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Generic Name: Vivelle-Dot (estradiol)

Vivelle-Dot Reviews

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I experienced an extreme menopause at 50: hot flashes, crying, brain fog, night sweats for 4 years. My female GYN would not prescribe HRT. My family committed me to a mental institution. I refused to take psych drugs. Afterward, I followed up with a neuro-psychologist who agreed to have my primary care Dr. prescribe Vivelle-Dot. Increasing it to 1.0 relieved me of all those horrible symptoms! I have used it for 5 years along with generic (TEV) Premarin. A book which saved my life (besides THE BIBLE) is 'OUTLIVING YOUR OVARIES' by Dr. Marina Johnson. She rescues women in menopause and men in andropause through hormone replacement therapy! I gave copies to several doctors and stressed to them the NEED for classes on menopause!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I would not recommend generic estradiol patch by Mylan. It is a total waste of money. I was given Vivelle-Dot after surgery. It worked great, the brain fog and the mood swings disappeared. I could tolerate myself and my family. My husband and kids would tell me that I seemed happier. I really felt like a brand new person. Over the years, the cost, even with insurance, just gradually went up and now my insurance doesn't pay at all. So the pharmacy switched me to Mylan, the generic. This patch wouldn't stay on for more than a couple of hours before I had to tape it on. The feelings of being on edge, anxiety, mood swings, anger, fatigue, and hot flashes were unbearable. Vivelle-Dot by Novartis is the only one I have found that I can take. I'm now having to have my doctor put brand name only so the pharmacy will fill it, and I have to pay out of pocket for them at $206 a box. The pharmacist keeps trying to switch me back to generic. I keep telling them it's like throwing money away if it doesn't work."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Was on Vivelle-Dot 0.05 plus Prometrium for 4.5 years; felt great. Stopped for 1 year because I worried that being on HRT for 14 years (Prempro for 10 years) total was risky & maybe I was now 'beyond' the hot flashes, etc. Well... I felt lousy the entire time I was without HRT (1 year)... hot flashes, sleepless nights, brain fog, etc. Now I'm back on Vivelle-Dot & Prometrium... feeling so much better! I don't think I'll ever give up this. Plus, the estrogen helps my osteoporosis & vaginal dryness."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I recently stopped bioidentical pellets and decided to try Vivelle-Dot 0.05 mg. It totally stopped my migraines; however, this dose did not help with insomnia or hot flashes, and I suspect my GP will increase the dose. Now, my insurance will not cover the cost at all because I am over 65. Through a friend, I found that the manufacturer Novartis makes this patch in Europe under the name of Estradot. I ordered it online with a prescription. The difference is $32/month compared to $286/month for Vivelle-Dot in the US. When I opened the packet, they appear identical and work the same. Once my dose is adjusted, I think these will be fine."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was on the Vivelle-Dot for about 8 years. It took away all the unpleasantness of menopause: the insomnia, the crying, the hot flashes, the dizziness, the panic attacks. And I had absolutely no side effects. Life was great. Then, I stupidly tried to use something different in order to save money (the estradiol pill) and all the menopause horrors came back, along with new ones (nausea, acid reflux, non-stop migraines). I went back on the Vivelle-Dot and felt so much better. Financially, it is a bit expensive, but I switched to the generic by Sandoz and it affects me the same as Vivelle-Dot. Pure bliss."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "What a godsend! After menopause at 50, I first thought 'Yes, no more periods!' Then the fun started: night sweats, hot flashes at the worst times like during business meetings. My doctor started me on the patch .50, and within 2 days, it was like a miracle - I could sleep without a towel on my pillow, and the hot flashes disappeared. After a year, he dropped the dose to .375, and it's still working. If you are having to fight the sweats and flashes - talk to your doctor. This stuff works!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "The Vivelle-Dot 0.05 mg has greatly helped with the symptoms of menopause with minimal side effects. However, every insurance company I have been with these past 6 years has tried to put me on a generic version, which has terrible side effects for me. Reading about other women's experiences with the generic versions, I am not the only one suffering from the side effects of generic brands. Why do insurance companies keep forcing us to use mediocre replacements? Why can't the brand name be available to us at a lower cost? I have to go through an aggravating process to try and get approved for the brand name, and in the end still end up paying full price because it goes against my deductible."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Worked wonderfully for my mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and sleepless nights. Used it for 4 years. Now I have been off for 2 months and can't stand the reappearance of all those nasty menopausal symptoms. I may have to go back on it."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have used the patch for nearly 30 years after total hysterectomy (first patch discontinued and switched to Vivelle-Dot approx 10 yrs ago). I have tried going off and feel it's not worth the agony. Have looked for generic but have found none that really are the same although I see in the posts Sandoz recommended by someone, so may try again. Vivelle (at least when on Medicare) is very expensive with little or no coverage and if any copayment must jump through hoops---very discouraging. This is the only medication I use and at 72 feel great other than payments for this, but justify good health comes at a price!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have been experiencing hot flashes for 3 years, but I could take it no more. I finally caved and asked for the hormones! My doctor prescribed the Vivelle Dot at 0.05, and 3 weeks later, I called and asked when I could expect some relief from these awful hot flashes. It had cured my sleeping issues, and my sex drive came roaring back, and my dry skin improved, but nothing in the hot flash department. It was increased to 0.075, and still no relief from these massive meltdowns. I am getting very upset that I can get no relief and can't wait to see my doctor again next month. I hate to have another increase but am wondering if it will finally help!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I had a total hysterectomy and experienced terrible hot flashes. I began with a dosage of 0.05, but the hot flashes continued, although less severe. My doctor changed the dosage to 0.1, and the hot flashes are a thing of the past. I've only been on this medication for 3 months, but haven't experienced any side effects so far."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I am 65 yo. I have no uterus but both ovaries. Menopause began around 55. Severe mood swings, disabling hot flashes all day and night, unable to sleep, severe brain fog (I couldn't put two sentences together), dry skin. I was miserable. My poor husband. I went to 6 female doctors ( I figured a male Doc would be clueless), always asking the front desk if the Dr treated menopause...they usually have no idea and just say yes. I actually had one Ob/Gyn tell me she doesn't do menopause she just delivers babies. Finally with some luck and persistence I found one. I began vivelle dot estradiol transdermal patch system 2 times a week. .025, no effect. .050 no effect. .075....boom. Within 3 days no hot flashes, within a week no mood swings & fog cleared. Dry skin gone. Went on Medicare. Medicare wouldn't cover it. I appealed. My doctor appealed. I went back to miserable for 4 months. They wanted me to pay $580 for 3 months supply. Generic off brand labels want me to pay $68 per month."

For Oophorectomy "I had ovarian cancer and had an oophorectomy. My oncologist wanted me to use this drug for at least 10 years. Started with a higher dose and have gone down to 0.05. I have tried dropping it to 0.025, but noticed I was having hot flashes and lack of sleep at night. I have gone back to the 0.05 and enjoy it so much more, although I am now going on my 12th year of taking it. Trying to wean off of it, but without the ovaries, it is hard. Love this patch!!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I started using the Vivelle-Dot patch after having a total hysterectomy. Before starting the patch, I was having vaginal burning & itching, hot flashes, and night sweats. Within a week of starting the patch, all of these symptoms were resolved. To date, I've not experienced any side effects."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have more energy and have noticed that I care about my physical appearance. I am sleeping better and can find words again on the brand name Vivelle-Dot. The pharmacy tried to give me the generic, but that doesn’t seem as effective. It’s way too expensive, but I am paying the price for a better quality of life."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I started the patch in 2011. Six months later I started experiencing pain from my back down to my toes. (It didn't even cross my mind it would be the patch) I went to so many doctors & had lots of test, tried a ton of medication. I've been misdiagnosed so many times. Late 2018 it's like a lightbulb went off I started ready reviews on this patch. I decided to try the hormone pellets to see if in fact Vivelle was the problem. It's been 6 months since I started the pellets & thank goodness I'm slowly getting better!!!! The pellets are expensive but at this point I have wasted 7 years of extreme pain. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM HORMONE PATCHES!!!!!"

For Primary Ovarian Failure "I am in my early forties and menopause hit me at an early age. I struggled with whether or not I should go on HRT due to the risks. With that said, the symptoms were creating sheer havoc in my life (severe hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and decreased libido - my poor husband). I am happy to say that after my first application, I slept through the night for the first time in two years! My hot flashes have decreased and I don't have that foggy feeling in my head. I am on Vivelle Dot and a progesterone regimen (light doses). I began Vivelle Dot two weeks ago and would highly recommend it."

For Primary Ovarian Failure "Had preovarian failure at 30. Started on Vivelle-Dot and Prometrium at age 38. Am now 60, and I will never come off. No side effects. I also added testosterone supplement injection, and I am a new person. All this helps with mental stability, weight control, and energy."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I started on vivelle dot after taking several anti-depressants which only made my symptoms worse! I finally convinced doctors I did not need the anti-depressants. I take vivelle 0.375 in addition to progesterone. My postmenopausal symptoms were: hot flashes,3-4 hours of sleep nightly, brain fog, anxiety, weight loss, and many more. I am working closely with my doctor and vivelle dot has been life changing. It does take about 1 1/2 months for minor side effects of medicine to go away- be patient."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Vivelle-Dot made me have horrible water retention and weight gain. My feet were so swollen, I couldn’t get my shoes on. I also lost half of my hair. I stopped using it and went on compounded estrogen. Commercial estrogen is too potent for my body."

"At 45, I began a two-year battle of hot flashes and excessive uterine bleeding. My gynecologist prescribed various HRT with little to no relief. At 47, I had a total hysterectomy. The morning after my surgery, I put on my first Vivelle Dot patch (0.1 strength). For three years, I have had wonderful results with Vivelle Dot from the beginning, no skin sensitivity, great sleep, very little hot flashes."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "After a full hysterectomy at 42 years, I started taking the patch due to severe hot flashes and terrible insomnia. After less than a week, I've had only mild hot flashes and 2 good nights of sleep. I'm so happy to be taking estrogen. No side effects."

For Oophorectomy "After a total hysterectomy I was miserable, irritable and low energy. Excessive sweating at night and dry skin was depressing. My gynecologist tried me on different patches and nothing worked then she gave me a free sample of .05 viville-Dot and the symptoms were gone. I have been on it since 2010 and the only side effect is weight gain but I can manage this than the alternative."

"My doctor prescribed Vivelle dot patch 1.0 for me right after total hysterectomy 10 years ago. In recent years, dose was lowered to 0.075, then 0.05. Two months ago, I stopped taking it altogether without doctors permission (my doctor closed her practice). I tried to quit before but was not successful because I always got dull headaches. I was, however, able to stay off of it this time but experienced hot flashes and dull headaches. I never knew what hot flash was before. I started back on patch again and I feel much better - no more hot flashes and headaches. Now, I see that there is even a lower dose, I will ask my next doctor to prescribe me lower one yet."

For Primary Ovarian Failure "I started premature ovarian failure/menopause at 31 and I'm now 35. I was skeptic of using the patch because of the side effects so I resorted to other forms of estrogen by birth control pills and changing my diet. They seemed to only work temporarily 2-3 months at a time and then the hot flashes and night sweats came back along with irritability and no libido. I finally said enough and tried Vivelle and after 2 weeks the hot flashes and not sweats were gone. I am currently on the "week off" of the patch so far so good. I can say that the only side effects that I've noticed is weight gain and breast swelling. I would recommend this patch to anyone in my similar situation."

More about Vivelle-Dot (estradiol)

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  • Pricing & coupons
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: estrogens
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Vivelle-Dot skin patch drug information
  • Vivelle-Dot (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Estrace, Estradiol Patch, Dotti, Estrogel, ... +17 more

Professional resources

  • Vivelle-Dot prescribing information
  • Estradiol (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Estrace, Estradiol Patch, Dotti, Estrogel, ... +11 more

Related treatment guides

  • Atrophic Vaginitis
  • Atrophic Urethritis
  • Hypoestrogenism
  • Oophorectomy
  • Postmenopausal Symptoms
  • Primary Ovarian Failure