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Generic Name: Triderma ()

Triderma Reviews

"In my use for the periodic eczema; it truly stopped the agonizing itching for me. Left my hands feeling very soft (almost baby skin-likeness). It allowed my hands to heal faster. However, I just grabbed it off the shelf of the store without reading the labels, etc. Yes, it works, but at a cost. There is a slight darkening of the skin, as described. This cream is a steroid. Use with caution if you are concerned about steroids, as they’re known for bone weakening over long periods of time. Discuss with your physician prior to using. Overall; it was worth it to me."

More about Triderma (fluocinolone / hydroquinone / tretinoin topical)

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  • Reviews (1)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical depigmenting agents

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  • Triderma Cream prescribing information

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