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Generic Name: Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 Reviews

For Migraine Prevention "I started taking B2 when it was recommended by my neurologist (400 mg) per day. Being cautious, I’ve only been taking 200 mg per day. My Lord, I haven’t had a migraine in one month, so I dare not stop. This is amazing so far because I was getting severe migraines 3 out of every 7 days approximately. I haven’t had to call in sick yet since the beginning of September. Crossing fingers!"

For Migraine Prevention "I take 400 mg daily. I was having daily migraines with severe migraines each month, prior. I noticed a difference in the first week, but after about 4 weeks I was having only 1-2 migraines per week and now after 3 months I'm having only 1-2 per month. This has been a miracle for me. I'm off all other medicines. I only take Excedrin now 1-2 times per month. I got my life back."

For Migraine Prevention "I started taking Vitamin B2 400 mg daily 8 months ago, and it's worked like magic for migraine prevention. I was having 3-4 migraines a week, moderate to severe, but since I started on Vitamin B2 I've had 2 migraines and no side effects that I've noticed (other than bright yellow pee)."

For Migraine Prevention "Made me extremely agitated, anxious, wired, restless, can't sit still, cannot focus, get very distracted, bouncing off the walls. I can’t deal with it. Terrible diarrhea. Gave up after 6 weeks of 400mg/day - had no effect on headaches at all."

For Migraine Prevention "I am taking 400 mg per day. It took me about 3-4 months to notice a different's in how many migraines I was having, but what a different's it made. I was having almost daily migraines and now I have 3-4 a month, and for a daily migraine sufferer that makes a big different's. I take it with or with out food and have no bad side effects."

For Migraine Prevention "I have been taking 400mg per day for a long time now. I daren't stop taking it in case migraine got worse. It hasn't improved the migraine. Have been complaining to GP and neurologist about diarrhoea but neither of them connected possibility of B2. I'm going to stop it and see if diarrhoea improves."

For Migraine Prevention "To my suprise this has cut my headaches down by 85-90% and if I get one its my fault as Im dehydrated. Most importantly I don't know how it gets rid of my menstrual headaches. It is very strange how it cures those. I've been off of otc and scripts going on 4 months. My liver and kidneys thank me. This works better than otc and a script."

For Migraine Prevention "I have been taking B2 for almost one year. Yes it does help with my headaches. From 3 to 5 days a week. Now to 3 for a week period. I do believe it is working. My Doc. suggest taking Magnesium also to even reduce the headaches. Ill try it."

For Migraine Prevention "Easy to take, inexpensive, and no side effects. Has a moderately positive impact by lessening frequency (2-5 fewer attacks) and severity (average intensity brought down from 7 to 5)."

For Migraine Prevention "I have been taking 400 mg a day for 11 years. It reduces the visual auras, but as far as I can tell does nothing to reduce the number of actual headaches."

For Migraine Prevention "I've been taking 400mg of vitamine b12 per day. It helps my migrainous vertigo but it's not perfect by all means. My doctor said it works for some but not everyone. Either this or beta blockers"

For Migraine Prevention "I take 400 mg a day, and it helps."

More about Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Drug class: vitamins
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Vitamin B2 drug information

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Professional resources

  • Riboflavin monograph

Related treatment guides

  • Dietary Supplementation
  • Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency