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Generic Name: rosiglitazone-metformin

Brand Name: Avandamet oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

it contol my sugar very well.

I have taken this drug for over 5 years, but recently I am developing a mild form of anemia which I read an article it may be from this drug. I am taking B12 and iron supplements to see if I can still take this medicine.

Taking it for six years without side effects(even after quintuple hear by-pass operation) My blodd sugar is well-maintained with it.

I have been taking for approx 3+ years. I am not always compliant with my diet...but have found this med keeps me within range. Actually 80-90 2-3 hours after a meal. I consider it very helpful. Before I was taking Metformin.

I have been using tis drug called Avendamet, I have put on weight, feel tired all the times, lack of concentration. Thanks WebMd.

Why was this medication prescribed to my former husband? Yes, he was Type 2 diabetic AND high blood pressure and high cholestrol. We was also obese and drank alcoholic beverages at least 2-4 times/week. He had ALL the reasons NOT to be prescribed this medication and now he's dead at 56 (immediate; heart attack as indicated on the death certificate). This is a potentially dangerous medication!

I have extreme hair loss with this medicine and weight gain. My AC1 is within range.

Have switch from this to Janumet.See my other entry below. Swelling is gone, very fast, I am able to reduce my weight and feel great. I see that the FDA is "looking" into this drug, about time.

I have been taking this medicine for 4 years using a dosage of 4/1000 and I have not had to take an insulin injection for three months. My A1c is just under 7.

Been taking for 2mo and my sugar is still over 100. Gained 12lbs in 2mo and I watch what I eat. See the Dr on Monday.10.05.09

Easier for me to use instead of insulin injections since I still work a regular job

Started taking Avandamet 2/500 about 2 years ago and for 16 months it woked fine. Then my AC1 went to 7, so the doctor increased to 4/500. I start to gain weight and had swelling in my legs and hands. Switched back to 2/500, but no good.Still had swelling. Went to the doctor today and he has switched me to Janumet which we will give it a shot.

I was on this medication for six months, I can't say that it was what caused me to have all kinds of infection, but its a good bet that it was. My body felt like it was very acid and I itched all the time---when I stopped taking it I immediately felt like I was going to live! That's no joke, I told my husband I thought this might be the beginning of the end for me. After being off of it for a month and a half, the doctor persuaded me to go back on it, after one week all the old symptoms came back! Yes, you guessed it I quit again and never will go back on it.

Since taking this medication, I am sick all day from the side effects. All of them. If this medicine causes heart failure, why is it still allowed to be sold to patients who need the help in controling blood sugar, not dieing early.

I have been taking this drug for 4 years now....seems to make my ankles swell some and I'm a little less active in the bedroom now.This drug seems to effect my ENTIRE life with my wife.I feel the side effects are worse than the effects.This is my non-professional opinion....stay away.

horrible horrible drug causes hand and foot fractures in diabetic women! After 3 months on this med I suffered a stress fracture in my left foot. I have never broken a bone prior to this and walked 2miles/day for over 20 years. 7 weeks in a cast and on crutches and now I am in physical therapy to relearn how to walk. This is a dangerous medication! Please read the side effects before taking this medication.