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Generic Name: Venlafaxine for Major Depressive Disorder (venlafaxine)

Venlafaxine for Major Depressive Disorder Reviews

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I know the reviews are scary, and hey, this medication is not for everyone. Our bodies will all react differently. Prior to Effexor, I took Lexapro, but it didn't help me whatsoever. The only thing it helped me with is yawning awkwardly every other minute. My doctor suggested Effexor, and it completely helped me get out of the hole I was in. I was able to think clearly, feel joy, laugh, and really be present. My anxiety went down tremendously, and this, with the combination of therapy, helped me lose 70 lbs. I got off Effexor, and did it the healthy way, I did it slowly...and I was fine! No crazy withdrawals. So yes, people, it's possible to be on it and off of it, and still be okay. :)"

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have major depression, an eating disorder, and anxiety. I have struggled for years on and off multiple antidepressants. I just started Effexor 2.5 weeks ago. Already, I am so shocked at the absolute change. I wake up happy. I regained interest in things. I no longer have thoughts of suicide and am not crying every day. I honestly feel like it has given me my life back."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I was in the deepest, darkest valley of suicidal ideation. I had it all in life and one day, I stopped sleeping, eating, smiling, and functioning. I was miserable. I was scared. I was paralyzed by depression and anxiety. Imagine having an 8-hour panic attack but having such deep depression that you couldn’t move off the couch. I literally just sat and watched the sun come up and go down. Day after day, night after night. After a while, I lost the ability to cry. I thought death was the only solution so I thought about it all the time. Luckily, I gave the doctor a try first and after trying two other medications, we finally tried this one and it completely turned it around for me. Game changer. I started sleeping a little bit longer, eating a few more nibbles, cracking a smile here and there. Started to hear music again. Started to feel like life mattered again. Venlafaxine saved my life. Two years in and I am better than ever. Don’t be afraid! This might be the one for you too!"

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "After 7 years of trial and error, This year I found a fantastic psychiatrist and I was finally told about 'Effexor'. From being tossed on so many different medications in the past and none of them working, I was SO desperate to feel better and also hopeless at the same time because I had felt like I had already tried EVERYTHING, but I gave it a shot. After 3 months, my entire mindset started to change for the better. Little by little, I started getting out of bed again, socializing again, I rarely have nightmares anymore, I feel a lot more calm, I don't overthink little things, and I genuinely look forward to waking up now. Do not give up on this drug if you don't feel better immediately, nothing will make you completely feel better but this is as close as I've ever gotten. Give it about 3 months to work and a year to fully work. I was a drug user and was at rock bottom/completely hopeless and because of Effexor I am alive today."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I was prescribed Effexor XR 75 mg to start off with in 1992. Twenty-four hours into it, I quickly noticed I was more focused. Two weeks into it, I stopped having mood swings and any feelings of depression. One month into it, my wife said I appeared to be less irritable and able to reason much better. About two years into it, I spoke with my doctor about increasing the dosage. I went to 150 mg. I am now taking 225 mg. My only regret is that it is addicting! Miss a dose, and you will feel so bad! However, looking back, I made the right decision and do not regret it."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I've had depression for 20 years (both chronic/moderate, and 3 previous severe episodes). Tried every class of psych med (30 total), SSRIs all made me sleepy, numb, apathetic. I take Lamictal (150mg), Effexor (75mg), and Ritalin (30mg) which is the best medicine combo for my depression. Pros: Effexor demolishes anxiety and severe episodes (crying spells, suicidal thoughts). Less sedating (compared to SSRIs). I feel calm, no insomnia. Cons: Excessive sweating (at higher doses), some lethargy, and dry eye. ****Do not go cold turkey, ask for the 'Prozac Taper' to avoid the shock of withdrawals*** No drug is a cure-all. Effexor does not cause weight gain or increased appetite (for me). It's prevented severe episodes and I'll stay on it for life, unless something better comes out."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I started venlafaxine after ending up in the psych ward for suicidal ideation, and it’s been working super well ever since! My mood is way better, and I can actually function again. I still have the occasional bad day, but now it’s much easier to cope with my depression and snap out of whatever funk I’m in rather than spiraling for months. I really haven’t had any bad side effects while taking venlafaxine at all, which is nice. The one thing keeping me from giving it a 10/10 is I’ve missed doses now and then, and I get super disoriented, irritable, and emotional within a day of missing a dose, as well as having really bizarre vivid dreams that leave me waking up super dissociated. It’s easy to recognize that these symptoms are because I missed a dose by accident, though, and they tend to go away within a day of getting back on my medication. Overall, I’ve had a very positive experience with this medication and think it’s definitely worth trying out!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I am delighted with the result of venlafaxine. I had a breakdown and visited my GP in desperation due to panic attacks, depression, crippling anxiety, heavy drinking, and an addiction to codeine. The side effects were initially a bit uncomfortable, but they have settled. I am lacking motivation, but I have only been on it for 2 weeks, and I figure I need some time to recover from my breakdown, so I’m just going with it for now. It has made me feel so much calmer, it has stopped me from drinking and taking codeine, which I was using to self-medicate. This medication has saved my life. I’ve given it a 9, as my libido is suffering."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I have experienced chronic anxiety, panic attacks, and depression for 20+ years. I've been on several different medications over the years, but none of them worked entirely. My depression increased over the years because I believed nothing could help my problems. I was admitted to a psychiatric unit recently due to suicidal ideations. The attending doctor said he would like to start me on Effexor. I would not allow myself to read the side effects of this medicine due to my anxiety and the possibility of developing psychosomatic symptoms. Within a week, I began feeling hope, excitement for life, and my anxiety was nearly gone! I've been on this medicine now for over a month, and I have never felt this good in my entire life! Try this Med!!!"

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have ulcerative colitis, endometriosis, and diverticulitis. All of these chronic illnesses have contributed to my clinical depression. I have tried three different antidepressants, which all caused horrible side effects. I stopped taking them for four years. I recently started back, about five months ago, and was immediately put on Effexor XR 75mg. After five weeks, my doc increased it to 150mg. I haven't had any side effects, except I finally found an antidepressant that works for me, greatly. It has definitely been a life-changer."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I started this medication, Effexor, in combination with therapy for major depressive disorder, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. I worked up to 150 mg from 37.5 mg. It has helped me immensely. I’m less irritable, I have energy again, I stopped sleeping 14 hours a day, my anxiety is better, and I feel happier than I have in a long time. I have forgotten to take it for a day and didn’t notice any symptoms at that point. I had a bit of a headache and maybe some nausea at first and with the dosage increase, but it was mild and went away after a day or so."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have been taking Effexor for 13 months now. Initially, I was prescribed 75 mg while hospitalized at an inpatient psychiatric facility, but that was increased to 150 mg by the time I was discharged. Never in my life have I felt this way - normal!! My crying spells, anhedonia, suicidal ideations, psychosis... it's all gone, gone, gone! This medication has saved my life. I am so happy to take my meds every morning."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I was severely depressed, and I've tried many SSRIs, and none of them helped. In fact, they made me worse, and I wanted to end my life. Since I've been on 112.5 mg of Effexor, I feel like I've been renewed, and yes, I still have my bad days and occasional suicidal thoughts since mine are chronic. I have no desire to act on them ever again. To me, this is a miracle drug. You've got to try it. I recommend it."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have nothing good to say about this drug . It ruined my life. As I'm learning more and more of what others have experienced, I too have experienced. I have gone through so many side effects that the drs blamed on so many other things , and I continued to take this horrible drug. From my experience of side effects is bleeding issues, fatigue, loosing my body, mind and soul. I honestly can't explain the all the issues I had been on this drug for almost 15 years . Why not one of my 6 drs never even suggested taking me off it. I lost everything. I have now been off of this because I actually myself said I had enough, and took myself off cold turkey . Which I don't recommend. Went into the Dr and then was put on one after another. The first one didn't work. Then Pristiq omg didn't work .. then the last one they tried ...Cymbalta.. I thought I was going to die. I'm now wondering what to do now I would never suggest this to anyone."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I'm writing this review hoping this medication will help someone else. I remember sleepless night looking up reviews on all antidepressant medications and Effexor did really work. Had the worst depression in my short 27 years of life. This medication helped me lift up and get back to work. I went on short-term disability for about two months due to the extreme depression, I had no interest in life whatsoever. Got back to work and even got a promotion several months later. Thank God for this medication and for the strength he gave me through the process."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "A little over a year ago, I started suffering from the worst depression I had ever experienced. Before this, I had minor depression but more anxiety, social anxiety, etc. During this severe depression, I felt like I would never get better, lost all hope, stopped working, and felt like I would never be the same person as I was. I was only 27 at that time with two daughters. I would never commit suicide due to my belief, but I felt like I couldn't go on. As soon as I woke up from sleeping, maybe a few hours, my mind was racing, and I hated every minute of being alive feeling like this. I was prescribed Effexor and went back to work within a week. I started feeling like this might work. Fast forward a year, I got a promotion at my job and have no anxiety or depression now."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "43-year-old Australian male suffering from major depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. After thorough research, I decided to give this a go as no other medications I've tried made a difference for me. I started on 75mg, the side effects were not too bad. I felt a difference about week three, then after 3 months, I flatlined a bit. So, the doctor increased my dosage to 150mg. WOW, what a difference this has made to my life! I'm excited for each day, I've stopped feeling sorry for myself, my anxiety is gone, I haven't had a single panic attack, I'm motivated, and I'm doing things I never thought possible. I did suffer from insomnia initially, but I pushed through and now I'm getting a great night's sleep. The only negative effect I've had was when I mixed it with alcohol, and since then I have quit drinking and am enjoying the benefits this drug has brought me."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I've been on antidepressants for 16 years. From Celexa, to Prozac, to Paxil with none ever truly taking away my depression and anxiety. I suffer from major depressive disorder, PTSD, anxiety and I'm bipolar as well. Since starting Effexor, my life has dramatically changed for the better. I'm honestly the happiest and calmest I've been since the age of 15. I started with 37.5mg 2x daily and I'm now up to max dosage. I've zero side effects and can function fully without benzodiazepines for my anxiety thanks to this medication. I HIGHLY recommend giving it a try, especially if no other antidepressants have truly made you feel 100%. It's possible to beat depression with the right medication, just keep on trying and hang in there!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I'm currently on venlafaxine, 300mg/day, and have been on it for 6 months now. This stuff works beautifully for me. I had/have MDD, GAD, SAD, and took Paxil for 10 years, which worked quite well until 8 months ago. I was scared of switching because of the fact that not all antidepressants work for everyone, and I was terrified of fully reverting back to my suicidal, petrified old self. My psychiatrist was able to convince me after a couple of months to go for it. On the venlafaxine, I feel calm, happy, able to concentrate, mildly euphoric, and better than I did in my early days of taking Paxil. This stuff is hit or miss for different people, but don't be scared to try it if you haven't. And give it time to work."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I have many labels: depression, anxiety, tinnitus, chronic pain, insomnia, dissociation, anorexia ... 16 years ago. I was a single mother and broke. All meds led to weight gain, taking forever to lose. I realized 'you can't medicate a crappy life away.' I moved to the ocean, reconnected with nature, and found a trauma psychologist. EMDR and exposure therapy helped me manage symptoms. I was pharmaceutical-free until a minor relapse and was prescribed Effexor (105 mg/day). In 2 months, I stopped being active, social, had headaches, dry mouth, constipation, and gained 20 pounds! I went off cold turkey. Within a few days, I felt like myself again (minus weight gain depression). Now, a week off Effexor, sleep better, eat less, and returned to beach walks to increase dopamine. I hope that it's not going to take long to lose the weight. I'm more depressed and have lower self-esteem when I lose touch with my body. This was my experience."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "Having suffered from chronic low mood for years, I was prescribed Venlafaxine (Effexor) by a psychiatrist in the UK. Initially 225 mg, but didn't find that much of a change. Then on 300 mg, I suddenly felt better. That was over 10 years ago. I am now 45 years old and have had no further periods of depression since and have continued taking it. That is despite being almost permanently depressed before taking it. Yes, I have low moods now occasionally, but they are due to situational stress and a normal reaction to rubbish things happening. And I have not suffered from any major side effects, certainly nothing that would stop me from taking it. Night sweats are probably the worst. And I do suffer from withdrawals if I forget to take the medication for 24 hrs. Overall, a very positive and life-changing drug. Btw, I also have done CBT and self-help alongside taking medication, which has helped, but the drug definitely made the main difference."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I give this a 7 because it does work. BUT be very cautious of the side effects. I was on it for 2 years, first started on the regular dose, then switched to extended release as the medicine would 'wear off' throughout the day. While it helped tremendously with my depression and anxiety (it was almost non-existent) the side effects alone were debilitating. I gained 20 pounds, would fall asleep midday (we're talking I had to pry my eyes open to keep from passing out in the middle of a conversation), I was tired ALL DAY. I sweat PROFUSELY and the dizziness I experienced from missing a dose by only a few minutes, plus the heart palpitations were enough for me to stop."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Diagnosis: a chronic clinical depressive with a 40-year history who does not react to meds in a typical manner. After 6 months of juggling meds weekly at the clinic, I finally got relief with a daily dose of 150 mg Effexor XR. I have not had any episodes of depression since 2003. The side effects are more than tolerable as a tradeoff to be one of the happiest people on this planet instead of in perpetual hell."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "Effexor has got to be the worst of the worst to try to come off of. I am still trying to come off this completely after taking 225 mg daily for 3 years. I still cannot get through the withdrawal symptoms, they are horrific. If anyone has any suggestions on how to help, please let me know."

"Don’t let reviews put you off! For me, this has been a life changer! I’ve tried many different SSRIs in the past and then gave up for a year. I decided it’s time to feel better. It’s like you don’t know how terrible the outlook on life itself could be! I was worried because of the side effects, but for me personally, I’ve had zero side effects. Just the first week of craving junk food, but the 37.5mg actually didn’t help me at all. I’ve now increased to the 75mg, and it’s only been a few days, but I’m starting to feel more motivated & far less anxious, and not overthinking or having negative thoughts. Everyone reacts differently to any drug, but personally, I’m glad I chose this and hope I can get back to feeling like my normal self again!"

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  • Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
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Patient resources

  • Venlafaxine drug information
  • Venlafaxine Extended-Release Tablets
  • Venlafaxine Tablets
  • Venlafaxine Extended-Release Capsules

Other brands

Effexor XR

Professional resources

  • Venlafaxine monograph
  • Venlafaxine (FDA)
  • Venlafaxine ER (FDA)
  • Venlafaxine ER Capsules (FDA)

Other brands

Effexor, Effexor XR

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  • Anxiety and Stress
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