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Generic Name: Zometa (zoledronic-acid)

Zometa Reviews

For Osteoporosis "Wonderful!! If you want to say farewell to your already healthy and happy life for months, even for years, take this rubbish, even one dose! You will get paralyzed and achy for so long! DO NOT try this junk, or you will wish for death rather than taking the side effects! Beware! You will experience all the listed side effects! Long-lasting and disastrous! Make your choice!"

For Osteoporosis "For four weeks, I had little to no appetite and periods of tiredness. For the first 3 weeks, I was also in a stupor, tired, and weak every day, with nausea daily. Along with these symptoms, for the first 2 weeks, I had on and off fever, chills, headache, no energy, sweats at night. I felt like I was drugged and was weak, unstable, and sick. I would never, never take Zometa again, and I do NOT recommend it."

For Hypercalcemia of Malignancy "My oncologist ordered this as a bone treatment. I was doing just fine without it. Now my legs are in pain, and I'm tired most of the time. I will NEVER take this crap again. It's a typical poison that America's corrupt pharmaceutical industry pushes on people. There are other, safer ways to get your damaged bones to absorb calcium. I have nothing but the most profound contempt for the makers of this product."

For Osteoporosis "Worst medication I’ve ever had. I got all the severe side effects. Joint and muscle pain, headache, nausea, chest and abdominal pain, chills. This medication is torture. If you want to experience all kinds of body aches and pain, take this medication. I do not recommend it, and I will never take it anymore, even if I was going to die."

For Hypercalcemia of Malignancy "I agree with other reviewers, you will experience all side effects listed. I have had 7 infusions (1 monthly) for 1 year. After infusion, I’m fine for a day. Usually, 1-2 weeks after, I will be extremely tired, with bloating and burning skin on abdomen. Side effects vary monthly."

For Osteoporosis "I will never try Zometa again. I had horrific side effects. I passed out 7 hours after home from infusion, my neighbor called paramedics. My blood pressure dropped to 80/58. I’ve had full body ache, headache, sweats, and chills for 3 days so far."

For Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors "I have been receiving Zometa via IV infusion for about 3 years now. At first, three weekly, then after about a year, four weekly. I have breast cancer and bone metastasis. If I take the infusion over 15 minutes, during the following day I will begin with severe vomiting and flu symptoms, which last for two days and nights, after which I'm fine. However, if I have the infusion over 30 minutes - as advised on the internet way back in the early days of my treatments - I have NO side effects whatsoever, no sickness, no aches, and pains! I have spoken to other women who have experienced the same - take the infusion slower, drink plenty of water, and you might just find your horrid side effects disappear!"

For Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors "Had my first dose on Monday, 12th June 2017. I was fine Monday night, so I felt quite positive. Woke up Tuesday feeling like death! Wednesday, I felt better but had a painful, red, swollen left eyeball. Long story short, I'm in agony with my eye, and no one knows what to do! The hospital tried to say it wasn't a side effect! It's a very rare side effect, but it is one! And the fact they know nothing about it or how to deal with it is disgusting and frightening! I will not be having this treatment again and will be taking this further! They should not be giving people something if they don't know everything about it!"

For Osteolytic Bone Lesions of Multiple Myeloma "I started Zometa IV once a month for 6 years after having 2 stem cell transplants. Diagnosed with multiple myeloma 12 years ago. During the last 2 years of Zometa, I developed osteonecrosis in my jaw, BRONJ, after having a tooth extracted. That led to a domino effect, causing all my lower teeth to need to be removed. I was a 48-year-old woman when first diagnosed with MM, Stage 4. I was very physically active and had teeth. I opted to stop taking Zometa as soon as the first tooth extracted showed difficulty in healing. I am now almost 60 years old and have been off Zometa for 4 years and have had no bone fractures or breaks. I had the achy bones and the cruddy feeling for a few days. Be fanatical about oral hygiene."

For Osteoporosis "The Zometa was almost then end of me. I was 70yrs old when doctors in Sardinia gave me the Zometa for only a broken rib. They gave it me for 1 year. Meanwhile my bones were becoming weaker and weaker every day. My jaw become painful and was almost impossible to talk, to eat and chew. My bones started to have fractures without any particular accident. Doctors gave me Zometa for 6 years. After 1year, the Zometa caused me bone cancer. If Zometa is good for bones, then why after 1year of infusions I've had bone cancer ?"

For Osteoporosis "Had the infusion - 15 minutes - 4 days ago. On the day, felt fine. The next day, thought I was dying, chills, fever, nausea, whole body/bones/joints extremely painful. Woke up every hour and had to drink water. Day 3, felt a lot better and managed to go to work. Day 4, I feel fine. Not sure how effective it will be, will have to have a bone scan in a year's time!"

For Osteoporosis "I have severe arthritis anyway and have a lot of pain, but this was over the top. First day fine, but the next 4 days I was down with bad joint pain, back pain, chills. Not sure I am going to do it again. I have already had 3 breaks and cancer, so I don't know if that's an option for me."

For Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors "I hate this drug. I had perfect oral hygiene. No cavities, ever, I still have a baby tooth. Always told by dentists how great my teeth were. Two years after Zometa, I spontaneously end up with a hole in my mouth near my back molar where my jawbone is visible. Osteonecrosis of the jaw. No treatment...just wait for it to do whatever it's going to do...maybe a small piece of dead bone will come out, maybe my whole jaw will die, I just sit and wait to see. It’s getting bigger and feels awful. Then, my horrible oncologist refused to believe it and made me see other dentists, a periodontist, and oral surgeons...and everyone confirmed ONJ. Thankfully, he quit, but I doubt he filled out the FDA paperwork that was sent to him, so my side effect incident probably didn't get reported."

For Osteoporosis "Had 1 T-7 fracture due to the osteoporosis. Recently had the Reclast infusion, and it is awful. Flu-like symptoms? No way, much, much worse. I literally was incapacitated. The pain everywhere in my bones, joints, hips, even my fingers. I feel my doctors were not honest with me about how I would or could really feel. On the positive though, I hope in one year my bone density and bone mass will have improved. I don't want another fracture."

For Osteoporosis "I am 65 and consider myself strong and overall healthy. I will never have this infusion again. My side effects included vomiting, diarrhea, fever, severe neck pain, joint pain including thumbs and knees and my nose hurt. On my oncologist's suggestion, I had a covid test and it came back negative for covid or the flu. Now after 17 days, I am still experiencing flu like symptoms, late day fatigue and just an overall blah feeling. I had a breast cancer lumpectomy in August and 4 weeks of radiation. I do not see any benefit of this drug and will try something else to get the calcium in my bones as the side effects are absolutely horrible."

For Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors "I have had three infusions (1 monthly) intravenously administered. No one advised that I should continue taking calcium supplements - good thing I asked! The first infusion led to three days of severe joint pain abating each day. The second infusion had lesser effects, and the third one lessened from the 2nd. Hydrate well before and after the injections. I've had transient chest pain, chills, side pain, episodes lasting for 1-2 minutes."

For Osteolytic Bone Lesions of Multiple Myeloma "I've been getting the infusions for almost 2 years now. The side effects are at a manageable level (compared to what I'm used to with other medicines I've been on for multiple myeloma). It is unknown how much longer I will be getting the infusions, as it varies from patient to patient. I would consider my quality of life as good as it gets, with only a temporary interruption every 3 months."

For Osteoporosis "I have been given this drug during and after chemo. I can not find anywhere in literature of how long it stays in the jaw bones after you stop take this drug. 7 yrs later I still find that tho I am cancer free, it ruined my teeth. Some Doctors say it lasts the rest of your life. There has got to be a half life, but no one answers the question. (half life = 146 hours, time for clearance = over 30 days)"

For Osteolytic Bone Lesions of Multiple Myeloma "I started on Zometa about 3 years ago. At first, it was every three months, but over the past year I have it every 4 weeks. The side effects vary almost every time, sometimes it's aching bones or muscle pain, and I usually feel weary to the point that I stay in bed all day. The effects usually hit me on the second day after having the infusion and only last for one day. Today is Sunday, and I had the infusion on Friday, so as I write this, I'm feeling pretty rotten, but come tomorrow I'll be feeling much better, so it doesn't worry me at all... and it's a lot better than having my bones snapping just because I've lifted something that's too heavy."

For Hypercalcemia of Malignancy "Went the day before Thanksgiving for my regular shots for my neuroendocrine tumors (NETs)/carcinoid syndrome with mets to liver. Nurse said a 'calcium drip' had been ordered. I figured it was a type of vitamin, although the nurse said some people get mild flu symptoms. I left 40 mins later, went home to a houseful of guests. (I'm the cook for record in our family) About 10:00 that night I felt like a ton of bricks had hit me! The chills, uncontrollable shaking, and violent vomiting began. Every bone and joint in my body ached. I'm now 4 days past treatment and I'm still just 'off.' I'm having trouble searching for words, forgetful, & inexplicably depressed. (sobbing for no reason?) I, too, like the previous post, am furious with my doctor. NEVER AGAIN."

For Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors "Had horrible side effects from Zometa. Will not take this med ever again. Hospitalized for 7 days and now at rehab trying to walk again. Please research this med and read testimonials before taking, wish I had."

For Osteolytic Bone Lesions of Multiple Myeloma "My mother was on this IV treatment for about 3 years when she was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma. The only side effect at the time was nausea. 3 years later, she is now experiencing osteonecrosis of the jaw due to this treatment. I guess my view on it is the treatment is it helped at the time to prevent any more lesions, but now the bone in her jaw is dying and causing lots of pain. She just had surgery on her jaw to remove the dead bone and hopefully heal."

For Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors "I dreaded the side effects and had none. I had the intravenous infusion three days before Christmas 2011 and was scared that I would be flattened by the supposed side effects like flu-like symptoms, bone ache, and so forth and was pleasantly surprised. I am having my second one in just ten days' time and hopefully, it will be a repeat of the first one."

For Osteolytic Bone Lesions of Multiple Myeloma "This new 20 min IV just about killed me and put me in the hospital for 7 days, then rehab for 2 weeks. I had the chronic upper thigh pain which made my right leg and foot numb and I need a walker to walk now. My calves also are very painful. This IV stopped my urination and I had to go to the ER. My urthea tube was completely closed and urologist got 3 1/2 liters off my bladder. I have to now have a cathier for the rest of my life. My kidneys did turn around but were very bad in the hospital. I have stage 4 prostate cancer and was on adreia and lupron shot every 3 months.The adreia IV was 2 hrs. I handled These meds very well but my new oncologists decided to change to zometa.I was not told about all of these side effects."

For Osteoporosis "I received Zometa IV on 9/26/17, after being informed of all the possible side effects. Although I was somewhat concerned, I was pleasantly surprised when 2 days later I have experienced nothing worse that a little more joint pain than usual when line dancing last evening. Hopefully, this medication will improve my bone density, or at least keep it stable."

More about Zometa (zoledronic acid)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: bisphosphonates
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Zometa drug information

Other brands

Reclast, Aclasta

Professional resources

  • Zometa prescribing information
  • Zoledronic Acid (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteolytic Bone Lesions of Multiple Myeloma
  • Osteolytic Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors
  • Paget's Disease
  • Hypercalcemia of Malignancy