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Generic Name: Venlafaxine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (venlafaxine)

Venlafaxine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reviews

"This medicine, venlafaxine, saved my life with IBS. I had become so anxious that I could not leave my house without severe panic attacks (accompanied by IBS issues that made it even more difficult to leave). I've been on it for a few years now and go out and about with no problems now. I feel like my life is my own again. :) There are some cons (night sweats!), but these are 100% bearable, considering how much healthier my mind and body feel."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I was prescribed Effexor XR for social anxiety and panic attacks, but an unexpected benefit was a decrease in my IBS symptoms (remember, bowel challenges are part of the symptoms of anxiety). After taking the medication for about a week, my bowel motions were normal and cramping in my bowels was eased - it emboldened me to eat more foods (before the medication, I hardly ate anything but blended foods, trying to alleviate the bowel cramping and gas). It was sensational - my health is so much better because I am eating healthier foods. I even stopped using Pepto-Bismol as a go-to for cramping! I am so appreciative of this medication. Also, another good aid for irritable bowel syndrome symptoms is swallowing peppermint oil capsules; not peppermint tea or candy. God bless you!"

"I have struggled with chronic stomach issues since I was very young. The symptoms (severe bloating, pain, severe/uncontrollable diarrhea, cramping, nausea, vomiting, bloody stool, etc.) are debilitating at times. I was put on this medication for anxiety, but it has treated 80 percent of my stomach issues. It's been life-changing for me."

"I was diagnosed with depression about 3 years ago, and I was diagnosed with IBS about 12 years ago. My IBS is a nightmare. I sometimes can't go for months, and it gets so painful I have to go to the hospital to go on strong medication. This affects my life drastically. However, after tossing and turning through finding the right antidepressant for me after trying all the other self-help routes, I landed on venlafaxine! Little did I know that it would fix my IBS! I have only been on the drug for 6 months, but wow, I've not had an episode, and on average I go to the toilet twice a week now! Which is amazingly rare for me. And another added bonus, I'm losing weight from both unclogging my bowels and as a side effect from the drug! Win-win!"

"After the doctor at my psyc counselor's facility was weaning me off 150mg daily Venlafaxine my IBS got very, very bad. My gastroenterologist was puzzled. He already had me taking Entyvio once every two months. My IBS continued to worsen. Somehow I stumbled upon some information that Venlafaxine can, for some people, improve (or should I say reduce) IBS symptoms. So I took it upon myself to go back to 150mg of Venlafaxine daily. In less than two weeks my IBS symptoms had reduced SIGNIFICANTLY. No side effects, far fewer visits to the bathroom, and I am not afraid of eating again. I swear by Venlafaxine. My quality of life has markedly improved."

"I started taking Effexor XR about two weeks ago on a very low dose. I am also taking Levbid twice a day. Between those two, my symptoms are almost non existent. The doctor wants to raise the dosage next week and I am ok with that since it is supposed to help my anxiety, which is a trigger for my irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. I will say, the first week, the side effects were horrible. I had the enlarged pupils, nauseous, constipation, and dizziness. They went away exactly at the 7 day mark and now I am starting to have hope I can have a normal life once again."

"I was put on this medication for anxiety ironically related to IBS-D symptoms and the pain of each flare (excruciating sometimes). The first week and a half or two weeks was hell. I was constantly tired during the day and out of it and then couldn't sleep at night. I would have awful pounding headaches and just felt like I was dying. This apparently is common when first starting the drug. Power through it. By the middle of week 2, I was starting to feel better and now I feel nothing. If you miss a dose by more than about 4 hours (if you sleep in, for example, since I take it in the morning) you start to get a headache but usually it goes away once you take the medication. You're not supposed to take NSAIDS with this medication, so if you get pain, take Tylenol (acetaminophen) and try some caffeine too (this helped me the most). It has significantly improved my IBS and also helped my anxiety."

"For years I had battled with IBS D, until being prescribed Effexor XR. I did have problems when changed to the generic. If I missed a dose of the name brand I could take the next dose. On the generic if I missed I would have awful withdrawals. And one manufacturer Zydus 120 mg lasted only 12 hours. I found manufacturer Greenstone will last the 24 hours. My current pharmacy makes sure they have it available, but some pharmacys aren't able to get certain manufacturers. I have been able to live a normal life with the medication Effexor XR or generic by Greenstone. I do not have IBS D, nor the stress and anxiety of never knowing when it would hit. I am very thankful."

"I got anxiety attack and that lead to irritable bowel syndrome. My Dr. recommended Effexor 150mg/day. I used that since 2001. It works well, no problems, makes me happy all time but when I eat something with milk, immediate I have diarrhea."

"I was diagnosed with IBS 15 years ago with no relief except by a prescription of a mild muscle relaxer which made me tired and didn't always help. Recently I hit a major depression and asked for help and was prescribed venaflaxin and haven't had a single episode in two weeks. That in itself is a miracle to me. Not sad or sick...finally!!"

"I got on Effexor XR and was on it for 6 months for my generalized anxiety. It didn't seem to help my anxiety, but it helped my IBS tremendously. It took away most of the pain. However, there were times it was a bit of a struggle to go, but I still was able to and I would much rather have it that way than loose. Now, I am off of it and want to get back on a low dose. I was up to the full 225 mg by the end but even the 75 helped my stomach. My stomach is now killing me and affecting my daily life. I get a lot of pain and a lot of time is spent on the toilet. I'm pretty miserable sometimes and hope to get back on it or find something that works that well."

"Recently switched from Paxil to this because I was gaining a lot of weight. But I found that this made my IBS Symptoms worse. It also did not improve my mood for depression.. I will probably have to switch back on Paxil but don't really want to since Paxil is one of the top highly addictive and hard to get off antidepressant."

"Venlafaxine turned out to help my irritable bowel syndrome a lot in addition to the psychological part. I take 225mg a day at the moment, and the days I sometimes forget to take them it gets noticeable worse."

"It gave me IBS as a side effect. A terrible drug, I hate it! It's ruining my life."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Worked really well for irritable bowel syndrome, but unfortunately it affected my blood pressure."

"I have taken either Zoloft or venlafaxine since 2000. It has made my IBS nonexistent. Always had a queasy feeling before and horrible IBS for years. Definitely improved my QOL."

"This really helped with my IBS!"

"I had IBS-D and generalized anxiety. This medication is awesome for this, and duloxetine or Cymbalta also helped my IBS. It made me 95% symptom-free. My anxiety is still bad, but it's getting better."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Venlafaxine drug information
  • Venlafaxine Extended-Release Tablets
  • Venlafaxine Tablets
  • Venlafaxine Extended-Release Capsules

Other brands

Effexor XR

Professional resources

  • Venlafaxine monograph
  • Venlafaxine (FDA)
  • Venlafaxine ER (FDA)
  • Venlafaxine ER Capsules (FDA)

Other brands

Effexor, Effexor XR

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  • Anxiety and Stress
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