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Generic Name: roflumilast

Brand Name: Daliresp

Daliresp Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on this med for 2 weeks Going on 3 weeks as of today 2/20/2022. It is msking my heart race up and down all night. I've been up simcr 3am. Do these side effects go away? If so , how long will it take?

My Pharmacy just told me that my husband can no longer get this drug. He has taken it for three years. It's hard to tell if he is having terrible side effects as he never complains. The doctor's office said to call other Pharmacy and if he can't find it he can stop it and will be checked on his next visit with the lung doctor. Has anyone else had the experience of not being able to get it any longer?

Three months on this medication and the side effects have caused weight loss and diarrhea and some insomnia. I'm dealing with all of that because I prefer to breathe without choking and coughing. This medication has kept me out of the hospital and given me life without an O2 tank. Because that's where I was headed until Daliresp. Give it try if your breathing limits you from room to room huffing and puffing and coughing to catch a breathe. Give it some time to work unless your mental health starts to deteriorate.

Stage 3 COPD had me to the point of thinking about buying a scooter wheelchair for the house, and in my opinion a short time to live. I asked my doctor if we could try Daliresp after reading these reviews about a year ago. Initially i had stomach problems with diarrhea and some dizziness but decided to stick with it for 30 days . After 30 days the discomfort was gone and my breathing improved a lot and no exasperations As I continued for the last nine months my stage 3 COPD has remained stable with only a couple of small exasperations. It is nothing short of a miracle drug. Expensive yes but you have options. If you have no insurance Astra Xenica will give you vouchers to buy it for $25 a month if you qualify. Also, you can now buy it from Canada and last check it was about $100 a month. Medicare covers it for about $100 a month. I highly encourage you to try this medicine and stick with it for 30 days. Allan J.

Been on the med about 4 months now. Still get 'winded' on exertion but not that suffocating, I can't breath feeling. Catch my breath a lot quicker now. Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite and nervousness. Some days I feel 'sick' because of the side effects but never as bad as not being able to breath. Was averaging every 2 months in the ER or a week in the hospital, have not been to either in 11 months. Only been to the doctor for being sick once. Definitely see a difference and will work to figure out how to get around the side effects. It's worth it to me.

First two weeks felt great then ALL the side effects kicked in at once; depression worsened; anxiety worsened; sleeping poorly; diarrhea; upset stomach; use of nebulizer increased - I am a 78 year female with severe COPD. I called doctor and had theophylline prescribed to replace it. Will not begin taking it until doctor, himself, talks to me. Last week was horrid. Woke today without feelings of depression and other side effects after almost a month. Hope the theophylline works.

I read all the side effects prior to taking this med. Have pulmonary sarcoidosis and bronchial asthma. I cut the pills in half and took them alternating days to minimize the side effects. I found the drug very beneficial in helping reduce lung congestion.

Experienced appetite loss and the more serious side effects of nervousness, thoughts of suicide, depression and trouble sleeping. Less severe each day but would not take them again if prescribed. I Rated it ineffective because of side effects. Felt horrible with the feelings it left me with. I also had flu like symptoms of body aches. Medication was only prescribed for a month so I Continued to take them to give my body time to adjust to it. Waking each day with the suicidal thoughts that I experienced are the real reason for the review. I will never take this medication again.

Medication did cause nausea and constipation. The GREAT news is my doctor put me on Zofran for the nausea,Zofran causes constipation. Problem solved!! Talk to your doctor about Zofran

Started taking and was very sick and had diarea. I cut the pill down to a fourth took it for about 2 weeks no side effects. then moved up to a half of a pill about 3 weeks. now taking whole pill no side effects except hard to sleep.

Started the Daliresp and became extremely right away. I considered discontinuing as it didn't seem to help my ability to breathe. I talked with my Doctor who advised me to stay on it. It's not an immediate relief for breathing, but works to lessen exerbations. Each exerbation lessens your lung function. I now take Daliresp with Zofran (anti-nausea) at bedtime. I will occasionally get a little nausea but the Zofran takes care of it.

From the 1st day I took this med, I shook so much I couldn't even sign my name. My entire body experienced tremors at times. It also made me nauseous. I took this med for a week but did not notice any change in my breathing, so I stopped using it. I couldn't deal with the tremors. It's cost prohibitive unless your insurance pays for most of it. I paid $310! I have the emphysema side of COPD. It may work better for those treating the bronchitis side. Good Luck!

I have been on this medication for over 5 years and it has helped much more than any other treatment. I only get winded when I climb stairs. I gave up the breathing treatments because they make me severely shaky. Had my upper right lobe of my lung removed several years ago due to cancer. Use oxygen when I am catching a cold. I think this medication is really prolonging my life. I am 74.

I wish I'd gone to a Lung specialist sooner ! Started taking this for about a week and started breathing better even with the HOT weather we've had my only problem came when after the trail my Doctor gave me, he sent in a scrip to my pharmacy then Good Ole UNITED HEATH CARE wanted a prior Authorization for it ARE YOU KIDDING ME ! NOW UNITED HEATH CARE wants to play DOCTOR at my health.. Shame on the fools. It's all about $ to then thank GOD I was able to get another trail box of it while being off of it for 2 days....if not would have been off of it for 4-5 days. UNITED HEATH CARE is a BANK !

Was on 500mcg for 11 days before quitting. It made me anxious, shake like I have Parkinson's disease, restless, irritable, loss of appetite, and even thoughts of suicide crossed my mind. My opinion, this drug is far too dangerous to use.

The only side effects that I have been experiencing are abdominal pain, diarrhea and sleeplessness. These are all outweighed by the fact that I can breath again. I have gone from being on O2 24/7 to only when I am sleeping. I have boon on this drug for 1 month and I wish I had been taking it much sooner.

I have 20% lung function and just completed my first month. After the first 2 weeks am using my rescue inhaler much less. My only problem is sleep. Even with taking a melatonin I wake up around 3 am and never really can go back to sleep. I have never been on to get up at night to go to the bathroom but have been getting up at 2x every night, not sure if it is related or not.

The side affect are almost more than I can handle severe migraine headaches, lethargic and nausea intenfies mild aches and pains but I can breathe better