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Generic Name: Zoloft for Major Depressive Disorder (sertraline)

Zoloft for Major Depressive Disorder Reviews

"Greetings! I have been on 13 antidepressants in the last ten years for my MDD and GAD. Some worked better than others, but most pooped out after a relatively short time. Others gave me dreadful side effects like akathisia. I am seeing my third psychiatrist and he has suggested Zoloft. I have very little hope of it working. I begin my regimen on Friday so that I have the weekend as a slight buffer before work on Monday. Positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated. I will follow up this 'review' in a few months whether successful or not. I am a married father of four and I just want to be a better husband to my wife and a better father to my children. Most of my friends and colleagues would be surprised if they knew the depth of my mental illness. I hope that all who are reading this find peace and healing."

"This was me at the start of my Zoloft journey desperately reading reviews. I promised myself that if this medication worked then I would come back and leave a review. I was struggling with major depression where I didn't leave the house, stopped socializing, and leading a normal life. Zoloft gave me my life back. Most importantly, I do want to mention that you have to wait a good 3-4 weeks to see significant results so please do not give up early. If Zoloft can bring me back from the depths of depression, it can definitely help you. I also struggled with anxiety and panic attacks, and this medication works amazingly for that too. If you're reading this and feel like you can't lead a normal life because your depression is stopping you... I'm begging you to please give it a try. You deserve to be happy in the end :)"

"I suffer from major depression & several cases of depression from having unresolved grief. Zoloft helped me a lot. Before I got on medicine, I was fighting demons & having death thoughts & a lot of thoughts that weren’t normal. Depression is real. If you don’t get help, you could end up committing suicide or living a life that is not healthy. Ultimately, this medication Zoloft helped me. Depression is a disease that never goes away - you have to live & fight through it every day for the rest of your life & confront it. Never give up. Someone loves you & needs you to keep fighting. It's not just your battle, it's all of ours!"

"Zoloft saved my life. During my pregnancy, I started experiencing severe anxiety and depression. I was throwing up every single day, missing work, withdrawing from life. I had panic attacks from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed. I dreaded and feared waking up every day and having to be alive again. I felt hopeless, miserable, worthless. It got to the point where I genuinely had urges to hurt myself and thought it would be better if I just died. Cue Zoloft. I started on 50 mg, and within about two weeks noticed small improvements in my energy, but still felt extremely low and incapable. I spent hours on this forum looking for the motivation to keep pushing. Things gradually improved over the weeks, and after about 6 weeks on Zoloft, I woke up one morning and just realized...I felt like me again. I wasn't hopeless. I wasn't depressed. I was able to laugh again. I actually saw my future again. If you're in the same place I was, KEEP GOING! Things will get better!"

"I started having suicidal thoughts very suddenly and out of the blue, accompanied by unstoppable crying. When I saw my doctor, she asked about other symptoms like irritability, weight gain and difficulty meeting goals, doing the basics like keeping the house clean and personal care. All of these were issues for me, accruing over a year or longer. I didn't know I had depression, or that I'd had it before. Every crappy thing about my life was related to symptoms of depression. This medication Zoloft took about 8 weeks to work and has been life-changing. I've been happy, not cranky, I've started losing weight, tidying up, decorating my home, calling friends again. Thank you to the doctors and researchers responsible, the thoughts have stopped and life is better than ever before."

"5 years ago, I was a mess due to a bad breakup, drug & alcohol abuse, and family issues. 8 months later, I stopped all substances and decided to go clean. That made me face reality. I suffered from PTSD, deep depression, severe anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD. I was suicidal. I couldn't stop overanalyzing every single thought. My brain wouldn’t stop, and I had the craziest thoughts ever that I was so sure that I am going crazy. Finally, after 5 years, I decided I need help. I tried many meds and NOTHING worked! I really believed that no med would do. Tried citalopram, seroquel, olanzapine, and others. Finally, Zoloft was the last solution. I started with 25 mg for 4 days, then up to 50 mg for 6 weeks. I noticed the change! Then on the 7th week, 75 mg, then finally 100 mg. The side effects are horrible, yes: increased anxiety and panic, loss of appetite, and all. 6 weeks after increasing to 100 mg, I swear I can jump and scream from happiness! I am full of energy and hope! Please give Zoloft time to work!"

"I started Zoloft in order to treat my depression and it’s worked amazingly. Before I started taking Zoloft, I was having constant suicidal thoughts and urges. I was starving myself, self-harming, and would have horrible breakdowns almost daily where I would cry for hours at a time. Zoloft didn’t cure my depression completely, but it greatly reduced my most severe symptoms. After a few weeks, I realized that the constant inner dialogue telling me to kill myself had stopped, I had no more self-harm urges, and I wasn’t having breakdowns every day. On Zoloft, I feel like I can experience a normal healthy range of emotions. I still get sad but not to the point where I want to kill or injure myself. I’m currently 2.5 years clean from self-harm, I’m eating normally and maintaining a healthy weight, and I feel like I can actually enjoy being alive!"

"I'm very surprised at what this medication has done for me. I have been prescribed an SSRI multiple times but never took one because I was convinced my feelings of guilt and anxiety were appropriate reactions to my failures in life. I have lived a bohemian life chasing contentment and self-respect. In a new relationship and questioned by my partner about my inconsolable sense of unhappiness, I realized I needed to try something other than running away, so in a last-ditch move, I signed up for a depression study that has given me 6 months of Zoloft medication. I have clarity now I haven't experienced in a decade. It is wonderful and sobering because I realize now how serious chemical depression is. Don't self-medicate, it's okay to get help!"

"I lost my mom at the age of 20. I am now 24 and have been on Zoloft 150 mg for the past 3 years. I can't believe the difference this medication has made. Zoloft gave me my life back, I no longer have panic attacks, constant crying, or crazy thoughts! I would recommend this medication to anyone who suffers from depression. Thank you, Zoloft!"

"I was chronically depressed and had many psychiatrists diagnose me with severe depression, which I had experienced unfailingly for 5 years. I could identify no cause for my depression, which made it even harder for me since I didn't know what was causing me to become extremely suicidal. I had 4-hour lasting sobbing spells (even when I had otherwise great events happening at that time). I felt gloomy, lonesome, uncared for, and depressed. Now I feel content and at ease for the first time in 5 years. I no longer become sad unless I have a reason to - which for me is phenomenal. If good things happen, I feel happy and not sad. I can function better in my work, family life, and simple daily activities like driving or even grocery shopping."

"To those struggling: please try to stick it out! This is my second time on Zoloft - I was on it about 5 years ago and had my depression well-controlled until a recent job loss and move triggered another incident. I dealt with horrible side effects for over three weeks - feeling trapped in bed in the morning with anxiety, incredible nausea, brain fog, the works. I’m only on 25mg (when I was on it before I started on 50 but switched to 25 as 50 made me very sleepy), but the side effects were still a lot to deal with. I’m happy to report that I’ve started to feel normal again this week, and that aside from a bit of morning anxiety, the side effects are gone. While there is no guarantee this drug will work for you, if you are experiencing uncertainty because you are in the throes of med adjustment, there may be relief on the other end. I found forcing myself to work out was really helpful. Anyway, the success stories on this site helped me keep going - maybe they will help you, too!!"

"I had major depression from the time I started menstruating. It would cycle with my cycle. It caused paranoia and fear of being seen outside my home. It feared going to my mailbox, yet at times I would sign up to do things like be an Avon Lady! I felt crazy. In my mid-30s, divorced, alcoholic, my doctor prescribed Prozac. It didn't seem to help me. Later in recovery but still profoundly depressed, she put me on Zoloft and the result was instantaneous. I felt like a window to my life had been opened. I wasn't afraid. I looked forward to getting out of bed. I found things I liked to do. I have a healthy relationship, a good job, a life. I have been given my life back. Now, I am 16 years sober. Thank you Zoloft."

"I've been taking Zoloft for Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety for going on 5 months now. The first two weeks taking it were genuinely the worst two weeks of my life; all I could do was sit in bed all day, every day, and even that was too much for me. I completely lost my appetite, lost 15 lbs in two weeks. I constantly had diarrhea, an increased heart rate, anxiety 100% of the time. Week 3 came around, and I felt a shift start; things started to get better, slowly. By week five, I was able to do things I hadn't been able to do in years! I've had pretty bad anxiety surrounding making phone calls my entire life, and now I don't! Not every day is totally great; no pill can guarantee that, but my life feels livable again. I promised myself that if Zoloft worked for me, I'd come back to this website and write a review. During those first two weeks, I used to scroll through this website for HOURS, and reading positive reviews is what got me through it."

"Zoloft saved my life for over 30 years. This SSRI enabled me to not only graduate college but then obtain my Master's in English. Zoloft gave me the energy, the clarity, and the motivation to continue my life. Last May, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals completely changed the molecular formula, pertaining solely to the 50 mg tablets. I knew something was awry the second I opened the new bottle and viewed the color. My lifesaving pale blue medication of over 30 years was now a bright aqua blue. Of course, the pharmacist informed me it was the same medication. Of course, I already knew it wouldn't be. Never have I been so sick. I have ultimately returned to the weak, pathetic, hopeless person of 30 years ago. I lost everything, including my teaching job. This new Zoloft has me out of my mind. I'm ready to commit myself. No one is to write back that the Zoloft is the same. It's sickening to see how Pfizer's new medication has completely destroyed my life. Yes, I have tried generics. Worse."

"I first tried Lexapro for major depression that came out of nowhere and rendered me useless for 6 weeks. The Lexapro was awful and gave me massive panic attacks, making me unable to get out of bed because I felt so ill. I then switched to Zoloft, and it has saved my life. Within two weeks, my mood has lifted significantly, and I feel so relieved of my terrible depression. I started very slowly as I was worried about having the same response as with the Lexapro. I would recommend anyone do it this way if you want to ease in with minimal side effects. I started with 12.5 mg for three days, then 25 mg for another 3, then 37.5 mg, and now 50 mg. Side effects were minimal, but it did make me drowsy for a while. My anxiety and crying increased slightly at the start, and then gradually I found myself singing a little tune or being more lighthearted with my kids. And now, I feel 500 times better than I did two weeks ago. It thankfully has worked very fast for me."

"I have been taking sertraline/Zoloft for about 3 years now. Started off at 50 mg simultaneously with individual therapy, then increased it to 100 mg. It took about 3 or 4 weeks to begin its effects. I will never forget the day I felt the change, and it was like night and day! Rumination, social anxiety, obsessive thoughts, depressive symptoms have all lightened since starting Zoloft, thankfully. Better quality of life overall. Do not discontinue abruptly - that will be dangerous! Side effects for me are decreased libido, weight gain. I hope you can find a therapist and medication that helps you, hang in there and don't give up!"

"I've been on Zoloft for 2 months. I've had massive depression after I had my twins. I had suicidal thoughts and thoughts of just letting go. I went to the doctor for help, and he prescribed me Zoloft 25mg, but the 25mg wasn't working. So I took 50mg and it is awesome. I feel myself again like I was 18. No worries in the world. Just feeling like life was life again. Thanks to Zoloft, I got my life back."

"I started with Zoloft 25 mg and the feeling of wellness was almost instantaneous. The obsessive thoughts, the negativity, the irritability, the constant worrying all just diminished. Everything made sense. Nothing was worse than I always thought it was. Fights with my boyfriend were nonexistent. He was extremely surprised with my change. I could focus more on my studies. I let meaningless things go. I could control my emotions and have a rational and logical conversation. I focused on a problem itself instead of making a mess about it. I thought 'wow, is this how I've been thinking all my life?'. I saw life in a new way. And I saw a positive future and a control of my life. We need some control, and I am glad I found it. The downside is well the low libido but if you are optimistic you could work on it. I just keep telling myself that don't think about it too much. It 'might be' all in your head. You have to work around it. If you have a supportive partner, it is better."

"So my sister passed, I became homeless, broke up with my boyfriend, mom became depended on me as a caregiver, and had to move across state. My point is I couldn't handle it. Zoloft helped. I stopped crying for days. I stopped feeling like it was nothing to live for. It helped with feeling overwhelmed. Feeling lost. Feeling delayed. You are able to acknowledge your feelings and move forward. Love this medicine."

"I am 73 years old and have been on Zoloft (generic version) since 1990 when I began seeing a rheumatologist for Rheumatic Fever. My depression was caused by childhood sexual abuse which my mind had locked away until this time of illness. I was also very angry and contemplated suicide. I could not share my story because of shame and the stigma. She saw I was sad and depressed and wrote a script for Zoloft which I have been on ever since. Started with 50mg and now taking 100mg. She saved my life and my sanity. I did go to counseling years later and was able to verbalize my feelings and forgive. I am thankful for having Rheumatic Fever which led me to this sweet doctor. No side effects that I know of."

"I was not eager to start an antidepressant, but I truly did not have anything else to try. I asked lots of questions about antidepressants, and my psychiatrist took the time to answer all of my questions. She was patient and took plenty of time to hear and answer my questions. After going home, sleeping on it, and looking up other people's experiences online, I decided the benefits outweigh the risks. I started on the lowest dosage of Zoloft (25 mg), but had to incrementally increase the dosage over the course of six months to get the dosage quite right. I’ve now been on Zoloft (150 mg daily) for over two years, and it works really well for major depressive disorder. I finally feel normal, even though I really didn’t know what “normal” felt like before. I no longer think of suicide every day, and I am better able to manage tough days and tough emotions. I had relatively few side effects. Really the only one I get is drowsiness, but it helps to take it in the afternoon instead of in the morning."

"I began taking sertraline 2 months ago for depression and social anxiety, and I’ve enjoyed its effects so far. The first couple of days on it, I had digestive issues, and I would say the main side effect I have now is hunger and dry mouth, along with really vivid and strange dreams. I started out at 50 mg, and it definitely helped with my depression, but I knew the dosage needed to be upped, and I just recently started taking 100 mg. It’s working really well, I feel like I’m finally able to do something with myself, and I’m finally able to focus and have a clear mind for once. Overall, I’m thankful for sertraline!"

"I tried everything over the past year to cure myself. I researched vitamins, supplements, holistic remedies, tried yoga, meditation. Everything. Nothing would help. I got to a point where I just couldn't take it anymore. My days were running together, and I knew I needed help. I went and saw a psychiatrist. She prescribed me this drug. Even after receiving it, I still waited another week out of hesitation. But I wasn't eating. My sleeping habits were horrible. All I wanted to do was lay in bed and cry. I started taking 25 mg for a week. The first day I felt nauseous and was on and off the toilet. Maybe a mild headache. The second day - no side effects. I literally had one bad day and that was it. I felt so much better even after a few days. I am now one month on this and I am so grateful that I just decided to do it. I feel like my old self again. I finally have an appetite again, I am sleeping great, and I don't feel antisocial. So happy to have my life back."

"My story is a positive one and meant to give others hope that they can reclaim their lives and live a normal, happy, healthy one! In December 2016, I became sick, overloaded, crying constantly, and fearful. My doctor gave me Zoloft and Xanax. I was terrified to take either, but started Xanax once a day at 0.12 mg, and it eased my anxiety. I soon went to 0.25 mg, 2 times a day. Finally, I took Zoloft at 25 mg. The side effects were horrible! I upped the dosage to 37.5 mg after 2 months, and 2 months later to 50 mg. I wish I had listened and taken 50 mg first. My family forced me to stick with it, though the side effects were unbearable. Then one day, 4 weeks into the 50 mg dose, I felt like my old self. I was excited about life! Happy again. After a week, I quit Xanax. I'm working again and loving life! Seek therapy! You can do it!"

"I would like to share my honest review of Zoloft. I was depressed, anxious, and had tremendous amounts of social anxiety since my childhood. I had no history of substance abuse, I was in a foreign land, and at the age of 23, I was diagnosed with BPD. I was in therapy too, but it didn't help much. Finally, my psychiatrist prescribed 150 mg of Zoloft with a starting dose of 50 mg. The first 2 days were a nightmare, and later on, I stuck with the doctor's advice and gradually upped my dose to 150 mg. I started to love myself a lot after 75 mg, people around me started to notice a difference, and I'm a lot happier. It has now been 6 years on Zoloft, but I cut my dosage to 75 mg. I'm married and blessed with a kid. Cons: highly lethargic, weight gain was 20 pounds, and in just 3 months, I went bald."

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  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
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Patient resources

  • Zoloft drug information
  • Zoloft (Sertraline Oral Liquid)
  • Zoloft (Sertraline Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Zoloft prescribing information
  • Sertraline (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Depression