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Generic Name: rotigotine

Brand Name: Neupro transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Patches don't always stick well- which is a problem since they need to stick for 24 hrs. Effective treatment for my RLS once I got up to a high enough dose.

Patches are a beating. They don’t stay on well and the recommended rotation is not convenient. In my case, they irritated my skin to the point I had to discontinue use. While on the drug, it seemed moderately effective.

It has caused me serve depression and im always tired. But works geeat for rls

I love it. I sleep better than ever,I like the apathy because Iam happier.I have very few motor symptoms, but constipation is a problem.I have been on it for about 2 years, but think I had it for about 2 years before because of chronic constipation. I have Sleep delay syndrome, so I now sleep so much better.

Been on it for a month, really feel no difference in balance and walking. Very expensive

I started on 2mg patches for RLS almost 4 years ago. I have since been increased to 3mg. These patches have made A HUGE difference in my RLS symptoms. Only drawback for me is the adherence of the patch itself. Some areas work better. No weight gain or any other bad side effects. Would definitely recommend to try at least.

After being on 4mg of Requip for 3 years, my doctor recommended Neupro. The Requip worked if I fell asleep right away but insomnia prevented that so it really only worked marginally. I started on 1mg of Neupro then added a second patch the next night and have slept peacefully and restfully on 2mg. I have noticed my face itching and strangely, if I place the patches on my thighs rather than my arms or shoulders, the itching is quite a bit less. No tongue or throat swelling or itching, just along my jawline and cheeks. I've only been taking it a week so I can't speak to other longer term side effects yet, but I will take the itchy face if it means I can actually sleep.

I was on it for six months. At first it was a dream come true for my severe case of RLS. But during summer especially I had a great deal of trouble getting the patches to stick. They have a very narrow temperature storage range and may have lost adhesion due to being delivered by mail in hot weather. I solved that by covering the patches with Areza Transparent Adhesive Wound Dressing Bandages - worked great. But once I got them to adhere well the itching and skin irritation got worse (due to the Neupro, not the outside bandages). Worse, though, was that I got swelling in my feet once my needed dose of 8-10mg/day was reached. I was tested for possible causes and none were found. I had never had any problem prior; swelling started abruptly one day and I have had that and some numbness in my feet for four months straight now. It is a listed side effect for Neupro; I stopped the Neupro 2 weeks ago and returned to my prior med, Mirapex. So far my feet are still swollen and numb. I don't know if the numbness and swelling will eventually resolve or not. I'm gradually losing hope.

Although it stops the very bad case of restless leg syndrome I have, I get a rash under the patch the itches and I nbn have gained a good amount of weight while being on it. I'm lucky to get 3-4 hrs of sleep a night and that's with taking ambien plus muscle relaxers

Taken for RLS about 6 months along with a regimen of 5mg oxycodone. Am up to using 4 mg patch. Must use Flexifix over it to get it to stay on. Was told the medication would still work with this type of covering, otherwise are not to completely cover it up. flexifix transparent film is only thing that gets it to stay stuck on my body all day. I buy a 4" width by 11yd roll online, then cut that into 3 inch pieces. It is very easy to apply over the patch. Patches are Too expensive to lose or replace many days in a month. The 2 drugs I use together control RLS fairly well. Neupro by itself does not work. Although I can tell if I removed a patch before shower and forgot to replace though within an hour. this drug combo is one of my last resorts. Have had many drug trials over the years, and my body gets used to them and stops working. Was told would not happen with a patch like this. I had obtained an exception to the formulary of my previous insurance to obtain this patch. I searched before 2018 and found a company that does cover it and switched to it. So check around if yours is not covered and you are using a Part D insurance company.

I use this for restless leg syndrome , somewhat control BUT the patch falls off and I have to tape it on each day.Somedays are better than others ,Not a cure for sure

I don't like the patches when the backing is on a diagonal cut. It is easier to apply when the backing is cut on a 90 degree angle.

The use of neupro has decreased tremors and stiffness, insomnia is the only concern yet the benefits outweigh side effects

After wearing neupro patch for some time I break out under patch and it is itchy.

confidence of 24 hour dopamine effect

the med caused me to fall asleep a lot therefore I had to stop taking it.

I have used Neopro since August of 2012 after having RLS since 2006 and trying various other medicines. Overl Neuopro had been the best at relieving my RLS symptoms than one other medicine. However, the patch can fall of very easily and for me it works better on certain parts of the body more so than others leading to more movement on than part of the body which may give the patch a chance to fall off or come loose. When than happens, my RLS symptoms seem to be at thief worst. I recenlty had some trouble filling my latest medicine and was with ought the patch for 4 days with terrible side effects including restless leg. However, once those side effects wore off, I realized my RLS is not that bad any longer and I now opted not to fill this prescription. Although it had worked for me in the past, I think the side effects and the worsening of the symptoms do not make this a drug a want to take any longer.

I have Restless Legs syndrome and have tried many medications that would help but not completely alleviate my symptoms. This patch works miracles, no RLS with it. One day I forgot to replace the patch after a shower and that evening my RLS symptoms came back with a vengeance.

It helps control my PD symptoms., but I'm concerned with my inability to sleep well at night. I rarely sleep beyond 3AM even though I take zolpidem as well. I also have serious lower leg cramps essentially every night. Are these concerns with using Neupro something that I should be worried about?

I'm taking this for acute RLS and it has completely relieved all symptoms and attacks. I also augment this with 1 mg. Ropinerole every night and hydrocodone twice daily. So far so good. My only complaint is frequent diarrhea which may or may not be related.