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Generic Name: progesterone micronized

Brand Name: Endometrin vaginal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was spotting at 10 weeks pregnant and my doctor put me on this drug 1 insert daily and each time I take the pill my heart rate jumps from resting to 130bpm and upwards. Even if I go to sleep it still races and the headache that comes with it lasts for hours and it’s excruciating. I am now 11 weeks and 6 days and I literally fear taking it. My doctor says it is normal so for the sake of my baby I will continue.

It’s been about a little over a month since taking it after iui, got my negative pregnancy test then weeks later I had bad anxiety, depression, and I was very very nauseous til this day I am sometimes nauseous and it’s not the best feeling .

So I�ve been on this medication for about 12 days after my embryo transfer for IVF. I found out I was pregnant two days ago and will remain on this medication for another 6 weeks. I will be counting the weeks until I don�t have to use it anymore. I know that this medication was needed but it�s awful, it�s made me so bloated that I�m uncomfortable to move and the cramping is overwhelming at times. Let�s not forget the discharge throughout the day is another added bonus. But if this is what I have to take to make sure my journey continues to go in the right direction I will deal with it.

I am taking this medication for IVF. If I am pregnant - I would continue to use up to 10 weeks. I find it easy to insert, and I do wear a pad as I usually have leftover discharge as our bodies can't absorb the full amount. I sure hope it works though!

Using this drug after IUI to help get and stay pregnant. The only major side effect is the dusty Vagina. it's not the progesterone it's the "pill"... It is like my vag is full of plaster, not metaphorically, literally full of plaster. Besides the dusty vag it's fine.

I have been required to take it after IVF 3x/day at 100 mg. I have found that it does not always stay in place and I have found large chunks of it on my panty liner. I would not take this drug again. I don't know if it worked yet because I haven't had my pregnancy test.

I have been prescribed this medication to maintain my pregnancy. This problem is the price is riducless 175.00 for a 21 day supply.When I asked the Dr if there is an alternative he said no. I have no choice but to pay as I need to support my pregnancy.

My doctor has prescribed this 3x daily post IVF egg retreival to support the embryo transfer. This drug has made me extremely bloated. My stomach is distended to the point of occassional breathlessness and shear discomfort. I have been on this drug for 12 days. Pregancy test is due in a day and cannot confirm efficacy at this time. I can confirm, however, this drug mirrors premenstrul symptoms to the 10th degree - for me.

using it 2x/day. Feeling side effects of being pregnant. Med has same side effects so I am sooo confused. Bloating, tender breasts, constant peeing, tired, constipated, etc. Taking preg test Friday; hope I am pregnant. It has been a very long journey.

I've started this medicine after transfer and my Pregnancy test is on Monday. I hope this medicine works for me as well

After using a refrigerated progesterone compound in my last pregnancy, I was happy to see Endometrin is a solid pill form to be inserted vaginally. It is much less messy and easier to store. The downsides I see are the emotional ride; I was very sad and emotional for the first couple weeks using it. another problem is the production of yeast and irritation due to the leakage causing a prime environment for infection. I've been on it for over a month now (from 5 weeks til 9w2d today) and will continue taking it until at least next week when I get a u/s, possibly until 12 weeks. I only use one dose a day, a bedtime, of the 100 mg.

I have been using Endometrin 100 mg vaginal suppositories to ensure success during early pregnancy. I'm assuming that the medication has done it's job well as I am 2 months pregnant and doing great. The not so glorious side effects for me are stomach bloat, tiredness and the worst part...constantly wearing a pad due to sporadic episodes of discharge (feels like you wet your pants). I have two more days and then I'm done with the medication. It's worth the side effects, especially knowing it helps with pregnancy.

I used this medicine twice a day.One morning and one night.My progesterone levels were 15(good level).Unfortunatly something went wrong and I miscarried.I also have bleeding while taking this medication. It is also messy.

I have been taking this progestrone 4 times a day. The noticeable discomfort is the on and off spotting. It makes me very nervous to think that this may not adequately support my pregnancy. I am now 6 weeks and will go in for a heartbeat check tomorrow. I do hate the intermittent spotting!

I used this medication after an embryo transfer. I found it much easier to use that the large Progesterone Oil shots however.... the side effects seemed much greater. I was very irritable, bloated and tired. I have my pregnany blood test tomorrow so hopefully it will all be worth it.

I started out 3x per day and my progesterone level on the first blood test was only 6.1 and on the second blood test 9.3. I was told for pregancy they want it over 15. I was ordered to increase my dosage to 6x daily. I found it was really messy because sometimes they weren't completely desolved when it was time to put the next round in. At night I would wake up feeling wet and by morning it leaked out some onto my underware. I don't know what my progesterone level is now that I have taken it 6x daily. I go for pregnancy HCG and Progesterone testing this friday.