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Generic Name: Tri-Previfem (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestimate)

Tri-Previfem Reviews

For Acne "So I went on this pill for my acne and irregular bleeding. At first, it made my skin break out somewhat more, and I started to lose hope. I've had a rough time on the pill because I forget to take it daily, but it's getting better. But after being on it for two months, my skin is totally clear. I have one zit, and it's not big at all. I have so much more confidence now, and I'm so happy that I stayed on it. If you are hunting about going on the pill for acne, I highly recommend this brand. You will have side effects at first, but trust me, it's definitely all worth it."

For Birth Control "I have just started my third month of Previfem, and I have had almost no side effects! My breasts have grown so much, though! (not that I'm complaining) This was my first birth control, and I'm very happy I chose it. It makes my periods much lighter, and if anything, it increased my sex drive. I've noticed that I'm not as moody when I'm on my period, and I am so happy about that. I have had a very pleasant experience so far."

For Birth Control "I used to take Tri-Sprintec, but my pharmacy switched me to Tri-Previfem. I have been on it for about a year, and at first, it was alright, but after a few months, I noticed things were starting to change. I started feeling depressed, developing anxiety, and I noticed my libido was declining. I didn't really think much of it, but now it is getting worse and worse. I have been having anxiety attacks, which I never had before taking this. I have been more depressed than ever before. And don't even get me started on my libido. I am only 21, and I never want to have sex anymore. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years, and I used to always want to do it. Now, it seems like I have to force myself to do anything, and I shouldn't have to do that."

For Birth Control "I've completed six months with this and have had zero problems with it. 4-day periods, sex drive is normal, minimal cramping, and no other side effects at all. Birth control pills work differently for everyone. Your body may react differently than mine, but I've had no problems with Tri-Previfem."

For Birth Control "I've been on Tri-Previfem for 3 months now, and it's been quite the whirlwind. Firstly, my periods are so much better, my cramps are non-existent, and my menstrual cycle is punctual. Additionally, my insurance covers all of it, so it's absolutely free. Although this may sound like a miracle period medicine, it certainly has its cons (for me). I've become extremely sensitive and needy. As a nursing student, life is stressful and lonely enough to deal with, this medicine has amplified my stress, anxiety, and depression. I never thought I would be one of the unfortunate ones to experience the ugly side effects of a medication. This may be fitting for others, but certainly not for me, I need my sanity back."

For Acne "I LOVE this birth control. Not only is it an effective contraceptive, it helped my acne, I wasn't moody, and my sex drive was great. My periods were the normal four to five days, so if you're looking for something to shorten your periods, I'm not sure if this is the best for you. I'm currently on Sprintec because my pharmacist recommended it as the generic, but I don't like it. I can't wait to be back on Tri-Previfem!"

For Birth Control "I was first put on Tri-Sprintec, which worked wonderfully for me, but my pharmacy switched me to Tri-Previfem. I've good news and bad news about this pill. The good news: I've not gotten pregnant. The bad news: after being switched over, I've realized a shocking change in my mood. I'm much more depressed, and I have developed a case of anxiety. I have experienced several anxiety attacks after being switched to this pill. I'm contemplating asking my doctor to change my prescription. If you wish to not get pregnant, then take this pill, but you may undergo dramatic changes in your mood."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I'm not sure what's causing the abnormal bleeding, but I've been on my period for 20 days. Stopped the period one day and now bleeding again, this has never happened to me before when using any other birth control."

For Birth Control "I was on this for about two months and I thought I was going insane. My depression was really bad and my stomach hurt and I have severe panic and anxiety attacks. Don't get this medicine if you have depression. It'll save you the tears and fights in your relationship."

For Acne "I am starting my third month of this birth control and I have to say it's pretty good. My acne has decreased dramatically. I used to have a lot of cystic acne spread throughout my face and now it is decreasing. Also, my period is very light and it lasts about 3 to 4 days. I actually experienced cramps the last time I had my period on the first day but once I took two Advils I was fine. As for weight I have maintained the same way however my breasts do increase right before my period and I do feel bloated on the first day. I would recommend this if you're looking to treat your acne."

For Birth Control "I use it as a birth control, but it has helped a lot with my acne. No more oily face. Also how effective is this in regards to birth control? So far.. no problems, no weight gain. It was difficult getting this approved by my insurance BCBS."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I just started these pills last month I had a period for 5 days and then 2 days later I experienced heavy bleeding. This pill has been causing me to feel nauseated and having severe stomach pains. I do not recommended this prescription to anyone."

For Birth Control "I have been taking this medicine for a few years now. And it works great for me. I have a four day period. My periods are light. I get little cramping but it's not that bad. Compared to what I used to have, a 7 day period heavy flow and alot and I mean alot of cramping it's ten times better. My mood has gotten alot better also."

For Birth Control "I'm 16, on the 5th day of my second pack. I LOVE this birth control! My acne is slowly going away, but I also use Proactiv. It has lessened my cramps a LOT, made my breasts feel a bit bigger (according to my boyfriend). The only bad side effect I had in the beginning was one day it made my face blotchy, which says that can happen in the information. Other than that, everything's been great. My mom and I are on the same pill and we don't have insurance until September so it is about $34 a pack out of pocket."

For Acne "I didn't care for this at all. It didn't control my periods at all, I still had my 7 day long periods when other birth controls I have taken controlled it by the most 5 days, and I feel like my mood swings were severe where was scared of myself, not normal. My acne seemed to be worse than usual. I stuck myself with it for a year to see if any changes would happen and nothing changed so I swapped birth control."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "My insurance company just switched me from Ortho-tricyclen to Tri-Previfem. This is my second month on it. My period usually lasted for 3 days also. This time it's been 5 days. And in the past 2 days, I've had a lot of bleeding. I've gone through over 10 pads already today. I will stop taking it and try to go back to Ortho Tri-Cyclen. I'd been on Ortho Tri-cyclen for many years and never had any side-effect."

For Birth Control "As far as birth control goes-great. It has prevented unwanted pregnancy for me and my boyfriend for a while now; however, ever since I started this birth control I've been very emotional and very forgetful. It's gotten to the point where I have to write down everything."

For Birth Control "I have been taking TriPrevifem for about 7 months now and no complaints whatsoever. After the second month of taking Tri-Previfem my period has definitely done a 360* and regulates monthly now. I haven't felt on edge and I have lost weight as well as going down a cup size on my breasts. It's a great pill, but know the tablet can vary in side effects depending what your body can handle. FYI: definitely research on your own as well as talking with your primary doctor!"

For Acne "This pill is the worst I have constant headaches, depression, major depression, I cry all the time and I don’t know why my period was really light for two days then it just became really heavy all of a sudden I’ve lost weight I don’t have an appetite I would not recommend anyone To take this pill"

For Birth Control "I found Tri-Previfem to be an effective contraceptive for my boyfriend and I; however, I have recently started getting sudden and severe headaches, and in some cases body aches. I can't leave my room or function when these happen so I usually just sleep. It's really hard being a college student who needs to get work done when I get sudden severe headaches. On the bright side, I've noticed no weight gain and my skin cleared up. My periods also became regular."

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for 3 months and have not become pregnant. My boyfriend and I don't use any other birth control methods. My skin has cleared up and I haven't gained any weight (although I work out regularly and eat well). The first month my breasts swelled up to over a cup size bigger but after I finished my first pack they went back to their regular size. I would recommend this pill to anyone looking for a method of birth control. The reason I gave it a 9 and not a 10 is because it has caused me some mood swings. Nothing unbearable. My sex drive is also the same as before."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I have been taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about 6 years -- then my insurance switched me to Tri-Spintec. Then a couple of months after that I was switched to Tri-Previfem by my insurance. My period last month was so light, I was thinking "yay!".. but I'm halfway through my pack this month and have started my period again. I'm going to guess it will continue into next week when I'm scheduled to have my period. I don't like this at all. Part of the reason I love birth control is I can be in control of my period and schedule things around its arrival (i.e., my wedding coming up). After reading these reviews, I'm going to talk to my pharmacist about going back to Ortho Tri Cyclen. Thanks for the reviews ladies."

For Birth Control "I have only been in this birth control for almost a month. Immediately after the first few pills my breasts began to get very tender and they have definitely grown a bit. I'm having terrible stomach pains, bloating, nausea, I'm constantly sad. My acne got worse, but I haven't gained any weight. I've been spotting for about 2 days now, but I'm not supposed to starty period until next Friday. Hopefully all is well, and it's just my body getting used to the hormones. However, if these symptoms do not clear up within the next month, I'm going to try to switch or just stay off of the pill. I'm going insane due to the fact that I feel like I'm pregnant, but I'm hoping it's just the birth control side effects."

For Birth Control "I've been taking Tri-Previfem for a month now. On the second day of being on the pill I experienced constant nausea & stomach pain. When I got my period the cramping became severe almost unbearable & my period last for 2 weeks. This pill is not for me."

For Birth Control "Best birth control out there in my opinion. I have been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend for almost 2 years on this pill and it is very effective in keeping you from getting pregnant. Never had any negative side effects, didn't gain any weight. The only thing is my boobs grew from a C to a DD, but that's a good thing for me lol. Highly recommend this birth control!"

More about Tri-Previfem (ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives

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  • Tri-Previfem advanced reading
  • Tri-Previfem

Other brands

Sprintec, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estarylla, Tri-Sprintec, ... +21 more

Professional resources

  • Tri-Previfem prescribing information

Other brands

Sprintec, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estarylla, Tri-Sprintec, ... +20 more

Other formulations

  • Previfem

Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Acne
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Ovarian Cysts