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Generic Name: Talwin Nx (naloxone-pentazocine)

Talwin Nx Reviews

For Pain "I deal with chronic back and leg pain due to a ruptured disc and bulging disc above and below, three ruptured discs that were fused via surgery. I have been on opiates (hydrocodone, morphine, oxycet) for four years and finally got sick of the side effects and physical dependency these drugs create. The dependency and withdrawal finally got worse than the pain that these drugs released. I detoxed cold turkey off of them for two weeks and then decided to try this medicine. I have been on it for about a month and it has worked wonders. Very few side effects and sweet pain relief. I do not have to be on this medicine every waking moment and I can even go days without needing any. So far this has become the answer I have been searching for."

For Pain "I have been taking Talwin NX for about 3 years now. I have two fractures in my mid and lower back. The first doctor I saw for this condition had me on Vicodin 10 mg. He had me on 56 pills a week. After a while, my weekly appointments stopped being about pain and started to be about getting that script filled. I finally woke up to the fact that I was addicted to these pills. It really scared me. I went to my primary physician, and he really helped me. He used Talwin to detox me off of the Vicodin. It proved to be an excellent pain medicine for me. I don't know if it's my constitution, but I am not addicted to Talwin NX. If I run out and can't get to my doctor or whatever, I do not experience any withdrawal symptoms."

For Pain "Stronger pain med, is a Schedule 3 drug, so it's not as hard to get a prescription for. I take it for severe back arthritis pain, and it works wonders. Not as hard on the liver as drugs containing Tylenol. Stay away from Tylenol if you have liver disease."

For Chronic Pain "Talwin was first given to me when I had wrist surgery to reattach tendons and ligaments torn from the bone during a car accident. Plus I have fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis. And I'm allergic to all the morphine, codeine types. My wrist surgeon coupled Talwin NX with Phenergan and it worked like a charm. Now I use that very combination for psoriatic arthritis flares. It's wonderful!"

For Chronic Pain "Great medicine for controlling pain/chronic pain. non addictive.the nclenal stands for Nicene which is arcane.an opioid & drug overdose reversal medication. it works by blocking opioid and other addictive medications from building up in cells/body. as talwin contains small amounts of opioid the amazing thing about this medication is while using for chronic pain, it took away all mental urges or desires to think about drinking alcohol.which I had stopped yrs before but had that mental desires or thoughts too drink.Cravings so to say.it may have same long term result for addicts who crave other drugs..amazing! An important fact that is not a warning from drug co.is .it blocks relax meds before procedures su.colonoscopy, relax medication.scary"

For Chronic Pain "Complete joke! I’ve had 9 different back surgeries and I was in horrific pain the entire time. I thought very seriously about suicide to relieve the unbearable pain. I finally retained an attorney and sued the pain management doctor. The judge said his treatment amounted to sadistic torture. I won my case and was able to hire a compassionate doctor. Talwin made me feel severely anxious and sick the entire time that I took it. I would never take it again."

For Pain "Hydrocodone wasn't providing relief through the entire duration between doses and doctor wouldn't prescribe more frequently because of my "body size". Oxycodone didn't touch the pain, so doctor prescribed Talwin NX. I developed severe hives by the second dose and developed breathing problems. Didn't take a third dose and it didn't help with my pain that much. Have sacroiliac joint dysfunction with severe pain and lumbar pain with cycling muscle spasms. Am allergic to steroid so trigger point injections didn't work either."

For Pain "During an armed robbery, I was shot 3 times, a month in coma, major open abdominal exploratory surgeries to repair damage & stem the lose of blood, leaving large wounds & 150+ stitches/staples & ribs wired back together, bullet frags in my spine & nerve damage. But I was alive, & could barely walk, but the Talwin nx was a tremendous help to allow me to ease the pain, so I could function & so minimal tasks through the day. It did such a good job at blocking the pain, that I had to use discretion after I took it, not to over do it, as I might & bust open any stitches, though I felt little discomfort at the time. My doctor prescribed them with no issues for about a year, and as I healed more , my frequency between doses of all my meds, including the Talwin lengthened, initially I would take 1 every 4-6 hours as prescribed, then I got to where maybe 1 a day would get me through the day... but after that and without access to pain meds, The quality of life was lessened"

For Chronic Pain "I was on this for most of the 80's and 90's. No need to up dosage, I would give anything to get them again. Last year I weaned off morphine, because it was too low of a dose. 60mgs. Per day! I moved, and back home I got up to 120mgs of methadone per day. Plus pain Doc'S are VERY scarce here, the few there are either won't take new patients and/or my insurance. So to answer the question- TalwinNX works really well on pain. It can cause anxiety in some people."

For Chronic Pain "I had a head on collision with my car and another vehicle in 1996. My neck, shoulder, and back were affected. Initially put in Loritab but I was nauseated and also worried about becoming dependent. I then tried the injections in my back and did pain management. My job was physically demanding and it was difficult to just walk. My doctor prescribed me Talwin NX about 10 years ago. Initially my pharmacist told me that it was an older pain medication and that I needed my doctor to change me over to Loritab or something else. I told the pharmacist my concerns about opioids and he has started keeping the Talwin Nx to fill my prescriptions. I only take them when I need to be very active. Thirty pills usually last me 45-60 days as the most I have taken in a day is 1 pill. I have gone without taking any for over a week. I have been injured multiple times since that car wreck but will only take Talwin for my pain."

For Pain "worked like a charm for pain and anxiety for migraines you have to start slow and get used to it after that its better than mothers milk and a safe alternative to oxys opama ext old school drug when people were responsible and didn't need so much control,,,,,do they still make it in the old form ,,,don't drive tho remember"

For Pain "TALWIN NX is the only drug that relieved the pain in my upper spine. I have been taking two a day for 12 years and have not needed to increase the dosage. To me, it was a miracle drug."

For Pain "this medication was prescribed for constant back pain. While taking Talwin NX, I was mean, irritable, and had the shakes. "

For Pain "Worked great for my back pain"

For Pain "Was given this for pain, had bad shaking, very anxious and irratable. Also dizzy and nauseated."

For Chronic Pain "Used Talwin NX for Carpel Tunnel. Worst feeling ever! I felt drunk, for car sick, had horrible dreams- it did not help with pain relief. I would not take it again!"

For Pain "Acute allergic reaction. ER treatment of Epipen and Steroid injections and 5 day regimen of prednisone."

More about Talwin Nx (naloxone / pentazocine)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

Patient resources

  • Talwin NX advanced reading

Professional resources

  • Pentazocine Naloxone prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain