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Generic Name: TriNessa Lo (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestimate)

TriNessa Lo Reviews

For Birth Control "First of all, I would say that you should take these reviews with a grain of salt. There are so many different experiences that people have had on trinessa lo that just reading about the prescription you just picked up is basically pointless. For the most part my cramps are fine, my period is fairly light and only about 4 days long and very regular. I never had issues with breakthrough bleeding and my acne remained the same pretty much, though it was never bad to begin with. Initially I made sure to eat before taking this pill in the morning but I stopped fairly quickly and I never had issues with nausea that I would associate with this pill. My anxiety and depression can get pretty extreme, but that's an issue I have without trinessa as well, so I can't exactly blame it for that. Most importantly, I never got pregnant. I would consider myself to be the perfect user, and one could say I've put this pill to the test and its passed with flying colors every month."

For Birth Control "I started this medication on a Sunday. On Monday, I got a migraine. I thought nothing of it. I took ibuprofen, it had little affect on the pain. By Tuesday, I was extremely irritable and frustrated. I started noticing that I had sharp chest pains that radiated to my right arm. I continued on the birth control, because I didn't put two and two together. On Friday morning, I told my best friend about migraines and she told me to stop taking it because the same medicine caused her blood pressure to be elevated. By midnight, my lips and nose were tingling and I still had a migraine and chest pain. I went to the ER, they did CT scans, X-rays &blood work. They couldn't find an issue, but instructed me to not take the meds anymore, as did my Dr."

For Birth Control "I was taking this pill for 2 years. I honestly think I was on this pill longer than I should have. I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt and try to rule out other things. But the sex drive was ZERO. I was always upset when my husband wanted to have sex because I wasn’t in the mood. It almost ruined a new marriage. After ruling out other things in my life, I stopped taking this pill and OMG! It made a huge difference. I was a little shocked. If you lost sex drive and are on the fence about whether or not it’s the pill, it’s the pill!"

For Acne "I had very bad cystic acne that was worse during my cycle. I tried oral antibiotics and they were somewhat effective but I still had issues around my cycle and they are not for long term use. So I started this and halfway through the second pack/month my skin was completely smooth and pimple/ whitehead free. I could not be happier. When I first started taking this I had a very bad breakout, but by the time I hit the third week of the first pack my skin started to improve. My hyper-pigmentation that was left behind is getting better since I am not having any new breakouts. I was worried that this generic would not be as effective as the name-brand OTC-Lo, but it is great and free on my insurance!!!"

For Birth Control "I've taken Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for 10 years. About 8 months ago my insurance switched me over to Trinessa Lo due to it being cheaper. It's supposed to be the exact same thing so I've given it time to work itself out. I'm switching back to Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo. 15 lbs of water retention that will not go away despite constant exercise, healthy diet (no sodium or complex carbs), etc. Cystic acne, engorged and painful breasts, extreme mood swings, irritability, worsened hypoglycemia, no appetite, dead libido, HEAVY periods, horrible cramping, and headaches. I must be allergic to something in Trinessa or maybe it really isn't the same as OTC? Either way, this BC has made me consider quitting BC altogether due to the insane side effects."

For Birth Control "I had to switch to TriNessa Lo after my insurance wouldn't cover my Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo prescription which I had been on for over 3 years. I was scared that it would make my body all wacked out of the sorts since it was the generic brand. I have been on it for a month now and nothing has changed (knock on wood). I actually feel like it might be better than the non-generic. I have slight cramps during my period, but not bad. Acne level isn't bad either, haven't gained weight either. I think I am having a good experience because I used to be on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for the longest time. Anyways, 9/10 from me. :)"

For Birth Control "I'm 36 year old & hadn't been on hormonal BC for 6 years before I started Trinessa Lo for BC. I've had many side effects. I had daily nausea that felt like morning sickness all day every day. I only had relief during my period. I couldn't tolerate foods that I normally consume. Also, certain scents, like air fresheners, made me feel sick. I had occasional headaches and broke out with a lot of acne. My sex drive was nonexistent. I also felt significantly depressed near the end of my cycle before my period started. I decided to stop taking it after 3 months of use. Now 2 weeks after stopping, all those side effects are gone. Bad experience for me!"

For Birth Control "I’ve experienced absolutely no side effects with this pill, I used to take Sprintec and it would give me tender breast and I would get extremely bloated but this pill was amazing. Other people might have different reactions as everyone’s body is different but for me, it was the best pill."

For Birth Control "I first started using TriNessa lo May of 2016. I am 24yrs old, weigh 115 & became sexually acitve the month after for the first time when I got married. The 1st week hormones kicked in was pretty rough. It was the usual..low-moderate nausea, a couple of head aches & of course, I became very emotional. But, I went back to normal pretty soon after. Since, I've had no side effects, my periods are now lighter and shorter w/o cramps & my acne went away almost completly three months after. My prescription was suspended a couple of months ago & I can't even tell the difference! The only difficulty I face is having to remember to take it at the same time every day. I will soon be trying NuvaRing for this matter. I hope its just as great!!"

For Birth Control "I have been taking low dose birth control pills for 4 years. Trinessa Lo isn't too bad. Pros - very light period, easy to swallow, very little weight gain <10lbs (which is very important to me) Cons - PMS seems to start earlier than previously, so emotional, hard for me to remember (even with an alarm set on my phone) In conclusion, I am going to have Mirena (IUD) put in soon. I just think it is time for me to try something else. Also, my schedule has gotten much more hectic and I am forgetting the pills more often. Overall not a bad pill."

For Birth Control "As many others have said everyone has different experiences with birth control. That being said TriNessa Lo was a horrible birth control for my body. I’ve never had bad acne, but I noticed a significant increase in the amount of acne on my cheeks and chin area. Even worse were the mood swings, I would cry at the drop of a pin and it was very negatively affecting my new marriage. I couldn’t control my emotions and would cry and get angry at my husband for absolutely nothing. Not only that I was very tired and lethargic all the time. It also made my periods very heavy and I had headaches at least 3 times a week. The only reason it gets a 3 rating is because I didn’t get pregnant."

For Birth Control "I was given Trinessa Lo instead of Tri Sprintec by the pharmacy. I was told they are same pill but they absolutely are not. I’m not one to post reviews but Trinessa Lo has been the worst pill I have ever taken. I took it for 3 months to allow my body to adjust and it just couldn’t take it anymore. I experienced horrible acne, breakthrough bleeding, and horrible anxiety. I felt awful for the 3 months that I took this pill."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Out of the 3 pills I have taken (the others being Microgestin Fe and tri lo sprintec), Trinessa is probably the best. Microgestin caused not only constant constipation and the worst depression I've ever experienced. I switched to Trinessa and these problems lessened within the first month. Trinessa did give me some nasty forehead acne and mood swings, but these also disappeared relatively quickly. My only real complaint is that until the 5th month on it, I would spot for a week straight before my placebo week. My flow was pretty heavy, but no terrible cramps accompanied it."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "When I got off birth control years ago (Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo), although I loved the light periods and perfect skin, I didn't like the synthetic hormones idea and swore I'd never take birth control again. Skip ahead a few years with very irregular periods and extremely painful and heavy flows and spotting lasting weeks, my OBGYN strongly encouraged trying it again. Within a day of taking Trinessa Lo the bleeding stopped. I was so hesistant from the reviews but I have not experienced ANY side effects except for low sex drive."

For Ovarian Cysts "I started bc for one main reason, ovarian cysts. It workes great. I was on it for five months and had no pain from cysts the entire time. It also worked great to prevent pregnancy. There were no issues except one. I gained at least 20lbs in 5 months from it. I usually fluctuate from 112 to 115lbs. No more than that. Well once i started bc I had the appetite of a teenage boy. I was eating non stop! I'm sure the weight can be controlled if you are dedicated to a strict diet though. So I got off the bc two weeks ago and I have already lost 8lbs. The reason I chose to get off is because of the weight gain. Now I have to trade it all in for the cysts again."

For Birth Control "I’m a healthy 23 year old. I weigh a little under 100lbs, and I’m 4’11. I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for 5 years and loved it. My insurance decided not to pay for it anymore, so I was switched to the generic: TriNessa Lo. I was very skeptical since it’s the generic, but I thought I’d give it a try. I was only on TriNessa Lo for 3 weeks and I just made an appointment for an IUD consultation. While I was on TriNessa Lo, I had acid reflux, a crazy appetite, the worst cystic painful acne I’ve ever experienced, horrible mood swings, bloating 24/7, and I started having severe panic attacks on my last week of pills. It worked for birth control, but the side effects were not worth it. Do not take this."

For Birth Control "I was previously on ortho tri cyclen which was amazing!! However I had to switch over to TriNessa lo and so far it hasn’t been the best. Contraceptive wise it seems to be fine but the side effects are becoming unbearable. It started on my first week where I had terrible abdominal pain and it prevented me from sleeping at night. For my mood I’m not sure if it is related to the pill but I have been more moody/emotional than usual especially to my poor boyfriend. I have a three month supply of the pill so I’m going to see if I’m able to finish up the first month. I would like to add that I’ve been on 4 different brands of birth control and this is probably the worst side effects wise so far."

For Birth Control "My Dr tried me on this thinking maybe this would help my periods, breakouts and mood swings. My previous bc made it all worse. I was on trinessa when I was younger, but that particular dosage was too high. I had terrible migraines and water retention. I am almost 35 and trying to find a pill that works with me. On lo, I was doing very well at first. No breakthrough bleeding, periods got a little better, no weight gain, face cleared and moods levelled out. I'm on my third pack and have frequent headaches and mid cycle spotting. Dosage might be too low. The fluctuating hormones might be causing headaches. Dosage was too high with trinessa, so need a totally different progestin combination most likely or a pill with 24 active ones. I was mostly happy with this pill otherwise. Would continue it if the dosage had not been too low. I will say it is one I will recommend, though it wasn't the best fit for me."

For Birth Control "I finally found a birth control without all of the side effects and they are phasing it out. This worked exactly like ortho lo but was free with my insurance not $180. I'm so so sad I'm going to have find another one the process of getting to this one was extremely hard :("

For Birth Control "This was my first time taking birth control and I used it for 7 months, I never got pregnant while on this pill but I noticed I had the worst mood swings of my life and would freak out about everything. I was always crying while on this pill. I was hesitant to stop taking it because it was effective but ultimately came to the conclusion that my mental health was more important. Now that I’ve stopped using this pill, I’m not currently taking any new medication and have felt happier and more at ease"

For Acne "Are used to be on this birth-control when I was 17 for about 8 months and I had perfect skin but horrible ,horrible mood swings that I couldn’t function in daily life with. Never really had acne before going on this birth control so when I switched to two other pills I wasn’t worried about it. I switched to Lo Loestrin Fe and although it helped with mood swings, I got terrible acne. I then went on Nortrel to clear up acne and it got even worse. Finally, I went back on Trinessa Lo. My skin cleared somewhat, after 4 months. But the INSOMNIA hit me like a train. I tried over the counter sleeping pills but nothing worked. I didn’t sleep at all while being on this birth control. I couldn’t take sleeping 1 hour a night so I made a decision last night to stop taking the pill. My sister also took Tri-Nessa Lo and her first year she had the clearest skin but also had insomnia. One of the side effects of this pill is insomnia so watch out."

For Acne "So trinessa is my first birth control and honestly it is not that bad. I'm going to start accuctane and was told to start birth control. My advice for anyone who suffers from nausea is to take an antacid (tums) 30 min before taking the pill. I take mine before bed and the nausea is very bearable and not extreme so I was able to sleep through the night. The only thing is that I'm getting headaches and my anxiety is getting a little bad. However I'm giving my body time to adjust to the pill. So far, so good."

For Acne "Okay honestly I'm not sure how well this has worked in terms of combating my acne. I started in December and ever since then I've had a mixture of AMAZING skin days but also a few bad breakouts of cystic acne (currently me right now). I honestly don't really know how to rate this because I think it has helped in some ways but it's hard to tell. I also went on minocycline recently which previously helped a lot but this time I went on it I think it broke me out even more?? Anyways thats my experience so far I'll stay on it to see if it gets better even though I've been on it quite a while"

For Birth Control "The time I was on Trinessa was horrible. I had major mood swings, lost a lot of weight, got really depressed and felt like a total different person. I also got migraines once a week from the start of the pill until I finally decided on changing it."

For Birth Control "So I started using this for birth control in November and immediately started breaking out heavily and my periods went from 5 days to 7. The acne was so painful and awful I went to my dr and begged her to change me to something else and she said my body will adjust to he hormones and my skin will be better in no time. It’s march now and my skin is actually worse. On top of that I’m having insomnia. The acne is really intolerable. Weigh options before using this drug please."

More about TriNessa Lo (ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate)

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  • Drug class: contraceptives

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Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Acne
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Ovarian Cysts