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Generic Name: Yohimbe (yohimbine)

Yohimbe Reviews

For Sexual Dysfunction, SSRI Induced "As an upcoming psychiatrist and a sufferer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, I studied many ways to counteract the sexual side-effects caused by SSRI. Although this medicine is not commonly prescribed in the US, it's available in my country, and with a three times a day administration, it did increase libido and anorgasmia. Nevertheless, some side-effects are very discomforting, and include diaforesis, anxiety and hypersalivation."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I was foaming out of my mouth, nearly vomiting, anxiety and physical discomfort was at its worst, I could not urinate even though I had to, I severe hunger and I was in this condition for several hours. Needless to say, I did not or could not have sex. Be aware of yohimbe. It was terrifying."

"Using for BPH. Start at a low dose. Adjust to tolerance. No adverse effects so far, helps with dry mouth. No urinary retention and seems to help with this. Doesn't adversely affect my sleep. Use yohimbine hydrochloride, not the raw bark, as it likely will have more adverse side effects. Still testing it, use with caution and always start with a low dose!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "It causes a rapid heartbeat and can cause blood pressure to increase, which is dangerous for people that have hypertension."

For Sexual Dysfunction, SSRI Induced "Heart was 180bpm, flushed, nausea, but got an erection."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Yohimbe increased bouts of anxiety, general feeling of nausea, will never take again, dry mouth all day even though drinking water."

For Sexual Dysfunction, SSRI Induced "I had an awesome erection, however, Sexual Desire has decreased even more since I haven't taken it. I'm irritable and feeling like I'm going crazy."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Aside from the sexual benefit I find what I appreciate most from yohimbe is my improvement in energy. Big improvement."

More about Yohimbe (yohimbine)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: impotence agents

Professional resources

  • Yohimbe product monographs

Related treatment guides

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Sexual Dysfunction, SSRI Induced