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Generic Name: Xeloda (capecitabine)

Xeloda Reviews

For Colorectal Cancer "I was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer in January 2020. I underwent 6 weeks of Xeloda along with 6 weeks of targeted radiation. The combination shrunk my tumor by 1.5 inches which was considered a great success when I had surgery in July 2020. I had a bit of nausea and was very exhausted. Some tingling in my thumb and fingers. I also had some diarrhea occasionally. My hair has never been healthier, zero hair loss. At one point, I had some mouth tenderness but never open sores. I have recently finished 4 months of follow-up chemo (Xeloda) and am currently recovering from side effects such as extreme fatigue, muscle aches, limited nausea, and diarrhea. Also, I’ve had split and peeling skin on thumbs and fingers. All in all, my experience with Xeloda has been good. I’ve been told that there is zero sign of any cancer left, CT scan last week will tell the tale. Will know more early January but feeling very optimistic."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been taking Xeloda 500mg for approximately 5 months with only a few side effects. I am on one week and off the next. I am tired during the week I am on, with occasional diarrhea. I have noticed my hair thinning more, but not too extreme. I don't have any hand or foot peeling as others do. I sleep really well, and my appetite has not been affected. On occasion, my gums feel a little tender. The best part is my tumor markers continue to drop in number! This is working for me."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have advanced breast cancer in treatment. Xeloda has been better than being stuck in the chemo suite at my oncologist's office all the time. I just take the pills and they are pretty easy to take, compared to the infusions. Now I just have to go once a month to get my Taxotere. My nurse also has me putting lots of lotion on my hands and feet to prevent side effects, so far my hands are just dry sometimes. The best part is my hair is coming back. If I'd known this drug was available earlier, I'd have asked for it."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I will be starting my 4th round next week of Xeloda (generic). I have stage 4 breast cancer that I have been battling for over 6 years. Tumor spread to the liver, some sort of tumors near my kidney pressing my urethra, and pleurisy. I was losing 1 to 2 lbs a day. This is only my third therapy in all those years. My first round was 4,000 mg per day for 14 days. We had to adjust as the pain in my feet became horrific after a week. I am now taking 3,000 mg per day for 7 days on, 7 days off. I am no longer losing weight so we know the Xeloda is probably working on the liver. The pleural area is not refilling (had surgery); kidney was saved with stents. Please do not be quick to jump to another drug (only when they stop working)."

For Colorectal Cancer "Found out I had colon cancer and thought that was the end of me. Xeloda was very easy to take, twice daily for two weeks. One week off with testing. A small amount of tenderness in the mouth was the only problem, and that was minor. Only noticed it when I decided to try one of my diet favorites, which is hot sauce."

For Colorectal Cancer "My father was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer one year ago. I'm thankful for Xeloda, it has worked in shrinking the tumor on his colon. He has not lost hair, does not vomit, or have constant diarrhea. He is eating well and can still taste flavors of the food he eats. I thank God for this. However, he does have other symptoms like pain and peeling on his hands and feet, blackness on his hands and the bottom of his feet. I do notice he has chills, feels weak and disoriented at times, body aches, and his hearing is not as good as it was before."

For Colorectal Cancer "This is my 5th round of this medication, some side effects are diarrhea, dry mouth, dehydration, severe nausea, freezing feet along with some numbness. My very first round of this was great, no side effects at all. I hear the more you take it, sometimes it can affect how you feel. I have medication for the pain and nausea, however, I wish it lasted longer. I just finished my 2 weeks on, 8 pills a day and am on my 7-day break. I will try eating differently as I have been taking the pills first, then eating. I will eat first. I wish everyone tippy the very best in your journey."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Chemo pill that is so awful! I didn’t have as many side effects taking AC (Adriamycin & Cyclophosphamide) chemo. I do have so many side effects with these awful pills. The thought of enduring 5 more extremely awful months is almost unimaginable."

For Colorectal Cancer "This drug saved my life. It eradicated my tumor and made it possible for me to have a much less extensive surgery than anticipated. I had very few side effects and the ones I did have were easily managed with medicine."

For Colorectal Cancer "I have been on Xeloda since October 2011 and haven't had any of the side effects listed. I have been able to maintain my appetite and haven't lost my hair. Actually, my hair has thinned just a little, gained a little bit more body and is getting lighter. This has been a very positive experience as far as chemo goes. I definitely will do Xeloda again (if I have to). There is a questionable mass on my lung...surgeon says cancer...oncologist not sure...and it is shrinking. I'm unsure if it is related to the combination medication I was on or Xeloda. I will hopefully determine that with this cycle of Xeloda on its own."

"Very expensive, but worth it! Saved me! 7 pills a day for 14 days, 7 days off, start again. In 2008 I was informed of stage 4 and to get my affairs in order. Radiation, Chemotherapy, PET, MRI’s, X-Ray’s, Blood work, without xeloda I wouldn’t be writing this. Side effects yes but cancer free since November 17, 2008. 1/7/2021"

For Breast Cancer "My sister was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2001. She had two recurrences over the years. In 2016 (second recurrence) she went on Xeloda. It suppressed her cancer for four years (2x as much time as the norm). Her only side effects were slight fatigue and hair thinning. When it stopped working after 4 years, she went in Verzenio which was awful for her (terrible stomach problems, lost weight and couldn’t sleep). If only Xeloda lasted forever! She’s now in an infusion chemo easier on her system and working to suppress cancer. Next up: oral SERDS to be approved Feb 2023. It’s hopping from one medication to another once bc metastasized but she’s lived 21 years so far."

For Colorectal Cancer "Vietnam combat veteran exposed to Agent Orange - began treatment for large tumor colorectal cancer while undergoing 9 weeks of radiation treatments ( took Xeloda for the 9 week period - eight 500 mg tablets daily). This was followed by 4 months of recovery from radiation. Then 11 hours of surgery during pandemic lockdown in April 2020, followed by an additional 10 months of chemo/infusion treatments (took Xeloda during this 10 month period - same daily dosage). I am now recovering from surgery and treatments and consider myself very fortunate. Thanks to my oncologist, my surgical team and Xeloda!!!!"

For Colorectal Cancer "I took it back in 2014 along with radiation. I did not lose any hair. My biggest problem and gripe is that I suffered, and it is getting gradually worse, pain in my feet starting out with numbness. As the day goes on, it's unbearable, and this only happened since my six-month use of this medication. Doctors are saying now that it is because of Xeloda, and there isn't anything they can do. It took care of the cancer, but my quality of life is decreasing every day. Pain meds do not touch it."

For Breast Cancer "I took it during the 3rd year after my diagnosis. It worked great for about 11 months, and then it didn't. But I was struggling with extreme fatigue before I started taking it, and within the first week, I felt so much better. Other than fatigue, I didn't have any side effects. It was great."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I am thankful this drug didn't kill me! After taking this drug for 8 days, the side effects started and went from bad to worse... blisters on hands and feet, as well as every fold in my skin turned black, and I had severe diarrhea that ended up putting me in the hospital for 6 days. The medicine reacted to my colon, and it was wide open, couldn't hold anything down. Lost 17 pounds in 7 days, although the weight loss was welcomed, I wouldn't suggest going about it this way. I stuck it out for the full 14-day regimen, and my doctor believes that with taking the drug for the first cycle, hopefully, it shrunk some of the tumors that are in my jaw, spine, collarbone, and left femur. New treatment coming after I recover from Xeloda!"

For Colorectal Cancer "I am in my 2nd month of taking Xeloda after going through 36 rounds of chemotherapy since 2013. My intake of Xeloda is 3 pills every twelve hours for 7 days and off 7 days. The side effect I am experiencing is the discoloration of the inside of my hands and the bottom of my feet, they also tingle and are painful at times. I am often tired and have also had pain in my shoulder and chest. I don't know if this medicine will keep the cancer from coming back, but I'd rather deal with these side effects than the chemo."

For Stomach Cancer "My father suffered from CA esophagus stage IIA. It was a very difficult situation, he suffered from 13 cm of length in the esophagus, and after 3 chemotherapy sessions of epirubicin, oxaliplatin, and Xeloda tabs, there was an amazing reduction in size, down to 2 cm only. Then we had the operation, and again the same backup plan with 3 chemo sessions and Xeloda. It's almost 3 years, and he is safe. I'm happy, thank God."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "My family member did 2 weeks of this drug. Was so fatigued, couldn't eat, and was underweight to start with. Hospitalised with green diarrhoea and later discovered bowel damage. She later died. This treatment is dangerous at the prescribed levels. She may have fared better at a much lower dose."

For Breast Cancer "Xeloda has brought my TMs down slowly but consistently. However, when I changed to the Mylan brand (insurance made me switch to the Accredo mail order), I had a horrible experience after one cycle. The other products/binders in this brand included lactose and a combination similar to Miralax. I became lactose intolerant and dehydrated due to severe diarrhea. Also had severe myalgia and arthralgia. I am now back on the Teva brand and seem to be doing well."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I had an allergic reaction on IV Cyclophosphamide so my Oncologist replaced it with oral chemo pill Xeloda 3 tablets 2x/day. I was advised to protect myself from the sun if I go out and report diarrhea exceeding 4x and the rest of the side effects on the packet. This drug gave me the following side effects: 1) Stomach cramping and pain 2) Diarrhea 3) Heart Palpitations 4) Purple to black tongue 5) Swelling of my buccal mucosa 6) Sores on my lips, nose, and side of my eyes 7) Swollen reddish face 8) Feeling so cold and at times with chills 9) Generalized body malaise 10) Sensitivity to pepper, ginger, and anything spicy my innards feel like it’s burning I went through chemotherapy seven years ago but this medicine tops it. I pray to God there’s another alternative."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I've been on Xeloda for 5 months. I have extreme traveling pains. Once I woke up at 3 AM, and my right hand felt like someone had stabbed me with a knife, and the knife was still in it. This lasted for 3 days. Next, it was my left leg at the hip joint. I couldn't walk on it. Lots of pain when I moved it. It lasted about 4 days. Next was in my jaw joint. Painful swelling, couldn't bite down on anything... another 3-day episode. The pain is horrible. I go for scans in two weeks to see why my tumor markers went up. Could be from the inflammation Xeloda is causing, could be Xeloda is not working for me and the cancer is spreading. Will know soon."

For Breast Cancer "I have HER2 neu positive and BRCA gene mutation associated with triple breast cancer diagnosis. I’ve been on capecitabine for several months. First series of treatments lasted 2 months before neuropathy and skin peeling began on hands and feet. Mouth sores and acne around mouth area was pretty severe. Stopped treatment for 4 weeks and skin fluffing subsided. Adjusted a different medication I was taking with the capecitabine and started back on treatment. Within 4 weeks hand and feet issues started again. May need to decrease dosage."

For Breast Cancer "The doctors at a top cancer hospital prescribed my mother Xeloda as a “clean up” drug just in case she had any stray cancer cells remaining in her system. She had already undergone chemotherapy (including the red devil), surgery, and radiation for stage 2 breast cancer, no lymph nodes. She was nervous about taking the drug even though it was considered a “mild” drug and ultimately decided to take it because the docs said the algorithm told them to give it to her and it was supposed to increase her chances of never getting breast cancer again from 75% to 90%. Unfortunately, she took it and about two weeks in, she developed mouth sores, sepsis and passed away in the hospital from a stroke a week later. The doctors were clueless that Xeloda suppresses your white blood cell count and that there is an antidote to Xeloda that would have saved her life. Look it up!!! Xeloda took my mom’s precious life. Be extremely careful with this drug."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "My mother developed severe side effects to Xeloda after taking two cycles of this drug. She passed away within two months. I truly believe she would still be with us had she not started this toxic treatment."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: antimetabolites
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Xeloda drug information

Professional resources

  • Xeloda prescribing information
  • Capecitabine (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Breast Cancer, Metastatic
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Esophageal Carcinoma