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Generic Name: Trimethoprim for Urinary Tract Infection (trimethoprim)

Trimethoprim for Urinary Tract Infection Reviews

"First of all, I have had a stressful time recently but was coming out of it. Suspected UTI, so GP prescribed 7 days' worth of Trimethoprim. After 2 doses, the panic started. Thought nothing of it. By the evening of Day 2, I thought I had the flu. Body aches, headache, hot flashes alternating with shivering, then every pulse in my body was thumping as well as my heart, and that led to a panic attack as my pulse was going way too fast. I feel awful today, general weakness, body aches, and my head is thumping. I actually feel like stopping these tonight after 3 days as I feel awful, anxious, and tonight depressed and hopeless. Yes, the burning when peeing has stopped, but now I'm peeing loads because of the anxiety and panic. Honestly, can't 100% say Trimethoprim has caused all of it, but I'm pretty sure it's caused a lot of it. Just putting this here in case anyone else is suffering the same, you aren't alone. I see others have suffered similar."

"Presented to Doctors for UTI. Was prescribed trimethoprim for 5 days. 300mg, one per day. I have never had such a horrible reaction to an antibiotic. I did think it was odd that the dose was so low and only 1 per day, and now I know why. Any higher and I probably would have been hospitalized! I had the worst, worst stomach cramps, nausea, wobbly legs, zero energy, couldn’t sleep at night, sweating on and off, horrible jaw clenching, tense body muscles (especially in the back of my neck) and very, very anxious. It’s easy to second guess yourself and think that these side effects are just in conjunction with the UTI but me, personally, know my body very, very well and these tablets just made me so sick and in my opinion the UTI was easier than taking these. Now that I’m 2 days off these pills I am creeping back to normality. My advice is don’t take them unless you want to risk the side effects."

"I was prescribed Trimethoprim three days ago after being taken off nitrofurantoin due to an adverse reaction. I am coping, but the fatigue and nausea are the worst side effects of this drug for me. I have to take these for the next four days and am just hoping they do their job so I can get on with my life. Currently, I feel exhausted, nauseous, have no appetite, and just generally feel grotty. I am loath to go back to the GP complaining, as the last thing I want is yet another antibiotic prescribed with even worse side effects. Hugs to anyone taking UTI antibiotics as they all seem to come with a lovely list of side effects."

"I got this antibiotic, trimethoprim, and have been taking it for two days, but have stopped taking it now. I thought I was seriously ill until reading these reviews. The side effects symptoms it caused were constant nausea, blinding headaches, flashes, all wrapped up in excessive anxiety. NEVER AGAIN!"

"GP put me on Trimethoprim 300 twice daily for UTI caused by enlarged prostate and a huge bladder stone. Had the first dose on the day one. Day two took the second dose, symptoms seemed to be elevating. By the third dose, I started to feel strange in my thoughts. I knew something wasn't right but didn't think of the antibiotic. Started getting dizzy like car sickness, trembling everywhere in my body, then suddenly threw up. It caused many physical symptoms as well as anxiety, depression, disassociation, and suicidal thoughts. Long story short, attempted suicide, police were called, and I've been admitted to the hospital three times for physical and mental assessment. Please accept my best wishes if you have used this medicine with adverse effects. I wish you a speedy recovery."

"Got prescribed a 7-day course of Trimethoprim 200mg twice daily after symptoms returned after a course of Nitrofurantoin. Started it in the evening after a meal and immediately felt very tired (figured it could be a UTI). Continued with the course till day 3, getting progressively more tired, could not stay awake. Felt very weak and shaky and had a stiff neck. Had nausea but continued to eat. When I was awake, I had a sense of anxiety, clenching fists, raised shoulders up to the neck, palpitations, clenched jaw. Not usually something I struggle with. General feeling of being very unwell. Strange sharp aches and pains randomly on my body, abdomen, back, inner thighs, etc. Very thirsty as well, waking to drink but not to pee. Decided to stop the antibiotic and felt better the next day, 24 hours after the last med was taken. Would never touch this again."

"I was prescribed a 5-day course of 300mg trimethoprim for UTI treatment when I walked in at Emergencies (there was blood and total incontinence). I have had the worst days ever: insomnia, massive throbbing headaches, my hands are shaking, and bloating on the face and legs. I feel so tired, depressed, and I've been having obsessive-catastrophic thoughts. Is it just me? The blister contains 7 pills, unsure whether to finish or stop at 5, as I don't want the UTI back."

"Got diagnosed with a urine infection and was prescribed Trimethoprim for 3 days, twice a day. The bladder infection stopped after 2/3 doses of antibiotics. Finished the course now and completely back to normal. Didn’t get any serious side effects other than a slight headache on the second day, but didn’t experience anything like nausea or anxiety. Overall, pleased with the antibiotic and feeling much better now because of it."

"On this trimethoprim medication for 3 days for UTI, and OMG, the side effects are horrendous. How can they give out medication to people that is supposed to make you well but ends up a total nightmare? I couldn't sleep due to burning up and feeling really nauseous all night. No appetite, feeling weak, dry mouth, headache, anxiety, painful back. Have stopped taking them as there are a lot better medications out there. I think doctors should really read up about some of the stuff they hand out so easily to people. Hoping these horrible feelings pass soon."

"This trimethoprim medication is dreadful, the side effects seem to hang on well after finishing the course. I’ve used this medication a few times and thought it was only me with side effects. I have a thyroid disorder, and this medication has absolutely sent my blood reading all over the place, which results in my thyroid medication being lowered each time. Terrible insomnia, my body ached all over, and itchy. These side effects still linger two months later, it’s literally destroyed my gut and wrecked my insides. All I’m doing now is working on trying to rectify this."

"I am from the UK and I have taken this drug in the past with no issues. However, this time trimethoprim 200mg 2x a day for 7 days. As with other people here I got horrible jittery internal trembling within a couple of hours. Terrible burping and no appetite at all. Horrid tingly sensations all over my body as well as creeping pains up my back. Also back pain, stomach ache, dreadful anxiety, insomnia, horrible morbid thoughts, no concentration, lightheaded, fatigue that bad that even going to the corner shop left me out of breath and sweating. On the last day I developed an awful feeling of hypersensitivity in my genitals (I'm female) a constant and very unwelcome throbbing, it was all-consuming. Eased off a bit by night time but I couldn't sleep, I alsohad frequent urges to pee, but I can't seem to 'let go' and only a thimbleful comes out. Finished the course and praying that this stuff leaves my body soon .."

"I have just completed 7 days of trimethoprim. I do suffer from some anxiety, but when I took these, my anxiety was really, really awful, and I feel really low. This is my second time having a UTI in six months. But now I am scared of getting a UTI back because of the tablet. They tried one before trimethoprim, but that made me feel very sick. I was exhausted, couldn’t concentrate, just so, so anxious. I really don't like antibiotics, and I know they save lives, but I always have a reaction mentally when I need them."

"I was on trimethoprim for 7 days, taking 1 pill twice a day. From about day 2-3, I was getting nauseous and headaches and felt very ill. I could not go to the toilet, and by the morning of day 4, I felt extremely weak and nauseous. However, I was able to go to the toilet from day 4, but I had the shakes and was weak. Each night after my second tablet, around 6 PM, I got pain and spasms where my kidney is. Not sure if this is working."

"There are better antibiotics with less severe side effects than trimethoprim. I take medication regularly, which I've not had side effects for, however, Alprim gave me a headache that got more severe 'til I was throwing up in my car leaving work, ever so nauseous. The pain was so severe in the temples of my head and cramping all through the base of my neck. I couldn't move nor ease it. My jaws were clenched so much I had to put my tongue in between my teeth to alleviate this cramping sensation. Threw up all night 'til bile was all there was left. I was scared and anxious, no energy."

"I went into emergency for lower back pain last week, told me I had a UTI. The hospital prescribed me trimethoprim for 3 days, but my GP increased it to 7 days. I'm on my 5th day (I stopped), and it has been HORRIBLE. The side effects from trimethoprim are nausea, body aches, diarrhea, runny nose, high anxiety, EVERYTHING that has been described on this thread. I thought it was just me until I found this forum. I will be seeing my GP tomorrow. I can't deal with these side effects. Never again am I touching these antibiotics ..."

"Was prescribed 2 tablets per day over 3 days... let's just say I would rather have put up with the UTI. These tablets need banning. I'm currently on my third day in bed with the worst migraine, body shakes, itchy skin, loose bowel movement, and intense thirst. At night, my mind is racing with thoughts (like a slideshow flicking at speed). I would never take these tablets again."

"I'm looking on here in the hopes I hear of others' experience with almost a numbness in my right hand... (weird trying to text, etc.) I don't know how to describe it - like it's a bit asleep and shakes if I try to use the fingers individually. If I put both hands on the table flat and raise each finger, the left hand is steady, but the right hand fingers are shaking. I am on meds 3 days now. I am not going to take them today. I have only noticed this side effect since yesterday and am hoping it's the medication, trying not to go to a dark place that it could be a bigger issue."

"Was given a 3-day course of 200 mg tablets for a bladder infection, and I was dubious about taking them, and now I know why. I took my first one yesterday evening, and my side effect symptoms began with itchy skin, blurred vision, and the start of a headache. I went to bed early because I felt weak, then kept waking in the night, and each time my mouth was extremely dry. I woke with a bad headache today and will not be taking any more of that antibiotic. I think we are all just lab rats."

"I’m on day 6 of this medication, trimethoprim, for a UTI, and I can’t wait to get off it. I am waking up all night long, headaches, trembling fingers, aching bones. It seems to be interacting with my blood pressure tablets, and it’s making me feel on edge. The first day was okay, the second day started having these side effects, and as each day passes, I am literally getting worse. In order to take this last tablet tomorrow, I have had to stop my blood pressure tablets. My dosage is 300 mg per day. The UTI seems to have gone, but I want to finish the course, scared in case it comes back. I'll have to find some other antibiotic, I can’t tolerate this any longer."

"Was prescribed trimethoprim (in the UK) 2x200mg for a UTI. Within an hour of taking the first one, I was suffering from a killer headache, lightheadedness, nausea, and heart palpitations. Wore off after 4 hours. After taking the second tablet, I actually passed out! Same symptoms, only multiplied by 10. Had used these tablets before with no side effects and actually wondered if it was more than a UTI. Had a restless night, unable to sleep, itchy skin, felt as if there was something crawling underneath my skin. Took the third tablet in the morning and oh my god, I was unable to speak, could hardly walk, wasn't able to eat, couldn't pee, and my heart was racing. I will never take these tablets again and strongly advise anyone else to do the same."

"First 7 days of taking Trimethoprim made me feel ill, nauseous, vomiting, shaking, sweats, and headache. Felt better once the course ended, but 2 weeks later, UTI back. Further 7 days prescribed, this time raging temperature, vomiting, mouth sore, throat sore, runny nose, and breathless shaking, clammy skin, and rash. Urine test showed clear of UTI. Told by GP to immediately stop taking Trimethoprim. 24 hours later, still feeling ill with intermittent above side effects, wondering how long it will take to leave my system."

"I've taken Alprim previously in a small course, but was put on a 7-day course, and it has taken the life out of me. I don't want to eat, the thought of it makes my stomach turn. I feel like vomiting every second, tired, sweating, anxiety."

"Was prescribed 7 days (one a day) script of Alprim. 300 mg of trimethoprim in it. I got onto my urinary tract infection early, so the drug worked wonders within 24 hours, but by the third day, my anxiety was extremely heightened, and I was having panic attacks, and usually my anxiety never does that. I couldn’t figure out why I was so on edge, then I realized this script was the only new thing. I have two more days to go, and I cannot wait to get off the stuff. I feel so anxious and like I’m gonna cry at the drop of a hat."

"UTI ... so I was given trimethoprim, two a day, seven days. Things seemed fine until the 7th day. A rash broke out all over my body. Felt like I had a fever, though I had a normal temperature. But when I tried to sleep ....! Sweating, constant shifting position, none of which were comfortable for more than 10 seconds. My mind seemed to be racing away on its own, and I had no idea why I was running over and over in my head all this stuff that was absolutely nothing to do with me. But every time I even tried to nap or doze, away went my mind at breakneck speed on weird subjects. For two nights, I simply did not sleep at all, had to sit on the sofa just waiting for morning. It was very scary. Never again would I take this."

"I took trimethoprim for 4 days before switching to a better antibiotic, as trimethoprim didn't clear my UTI. While on it, I would wake up during the nights with terrible anxiety and couldn't get back to sleep. As soon as I switched to another medication, the sleeping/anxiety issues disappeared."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: urinary anti-infectives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Trimethoprim drug information
  • Trimethoprim (Advanced Reading)
  • Trimethoprim Tablets
  • Trimethoprim Oral Solution

Other brands

Trimpex, Primsol, Proloprim

Professional resources

  • Trimethoprim monograph
  • Trimethoprim (FDA)

Other brands

Trimpex, Primsol

Related treatment guides

  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Prevention of Bladder infection
  • Bladder Infection
  • Pneumocystis Pneumonia
  • Middle Ear Infections