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Generic Name: Wormwood for Herbal Supplementation (wormwood)

Wormwood for Herbal Supplementation Reviews

"A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Crohns. Upon talking with my digestive doctor and listening to the drugs I had been given to choose from I decided not to take any of them. I came home, prayed and began to research herbal remedies. Wormwood is the one that I kept going back to and I took it as a sign. That was about 1 year ago. Since taking this herb daily I have had no symptoms of Crohns! The only thing now is trying to find out how to gain weight, however I am not losing any so that is a plus!"

"Jan 2016 told stage 3 liver deasese with hep c "F3" mar 2106 down to an "F1" with hep c may 2016 I am getting so much better not even on their medicine yet June 2016 unbelievable I am coming back to life. I want to be retested keep you posted"

"I used the wormwood tea infusion which is very bitter, so it is better drunk quick and cold. At the beginning very hard to get used to taste. I successfully used wormwood for heartburn, the effect is immediate! I found it improves my mood quite significantly. I drink it 15 minutes before breakfast, on empty stomach. It seems to improve appetite and digestion. It's documented by research that wormwood kills parasites as effectively as prescribed medicine. So when it's drunk before a meal, the bitter stuff goes through the gut first, making sure that before the food we consume reaches the parasite, it has to have some of the wormwood first! It's like punching the parasite in the mouth a few times before giving it opportunity to have some food. For me it's the most useful herbal medicine."

More about wormwood

Professional resources

  • Wormwood product monographs

Related treatment guides

  • Herbal Supplementation