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Generic Name: promethazine

Brand Name: Phenergan oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Used to help with nausea and stomach pain. Went home and slept for a few hours, woke up extremely confused, felt as tho I was sleep walking, I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I couldn’t even communicate. I felt like I was trapped in my brain, I was incredibly confused, I was dizzy, unbalanced, and couldn’t communicate. It was practically a full on catatonic state. While it helped it was no worth the side effects

I was going mad with itching from fleebites, it woke me up in my sleep. Tried everything, nothing helped. I took Phenergan before going to bed and it worked miraculously. I slept through the nights till the itching was over. Also I am in menopause and have had insomnia for 15 years, I wake up at 5 and can't fall into sleep again. Phenergan helps me with that too! I take the lowest dose (3ml). 10 years ago I was prescribed Phenergan for insomnia but I had side effects (tachycardy) so I stopped taking it. Fortunately I tried again a month ago and now, I don't have any side effects! Remember: take it in the evening, because it makes you sleepy (just what I need), and don't go driving a car!!

My 85 year old father took just one 25mg tablet of this at 10pm last night. All the following day he has been extremely drowsy, has had very bad slurred speech, and loss of coordination. Very bed experience altogether!

I got this medicine due to my morning sickness for pregnancy, and it’s helped a lot the only thing wrong is I’m sleepy.

The only thing that gave me relief when I had the stomach flu!

Left the patient severely confused as to time and place. No memory of events that occurred 15 minutes to one day prior.

Hd to go to ER less than an hour of being given after surgery to not being able to see and blacking out

pill identifier for this drug

I had the Noro virus, but taking Phenergan relieved all symptoms and allowed me to sleep until the virus passed and I was well again.

Need to take at least 3- 4 hours before bedtime for it to work

patient has had much more confusion after this drug was administered. It was given in an injection and patient has had stroke 4 months ago. The confusion seems to get much worse for 3-4 days before patient gets back to where she was. Was wondering if this is something that has happened to others?

it takes away my nausea and calms me down

After taking this medication for only two days I discontinued taking it. It caused me to be even more dizzy and sick. I could not keep any food, beverages, or medicine in my stomach. It took me an additional two more days before I started to feel back to normal. I still have difficulties with my balance & dizziness (24/7) but after taking Promethazine (Phenergan)I'm thankful my dizziness isn't as bad as those two days when I was taking that Phenergan. It really made me worse.

helped withrunnig nose &throwing

I had anaphylatic response. Giant hives, throat swelling. Had to go to the emergency room and treated with epinephrin, cortisone, benedryl. Horrible esperience when you can't speak or barely breath.

I got sick in April. Noone could figure out. This medication and adderal and pain meds are giveing drs time to figure out what's makeing me very ill. I have nission so should not get sick. But I was dry heaving puking all time. I had sevear fagutie caused me sleep 16-22 hours day and nausea. So tryed adderal alone hopeing it would stop nausea if I could stop being zombie. Helped me function but nausea puking consently their still loseing weight put me on phenergan. Then put me on pain meds for bad pain that started at begging of my mystery with nausea and fagutid and pain. IF IT WAS NOT FOR THIS DRUG I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE. Still on it helping me able to eat. I take 25 Mg 3x day. Going threw test trying figure out problem. So thankfully for this medication. I do got lil bit of fear after informed risk... plus anyone never let them do iv phenergen straight. Luckily it did not hurt Me to bad. But does damage vains. Burns your baize bad. Causes them harder acses for me . But many does sevear damage. They have learned this in past 2 years. Most hospitals wont dilute it eather. Most time some hospitals even give u shot every 6 hours if cant take pills. But some hospitals will dilute it if other meds are not defective. I am wounder about long term damage I have read. As short term any medication is safer then takeing it long term. But 4 months on no side efects not even increased tiredness. Ussual takes 50 mgs make me tiered in past to before sudden illness striked hope this helps. I am sorry for ones that has caused problems. I do belive u need someone near any medication u first start. But even 1 does tyenol could kill u if u react odd.