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Generic Name: Trimethoprim for Bladder Infection (trimethoprim)

Trimethoprim for Bladder Infection Reviews

"I had other antibiotics before and other medicines, but never had side effects or allergies till I was prescribed trimethoprim. Took 1 tablet, and after a few hours, I started to have a headache-not that painful, but after the second tablet, it was really bad. I woke up during that night. The next morning, the headache was better, and I thought I should take another tablet to see how I feel. I had it with food to be sure I wouldn't be sick. I regretted it after 1 hour or so when suddenly I got nausea, a bad taste in my mouth, and the worst throbbing headache ever! Couldn't do anything, just stayed in bed. Eventually, I started to feel better and stopped taking these. Reading other opinions on here, I think they should ban this antibiotic."

"Took this antibiotic many times and never put two and two together that the bad tummy and headache, sore throat was the tablets. The last time I took them I had salmon pink skin, Rash, swollen eyes and lips and diarrhoea. Was rushed to hospital in an ambulance. Would suspect if I took again it would be anaphylaxis. Steering well clear of this awful drug."

"Cystitis infection and prescribed these trimethoprim tablets. Took the full course and feel totally exhausted, difficulty sleeping, anxious. Infection still hasn't totally cleared up! Will NEVER take these pills again. SHOCKING"

"I am currently on day 2 trimethoprim. The 1st day after taking I had slight nausea and felt very drowsy, almost fell asleep in my class but I also walked a lot that day. Took one this morning, fell asleep an hour or so after but no nausea today. I had a really annoying UTI/Bladder infection. I've never taken an antibiotic before, but I really don't want that damn infection coming back because it sucks. Protip: If you have an infection, see a doctor ASAP. Don't wait or use over counter stuff. Thought mine had gone, a week later it was back."

"As I sit here with a UTI and wait to phone the GP in the morning for antibiotics, I suddenly remembered how ill I became on Trimethoprim two years ago. Reading these comments, I didn't realize how many people have had bad experiences with this drug. The first thing I'll say to the doctor is, "Don't ever give me Trimethoprim again, EVER!" On day 3, I had to have an out-of-hours doctor come to visit me. I was so unwell. I was involuntarily violently shaking, I had pain throughout my whole body, the worst pain in my head, and felt like I had the flu. It was the tremors and shaking that were terrifying. The doctor told me to stop taking them immediately, and thankfully, after three days, I started to slowly improve. Never again! I'm not sure what my other options are for a UTI, as there's another antibiotic that I'm allergic to."

"I wish I had seen these comments before I took Trimethoprim, which was several years ago now. It affected me really quickly too and within about an hour I also experienced negative effects from this drug. Never again! High anxiety and random thoughts. Had to keep the light on all night as I was so afraid. Extremely fatigued, and depressed too. Senses heightened greatly and at times had sudden surges of energy doing bizarre things. Thought I was having some sort of a breakdown. Took it for a few days and then stopped. It left me feeling awful for several days. Put on another drug which worked well on the infection without such negative side effects."

"I took the 200 mg strength and was given 16 tablets. On the morning in which I took the very last dose I came out in the most horrendous rash I have EVER experienced and have told I must NEVER take that drug again. The rash - over a period of about 3 hours - spread over my entire body, including my face. I was hot and itchy beyond belief. My doctor was absolutely shocked as she said that any reaction usually appears after taking just a few tablets. I'm in U.K. so some questions are not relevant to me."

"I was prescribed this drug for a bladder infection. Within an hour of taking it, I had one of the worst headaches I've had since my last migraine. It was the intensity of a migraine, I tried paracetamol and ibuprofen, but nothing touched it. I've got horrible anxiety, I feel shaky and my stomach feels truly awful. I feel sick and no appetite. I also feel exhausted, I didn't sleep well last night due to racing thoughts. Much of what others have described has been my experience. I'm currently waiting for a call from my GP surgery for a different antibiotic. Take the advice on here, don't take it, it's a truly awful drug. It should be taken off the market!"

"I had severe cramp from the neck downwards. I couldn't sit, stand or lie down . It was so severe. I stopped taking it and went to the Doctor. It started easing off but was still there after a day . The Doctor said it wasn't the Alprim and I should continue. So I restarted the medication and it cranked up again in all its severity. It was awful so I stopped and the cramp went away."

"bladder infection. Almost an hour later I had severe dizziness, hot flashes, extreme anxiety and felt like my blood pressure had dropped drastically. next 3 days I had a horrible headache, nausea, the worst fatigue ever, completely no appetite and severe anxiety. kidneys were very painful, hard to breathe without exacerbating the pain. 4th night I experienced all that and insomnia/strange random thoughts at night that seemed to have a mind of their own Day5 I feel much more like myself but still delicate. I notified my dr and NHs24 about my symptoms and they said to keep taking it! Glad I did because I am feeling much better now. look up "bacteria die-off symptoms" this maybe what we have been experiencing. Harmful endotoxins from the dead bacteria in our systems due to antibiotics. I've read the worse you feel during die-off, the more you needed it. Take a good probiotic at night to ease symptoms."

"Due to allergies trimethoprim is the best choice for a bladder infection for me. Used once before about 4 years ago after infection from catheter after surgery. Works fine for me and I have not had the side effects some experience. So in my case a very good choice."

"I was prescribed 200mg 2x day, and two days in I stopped taking these tablets-that was two days ago and still my entire body is a mass of burning red itchiness- looks like measles and is getting worse."

"After 1 dose. Itching all over legs, feeling nauseous, sleepy all day, extreme fatigue and headache, pain in abdomen. Didn’t take the 2nd dose. Tell me the another easy way to get rid of the infection"

"Oh my god, absolutely awful stuff. I've had anxiety for years, so know my body and panic attacks etc. Day 5 of these and my manager had to call 999 as I genuinely thought I was dying. The MOST intense panic attack I've ever had. Heart thumping through my dress, faint, head spinning, hands & legs num, weak.. this was all after days of constant anxiety and dizziness. I've come off them and still feeling dizzy but hoping they'll wear off soon. Never again!!!!!"

"Was prescribed this for a UTI, made me so ill, nausea, terrible constant headache, upset stomach, sweats, chills, I never slept when on them, had weird dreams and made me anxious. I will never take again and would just rather suffer with the UTI."

"I have already taken a full course of antibiotics and the UTI did not clear. The doctor then prescribed 2 x 200mg daily of Trimethroprim. I have taken 4 (2 days) and last night I got a really bad itch across the bridge of my feet, and I could have clawed them off! I've been feeling nauseous and not great at night, restless. I don't think I will be taking these again. However, the UTI symptoms have eased slightly."

"I feel really, really terrible. The UTI may be preferable but on the positive side it is very effective for weight loss as I can't bear the sight or smell of food. For the first time in my life I may cut the recommended treatment short. It did get rid of the UTI though."

"Desperate have read comments which leads me to believe trimethoprim might be making me feel so dreadful. I have prostatitis and have just done my 3rd week on this drug having been on ciprofloxin for 10 days prior to the trimethoprim( changed due to possible tendon problems taking Ciprofloxin)-- became constipated within 2 days tried to tough it out with combination of laxatives but just feel dragged down very anxious, morbid thoughts, no energy and now shaky and worried about the persistent pain. I hope this is the cause of my problems others have intimated, so that if I stop it these problems will go away"

"I actually was given this for Prostatitis. First course I was prescribed had no side effects but the next time one 200mg tablet gave me a very painful headache that I could not get rid of using paracetamol, ibuprofen, or cocodamol. Headache lasted for four days. Strange that the first course was fine but not the next."

"Starting taking this antibiotic for 5 days twice a day and bladder infection still here. Antibiotic resistant. Yes there was side effects but nothing too bad. Headache, some nausea but manageable. On a different antibiotic now penicillin so fingers crossed it works."

"I have taken this medication twice in 3 months, and I would not go off all these negative reviews. For me, it caused itchy skin, but I solved this by taking an antihistamine, which solved it. I was so scared taking the medication from all the bad reviews on here. Everyone is different, and you cannot go off other people's experience. I could not wait to finish the medication, as every day I was filled with anxiety and fear from knowing what side effects this medication can cause. Nothing bad really happened, but my UTI came back, and now I am on stronger antibiotics, which have worse effects than this antibiotic."

"It cleared my cystitis, but I got a rash after 4 days, so stopped it."

"I've taken trimethoprim for two days for a bladder infection and seem to have every side effect, and I've still got the bladder infection, I would not accept these pills again"

"Never ever will take these again! Panic attacks shaking feeling anxious depressed awful"

"Prescribed 3 days x 2 a day but started really feeling weird, hot shaky acute panic attacks I only took 3 tablets and I’m so nauseous I can’t eat. Not taking anymore"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: urinary anti-infectives
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Trimethoprim drug information
  • Trimethoprim (Advanced Reading)
  • Trimethoprim Tablets
  • Trimethoprim Oral Solution

Other brands

Trimpex, Primsol, Proloprim

Professional resources

  • Trimethoprim monograph
  • Trimethoprim (FDA)

Other brands

Trimpex, Primsol

Related treatment guides

  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Prevention of Bladder infection
  • Bladder Infection
  • Pneumocystis Pneumonia
  • Middle Ear Infections