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Generic Name: promethazine-codeine

Brand Name: Phenergan-Codeine oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have asthma and periodically get bronchitis. Like others reported, coughing to point of gagging/vomiting. This is the ONLY cough medicine that works for me to stop the cough so I can finally sleep. I have used this since I was a kid (50 yrs ago!) and am thankful they keep making this medicine.

I have used this product twice,once allergies, once respiratory ailment. It works. It did not make me sleepy but i could sleep. I am seriously sick again, tried all the over counter brands, nothing works like this product. Do not mix alcohol with it. Get your work done, go to bed.

This used to work well for me 35 or 40 years ago. I took some after 3 24 hr periods of no sleep due to racking cough that would not quit. It quieted the cough but I had severe stomach cramps 25 mins after taking. Threw up. Feeling better but cannot take this.

URI I did not notice much relief at all taking this medication. I was coughing so hard I was vomiting. I would take every 8 hours as directed and still no relief.

Has not eased my coughing fits. Started having bad stomachache.

I used this for a sore throat and post nasal drip cough and found that this is the only stuff that actually worked for me. I use this only at night due to the fact that this makes me EXTREMELY sleepy...

I found it difficult to use this drug as i have problems swallowing tablets. But i was clear of all symptoms after some time.

Have been on this medication for U.R.I..Many many times..On & off..Coughing all day & night. Finally by night I can get some rest. Not only does it suppress my cough, it also brings up the phlem.

throat pain that don't go away with other meds. get more releif faster.

This medication is definitely a keeper. Provided that you don't have any nausea when takinhg it, it works to calm an upset stomach. It also works pretty well for sllergies & sinus congestion.

I have taken this medication a couple times for when I have had a serious respiratory infection that caused excessive coughing. The coughing was so violent at times that it sometimes set off my gag reflex, causing me to vomit. Phenergan w/ codeine in cough syrup form did wonders for my cough. I was finally able to sleep through the night without keeping myself and my spouse up. I never felt compelled to use this drug at other times, although i can see why someone would. It does cause drowsiness and makes you a little loopy. All in all I'm very happy with this medication. I have chronic bronchitis that flares up in the winter and accompanies a common cold, so knowing that this drug is out there and works so effectively makes me feel better.

i have noteed that ther is a large blackmarket for this drug.Smoething must be don to prevent drug delers from geting it.