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Generic Name: Testim (testosterone)

Testim Reviews

For Hypogonadism, Male "I started using 50 mg a day about a year ago, and after 3 months, I still had very low testosterone levels. So, my doctor prescribed 100 mg a day, and I have been on 100 mg a day for about 9 months. I got my sex drive back, started losing my belly fat, and got interested in going to the gym. I have added about 30 lbs of lean muscle, and I get comments often about how young and muscular I look for a 60-year-old man. I feel better than I did when I was 20 years old."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I had a decreasing interest in sex, difficulty getting an erection, was gaining weight. All the Dr wanted to do was give me a prescription for Viagra and I did some research on my own. Found the symptoms were those of low testosterone and I scheduled a doctor's appointment and asked for a blood test. Results were low...202 and I started Testim. The stuff is better than Viagra....increased sex drive, lost 50 lbs, feel and look 20 years younger. In my opinion, every man should have their testosterone checked after age 40. I know that my wife appreciates my new attitude and performance."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am 35 and have been fighting what I thought was normal aging for the last few years. I have been very active my entire life. Running, biking, etc. I have fought low energy levels and not wanting to do anything. My normal weight was 185 at 5'10' and I got up to 236. I got a shot to get me going and have been taking Testim for 5 weeks. I have lost 20 pounds and am up at 5 AM every morning and in the GYM. I have never got up that early. I am in the gym morning and night doing spin and weights. I feel awesome. The smell of Testim is not bad at all. If I could live for 30 more years like I was or like I feel now, I would choose this without hesitation. This has changed my life!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "I started to take Testim for a month. Because of low energy, not to mention motivation and ambition. The first blood test results said I have low testosterone. I took it for three weeks. Insurance wrote a letter saying they need two tests to prove that is the case. I went off for a week, the worst week of my life. Testim really helped me after fifteen years of being diagnosed manic-depressed."

For Hypogonadism, Male "My husband had a really low sex drive... like headed for divorce court low. He seemed here but not 'here,' sleeping after dinner, not interested in doing much. So, 6 days on the medicine, and he is more alert, and the sex, well, let me just say, he seemed more fueled by the need, it was awesome. Now, the smell... I have no idea what people are complaining about, it must depend on your body, like some people can't eat garlic or smell it. It smells like he is wearing new deodorant. When I sit close, I can't even smell him all the time. As far as me, we put his T-shirts in a tub with a lid so I don't touch them, and our animals won't come in contact. He uses disposable gloves and then washes his hands! This stuff may have saved our marriage!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "Male, 53, went on for low drive, apathy, loss of muscle, weight gain, inability to exercise due to joint pain and frequent injuries. Blood levels of about 250. The first 8 days of use were the hardest - headaches, strong smell, so strong I thought I could taste it! This was on the 50 mg tube, 1 x per day. Was about to give up on it, and then all side effects vanished on day 9! After two weeks, my blood pressure has dropped from 160/100 and on medication to 120/80, and I am exercising daily. Note - highly recommend using latex medical exam gloves to apply - no mess, no cross-contamination, better drying, no waste. Also, use small needle-nose pliers to get the last 5% - 10% out of the tube. Miracle."

For Hypogonadism, Male "My understanding is that using a gel helps provide a more even dose than going with shots. I do have to comment on the strong smell of Testim. It's not a bad smell, however, it is too strong. Would you want to go into an important business meeting after having dumped on a half bottle of some strong perfume? Not me. I am considering asking my doctor for alternatives to Testim just because of its smell."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I'm 51. My testosterone level had dropped to about 150. I hadn't been to a doc in a few years and have been gaining weight and feeling more fatigued and less motivated. Doc offered Testim and others, but said Testim seemed to absorb better than others. He mentioned the possible smell and stickiness, but I gave it a try. Today was my fourth day, and it really seems to already be helping with fatigue and overall motivation. I'm going over to the gym and working out this morning, and I'm going to get the house cleaned up too. Perhaps just psychological this early. Regardless, I feel MUCH better already. I really don't see the smell or sticky issues, seems about like hand sanitizer. Rub it in a minute or so, no smell or stickiness. Happy!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "I recently turned 40 years old, and for at least the last five years, I have suffered from chronic depression, lack of motivation, no drive for life, and little did I know, a huge loss in sex drive. I decided to enter all the symptoms I had into a search engine. One of the first things that came up was low testosterone. I was shocked, and as soon as I could, I got tested. My reading was 240. I think if you are under 400, it should be an area of concern. After using Testim for two weeks, my mood began to get better. Motivation began to increase at work. Sex drive is through the roof. I'm looking forward to further benefits. Life-changing medicine. Smell is sort of alcohol-ish. When people ask about the smell, I joke about it."

For Hypogonadism, Male "45-year-old, healthcare professional, low testosterone for about 3 years and have tried injections and Androgel with limited success. Started Testim in May and my numbers have actually been so high that I had to cut down the dose or dose every other day. Huge muscle mass gain and weight loss, >35 lbs in 3 months with diet and exercise (I'm sure the Testim helped), no after-work naps anymore. Be sure to check T and E2 levels regularly, but this is the best topical testosterone you can get as far as absorption. Smell is a complete non-issue, and most who even smell it, love it. A bit sticky but easily, easily manageable. First T levels were 1100 with a free T of 250 (both too high)."

For Hypogonadism, Male "After using Androgel for years, had to switch to a more "cost effective" product. Testimis one of the worst products I've ever used. Metal tubes make it difficult to dispense, won't dry in a timely manner so your shirt sticks to you all day, and the smell is absolutely awful! Makes both me and my wife nauseous. Smells like a cross between cockroach spray and antifreeze. Incredible that this was approved for human use."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am a 46-year-old male. Memory and tiredness, slight depression. Diagnosed with low testosterone (222 on a scale of 200-800). Have used both Testim and Androgel. Like the way Androgel comes in a pump bottle and is not as sticky as Testim, but my wife and other women have commented that they like the smell of Testim. I now use Testim, applying one tube every other day because my wife says I'm more like myself at that dosage. Had an initial drop of testosterone to 201 when I first started treatment, but testosterone is now at 547 at the last lab. I feel much better."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Testim is my fountain of youth! My total T went from 295 to 856 in four months. I now work out and run regularly. I am 51 years old and feel like I did at 21 years old. My sex drive has gone through the roof, and my wife says I am a 'new' man."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Phew! Used this only two days. The smell is absolutely offensive. It reminds me of decades ago, had an 82 year old landlord who did yard work every day but I think he only showered once a month (no kidding). He wore some kind of nauseating cologne that stayed sour. No idea on whether this would have worked. Rather be low T than reek of this. Had to trash three T shirts and a bath towel that the smell will not come out of. Still hoping we can get the smell out of the washing machine. So far no go with vinegar and baking soda. Going to try to get refund tomorrow ."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am 59 years old. The last 8 or so years, I have had no energy and no sex drive. The doctor checked my test level, and it was 16 (yes, 16). The doctor said he had never seen anybody that low. I started using the 5-gram tube. I noticed a difference the next day. After 1 month, I feel great, and my sex drive is way up, my beard is growing faster, etc. I don't want to ever look back!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "Testim helped my husband but hurt me. It transferred to me, and now I have hormonal issues and other medical issues related to this product. DO NOT touch them where they have put it on, skin to skin, until they wash it off. Don't let your children near him either! They should keep the area covered. Our doctor did not warn us, and I only found out after I got symptoms."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Been using Testim 1 Gel for 28 days. I'm a 54 y/o, otherwise healthy male who had been experiencing sub-zero sex drive, depression, fatigue, and erectile dysfunction. After four weeks, I've noticed I'm putting on some muscle (but I also spend four days a week at the gym) and I am fantasizing (a lot). Haven't noticed any real improvement in the erectile dysfunction arena, but I maintain the erection I do have quite a bit longer. I believe I'm making progress, but I'd like to see more! By the way, women love this smell...at least the dozen or more who've commented on it to me, anyway. My original 'T' score was 208, and I get tested again next month and will be interested in seeing the degree of change."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Used Testim for 30 days, worked well. Total testosterone increased from 298 to 631, with 5G. My family could not stand the smell of Testim. The smell was so poor I wouldn't apply it if I was going out in public. Testim would remain very sticky for an extended time. Would have to keep pulling my shirt off my stuck skin throughout the day."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I'm a 31 year old male diabetic and was having problems with erectile dysfunction. I started on a Cialis regimen and it only slightly helped. My urologist then tested me for Testosterone and found I was in the low 200 range. He gave me a month supply and a prescription for Testim. The first month there didn't seem too much impact, but by the second month I had both more energy and sex drive. The erectile dysfunction problem was greatly reduced and in some cases the Cialis isn't needed. As a side note, some people complain about the smell. I think it just smells like cheap aftershave, but doesn't really bother me. My girlfriend and two of my close friends that are also female think it smells wonderful. I'm not sure if it a pheromone response or just pleasing to them."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Very effective. I had very low numbers and bad muscle aches that made it difficult to walk more than a few blocks. I considered this almost a miracle because it helped so much, so fast. I have found men hate the smell and women love it. Women say, 'I don't know what you have on, but you sure smell good.' On the other hand, in a group of men, I see them moving their chairs to get further away from me. No comments, they just move. No known side effects for me."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I'm a 44 year old diabetic and Dr perscribed Testim 1% gel to treat my Low T level. It was not his 1st choice but my Insurance wouldn't pay for anything else. It came in a box With 30 individual 5g small tubes. The first thing I noticed, right away, was the pungent smell that did not go away when the product evaporated. My wife noticed it and my drycleaner too, who all found it unpleasant. Also, product goes on slimey but drys after about 5 minutes but, If you sweat, it will get slimey & your clothes stick. After 2 weeks, I noticed an increase in energy levels and felt better in general. However, I (nor my family), could not get past the pungent smell. I stopped using this product after about 3 weeks and will ask my Dr to change."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am 54 yrs old. I have been using Testim for over 6 weeks now because my Dr. prescribed it to me. The results that I've gotten are phenomenal. My Testoserone went up 3Xs as much and my Free Test went up 2xs as much. I feel more confident; a little more aggressive; more sure of myself; more alert; a little sharper; overall I feel GREAT! And sexually I don't tire as quick as before. I rub one tube on my shoulder and upper arm in the mornings, about the same time. I switch arms everyday. The smell is pleasant. I did have a side effect i.e. my foot/ankle swelled up, so I laid off it for about 2 weeks, till the swelling went down. Now I have no more side effects, this works GREAT!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "My boyfriend is only 32, but he still needed some help and the Testosterone supplement seems to turn back the clock. Never had a problem with libido or such, but there is a definite increase there. I've noticed some weight loss and muscle gain on him which is sexy. "

For Hypogonadism, Male "My insurance no longer covers the preferred Androgel (ugh!) so I ended up with this. The medication smells like a cross between cheap "old man" cologne and ant and roach killing spray. I used it one time in the morning before work and the smell lingered in our home for the better part of the day. The offensive smell is embedded in my clothing and has now permeated the closet. The odor is bad enough, but it also makes my wife cough violently and impacts her breathing. The physician is looking for an alternative as this is an unacceptable side effect. JUST SAY NO to this drug. It will disrupt your entire household."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I used Axiron at first and noticed an improvement but nothing explosive. I think the absorption was decreased as you put in your armpits and then have to put deodorant. T levels did not really go up. Switched to Testim and I have really noticed a huge difference. More energy, improved muscular definition (which was decreasing before treatment even though I am always active), sharper, much improved sex drive and mood swings are gone. Have not yet done a T level test with Testim, but I expect higher levels. I recommend that you really apply the gel on both shoulders (half tube on each) and rub it into the skin. This sure helps alleviate the stickiness to your shirts. The smell can be bothersome but what is the alternative? Low T?"

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  • Drug class: androgens and anabolic steroids
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  • Testosterone (AHFS Monograph)

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AndroGel, Xyosted, Jatenzo, Depo-Testosterone, ... +10 more

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  • Hypogonadism, Male