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Generic Name: Tyrvaya for Dry Eye Disease (varenicline)

Tyrvaya for Dry Eye Disease Reviews

"I was using a prescription eye drop and really hated it, so I only used it once a day instead of twice a day. I switched eye doctors and read a Tyrvaya pamphlet in his waiting room. I asked if I could try it. The eye doctor gave me a sample bottle to take home. I tried it that night, and it worked after one dose. No more burning, itchy, watery eyes. The next morning, I woke up to eyes that weren't crusty. I have been using it as directed since April 12, 2023. I did have sneezing at the beginning, and sometimes it does burn my throat. The only thing negative about Tyrvaya is the bottles. I pump repeatedly, and nothing gets dispensed. But I pump it in the air, and it comes out. Need to improve or change the bottles."

"I've been using Tyrvaya for a week and I think it may be working for my dry eye condition. What I want to share is how important it is to use the drug correctly. With the first dose, I didn't pay close attention to the directions for use and experienced the violent, lengthy sneezing attack and the burning throat that many reviewers are commenting about. I learned it's important NOT to direct the solution straight up and high into the nose, but rather just inside the nostril and diagonally outward ('toward the ear'). Now I still may sneeze a couple of times - or not - but there's no severe reaction."

"I have been using Tyrvaya samples for several weeks now, and my eyes have not felt or looked this good in 8 or 9 years. I had a very bad case of Meibomian gland dysfunction and have tried about everything. Within a couple of days, my eyes were clear. One sneeze after spraying and no burning after I learned how to spray correctly. Too bad my insurance does not cover it, and no way I can afford this med."

"Tyrvaya 0.03 mg. So happy I have tried this. Finally I have relief from my dry eyes. No more burning and discomfort all day long! A few sneezes after I take a dose but that is all. My eyes are SO MUCH BETTER! Now I just have to convince my insurance to cover it."

"Have had dry eye for a long time and finally was convinced to try this. Sneezed and coughed for half an hour. Horrible experience. Could not breath and all of my coworkers left the building for fear of COVID. It felt like pepper spray up my nose and the biting in my throat lasted all day. Never touching that toxic stuff again. Learned my lesson."

"It does sting a bit in the nostril and did cause me to sneeze once with each dose. Otherwise if you put your tongue on the roof of your mouth there is no drainage down your throat and thus no irritation. I had results in about 36 hours. I used in a trail so there was no cost to me."

"I have been using Tyrvaya for almost a year now. I had sneezing and coughing at first, but just minor now. The only side effect is bad dreams, and I try to use it hours before going to bed. It helps. I have never paid anything, but my Cigna covered it. Not sure I can do it for long. Wish it would cover more of it. It has really helped my eyes tremendously! Worth the dreams. My eyes were terrible!"

"When I tried to prime the pump, nothing happened, so I pumped it until a spray came. I later read (which I should have done before using) that this does happen, and not to keep pumping, just use it. Eventually, the spray did appear, but I might have wasted some of it. I've been using this spray for about 4 days, and so far, my eyes feel 'tight' and a little irritated. But with 'dry eye condition,' I will keep using Tyrvaya for the recommended 4 weeks at least. At this point, I am willing to try anything to alleviate the dryness. Side effects (I think) include a headache, but I have them anyway, so can't honestly blame the product. I have Sjogrens Syndrome and pray this helps. So thankful scientists are working on a cure for dry eye. I wish to thank them very much."

"I've been using it for about a week. Except for sneezing 4-5 times after using it, I didn't think I had any further side effects. But now, I'm realizing the drug is greatly affecting my sleeping. I'm up now almost every 2-3 hours. Had a bad terrible nightmare just last night. Will try to use it for another week and make a determination as to whether or not to continue. And the price has a lot to do with my decision too."

"The sprayer on the sample takes a lot of priming with each dose; not sure if it is defective or not. The spray does not burn, but I sneeze uncontrollably after each application. Other than that, no issues except it is pricey even with good insurance. I've been using it a week now and no change in my dry eyes yet, but I'm willing to give it some time as I can no longer comfortably read in the evenings due to my dry eyes."

"Tyrvaya is amazing! For years I had stinging burning eyes every day. No matter what eye drops, ointments or treatments I tried, nothing helped. Then along came Tyrvaya. I’ve been using it for several months and no longer have any stinging or burning in my eyes. It’s wonderful!"

"I have used Tyrvaya for about a month and noticed an almost immediate improvement with my dry eyes. The only downside is the cost. On my Medicare advantage plan it is a tier 4 non preferred drug and costs a small fortune."

"I've only been using it for a short amount of time, but so far it seems to work better than eye drops. Side effects: it makes me sneeze every time I use it and leaves my throat irritated for about an hour. Eye drops are easier to use but this works better. I get relief from my dry eyes quickly."

"I've been using this nasal spray for about 2 weeks and it's improved my blurry vision in my right eye from severe dryness and also decreased the amount of irritation/burning in both eyes. The spray does burn and occasionally cause a sneeze, and if it goes down the back of your throat it burns. But this doesn't last long. My only real complaint is it's so insanely expensive I doubt my insurance is going to approve it."

"I had a lot of difficulty working the pump - after 15 priming pumps, it produced some medication only twice. I wiped the dispenser with a clean tissue as directed, then the next time, nothing. I had to probe with a needle to get it to produce some medicine after multiple pumps. I have discovered that if I run the tip under water and then wipe it with a clean tissue before and after each use, it works as expected. Does the medicine work? I still use eye drops, but less often - but this is the first time in a year (after cataract surgery worsened my dry eye disease) that my eyes do not look bloodshot. They are less irritated, for sure, which I am happy about, but I am ecstatic about not looking every day like I had been on a bender the night before!"

"I have had dry eyes for years. My doctor prescribed Restasis and that never really worked for me. When I complained that I was still uncomfortable, she prescribed Xiidra. That seemed to work for a while, but with much burning upon application. After a tear test, we added Tyrvaya to the Xiidra and that was OK for a while until my eyes became very blurry and the Xiidra stung very badly. I decided to stop the Xiidra and just use the Tyrvaya. That was about a week ago and I must say that the Tyrvaya alone was better than anything else. I still use artificial tears throughout the day, but my eyes feel so much better and I can see clearly. Much better now!"

"I have been fighting dry eye for years. This stuff is great!! My eye doctor gave me a sample and it worked within hours! I sneezed a couple of times, but I can deal with that rather than the awful feeling of dry eye. If you have the chance, it's worth trying!!"

"Have used Tyrvaya for about a week. I sneeze 2-5x each time. That would be okay, but my nose also runs uncontrollably after each dose. I figure if I blow my nose, I will just remove all the medication. So am I truly limited to just dabbing at the worst of it? Wish they covered in the brochures/videos how long you have to wait for therapeutic absorption. Honestly, I haven't seen any improvement yet. Will persevere."

"Before using Tyrvaya for Dry Eye Disease, I used Restasis. Restasis caused intermittent irritation. Honestly, the first day I used Tyrvaya, I felt relief in my dry, itchy eyes. The symptoms, including the little goop balls, vanished. I cut way back on eye drops, and I feel normal again. Follow the directions closely to help you avoid sneezing, etc. I find it takes about a minute to apply Tyrvaya. I've been using it for 2-1/2 months. My Medicare and supplement cover almost all the cost."

"Helps somewhat with dry eye, but the cons far outweigh the pros. First is the cost. I have to pay $300 a month for this because I have a high-deductible insurance plan. That alone is going to make me stop using it. The other thing is the delivery system. It only sprays correctly half the time, resulting in wasted doses. Overall, the relief I get is not worth dealing with the cons."

"I've been using Tyrvaya for a couple of months now and it has been wonderful. Clearer vision and no itchy, burning eyes. Yes, I sneeze, but it's worth every sneeze. I have only one complaint, the bottle! To use the Tyrvaya properly, one must hold the bottle sideways and spray in the nostril at a 90-degree angle toward the ear. Although there is still liquid in the bottle, I find that the pump often does not work since the bottle's at an angle. Perhaps a different delivery system would be beneficial to users."

"I have been using the product since November 1, 2023. I use the nasal spray twice a day following directions given by my eye doctor. I may have noticed an initial improvement but it does not completely remove the irritating effects of severe dry eyes."

"I have been using Tyrvaya, according to directions, for about a month. It appears to help with dry eye. The pump is a challenge. I can handle the sneezing and runny nose. However, in the last week, I have been having unusual dreams every night. I may have to stop using it based on this latest issue. I am still using the doctor's sample, and the cost may be a problem."

"I switched from Xiidra because of the nasty taste that wouldn't go away. I dropped Restasis because it raised my blood pressure. Tyrvaya has helped me feel less irritation in my eyes. Frequently after dosing, I do sneeze or cough, but that passes quickly. At times I get an effect - a weird feeling like powder entered my throat, but it's over in a minute or so. It's worth the random inconvenience. Learning the correct application is not too bad either: prime bottle, tilt head back, aim for ear top, tongue on roof of mouth, don't touch nasal wall."

"The samples worked GREAT and I was so excited, only to find it costs between $900 and $1921.73 for a 90-day prescription! Who has this kind of money? Medicare will not cover it nor the drug supplement."

More about Tyrvaya (varenicline)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: cholinergic agonists
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tyrvaya drug information
  • Tyrvaya nasal

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Professional resources

  • Tyrvaya prescribing information
  • Varenicline tartrate (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Dry Eye Disease