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Generic Name: Viorele (desogestrel-ethinyl-estradiol)

Viorele Reviews

For Birth Control "I started taking this birth control in the fall of 2016 and was fine the first few months. By early 2017, I started to develop anxiety for the first time in my life at age 23. Throughout 2017, my sex drive noticeably decreased to the point of nonexistence, and my anxiety worsened to the point where I was having panic attacks multiple times a week. I decided to stop taking my BC in December 2017, but now, two months later, I’m still dealing with health-related anxiety, which I’m hoping lessens soon (panic attacks usually when I’m alone for no reason, heart palpitations, mood swings). This may not be the effect on everyone, but I wanted to post this to ensure others that if you’re feeling similar symptoms, you’re not alone."

For Birth Control "This drug is the absolute worst. Severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, constant gastrointestinal issues, zero sex drive, and the list goes on. Initially I️ thought there was something wrong with me, but then realized that my timeline of severe symptoms matched the timeframe of being on this awful pill. I️ stopped taking it about two months ago and haven’t turned back. Knowing how extreme the depression is, I️ encourage everyone to talk openly about these side effects and encourage anyone who is on this pill and is feeling a little off to make the switch to something else immediately."

For Birth Control "I really don't understand the negativity this birth control has. I started this in July 2016 and have had pretty much a standard experience in terms of taking bc. This isn't the first bc I've been on, but it's definitely the best. I suffer from PMDD so this bc is a life-saver. No longer am I on the floor in crippling pain, unable to move and/or walk. My periods are a lot lighter, as is the cramps/back&breast aches associated with it. & I don't understand 'this birth control made me gain weight!' It's been proven that birth control isn't the cause of weight gain. I'm still the size I've always been. I did, however, gain two cup sizes but shopping for cute bras is okay with me. It does it's job; unprotected sex with the fiance & not preggo."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Viorele for about three weeks and I can tell you that this has definitely caused side effects of a big spike in my anxiety, terrible mood swings and acne. Did not work for me hopefully I can find a brand that works for me."

For Birth Control "So, I took this birth control for 3 years. Did it's job in terms of preventing pregnancy, but at a horrible cost. I gained over 30 lbs, had terrible nausea, mood swings, anxiety, depression, headaches, almost NO libido, you name it. It wasn't until I got off the pill completely to give myself a break from the constant stream of hormones that is birth control that I realized all of the issues I was experiencing was all the pill, not me. After 2 months off of the pill, all of the aforementioned issues have disappeared. CONSUMER BEWARE. Not worth it. When I do decide to go back on birth control, it will NOT be Viorele."

For Birth Control "I have been using this birth control for almost 4 years now because of my heavy periods and painful cramping. It has done its job as far as pregnancy prevention and I no longer have heavy or painful periods. However, my mood is always off and my sex drive has really plummeted this is not like me at all. I’ve also noticed I often get yeast infections and am always extremely tired. I will be discontinuing this birth control and all others permanently."

For Birth Control "I've been taking it for over a year now (going on 2). I've really had no adverse side effects. I used to get hormonal acne the week before my period on my chin, and once I took the pills I stopped breaking out. I didn't gain weight. It also helped extremely for my mood swings that I used to get before my period. I would randomly get upset and the pill has really helped me control my emotions better. They only thing is you have to be consistent and not skip any days. As soon as I skipped a day, I noticed some side effects (ex. minor breakouts). Overall I really love it. Not everyone's body reacts the same."

For Birth Control "Holy no. I do NOT recommend this birth control medication. I've been on it for three months now and I've experienced: Bloating Breakthrough bleeding (heavy) Headaches Moodiness (anger) Crying Increase of Tourrettes' tics Anxiety 7/10 lower back pain Weight gain Increase desire for all things sugar :( And the blister pack itself is terrible! I've never had such a difficult pack to use. I wouldn't recommend this medication whatsoever."

For Birth Control "This birth control changed my life. I suffered through menstrual migraines and headaches for years, for 3 weeks out of the month I had a headache almost every single day. I started this pill in October 2015 and have had THREE headaches. Amazing"

For Birth Control "Horrible starting with the very first pill: severe cramping, migraine, lose bowels, tiredness, confusion, nausea. Had to stop after taking only three pills. Been on the pill off and on since the age of 19. I'm now 43 and this is the absolute worst experience I've had with a birth control pill."

For Birth Control "This pill is effective as a birth control pill but the side effects are absolutely miserable! Each month before my period, I get horribly depressed and incredibly emotional and irritable. I also get constant headaches on this pill. Would not recommend if you have anxiety or pmdd as it only seems to exacerbate these conditions."

For Birth Control "I was on this birth control for 4 months and LOVED it. I’ve been through quite a few pills. It cleared my skin completely (I am prone to acne) and made my periods lighter and PMS was so better easier with fewer mood swings that were not even half as bad as they were before I started taking Viorele. I also went up two full cup sizes which was wonderful for me. Then all of a sudden, I started getting unbelievably painful pounding headaches. I was walking around work squeezing my head (since OTC pain meds didn’t help) and saying something is wrong with me. I was so scared. However, the only new change I had made in my life was this pill. So I stopped it. After about 10 more days of horrible debilitating headaches, they finally stopped."

For Birth Control "Haven’t gotten pregnant on this and my period is pretty light. It lasts about 5 days. My face is also pretty clear, except for random chin breakouts. However, I am SO moody/sporatically depressed, have gained 15 lbs, and have a severely decreased sex drive. I kept thinking something was wrong with me because I’ve always been very easy-going/positive but I’m beginning to think it’s this pill. Beware!"

For Birth Control "This pill made me nauseous the first 2 months I took it. I gave it awhile to kick in after that, it works wonderful. My acne has gone away, I do not have any weight gain, decreasing weight actually. My breast have enlarged somewhat. Overall it's a great pill and very effective. The only downside is I can get emotional but that's every girl right? ;)"

For Birth Control "I want to share a positive experience on Viorele. I've had a really difficult time finding a birth control that works for me. On other pills, I spot if I take my pill even hours late. I've had full week long heavy periods on other pills. With the arm implant, I spotted for two months straight. With Viorele, I have some cramping right before my period, but just one day and advil helps. And then my period is three days long and so light! I missed a pill just last week and no spotting which is huge for me. It's all about finding what works for you so i wanted to share my success story on it."

For Birth Control "A lot of these comments on here are negative and complaining about the pill when only using it for a few weeks or so..it takes ages to get your body regulated with the pill and normal. I have been on this pill for 6 1/2 years, none-stop. I get some mood swings around my period time but that’s normal. The only thing I’d complain about is my sex drive is at an all time low..but my acne and period are so much better."

For Birth Control "Been on this for a week so far and have asked to stop immediately. On day four, I started feeling really sluggish and when I woke up on day five my mouth was covered in canker sores and my lymph nodes were enlarged to almost the size of limes. I usually tend to go more holistic with my body, so it was very easy to tell the cause for this one. I chatted online with two different docs(it’s a Sunday) and sure enough this is a VERY RARE side effect but my body found it. I am so uncomfortable and in pain, I can’t wait for this stuff to leave my system so I can start to heal again."

For Birth Control "I have been taking Viorele for a little over two years. I started out with a prescription for Kariva but CVS gave me the generic version which is Viorele. I was really impressed at first because my face was very clear and my horrible cramps and back aches from my period went away. After a few months I gained 20 pounds and 2 cup sizes and became very depressed and anxious. I did not know that Viorele was the cause of this until I went to my doctor. I just switched to a different birth control and I am waiting to see if there is a difference. Overall this was great for acne and cramping but the depression and weight gain was not worth it."

For Birth Control "My doc prescribed this for endometriosis. I've tried other bc pills and right away they either made me depressed, nauseated, made my period last for weeks, gain weight, breasts ballooned up and were painful, cramps every day, acne, pretty much every awful side effect you can think of. But thankfully NOT on this pill. There has been zero side effects. Maybe for the first week I experienced mood swings at the same time at night when I took the pill but it didn't last if that was related to it. I only gave it 9 out of 10 because I've just started the second month and I'm keeping an open mind in case things were to change. But I'm so thrilled with it so far and I hope it holds up!"

For Birth Control "I've been taking Viorele for a little over a year. It regulates my periods well, and they're only heavy the 2nd day, after that I barely need a tampon. No nausea, not much bloating. Its helped my acne somewhat. Although the minimal acne I had on my chest and back are gone, I don't feel it's helped my skin enough to be beneficial. My PMS is different before every period. Sometimes I'm fine, other times I'm super emotional. I will say that this pill has really affected my sex drive. I rarely think of sex, and it’s difficult for me to enjoy it. The only time I do feel the desire is if it's been awhile since I've had sex. Overall, I rate it on a scale of 1-10: ⬇️ Acne: 5 ⬇️ pms: 6 Regulated period: 9 Length of period: 8 Severity of period: 7 Breast tenderness: 2 Desire for sex: 1 I'm not sure if people can comment on these but if you have mild adult cystic and non-cystic acne and know a BC or other method that has really helped, please feel free to comment."

For Birth Control "This is the worst birth control I've ever taken. I have been on it for a few months now and it's making me miserable. Depression, constant aches and pains, bloating, decrease in sex drive, and yeast infections are most of my symptoms. Do not take this. I am going to quit taking birth control all together if I cannot replace this one because I would rather have awful periods than deal with all of these side effects."

For Birth Control "On Viorele I had horrible anxiety and depression after only taking it for a couple days, it’s been a little over a week now and it’s already caused me anxiety attacks and problems in my relationships and abdominal cramps... it made me dizzy and feel out of it too. After 9 day’s I’m already done I can’t continue to take it."

For Birth Control "I have attempted this pill once before and have it another go and I am unhappy with the side effects. I've experienced sore breasts, they have increased in size, severe dry eye, fatigue, depression, increased craving appetite of sugars and carbs than before like I feel pregnant, I have no drive or desire to exercise or do anything. I feel like a different person :("

For Birth Control "I did not believe the reviews when they said there sex drive was next to nothing on this pill because I was a very active person, but low and behold. My boyfriend thinks I don’t want him anymore and the mood swings and blind rage I experience on this pill does not help. The only reason he stayed is because he knew what I was like before this pill. I just switched birth control so I’m hoping for the best"

For Birth Control "I'm going into my fourth month taking Viorele, and I'm surprised at how well my body has reacted to this BC. I was on Lo Loestrin Fe (for about 6 Mo.) & Gildess Fe (about two years) prior to switching to Viorele. I haven't had any migraines, mood swings, or breakouts since starting the pill. I usually have all those symptoms when starting something new. Also, my period cramping, bloating, and pain has significantly decreased with the help of this pill. It also helped clear up my cystic acne, and my weight has remained stable. The only negative about Viorele for me was the extreme tenderness and soreness in my breasts. My breasts are the most painful upon waking up in the morning, but then the feeling somewhat subsides. I'm pretty happy."

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