold pack first just because injection to stomach seemed like it would be worse. Literally felt almost nothing. If you are suffering the pain injecting to the legs, try the stomach. If you are going to start with auto injectors, skip the leg and just go straight to the stomach. Or, when you do your first two injections, take the first to the stomach and the second to the leg so you can see for yourself. The difference in pain level is unbelievable."

More about Taltz (ixekizumab)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: interleukin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Taltz drug information
  • Taltz (Ixekizumab Auto-Injectors)

Professional resources

  • Taltz prescribing information
  • Ixekizumab (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis
  • Plaque Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis