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Generic Name: Zocor (simvastatin)

Zocor Reviews

For High Cholesterol "I was prescribed Zocor for high cholesterol, and after several weeks, I began to experience heart palpitations and irregular heartbeats. When I stopped this medication, all symptoms stopped. I have had the same experience with Crestor. I cannot take either drug to lower cholesterol."

For High Cholesterol "Zocor worked to lower my cholesterol from 288 to 150 with exercise, but the side effects became progressively worse and worse until I had to choose not to take it. I wondered if I had developed lupus because my entire body ached. My hips, my ankles, my wrists, my entire shoulder joints. I felt exhausted and had no energy. I stopped and could tell a 90% change in 48 hours. My joints and muscles are back to normal and my energy level has increased."

For High Cholesterol "This is about the 4th time they have tried me on statins. After a week on Zocor, I have severe backaches, muscle aches, and pains in my wrists where I previously had carpal tunnel surgery. I have been on it for about a week. I will stop it since I trust my body's response to these medicines. If you experience problems with any medicine, don't keep taking it without telling your doctor."

For High Cholesterol "After taking Zocor for several months, I experienced sleeplessness, indigestion, and anxiety. Depression soon set in. Antidepressants cannot be taken with Zocor, so I stopped it. Antidepressants all came with side effects. So, I stopped them too. After several weeks of counseling and breathing techniques, I was back to my old self. The doctor put me back on Zocor, and 2 weeks later, sleeplessness, depression, and indigestion are back. I am stopping this medicine."

For High Cholesterol "Doctor prescribed Zocor to lower cholesterol (269 total and triglyceride 377, way too high). I took it after the evening meal with a full glass of water as directed. Within the hour, I had a raging headache; my heart was pounding. I could hear the blood pulse through my head (I have 2, maybe 3 headaches per year, so this was not normal). I spent a very long and painful, sleepless night, waiting and suffering. I tell you this much, 9:00 am couldn't arrive fast enough. The doctor told me the 'headache' was not a side effect of Zocor and to keep taking it. I stopped against the doctor's advice and now feel great again. Cholesterol is still very high, but no more headaches."

For High Cholesterol "Been taking Zocor for a while now. Between 1-2 years. Seemed to feel OK, but heart always felt like it was skipping beats. Then about 3 weeks ago, it happened every afternoon around 4 PM, scaring me because they were lasting for a long time. I don't know anything, but this medicine, so I figured this must be my problem. So I just stopped the Zocor (simvastatin) and to my amazement, no more heart palpitations."

For High Cholesterol "This medication landed me in the ER after a week. I was having so much back pain that I could not stand or walk. I was wheeled in. The pain was so severe they had to use Dilaudid to bring it down and send me home on it for several days. I have always had back pain, so I was not sure at first that this was the cause. I am now. I figure I cannot take 'Statins' and currently take nothing. I can take Zetia if I have to. It felt like my back was bone on bone. All my discs fell out in my lower back and crushed. The most pain I had ever been in. Probably a good drug for some but not for me."

For High Cholesterol "Started this med about 11 years ago. It dropped my level to below avg. I always associated my aches and pains to my age and activity level, but I've discontinued its use for about 3 weeks because my finger joints felt swollen and arthritic. I'm starting to feel a slow improvement. My additional symptoms are sore hips and other joints. To be fair, I won't be able to discern whether this is the drug or some other factor until staying off it longer."

For High Cholesterol "I was prescribed Zocor back in January 2011, and after about two weeks of taking the medication, I experienced changes that were unusual. My heart was racing, so I stopped. After visiting my doctor to have my blood pressure checked, I informed her that I hadn't been taking the medication. She was not happy and requested I schedule another blood test to check my cholesterol, which I did. A few days after the test, she put me back on Zocor, which I have been taking since March 10th. Since starting back on Zocor, I have experienced not sleeping through the night and continuous burping. I am not very good about exercise and have a problem with my diet, so I do need some type of medication."

For High Cholesterol "I had took this medicine for years. I had been having severe muscle problems. The company made changes and I started breaking out and my eyes turning red and got infected . It took 6 months to find out it was this medicine. When I stopped it so did all my problems."

For High Cholesterol "I took Zocor for 3 months, then started to have pain, swelling, and loss of strength in hands and fingers. Doctor said that was not one of the side effects of Zocor, but reduce to every other day. Didn't help, so I quit taking it, and within 3 weeks, hands felt better. He changed me to Lipitor in December... we'll see if any side effects develop. Did not have cholesterol checked in the 3 months on Zocor - don't know the effectiveness."

For High Cholesterol "I was prescribed simvastatin and took it daily for 3 years. I have been diagnosed with a condition "Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome" back in 2007. I have been on Nexium for that diagnosis, and due to High Blood Pressure, I take Metoprolol and Lisinopril and have been since 2013. 2015 is when I was prescribed Simvastatin (Zocor) for High Cholestorol. Before the Zocor, I was only having an CVS episode approximately every 2 to 3 months and the episode would only be for 2 to 3 days. After the Zorco, I was having CVS episodes almost every month, and they were so bad I would have to go to the hospital and would need fluids. I would be in the hospital about 5 to 7 days. In 2018 I lost my job for being absent due to illness so often and lost my insurance as well. So I made a decision to only get the medicines I needed most. I stopped the Zocor, and about 3 weeks later I stopped having CVS episodes so often, they are now down to about 2 a year, and haven't been to the hospital since."

For High Cholesterol "Only been taking for about two weeks. Feel lethargic, achy, headache, hot flashes are worse. Depression, occasional stomach pain. Muscle pain."

For High Cholesterol "This statin caused extreme pain in my knee and hip."

For High Cholesterol "The side effects of this medication are terrible. The dizziness, headache, and not being able to understand what was going on felt like I was in a cloud."

For High Cholesterol "I am currently on 20 mg Zocor and started taking it six months ago. After I got my cholesterol checked again, the LDL went down 90 points! No side effects."

For High Cholesterol "Lowered my cholesterol to 121 without any side effects."

For High Cholesterol "Today is my second day of taking 20 mg ZOCOR. I have totally lost my sleep. The brain is very active, and despite efforts to calm myself, I cannot sleep."

For High Cholesterol "It worked and no side effects that I noticed."

For High Cholesterol "Zocor 20 mg/day for two months. My sister's lipid level is normal already and no side effects."

For High Cholesterol "I started taking Zocor about a week ago. I have had no problems. There is a numbness in my upper left leg on the outside of the thigh. Anyway, have had no other problems so I am rating it a 10."

More about Zocor (simvastatin)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (9)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: statins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Zocor drug information

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Professional resources

  • Zocor prescribing information
  • Simvastatin (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous
  • High Cholesterol, Familial Homozygous