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Generic Name: Uptravi for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (selexipag)

Uptravi for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Reviews

"I am on my second dose 400mcg 2 times a day. The doctor is gonna have to lower it to 200mcg. I felt good at that dose. Side effects are pain on my legs and arms and restlessness. When I was on 200mcg twice a day, they were mild side effects. When I uppered the dose to 400mcg 2 times a day, the side effects were terrible. I cant deal with that kind of pain. Toooo much. Guess my dosage is gonna be 200mcg a day.its only been 2 weeks. But at least I don't get sob. I get tired cause the pain is sooo bad. Everyone is different so I would recommend it. I will be back in a month or two for my other rating. I haven't been taking it that long. I just can't stand that pain."

"When my doctor told me about this medicine, I was nervous to take it because of the reviews I read. The side effects sounded pretty bad and at first they were!! Headaches, I mean bad headaches were the worst. Body ached but I got through to 1600mcg. I just had my first echocardiogram since taking the medication and the right side of my heart as shrunk, its function has improved to normal and my hypertension in my lungs is lower. I don't know for sure if its the medication or not but it is too coincidental not to be. My doctor is very happy!!! It is working for me."

"Its more convenient then doing a breathing treatment every two hours. That said i made it to 1200mcg twice a day .the headaches and body aches are side affects I accept them to breath better . I am staying at 1200 mcg for 3weeks now . I still have headaches (migraines) and are not as bad as when I have advanced each week .so this is my vacation before raising my dosage. I'm in stage 3 of pulmonary arterial hypertension and not on oxygen as of yet . I do take two other helpful medicines to help out . As I progress on Uptravi doses I cut back on breathing treatments (Ventavis)one dose a week .As of today I have stopped Ventavis and rely on the Uptravi . I hope Uptravi is the answer for helping me breathe better."

"Uptravi saved my life. Before this drug, I was on a pump for Veletri. Although Veletri worked well, the site of the pump got infected often and my psyche was extremely depressed. Since I started Uptravi, my life has changed. I am all the way up to 1600 mcg/2X per day and couldn't be happier. This is my recommendation for PAH. My heart is not failing anymore, and both sides are the same size!"

"I am with this medication for 2 months in 1600mg twice a day I don't feel it help me and I have a lot of side effect like headache, hot red flashes on my face, eyes, pain in my legs, arms sometimes diarrhea, less appetite. I hope continuing this medicine improve my breathe because I'm not ok right now. I'm taking adcirca and( nitric oxide this is a study).."

"I'm on my 2nd week of the tritation. I do have some headaches my skin is itchy and I have a weird heartburn sensation. However I will continue I hope the positive will outweigh the negative. It was hard to get this pill so I really want to try and makes it through this tritation. My other meds are letrais and sildeifide. which I love"

"Hi , I'm having the same as another person.I'm on 400mg twice a day. In sooo much pain..I asked my Dr's nurse what to do, she said my body needs to get used to the PAIN!!! I need to talk to my doctor, he's out of the country. I'm not getting it, this much pain and still can't breathe right? I guess I will have to stay at this level NO WAY I'M MOVING UP!!!"

"been on Uptravi since 2019, starting dose was 200mcg X2 seemed to help, have increased dose slowly to 1000mcg X 2 for this past 5 months. Yes have had some side effects itchy, red rash, jaw pain. I am on oxygen for the past 3 years, and I am, a sassy 83 year old. I find if I triturate up for a couple of weeks at 200 mcg only at night and then when my body seems to handle ( 2 to 3 weeks) it I move to 200 mcg during the day ( 2 to 3 weeks)! Seems the doctors rush to get us too 1600 X 2 Sorry for all going through the pains and illness of pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary fibrosis."

"This medication causes excruciating pain that I have explained to my doctors on more than one occasion unfortunately my opinion doesn’t matter to them bc I am still taking this medication and suffering. I haven’t been able to go pass 600 mcg for over 2 years. I have to take narcotics just to have 2 hours of relief from the pain this med causes. My shortness of breath has not improved while on this drug either. Currently taking 3 meds for my pulmonary hypertension @ 24 years old and have seen no improvement to my condition."

"I've first used Uptravi 2 years ago, but it was causing me so much pain I quit all my meds, I got worse he'd to go to ER and tried to get back on the Uptravi. Nope too painful. I took a break from Uptravi for 6 months and just started again, saying to myself I won't give up. It has me in so much pain, I can't take the pain. I cry and just want to quit. My boyfriend has been so helpful I don't know how he can handle me with all the side effects, he is great."

"I started taking Uptravi 2/19 after being on Letairis for 5 years now. at 200mcg 2xday my breathing immediately got better, climbing subway steps wasn't as difficult. I was hopeful a greater dose would make a greater impact. I kept pushing through with hopes of better results once the body adjusted to meds. 1000Mcg was extremely challenging, dizziness and clouded head, pressure in my eardrums and feeling more likely to faint if pushing myself up a flight of steps or walking distance. Heart racing quickly, more often now, not a good feeling. Still, I pressed on with hopes my body will adapt. 1600mcg 2xday(max dosage) for six months now. The pressure in the head is really strong. I stay in the house now cause walking/commute on NYC transit is a challenge. Can't work outside of home, too unstable. Will request to be reduced down to 1200 with hopes my body can sustain the pressure. side effects are outweighing the solution."

"I started at 200 mcg on 2/7. Side affects escalated so by the next titration of 400 mcg. I was in so much pain, it hurt to move and my jaw pain was ridiculously annoying. I never experienced muscle pain like this before. I told my nurse when he came. I was supposed to go to 600 mcg but the set me back at 200. Which is where I still am. If I didn’t have severe side affects I’d already be at 1200 mcg. The good part is that I found that I breathe a lot better and had more energy. Even my cough wasn’t as bad. The down side is that I began to have diarrhea and that sucks. The pain of diarrhea not being able to eat, absolutely no appetite. What do I do? Imodium isn’t working. I’m stuck in the house. Sorry to say the good doesn’t out weigh the bad and I’d rather not be on this medicine."

"I fought through the headaches and made it to the top 1600 mcg. I have loose stool and occasionally have jaw pain, it more of a sour pucker pain. One time a day, 2 days a week. I went from severe to moderate in 1 year. I get around much better now."

"1st week 200 mg - fine 2nd week 400 mg - still fine 3rd week - OMG the pain in - well everywhere is over whelming. Headache, body ache had to sleep with mother as she was calling doctors at 1:00 am - almost called 911. I moaned every breath I took. I'm sure I'll get used to it - NOT!!! I don't know what to say other than the reviews were totally accurate to the nightmare that I had. At first I was like - ok I can do this - maybe I'll be the lucky one who has no side effects - I was wrong"

"I am back and it has been 2 years. I am still on 200 x a day. I also take revatio and letaris now and I have had 2 echos the past 2 years.My PAH pressures 5mmg. So It is working for me. I have mild PAH. Hope it stays like that for years to come."

"I started taking uptravi in 2019. I made it up to 800 mcg before the muscle pain became intolerable. My breathing has improved but I’m on other medications as well. I have tapered down to 400mcg because of the pain. It still hurts, and overall it makes my body feel extremely uncomfortable. It’s not good to take Tylenol or ibuprofen everyday either. Honestly, I don’t remember the ibuprofen relieving the pain. I know one thing, I don’t believe God would use something that causes us pain to make us better."

"Been on Adcirca and Letaris since Apr 2018. Started Uptravi in May 2019. 200mg was OK, felt somewhat of improvement and ability to walk longer distances. Moved to 400mg was very hard and painful, muscle in the legs, heels, jaws, headaches. went back to 200mg dose and stayed with it for a month. Then started going up again in smaller steps, first increased the evening dose, then a week (sometimes two weeks) later, the morning dose. Got to 1,400mg but had to step back to 1,400mg at PM and 1,200mg at AM. plan to continue increase after some more time. Taking also Tylenol almost every day and sometimes Advil for the continues headaches. Pressures for me, so far stayed the same more or less. Didn't feel I'm getting stronger, in fact last 6min walk I had a drop. Is it worth it? I don't know. the other alternatives are pumps so better try pills before using pumps..."

"I just started this drug a week or 2 ago, I experienced lower leg pain so the nurse kept me at 200mcg two times daily but my symptoms have eased some so I'm hoping I can tolerate a higher dose. My fingernails aren't blue anymore."

"I took Uptravi for two years. My maximum dose was 1200 mcg 2 times a day. I couldn't get to goal dose of 1600. I was doing well. Tests came back good then my health took a big decline. Now I'm off uptravi and on Remodulin."

"I dread having to take this medication. The pain from the side effects can sometimes be unbearable. I don't see how anyone can possibly reach the maximum dose."

"Only 1 day of taking this and I'm up at 11:00pm and itchy so far."

"Oh my goodness. I feel restless and irritable. I have ringing in my ears. These are horrible pills."

"Side effects are flushed face, heart burn. It is my second week and just started 400mg 2 times a day. I'm grumpy"

"I cannot stand the pain of 400mcg twice a day, so I'm going to ask my pulminologist to put me back to 200mcg twice a day. I'm not willing to live with this pain if I don't have to"

"I am now at 1000 a day and night, 800 was hard. I was having really bad back pain on my left side, once that subsided, I slowly went up. So far, I've noticed my breathing is better."

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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: agents for pulmonary hypertension
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Uptravi drug information
  • Uptravi (Selexipag Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Uptravi (Selexipag Oral) (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Uptravi prescribing information
  • Selexipag (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension