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Generic Name: Vanoxide-HC ()

Vanoxide-HC Reviews

For Rosacea "I developed Rosacea in 1971. I had it for almost 9 years. I went to a dermatologist to figure what it was. At the time I was also taking 12 to 16 Excedrin a day which I told him I was taking. He prescribed an antibiotic. At my 3 week checkup I showed him the bruises on my arm and asked if there was a problem with interactions.He said not. I went to the pharmacy to find out if there was. I found out that it did. I had bruises all over my arms and legs. My clotting time was only 40% of what it should have been. I went to another Dr and she prescribed Vanoxide HC. It took awhile for it to take care of it but it worked. I had a few break outs over the next few years but it always worked. I had to stop using it because the pharmacy in Alaska didn't carry it and there were no mail order prescriptions at the time."

For Acne "I use Vanoxide after I have been around animals such as visiting dogs or cats....it must be an allergy to animals that give me occasional acne like issues. It stops the small breakout that doesn't go away. My face doesn't itch and feels good."

More about Vanoxide-HC (benzoyl peroxide / hydrocortisone topical)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical acne agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Vanoxide-HC drug information

Professional resources

  • Vanoxide HC prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Acne
  • Rosacea