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Generic Name: Tirosint for Underactive Thyroid (levothyroxine)

Tirosint for Underactive Thyroid Reviews

"I’ve been on Tirosint for 3 months now. The best I’ve felt in YEARS! I previously posted in October and I can only say if the other various thyroid medications are making you feel awful, YOU HAVE TO TRY TIROSINT! My energy level is fabulous, losing weight, no hair loss, coherent, etc, and overall LIVING LIFE to the FULLEST."

"A word of caution about levothyroxine - not all levothyroxine drugs are equal. I recently experienced a nasty episode with generic levothyroxine because the manufacturer changed the formula (replaced lactose with mannitol) which made me very sick for months (dizziness, nausea, over tiredness, chest pain, and arrhythmia). It took a while to figure out since there was no communication of a 'change' from the manufacturer. The switch to 'Tirosint' was a lifesaver! Right away, the symptoms subsided. It is so important to check the excipients (fillers). Tirosint has glycerin, water, levothyroxine, that's it! As an NTI drug (narrow therapeutic index), I would never risk the generic again. I was too sick and spent too much money with docs who couldn't find anything wrong with me! After doing research, I asked for just ask for the brand - I am so glad as it solved all of my 'issues'!"

"I was doing great on Tirosint until manufacturers changed to IBSA. I developed gastritis and arthritic neck pain, fatigue, and weakness. Felt like I had the flu. This medication has cost me a lot of time and money. Please start checking for any manufacture changes to your thyroid medication."

"I was on Nature Throid for 13 years with no problems until they stopped manufacturing it. I tried Armour and experienced anxiety! I switched to Levothyroxine and have been in the dumps, suffering from upper back and neck pain ever since. Recently, I switched to Tirosint, my hair immediately started falling out, and I was having severe hot flashes. I stopped taking it, and both issues resolved, so now I just take Levo every other day. I'm not sure why these manufacturers cannot figure it out when there are so many people suffering. Please, someone manufacture Nature Throid again. I am at a loss."

"Tirosint has been great for me. I have hypothyroidism and was starting to have recurring symptoms. Tirosint got rid of these symptoms. My recurring symptoms while on Levoxyl (but only after over ten years on it) were: puffy face, constipation, fatigue. When I took Tirosint, the symptoms were gone. I am very happy with Tirosint. I have no side effects."

"For the people who have concerns with hair loss. I have heard that if you need and can tolerate taking zinc supplement, it decreases hair loss and also helps convert the t4 to t3. As always, consult your doctor."

"I was on generic levothyroxine for over 30 years at 112 mcg per day. I felt ok, but over the past couple of years, I had ups and downs with it. It got really worse since January with dizziness, extreme tiredness, and nausea. Come to find out, the manufacturers replaced the lactose ingredient with mannitol, which was our culprit. After researching, I discovered that mannitol is no longer allowed in France and Belgium due to its side effects. I asked my doctor to switch me to Tirosint (pure form with no mannitol or dyes), and my symptoms have subsided! So far, so good. I need to wait 2 weeks to check my levels. I bet I may even have to lower my dose as I seem to absorb this one better. I am thankful to the manufacturer of Tirosint, as I feel so much better!"

"I have been on every and I mean every thyroid medication known to my doctor. The Tirosint had worked the best because of my gluten and lactose issues. However, my insurance company refuses to pay for the medication and since my husband is retiring soon, I will have to go off my meds altogether. I simply cannot afford to pay. I also suffer from Lupus and other autoimmune diseases."

"Personally, I really like Tirosint better than any other thyroid medication I've taken. I was on Armour for 3 months and started to lose my hair, and my nails got very thin. Then, I switched to Synthroid hoping that my hair would stop falling out, but it only got worse. After a month on Synthroid, I lost at least half my hair. So I talked to my doctor, and we switched me to Tirosint, and after 3 weeks of using it, my hair has barely fallen out! I personally have had no harmful side effects with Tirosint, and I am glad I switched. Yes, it may be a little pricey a month, but it's totally worth not having my hair fall out!"

"Devastating side effects - I have developed severely crippling joint pain in both knees, debilitating nerve pain in feet after 12 weeks of taking this drug for underactive thyroid. Also experiencing muscle spasms, tremors, depression, suicidal thoughts, restlessness, some chest pains, and tingling all over the body. If I could have given it a lower rating, I would have."

"I have been on several thyroid medications for over 8 years. I was always tired, had fatigue, experienced hair loss, and extreme weight gain. I started Tirosint, and instantly I started feeling better."

"I have been using Tirosint for over 8 months. I feel good and more energetic during my day. I can actually get more work done without having to take a midday nap. However, I haven’t done blood work to see how the real effects are taking place within, but for the past two months I have started experiencing terrible joint pains in my wrist, fingers, and legs. So I’m starting to wonder based on some of the other comments if this medication is causing these pains."

"This is the best thyroid medicine I have taken. I took the generic for several years. I was constantly tired and miserable. Finally, I found Tirosint, and I have been so much better. I have been on Tirosint for a year now, and I am so glad to have it. I have not had any side effects."

"I've tried EVERYTHING. Armour did not work for me at all. Neither did Levoxyl. I know people who swear by Armour. I've tried generics. The generic made by Abbott Lab worked really well (they also make Synthroid). While I felt better on Synthroid or Abbott's generic, I did not feel NORMAL. Much to my surprise, I feel normal on Tirosint. I have energy I haven't had for more than 15 years. I don't know whether my thyroid will stabilize with this, but I feel the urge to exercise which I've never had on anything else. My brain is clear and my vision is improving. Blood levels were always 'normal' on everything else, but that doesn't mean it was getting cell use. Too expensive, but I can't afford to keep feeling crappy or less than."

"I have Graves' disease and took RAI (radioactive iodine (I-131)) to treat the disease, which means now I have to top up my thyroid levels. I've previously taken Levoxyl, Synthroid, and lastly Armour. I always felt miserable with Levoxyl and Synthroid, which is why for the last three years I was taking Armour. Within the last year of taking Armour, I've had terrible inflammation, joint pain, anxiety, insomnia, hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, and the list goes on. It was coincidental that I forgot to take an Armour pill and realized how in one day all my symptoms went away. The next day I took my Armour and they all returned. It was so bad that I couldn't even bend my knees. I was miserable! I've been reading about Tirosint for the last few months, and my endo was more than accommodating to let me try it. WOW! What a difference! I'm not as hungry, losing weight, no anxiety, sleeping through the night, and overall just feeling great, as I've never had thyroid issues. However, I did have some heart palpitations last night. I'm going to get my lab work done today, as I feel the dosage may be too high."

"My disabled brother was previously prescribed generic levothyroxine and brand name Synthroid. On both, he was basically in a continual state of lethargy to the point where he would fall asleep on the commode or at the dining table. Never heard of Tirosint until requesting help. This medicine has been incredible. No more lethargy and continuous sleeping during the day. Family members have commented that he is more alert, engaged and seems to be happy. They would be correct!"

"I have to say I was excited to try Tirosint, but after roughly 8-9 weeks, I started to notice tingling in my legs and left arm. I also noticed redness on my chest and vision issues. I wouldn’t have thought it was the medication, but since I don’t take it one day out of the week, usually every Sunday, I would start to feel better by the end of the day. Once I started to take it again on Mondays, my usual schedule, usually by 4 hours later, I started to get the tingling feeling again. My legs felt weak, and my knees and joints were hurting. I do better on Synthroid."

"Great medication for those who have absorption issues (Celiac, dairy intolerances, etc.) and no T3 conversion problems. On that note, you will find that a specific dose of Tirosint will feel much higher than that same dose in regular Levothyroxine, for example. As a gel cap with no fillers, more medication is able to absorb into your system. Start with a much lower dose than you think you need and work your way up. Over the past 10 years, I've tried Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, NatureThroid, Levothyroxine, and Synthroid. With all the other medications, I always felt like I was constantly increasing my dose. At one point, I was on 200 mcg of Levothyroxine. I'm now taking 25 mcg of Tirosint 5-6 days a week. My levels have never been as 'steady' as they are with Tirosint, and it's nice to know I only need a small dose of it as opposed to depending on such a large dose on a daily basis. The only downside is the price, but it makes a world of difference."

"I was on a low dose for 2 weeks and developed a rash and sore throat. I thought it was a virus. After 2 more weeks, I developed a severe headache, neck pain, and dizziness. Stopped the medication 5 days ago and am still having issues, but the severe headache is less. Not sure how long it will be before it is all out of my system."

"I was on Tirosint for over 6 months, and during that time, I've had fluctuating blood pressure, a sore neck and throat, sleepless nights, nervousness, and generally not feeling well. While it may work for some, it didn't work for me. I am now on the natural hormone Armour Thyroid, and I hope to stay on it."

"The only problem with Tirosint capsules is the out-of-pocket price... We are low fixed income due to my hubby, who is an Elderly Disabled Vet, and I must be home taking care of him, so nearly $44/mo comes out of the grocery $, Yet I prefer Tirosint capsules over any other thyroid meds I have had because I have not had any negative reaction to it like I have with all the others I have tried, Levothyroxine tablets give me big migraines. With Armour, I have an allergic reaction that makes me feel like a zombie."

"For underactive thyroid, I was first given Synthroid. I had very bad side effects, which included feeling very hyped up, terrible insomnia, and anxiety out the roof. I felt crazy, like I was on street drugs or something! Horrible experience that went on for many weeks. I finally was able to see an endo, who right away put me on Tirosint. Wow, what a difference! No side effects. It took almost one year to get my levels right and my medication dose settled in, but it was worth it. In the short term, I felt much better after about a month. My doctor says the dyes and other fillers could have been causing my previous reaction. I am super sensitive to drugs and will not take over-the-counter meds or anything because of this. Tirosint is worth the extra cost if you are having problems like mine. They do offer a $35.00 coupon good for 18 months online if insurance won't pick up the cost."

"I have had trouble with my hypothyroidism for 40 years. For the last 4 years, it has been out of control. I can't keep my levels good. I fall asleep at the drop of a pin and I am tired all the time. My doctor put me on Tirosint. At first, I felt like a million bucks! Then the panic attacks started, along with bad cramps in my legs and feet. But the worst was feeling like I was in a constant state of diverticulitis. I was taking pain meds and on antibiotics for weeks! Then I stopped taking it. It went away. It has only been a couple of days, but my belly is feeling better. However, my anxiety is still running at a 9, along with irritability."

"I was on the edge of hypothyroidism but not fully diagnosed because my TSH wasn't considered high enough to be classified. However, I had most of the symptoms, so I was given a low dose of a thyroid medication. I was so sick that I ended up in the ER with a horrible migraine and throwing up for 14 hours. My doctor switched me to Tirosint, same dose as before, and I have no side effects. I am finally feeling human, I am not so tired, I am more alert and focused, and my TSH level has improved significantly."

"Tirosint saved my life after many years of Synthroid making me gain weight for no reason and failing to keep my levels stable, despite dosage increases. Every doctor I went to brushed off my concerns until finally one mentioned Tirosint. I am finally able to lose weight instead of gain, and my thyroid levels have never been better."

More about Tirosint (levothyroxine)

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  • Reviews (139)
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  • Latest FDA alerts (1)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tirosint advanced reading
  • Tirosint

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Unithroid, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Tirosint prescribing information
  • Levothyroxine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Unithroid, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • TSH Suppression
  • Myxedema Coma
  • Thyroid Suppression Test
  • Underactive Thyroid