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Generic Name: promethazine-DM

Brand Name: promethazine-DM oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This did not work for me. Continued to cough and could not sleep. Stopped using after 3 days and started feeling better. This med made me feel worse, not better.

Only thing that has worked for me was sick 3 weeks with upper respiratory crap last dr I saw at MD360 recommended this. I have finally had 3 full nights of sleep and feeling much better!

I have been taking this for years, I am angry because I was not prescribed Prometh VC, it has the codeine in it, and I sleep like a baby. Next time I will make sure I get the Prometh VC

I’ve had this terrible cough after having pneumonia last year. My cough had gotten so bad I didn’t wanna leave home or go to family gatherings, church, kids games, or anything. Was prescribed promethazine-DM my cough is 90% better. On the downside ive experienced weird dreams at night. I will say it works other than having those dreams

Works very well for my cold and bronchitis symptoms.

A miracle drug to reduce cough and sinus congestion. Have used several times over past years - always nails it. 2 tsp before bed = no cough/good sleep.

Was diagnosed with bronchitis

did not help cough at all, i think it may have even made it worse

This stuff is garbage. I have the flu and was given this to help control cough and was also told it would put me to sleep. It has kept me up ALL NIGHT LONG.

Onset of what i thought was the flu right before xmas. Had persistent cough, headache, fever, chills and fatigue with some congestion. Inability to sleep due to cough. Took otc meds for a week and finally went to the doc. I had pneumonia. Was given this cough medication to help me rest but it has done the total opposite for me. I still have the cough. Day 13 of being sick. I stopped the cough syrup since ive taken half the bottle of this and an entire rx of something simular to Otc robitussin dm which was better.

This is crap. It didnt help my cough at all. Going back to doc's to ask for something else!

Great Article, one question.... What are the symptoms of overdose? Article says to call 911 for an OD, but what should I be looking for?

I had bronchitis & a constant cough. My physician prescribed this medicine for me. He advised me to take it before bed as it causes drowsiness. I looked forward to finally getting a restful night's sleep. I took the medicine as directed and it kept me up all night and made my coughing even worse. I will not use it again and do not recommend it.

Everytime I took this medicine, I coughed for five minutes. No help at all. Finished the bottle anyway - kept hoping it would work. It didn't. Waste of money AND since I'm still coughing - want to say it should be taken off the market.

I coughed more after taking the medication. I had sit straight up to sleep and would still wake up coughing. Severe headaches from coughing and extremely tired.

I have the flu and was prescribed this medicine for cough at night to help me sleep. It has made my cough worse and hasn’t helped me sleep at all. I was up all night coughing.

Little to no reduction in coughing and drainage reduction.

I have chronic bronchitis, went to the Dr after taking antibiotics for two weeks they gave me this and checking for pneumonia it doesn't help at all , it keeps me up and gives me horrible heartburn and seems to make the cough worse.

It stops my coughing only if I remain in an upright position. Without it, sitting up doesn't stop the coughing. Laying down, I'm going to cough even if I too this medicine. I'm OK with that because I want the fluid to drain down.